Top 4 most unbearable zodiac signs. Sagittarius.

Sagittarius will never give you the right to make a mistake. They love to criticize others and find fault with everything. If you offend a Sagittarius man, then he will take revenge on you to a much greater extent than your offense was. As for the women of this sign, they often do not know how to keep their mouths shut. An innocent joke told from the mouth of a Sagittarius can turn out to be a hurtful insult. Moreover, the representatives of this sign themselves do not notice how they offend others, but if you point it out to them, most likely you will receive a sincere apology.


July 13, 2022

4 most daring ladies of the zodiac circle. Lady Scorpio.

As a child, Scorpio was perceived as her boyfriend - she rarely made friends with girls and took part only in boyish fun. A water imp in a skirt famously climbed over fences, swam across turbulent rivers on a dare, and even defended his case with the help of his fists. Childhood is over, but insolence remains. Pluto's ward goes ahead, followed by strings of male admirers and crowds of envious women.


July 13, 2022


Capricorn♑️ The day is suitable for unusual things. You can take on what previously seemed very difficult. Most likely, you will quickly achieve the first successes and immediately understand what to do next. Help people from whom you did not expect anything like this. Some Capricorns will have very reliable allies today. Aquarius♒️ The day is good for important meetings. Need to make a good impression on someone? It won't be difficult at all. People who underestimated you before will realize how wrong they were. Relationships that were previously tense will begin to change for the better, and you will not have to make significant efforts to achieve this. Pisces♓️ The day is unlikely to bring any important changes in the business sphere. You can safely finish what was started before. There will be no serious reasons for concern, in any difficult situations you will be supported by proven allies. Small cash receipts will come in handy: you will make some unplanned purchases, they will be successful.


July 13, 2022


Libra♎️ Important meetings, negotiations are likely, the outcome of which will be very important for your career. You will need the ability to listen and understand others. Sometimes you will understand what your interlocutors want before they can tell about it themselves. The concluded deals will turn out to be profitable, in some cases the profit will even exceed your expectations. Scorpio♏️ The day will please. You will take on complex cases with genuine interest and enthusiasm, and quickly achieve success in them. Work issues that previously seemed very difficult can be quickly resolved. Many Scorpios will be pleasantly surprised by the support of old and new acquaintances. Thanks to her, many things will be easier. Sagittarius♐️ Today it will be especially difficult for you to listen to advice, and they can be very useful. So no matter how sure you are that you made the right choice, pay attention to the opinions of other people. The day is more suitable for the usual work than for taking on a new business.


July 13, 2022


Cancer♋️ Do what really interests you. These are the things that will be the most useful today, and you will achieve success in them quickly. Difficulties that seemed almost insurmountable will remain in the past. Some Cancers will receive support that they could not even count on before. Leo♌️ The day will bring good ideas, and they will appear just in time. It will be possible to find a way out of difficult situations, to overcome obstacles that others have retreated from. Unexpected discoveries are possible. Some Leos will be the first to receive very important information and use it to their advantage. Virgo♍️ The day will be eventful, and it will please you. You do not want to sit idle, waste time in vain. Inspired by unexpected news received from afar. Thanks to them, you will understand what you need to focus on first and what can be postponed. Many people will pay attention to your success in work. It is possible that soon you will receive interesting offers.


July 13, 2022


Aries♈️ Take on new business, participate in joint projects. Intuition today will be surprisingly sharp, you will quickly guess what remains a mystery for others. Interesting job-related offers are not ruled out. If you behave correctly, you will soon be able to significantly increase income. Taurus♉️ Discuss work issues, meet people who can help you in business. Most likely, today you will find like-minded people and allies, meet those who will support you more than once later. Relationships that start as purely business will soon take on an informal character, and you will be glad of this. Gemini♊️ Get ready to be the center of attention. It doesn't matter if you're going to a business meeting or just getting ready to spend time with friends: in any case, try to look perfect. Dating is likely to play an important role in your life; It's important to make a good first impression.


July 13, 2022

Search for sensitive areas.

What excites you is not the fact that your partner will like it. Those areas that you respond to most often, for example, touching the chest and nipples, cause zero emotions in most men, and sometimes even discomfort. So listen to how and to what movements your man reacts.


July 12, 2022

Pros and cons of being fat.

➕The advantages of a fat man: + he treats his “fragile” partner with care, being aware of his own weight; + he practically does not have premature ejaculations. Excitation grows gradually and the partner has a lot of time to achieve pleasure; + will give the lady the initiative in bed without any problems, will allow her to “get the upper hand” over herself. ➖ Cons of a fat man: - he is not a fan of fast and passionate sex. The partner needs to be patient in order to set him up for sex; - quickly gets tired in some simple poses for more slender comrades.


July 12, 2022

Pros and cons of curvy ladies:

If your doubts are shaken and you are going on a date with a “big friend”, you need to consider both sides of a “huge” love. ➕Bbw pluses: + emotional, easily agrees to experiments; + patient and enduring - it will last for the whole night; + extremely rarely simulates an orgasm. ➖Bbw cons: - may react painfully to a compliment like “you are so curvy!” and lose sexual desire; - You can't do the whole Kamasutra with her. It will be necessary to look for the most satisfying positions for both.


July 12, 2022

MYTH 3 Fat people sweat instantly, so sex with them is an amateur activity.

In fact. The sweat glands of obese people, when hygiene is observed, are no different from the sweat glands of thin people. And increased sweating and an unpleasant odor arise on the basis of endocrine, tumor, infectious diseases. But what about being overweight?


July 12, 2022

MYTH 2 With a fat man in bed, it’s good to just sleep, and fat women are cold and insensitive.

In fact. Fat people (especially women) have a complex due to the imperfection of the figure, and this leads to stiffness in moments of intimacy. If you liberate the chubby ones (let them know that they are beautiful even in superweight), they will set the heat. First of all, because testosterone and endorphin (hormones responsible for sexual desire and satisfaction) are produced more in donuts than in thin women.


July 12, 2022

MYTH 1 The bigger the belly, the shorter the manhood.

In fact. This myth was born because of the so-called "turtle effect": in a calm state, the male tool is hidden under a layer of pubic fat, and therefore it seems smaller than it actually is. But in a state of combat readiness, manhood appears in full glory and power.


July 12, 2022

Sex with an overweight partner: myths and reality.

Sex with a partner who has a dozen or two extra pounds - is it a pleasure or a disappointment? Let's try to answer this question and debunk the top three most common "fat" myths.


July 12, 2022

Understand each other's love language.

It's easy to shift blame and get angry when your needs aren't met. But instead, take the time to understand and accept each other's point of view. Usually a fight happens because one person feels unappreciated. Therefore, by learning and expressing your love in the language of your partner, you will create the foundation for a perfect marriage.


July 12, 2022

What if a man disappears and then reappears?

A situation familiar to many women. Why is this happening? Men who disappear and then reappear may well be abusers who enjoy keeping you on a tight leash all the time. Another reason: he left thinking that the breakup would have no effect, but then he rethought everything and realized how disgusting he had acted. Forgive? Or is it better to refuse to step on this rake again? You decide!


July 12, 2022

Discovering yourself means finding out all your little peculiarities

For example, you may find out that you like espresso, rather than cappuccino, even though both contain caffeine. Or realize that due to your character, you can't work in an office and must seek freelance work. To get interested in people and find out why you don't like everyone. To figure out what makes you happy and allow yourself to practice it. Realize that you don't feel great in November, but April is the time of renewal for you. This process is like building a house, brick by brick, tile by tile. The more different materials you use, the bigger, more interesting and more beautiful your house is. Your house has an entrance and windows, and not everyone you let in. Life is given to us to know ourselves, so use every step you make to get closer to yourself.


July 12, 2022

Adrenaline addiction.

People addicted to high levels of adrenaline in their blood tend to take part in extreme sports despite injuries and other negative consequences of their hobby. Under stress, we follow the "hit or run" reaction. But what good is it? In moments of stress, adrenaline is not the only hormone released, there is also norepinephrine, which causes a feeling of euphoria and happiness. Thus, an adrenaline junkie might endanger his or her life to provoke stress.


July 12, 2022

ART therapy - how does it work?

This meditative practice is especially good for working with anxiety disorders. Even an ordinary children's coloring book can significantly help to relieve stress. The process when we choose a color to fill in the drawing with it and then change the color to do it again promotes dissolving of internal dialogue, since at this moment we are engaged in the very process of creation. Give yourself 10-30 minutes a day to meditate and fill a coloring book. The effect will not be long in coming!


July 12, 2022

What a greeting!

Australian Aborigines - warriors, instead of the usual handshake for us, demonstrate friendliness with a slightly different gesture, namely, by touching the penis of their interlocutor.


July 12, 2022

Now that would be a beard!

Hair on the chin grows faster than on any other part of a man's body. If he had not shaved all his life, the length of his beard would have reached 9 meters.


July 12, 2022