Three ways to increase your productivity. 1.

1. Prepare before you start. Productivity doesn't come at the snap of a finger—it starts long before you even get to work. The sooner you prepare and formulate a clear idea of ​​​​what result you want to get, the easier and faster the work will go.


July 9, 2022

Thanks to NLP, it is possible to manipulate other people.

Even without an attractive appearance, you can please a person, make him act not in his own interests, but in his own interests. With the help of simple tricks, any individual can achieve the desired result during negotiations with clients. Using the developments of this discipline, it is possible to negotiate with an intractable person and get secret information from him.


July 9, 2022

Engineers have created microrobots for brushing teeth without the participation of hands.

The device is a structure of tiny particles of iron oxide, controlled by a magnetic field and taking on bristle-like and thread-like forms to clean the oral cavity. Also, the device is capable of releasing antimicrobial drugs to kill bacteria. Testing on models and on real teeth showed high efficiency.


July 9, 2022

Tesla Cybertruck sold out until 2027.

This means that the buyer will have to wait about 5 years to get his Cybertruck if he orders it right now. Mass deliveries, according to Elon Musk's next statements, will begin at the end of 2022, and applications began to be accepted in 2019. During this time, Cybertruck has been improved in all directions, including based on errors in past models. However, the price will also change significantly. It can be assumed that it will start at $70,000.


July 9, 2022

A neck patch has been developed to detect concussions.

Scientist Nelson Sepulveda has demonstrated the operation of a fully autonomous overlay that does not even need to be charged. It feeds on the movements of the neck and is very accurate in diagnosing a concussion. Among athletes, the invention will be very popular.


July 9, 2022

Planning day.

Set aside one hour each week (preferably on a weekend) to plan for the next seven days. Decide which personal tasks you have to complete, which projects you should focus on and how much time you have for them. Next to each task, mark the level of energy needed to solve it. Distribute tasks in such a way that their degree of difficulty correlates with the peaks and troughs of your biorhythmic activity. Leave enough time between planned activities to be able to deal with unforeseen tasks that may arise during the day. Always start with a list of the most important things for the day. Be clear about what needs to be done and within what time frame. Remember to plan and take breaks between tasks to get distracted and get ready to work on the next task.


July 9, 2022

In the US state of South Dakota, during a severe storm, the sky turned green.

Meteorologists said that the unusual color of the sky was caused by the reddish emission of light from the setting sun, reacting to the blue drops of water inside the thunderclouds. Such a phenomenon is also a warning before a large hail.


July 9, 2022

VR bus in Rome.

Rome has launched a tourist VR Bus, which offers to observe the Eternal City of 2000 years ago using virtual reality. By the way, such an excursion is accompanied by special aromas. 30 minutes of sightseeing will cost 15 euros.


July 9, 2022

The robot helped test vision preservation technologies four times faster.

In Japan, the humanoid robot Maholo processed 200 million possible conditions through trial and error to grow retinal replacement layers from human stem cells to restore vision. He continuously repeated a series of precise movements and evaluated the results of his experiment, changing the conditions for the next - and so on thousands of times in a row. The main task of the robot was to select the optimal type, dose and duration of action of various reagents. In 185 days, he completed experiments that would have taken humans two and a half years to complete.


July 9, 2022

5 signs of the zodiac that hide Woland in their souls. Pisces.

That's who you would never think: cute water creatures seem so gentle and romantic. But Woland, who has settled in the soul of Rybok, feels comfortable and sometimes makes the water guys do strange and ugly things. And the pets of Neptune are watching us with the eyes of Satan and think: people are like people, the housing problem only spoiled them. There is no need to be afraid of those in whom Woland lives - the zodiac five will not harm us. Unless, of course, you run into. And it’s better to pretend that we don’t know anything - maybe it will blow through.


July 9, 2022

These three zodiac signs will never appreciate your care. Aries.

Aries resemble spoiled children in their desires and aspirations. They love to get what they want, but usually do not appreciate the efforts of the people around them who help them achieve what they want. Everything is explained by the fact that Aries are sure that their very existence is a reason for constant adoration. This sign is quite selfish and self-confident, always taking care and love for granted. It is very difficult to get warm and pleasant words from Aries, because they do not know how to appreciate other people's efforts.


July 9, 2022

Rating of adventurous signs of the Zodiac, taking the maximum from life. 12th place - Cancer.

Safety has always been a top priority for Cancers. Confidence in the future and a sense of comfort allow Cancers to always feel like themselves. Unfortunately, enterprise and recklessness are completely uncharacteristic of them, so they prefer to carefully plan their every step so as not to lose their usual level of comfort in any case.


July 9, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Relax, today it will be especially useful for you. Put off uninteresting things, try not to think about what upsets you, look for an opportunity to please yourself and others. Your relationship with loved ones can noticeably change for the better. It will be easy to find a common language, it will be possible to agree on some common affairs and plans quickly. Aquarius♒️ The day will please. In the morning you will realize that you are capable of much, and you will not be mistaken. It is better to start with the most important and difficult things: you will quickly cope with them, and at the same time learn what will come in handy soon. You can make plans at this time. You will quickly bring them to life, new acquaintances will help with this. Pisces♓️ A favorable day for communication: it will be easy for you to understand others, to guess what is in the soul of even the most secretive people. You can take the initiative, take a step towards someone who has long liked you. Some Pisces will receive proposals that they have secretly dreamed of for a long time.


July 9, 2022


Libra♎️ The day is definitely not suitable for making important decisions. It is easy to wishful thinking, to misjudge the situation, to get confused. In addition, others can unwittingly mislead you, so any information should be checked especially carefully. Scorpio♏️ Today it will be easy for you to win the sympathy of a new acquaintance or to please someone who for some reason had not guessed before what a wonderful person you are. It’s nice that you don’t have to try too hard: just be yourself, behave at ease and give up false modesty. The beginning of friendships or romantic relationships is quite likely, and very tempting business offers are not excluded. Sagittarius♐️ Before planning any important things for this day, think about whether you really want to do them. It will be easy to be successful in what really interests and inspires you. But as soon as you take on something without much enthusiasm, difficulties arise.


July 9, 2022


Cancer♋️ The day is hardly complete without surprises. Most likely, the plans that you built before will need to be abandoned. This will please, because you will have the opportunity to implement what was conceived a long time ago. If difficulties arise, you will not be left alone with them, there will be people nearby who you can rely on. Leo♌️ It is important to start the day well: the morning will largely determine how events will develop further. Tune in a peaceful way, try not to quarrel with anyone, focus on finding compromises. Later, you will praise yourself more than once for not creating problems for yourself and others. Virgo♍️ A great day to connect with friends and other like-minded people. Share ideas, discuss plans, dream together: all this will be both inspiring and useful. Everything related to the collection and analysis of information will be easily given. Whether you need to figure out a tough question or study for an exam, do it today.


July 9, 2022


Aries♈️ There is no need to hurry. The day will turn out quite well if you do not rush things, try to immediately achieve all your goals. It is possible that it will be useful to postpone the planned cases in order to focus on solving problems that have arisen quite recently. Taurus♉️ The day will be bright and eventful, its events will surely pleasantly surprise you. Something completely unexpected can happen. This will affect your plans: you will be able to do what you are especially interested in, and calmly postpone boring routine things for later. Gemini♊️ Don't worry if things don't go as expected and there's more to do than you might think. You will certainly cope with all the difficulties if you remain calm and do not rush from one task to another. Some things can simply be put off until later; your intuition will tell you exactly what it is.


July 9, 2022

Alcoholism research.

Clinical studies of alcoholism, in which 1,824 people took part over 20 years, showed that heavy drinkers live longer than non-drinkers, even when many other variables are taken into account.


July 8, 2022

Self-care in action.

▫️ Getting a good night's sleep: getting the necessary number of sleeping hours each night is a basic principle of self-care. ▫️ Physical activity: physical activity increases serotonin levels, which improves your mood. ▫️ Relaxation: the ability to relax is a skill that runs through all self-care practices and is directly linked to reduced stress levels. ▫️ Healthy eating: a well-balanced diet is a great habit and method of taking care of your health. It is important to remember that the term "self-care" has the word "self" in it. It is a practice that you carry out for yourself, and no one else will do it for you.


July 8, 2022

Consciousness and Subconsciousness: What Controls Our Lives.

Many people believe that they are in control of their own lives, consciously making decisions and consciously acting. It could be said that our conscious mind has a 5% stake in our life and our subconscious mind has a 95% one. Can you feel the difference? The power of the subconscious mind is immense! It controls and governs all the vital functions of the body, from blood circulation to breathing and digestion. The subconscious mind also records everything that has happened to a person. It registers every event of our life as well as all thoughts and feelings associated with it. Finally, it attracts all the events in your life, both positive and negative. By influencing the subconscious mind and getting rid of destructive behavior, we can completely change our reality!


July 8, 2022

How to find the best possible solution.

The obsessive desire not just to find the best, but THE ONLY POSSIBLE solution out of all possible ones is typical, as a rule, for perfectionists. Such people live in constant fear of making a mistake and are rarely happy with their choices. How to help yourself make the right choice? — Flip a coin. Sometimes it helps. — Write out the pros and cons in two columns. The choice will be obvious. — Make a choice with the understanding that you can always change your mind. — Keep in mind that there're no perfect solutions. And don't also forget that there are no permanent solutions. It is always possible to make the next decision, taking into account new circumstances.


July 8, 2022