Interesting practice.

In the Netherlands, there is a practice where 3-4 young girls hire a man who deals with all of them at once. So women comprehend the basics of group sex and become liberated.


July 9, 2022

More sincerity.

No need to copy the sighs of pornstars, just allow yourself to express pleasure out loud. It doesn't mean you have to say dirty things. You can say what you like, but not in the form of a command “Stronger!”, But, for example: “I love it when you move harder.” Yes, and he will like simple ahi-sighs if they are sincere. You will be surprised how much they can inspire him to exploits.


July 9, 2022

Myth 4: All women are born goddesses of oral sex.

Oral sex and "deep throat" is not only the most desired male fantasy, but also the subject of the largest number of myths. Perhaps the main one is based on the fact that a blowjob is included in the "standard set" of bed skills for almost every girl, and all men get great pleasure from it. Not wanting to fall behind the trend, the latter are happy to support the "great deception". In reality, every second person has not tried “deep throat”, and in a private conversation with a sexologist and on anonymous forums, most admit that they are not satisfied with oral sex with their companion, because she does a blowjob carelessly or does not do it at all.


July 9, 2022

Myth 3: Women look for profit in everything.

Modern women not only got voting rights and wear trousers - they make a career and even earn no less than men. But until now, at the sight of a successful lady on an expensive car, most people think that this is just a gift. What can we say about girls who prefer courses on sex to culinary schools. Nowadays, it doesn’t even occur to many that a car can be honestly earned, and girls go to such classes to restore muscles after childbirth or surprise their husband on their anniversary.


July 9, 2022

Myth 2: Orgasms are not for everyone.

In fact, every woman has the ability to experience an orgasm. The main reason for "anorgasmia" lies in the banal absence of foreplay and insufficient duration of sexual intercourse - according to our research, almost 50% of women experience such problems. To achieve the much desired vaginal orgasm, the average woman needs about half an hour to prepare and at least 10 minutes of continuous intercourse. In addition, the likelihood of achieving such an orgasm is affected by the tone of the vaginal muscles, the psychological state, the rhythm of breathing, and the sensitivity of erogenous points. But fearing to seem frigid, women prefer to imitate multiple orgasms, depriving themselves (and their man) of full pleasure.


July 9, 2022

Myth 1: Women began to think more about sex.

The porn industry and gloss created the image of an ideal lady who (finally!) began to love sex, and the more the better. But biology is not subject to fashion, and in life, as before, women want to make love much less often than men. Scientists believe that the low level of the hormone testosterone (10-20 times lower than that of the stronger sex), which is responsible for sexual desire in both men and women, is to blame for everything.


July 9, 2022

Intimate mythology: 4 popular misconceptions about sex.

In the modern world, a woman can do everything: earn money, cook, raise children and enjoy sex. But is it really so? Let's figure it out.


July 9, 2022

A yoga mat is a great option!

A yoga mat is a great place to change direction when talking to a therapist and taking antidepressants isn't enough. Yoga is the practice of calming the mind. The success of yoga lies not in our ability to perform the poses, but in how they change our lifestyle.


July 9, 2022

It's time for a seasonal detox on a raw food diet.

Summer is the perfect time to have a pleasant detox on a living plant-based diet. After all, in summer there is enough sun, heat, fresh vegetables and fruits, so that a plant-based diet will bring you the greatest benefit. Competent raw-breeding can: cleanse and rejuvenate the body, improve the condition of the skin, hair, increase energy, normalize weight, heal diseases. It is very important to approach the raw food diet wisely, otherwise such a diet can do harm.


July 9, 2022

Creative pancake.

Ingredients: ◽️ cottage cheese - 100 gr ◽️ egg - 1 pc ◽️ milk - 2 tbsp ◽️ baking powder - 1/3 tsp ◽️ coconut flakes - 1 tbsp ◽️ sweetener - to taste ◽️ rice flour - 1 tbsp Combine all the ingredients and pass through a blender (if the cottage cheese is small, you can just mix everything). Fry the pancake in a pan over low heat. The filling can be any sour cream, yogurt and your favorite fruit. Bon Appetit everyone!


July 9, 2022

Foods that should not be consumed with antibiotics.

In general, there are practically no hard restrictions. There are only temporary recommendations. Antibiotics should not be washed down with milk and orange juice. Eating butter, yogurt, cheese, and calcium supplements is also not worth an hour and a half before taking an antibiotic and three hours after. It is also undesirable to consume a lot of caffeine and alcohol.


July 9, 2022

Finger massage.

Points on the thumb are responsible for the heart and lungs. Rapid heart rate can be gradually corrected by massaging this finger. Forefinger. Responsible for the work of the digestive tract. Abdominal pain, digestive difficulties can be easily overcome by massaging the index finger. Middle finger. Circulation is his concern. For nausea, dizziness or insomnia, just massage your middle finger. Ring finger. This finger controls our mood. Got melancholy? Help yourself with self-massage. Little finger. Ordinary massage of this point improves sleep, helps to keep stress and recover from it, normalizes the heartbeat, increases and strengthens emotional strength. With periodically uniform, pulsating pressure on this point, you can overcome the pre-syncope state.


July 9, 2022

Useful tips for stomach health.

It is worth switching to 5-6 meals a day, for this it is better to plan meals in the evening - the body will not be overloaded and will cost fat reserves. Try to have dinner no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime, but you can drink water later. Get used to drinking healthy tea and coffee - without sugar (cakes, pastries, sweets, honey). Potatoes can be consumed a maximum of 3 times a week. It must be either boiled or baked. Not all fruits will help you lose weight. Bananas and grapes are the fruits that you need to put a ban on during a diet or consume a small amount. If you are fond of fasting days, you should know that you can afford such a day once a week.


July 9, 2022

Cherries lower cortisol levels.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that makes our body work in extreme mode. Cherries help control cortisol levels. It contains anthocyanins, pigments that soothe the adrenal glands. Thanks to the sweet berry, the adrenal glands reduce the production of cortisol, hunger recedes, the nerves calm down. Dark red cherries contain the most anthocyanins, the richer the color, the more useful substances in the berry.


July 9, 2022

If you are hostile to the world, it will respond the same to you.

If you constantly express your dissatisfaction, there will be more and more reasons for this. If negativity prevails in your attitude to reality, then the world will turn its worst side towards you. Conversely, a positive attitude will most naturally change your life for the better. A person gets what he chooses. This is the reality, whether you like it or not. Get into the “idiotic” habit of celebrating failure. This is much more fun than getting annoyed and whining for any reason.


July 9, 2022

What is love?

Cook food, massage. Meet from work. Hug. Make little surprises. Swear for the fact that in thin pantyhose. For leaving the scarf in the car. Get up at night for medicine when you are sick. Make milk with honey when coughing. Decorate the house together and rearrange. Stroke your arms, back, shoulders. Learn to be silent. Apologize, even when you're wrong. Smooth out corners. Buy dresses or your favorite rafaelki. Rather go home from work and not linger. Watch football or favorite series. Wrap in a blanket to keep warm in the morning. Stir sugar into tea. Watching out the window as the car drives away from the house in the morning. Run out barefoot to the kitchen in order to have time to kiss and see off. Angry, but never stop being grateful. Bring flowers. Laugh. It all means love.


July 9, 2022

Like attracts like.

Low energy attracts low energy, and high energy attracts high energy. Low energy feelings include anger, hatred, envy, shame, guilt, and related thoughts. They not only make you weak, but also attract similar feelings! By replacing low energy thoughts with uplifting ones, that is: of love, harmony, peace, and joy, you will begin to attract higher energies and vibrations to yourself, which you can then share with others. These higher energies will empower you and help you stop low-potential thoughts, just as light dispels darkness. If you can love yourself, you can attract higher energies, which will help you change internally.


July 9, 2022

How to survive a breakup?

Let's start with the fact that it will not work easily and quickly. Most of us have a lot of hopes and expectations in relation to relationships. And if it all falls apart, disappointment becomes painful, and recovery takes time. • Accept your emotions and live through all the stages of grief. This is usually denial, anger, sadness and resignation. It is only important not to get carried away and not revel in them, but to live and let go. • Try to forgive the wrongs of past relationships and forgive yourself for your own mistakes. Enter into the next relationship strictly after the above, otherwise there is a risk of burdening the new relationship with negativity and repeating all the same mistakes in them.


July 9, 2022

Three ways to increase your productivity. 3.

3. Measure the result of your work. If the result cannot be measured, then it cannot be improved. But it is important to understand that the measure is not always time, money, or something tangible. Sometimes the best way is to look back at previous work and see if it got better this time.


July 9, 2022

Three ways to increase your productivity. 2.

2. Follow a daily routine. This rule is followed better by athletes, musicians and many others. The daily routine will teach your subconscious mind when it's time to work and when to rest. Trying to be productive yesterday morning, this afternoon, and tomorrow night won't do you any good in the long run.


July 9, 2022