Don't forget the flattery!

No matter how much you deny it, everyone likes flattery. It is in our nature to like someone who tells us that we are special. And of course we trust people like that more. So if you use such phrases as: "I am glad that a person like you..." or "So smart person like you...", I can say unequivocally that the degree of trust will be off the charts.


July 10, 2022

Gold of the oceans.

If you extract all the gold from the world ocean, then each person on Earth will get about 4 kg of gold. Not bad, right? The only question is how to extract it...


July 10, 2022

The tallest statues of Jesus Christ.

The world's largest statue of Jesus Christ is located in Poland. The famous statue in Rio de Janeiro is only the third tallest statue of Christ. Runner-up: Bolivia, statue of Christ Concord.


July 10, 2022

That's the kind of torture.

Ancient times were full of a variety of cruel and painful tortures. However, there were also such as tickling. For example, it was used by the Romans. They put the victim's heels in salt water and then let the goat lick it.


July 10, 2022

China announced the successful removal of debris from orbit.

The thinnest sail, as thick as a tenth of a human hair, was launched on July 6 along with the Long March 2 rocket. Thanks to the drift effect, it successfully "flooded" debris left from the launch in the Earth's atmosphere.


July 10, 2022

Electrical eye stimulation can cure depression.

Hong Kong scientists have tested corneal electrical stimulation on mice and found that the procedure alleviates symptoms of depression and slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease. Applying a weak current to the eye is called transcornial stimulation. Initially, the method was developed for the treatment of the eyes. But it turned out that electric current applied to the cornea can activate the hippocampus. This is the area of the brain involved in learning and memory.


July 10, 2022

American gynecologists have identified the most effective position for achieving female orgasm.

For heterosexual women, the easiest way to achieve orgasm is in the missionary position with a pillow under your pelvis. In this position, during sex, the blood flow in the clitoris increases most intensively. These conclusions were reached by gynecologists from the private American clinic New H Medical. They studied the physiological parameters of blood flow using an ultrasound scanner while a pair of volunteers had sex in five popular positions for ten minutes. The study showed that the most ineffective pose is doggy style.


July 10, 2022

Microplastics were first found in the meat, milk and blood of cows and pigs.

A possible route of infection is plastic particles in the feed that got there from the packaging. The laboratory tested 12 animal blood samples - microplastics were in all. including polyethylene and polystyrene. Plastic was also found in seven out of eight beef samples, five out of eight pork cuts and 18 out of 25 milk samples. Scientists do not yet know how microplastics can affect the health of farm animals and people who eat meat and drink milk.


July 10, 2022

Hungry people do get irritated and angry more than others.

Hunger is indeed associated with irritability and anger. Up to 56% of the variability of these emotions during the day can be explained precisely by an empty stomach. These conclusions were made by British and Austrian scientists during a study involving 64 people. For three weeks, five times a day, they entered data on the feeling of hunger and emotional state into the application on the smartphone. In total, scientists analyzed about nine thousand records. They showed that feeling hungry is associated with more negativity and less satisfaction.


July 10, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Day of good ideas. Several of them will appear at once, and intuition will definitely tell you which one to start with. You will quickly cope with what used to seem difficult, because you will not be distracted by trifles, you will find the shortest path to the goal. The experience of old acquaintances will come in handy, listen to their advice. Aquarius♒️ Bright, inspiring day. You will enthusiastically take on what previously seemed very difficult, and you yourself will be surprised at how you will achieve your first successes. It will be possible to support those who find themselves in a difficult situation, help loved ones in solving unexpected problems. Everything you do today for others will benefit you too. Pisces♓️ Great day for good things. Having quickly dealt with them, you will feel much more confident and free. The experience gained this Sunday will surely come in handy for many Pisces more than once. The same can be said about the information that new acquaintances will share with you.


July 10, 2022


Libra♎️ Do not argue with those who somehow disagree with you. It will take quite a bit of time, and your rightness will become obvious, so is it worth wasting time now? The most important and difficult things today are worth doing on your own, because hardly anyone can do them better than you. Scorpio♏️ A good day for serious and important conversations. Today it will not be difficult for you to convince even those who usually question everything that you are right. New friends may appear. They will be people who are interested in your ideas and ready to help in their implementation. Sagittarius♐️ The day is hardly suitable for solving serious issues. It will not be easy to collect your thoughts, there is a risk of missing something important. You don’t want to do difficult things, and it’s better to just postpone them, if circumstances allow it. The day will be favorable for creativity, communication with people who are able to come up with something completely new.


July 10, 2022


Cancer♋️ Try to restore old connections, talk to those with whom you have not gotten along lately. Today you will be especially good at understanding people and quickly finding an approach to them. It is worth taking advantage of this and Cancers, who strive for new acquaintances. It will be easy to make a good impression. Leo♌️ Do not demand too much from yourself and do not make grandiose plans for this day that even a superhero would not be able to carry out. It is better to start with some simple, understandable and tireless things, in which you will easily achieve success. Later you can move on to something more complex and important, and there will certainly be people ready to help you. Virgo♍️ A good day to think about something important. There may be great ideas, bold plans. It is not necessary to immediately implement ideas in life: there is time to think everything over, decide on priorities, and enlist the support of allies. It will be useful to discuss some business issues in an informal setting.


July 10, 2022


Aries♈️ Pay attention to any ideas that will appear today, even the most unusual and strange. Perhaps you will understand how to solve a problem that has been haunting everyone for a long time, or you will suddenly find the answer to some important question. Not everyone will understand you right away. But you patiently explain everything you need, and like-minded people and helpers will soon appear. Taurus♉️ Get ready to do several things at once: this way you will have time for everything that you have planned for this day. It is possible that someone close to you will need your help or you will need to focus on solving a family problem that you did not even know about. Gemini♊️ Don't rush anywhere. This day itself is not bad, but if you rush to decisions or make them under the influence of fleeting emotions, then you will make life difficult for yourself and others. It is also undesirable to bind oneself with obligations, especially financial ones. Think twice before making optional purchases.


July 10, 2022

An interesting fact about hippos.

Hippos can sleep underwater thanks to a reflex that allows them to float up, inhale, and dive back without waking up.


July 9, 2022

Cleopatra was one of the richest women of all time.

Her net worth in today's money would be approximately $95.8 billion.


July 9, 2022


The tallest basketball player in NBA history is Sudanese Manute Bol, whose height was 231 centimeters. He is also the only player in NBA history to kill a lion with a spear and buy his wife for 80 cows.


July 9, 2022

Japanese scientists have discovered parasitic worms capable of killing cancer cells.

Osaka University researchers have created hydrogel shells containing anti-cancer drugs. If you "clothe" nematode worms in them, they can transport drugs and destroy cancer cells in the human body. Nematodes are tiny, free-living worms that usually live in soil or other ecological niches and, under certain circumstances, can enter the human body. Anisakis simplex, a marine nematode that can colonize humans when eaten, has shown an increased interest in cancer cells.


July 9, 2022

Sex toys reduce sensitivity.

A decrease in sensitivity can occur due to an increase in the intensity of sensations, and over time it seems that even the maximum setting does not bring pleasure.


July 9, 2022


Partners stand facing each other. The man lifts the girl, holding her back, she wraps her legs around his waist. "Lifebuoy" requires good physical fitness. If it's hard for you, have sex against the wall so that the girl can lean on her back. Fitness Benefit: In this position, the main load falls on the partner: he holds the weight of both, he has to strain the press, buttocks, and arms. The partner is actively working with her hips.


July 9, 2022

Socks are more important than sexy lingerie on a woman.

The latter gives a beautiful aesthetic, and warming the legs helps to relax and enjoy more. And orgasms are 30% more likely with socks than without them. We choose natural fabrics, for example, white ones look very sexy, and check this scientific fact. Leggings and stockings will look very sexy. It's all about your imagination!


July 9, 2022