The airport's smart scoreboard displays information for a specific passenger.

At the airport in Detroit, a scoreboard appeared that displays flight information for 100 passengers at a time. They can all look at the same screen and see different information. The scoreboard screen, called Parallel Reality, is made up of pixels that project millions of light rays in different directions. The facial recognition system "directs" these rays to a specific person and displays information about his flight. The creators of the device say they wanted to make waiting for a flight more convenient - so that people do not feel lost and can instantly find their way without a smartphone.


July 13, 2022

American rodents for the sake of a well-fed life learned to cultivate crops.

Rodents from the gopher family have learned to cultivate the roots of plants. They do it purposefully, so that later they can enjoy the harvest. This behavior is unique to humans, ants, beetles, and termites. That is, gophers are the second mammals to have demonstrated farming skills.


July 13, 2022

In the heat, men gain weight.

Men are more likely to gain weight in the summer because heat and sunlight cause the "hunger hormone" ghrelin to be released from the skin. Estrogen interferes with its release, so women's appetite does not change. These conclusions were reached by Israeli scientists during a two-year study involving three thousand people and experiments on mice.


July 13, 2022

A team of illusionists Augmented Magic has converted a miniature drone into an umbrella called Dronebrella.

The self-guided flying umbrella is controlled by your smartphone and has an automatic "follow master" mode that will follow you around while protecting you from the rain.


July 13, 2022

BMW started selling subscriptions for heated seats.

The company has begun selling options for its vehicles by subscription, a method already implemented in South Korea, the UK, Germany, New Zealand and South Africa. Many items are offered, including heated seats, steering wheel, Apple CarPlay, high beam assistant and more. You pay - and within a certain period the opportunity to use the selected function opens. A month costs $18. You can take a discount for a year for $180.


July 13, 2022

In the USA they released whiskey on crab broth.

In New Hampshire, the Tamworth Distilling distillery has released a new brand of whiskey - Crab Trapper ("Crab Catcher"). It is made with a bourbon base, distilled shellfish broth flavored with mustard seeds, coriander and cinnamon. So the alcohol industry is fighting the overpopulation of the invasive green crab. Crab Trapper is a whiskey to be sipped slowly, exploring your senses with your sense of smell. One bottle takes about 450 grams of peeled and cooked green crabs.


July 13, 2022

Domestic violence.

Many women are forced to endure beatings and humiliation, as they simply have nowhere to go from a relationship. This is how they themselves think, and this is the first delusion. The second misconception is "I can't do without this man." Many people forget, but we come into this world and leave it alone. And even when it seems to you that you will not cope, remember that this is only fear. You are stronger than you think. Another misconception is “You yourself are to blame for driving me”, an imposed feeling of guilt from a man. No man in the world has the right to beat you!


July 13, 2022

Smile, it suits you!

Nobody likes sullen people, right? For a man, a smiling woman is a symbol of joy and serenity. When she smiles, she exudes sexuality, serenity. Judge for yourself: what initially attracts a man when he meets a girl? He loves his condition next to her. If the lady breathes longing, the man immediately moves away. As soon as he feels the positive mood of his companion, he looks at her as if bewitched, and no longer wants to part with her.


July 13, 2022

These rules will increase your effectivenes.

Be proactive. The principle of being proactive comes down to changing yourself. If you don't like what's around you, start changing yourself, it's the only thing you are in control of. The most important things must be done first. You need to prioritize and address key issues first. Do what gets you closer to your goals, not the problems. Always improve yourself. It's important to constantly develop and improve yourself physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually. You are your greatest resource.


July 13, 2022

About the value and devaluation of life experiences.

When people devalue and humiliate each other after a break up, it is perhaps a little less painful for them because it is always easier to part with something that is not very valuable or even harmful. But as part of a life strategy, devaluing is just a waste of individual resource. When we reject people and demean relationship with that person, we actually reject the life experience gained in that relationship. And so life's time is wasted. How often do you hear: "I wasted so much time on that fool" or "I gave it my all." But what is left after the breakups that inevitably happen in life of each of us? Experience and the ability to apply it.


July 13, 2022

How to get people to like you.

First of all, find out who YOU are. Discover someone who can and enjoys being alone for a long time. Someone who appreciates freedom and solitude, and knows what to do with it. The one who do different things without being dependent on the result. Someone who can leave at any moment without feeling guilty. Someone who knows what his worth is. Someone who can easily be on the scene, and just as easily leave it. Someone who can gladly watch someone dancing, without a desire to repeat it, just enjoying. Someone who recognizes other people's talents without envy. Someone who hears her/himself and develops what he or she wants to develop. When a person is filled with love and understanding, people are drawn to her or him. Such a person is happy to see whoever comes and goes. He or she respects other people's privacy and doesn't manipulate...


July 13, 2022

Cool and simple, but breathtakingly delicious summer dessert - frozen bananas in chocolate.

Take bananas, cut them in half across, put them on skewers and put them in the freezer until you get frostbite))) Melt your favorite chocolate in a water bath. You can take walnuts, crumble, or you can without them. Dip bananas in chocolate and sprinkle with nuts. Dip in the chocolate quickly as it hardens quickly. After 5 minutes, enjoy a delicious banana popsicle!


July 13, 2022

What are the adaptogens?

Noni juice, ashwagandha, rosea rhodiola, ginseng, eleutherococcus, aralia or leuzea tincture. Each adaptogen has its own level of effectiveness, but bee pollen is considered the most useful. It contains all the amino acids necessary for a person, which are obtained only with food, since the body itself cannot synthesize them. Due to the rich complex of amino acids, flower pollen is called the "elixir of youth". There is scientific evidence that bee pollen promotes the renewal of skin cells and the retention of natural moisture in them; as well as reduction of body fat. It also increases stamina, immunity and improves heart function.


July 13, 2022

How do adaptogens work?

Adaptogens contribute to a quick recovery after any kind of stress and active training in the gym or outdoors. They have a tonic effect on the body, but this should not be confused with the effect of caffeine or energy drinks. Adaptogens affect the body in a complex way, i.e. do it at different levels. It is known that plants with such properties contain many antioxidants - substances that significantly slow down the aging process in the body.


July 13, 2022

What are adaptogens and how do they affect our health?

Despite the fact that adaptogens have become a wellness trend only recently, they were discovered back in 1947. This discovery was made by the Soviet scientist N.V. Lazarev, who devoted his life to the search for substances that can increase the resistance of the human body to various types of adverse effects. It turned out that they really exist: such substances are called adaptogens. It is believed that their unique abilities lie in the ability to help adapt to different types of stress: biological (infection with viruses and bacteria); physical (thermal loads - heat, cold and sports); chemical (toxins and heavy metals).


July 13, 2022

What problems does visceral massage solve?

1. Eliminates excessive contraction of muscle fibers and increased tone, that is, relieves tension and relaxes the body; 2. Improves the outflow of venous blood and lymph from the organs, which eliminates swelling - during the massage, the stagnant liquid is literally squeezed out of the organs; 3. The supply of cells with oxygen improves, as the flow of arterial blood increases; 4. Digestion is normalized; 5. Lowered organs are raised and the adhesive process is prevented (abnormal binding of scar tissue, due to which the functioning of the pelvic organs is disrupted).


July 13, 2022

How to get rid of pain?

“To work not with a symptom and disease, but with the whole person as a whole, with all his individual aspects, is the basis of health practices, and working with the stomach gives a powerful impetus to restore all systems, and the body itself begins to restore itself, at that optimal speed. which is available to him at a particular moment in time, ”specialists of visceral massage emphasize.


July 13, 2022

How is visceral massage performed?

The task of the visceral therapist is to restore the nutrition of the cells, gently and delicately working with the abdomen. During the session, the doctor presses on the stomach according to the projection of the internal organs, in a certain sequence. Ideally, palpation (even deep) should not cause pain, otherwise we can talk about a problem with internal organs. You can try a self-diagnosis by lightly pressing on the navel area and assess if there is a problem or not. If pain occurs when pressed, this is an alarm.


July 13, 2022

Visceral massage or abdominal massage.

Visceral massage is an ancient practice that used to be called "tummy tuck". The impact is on the internal organs through the straight abdominal wall of the abdomen in order to restore them naturally and improve blood supply. In this way they receive oxygen, which makes their work possible, and our body healthy and strong. However, due to the wrong lifestyle, the nutrition of our organs is disrupted, which leads to pain, cramps, food intolerance and a deterioration in mood.


July 13, 2022

The most beautiful girls according to the zodiac sign. 12th place - Aquarius.

Aquarius, in fairness, should generally be taken out of this rating, because they have no relationship at all with their own beauty. In the sense that Aquarians, regardless of how they look, do not pay any attention to their beauty. Generally. Because there are actually more interesting things in the world! The only thing that can make Aquarius pay attention to their appearance is unplanned changes, because representatives of this sign hate when something changes without their knowledge. So wrinkles, excess weight and split ends - fight! Not in the name of beauty, but in the name of silence in the inner Aquarian library.


July 13, 2022