Teenage habit of some men.

I'm talking about how some "offer to meet" or in some other way are interested in whether the girl wants to start a relationship. Why is this a mistake? Because in this way you demonstrate that you do not understand women at all. Okay, I'll exaggerate. It's just that this "announcement" is not necessary - they are needed for larger "shifts" in your relationship. For example, the issue of living together, getting to know the family, and so on. The question “let’s meet” also demonstrates the guy’s insecurity. “Does she really like me, and is everything in order with us, or can she clarify ???” We do not need these moans! The girl will feel this uncertainty and may even say “bye-bye” after such. And if you want to move to the next stage of the relationship, then don't worry - it will happen without an official announcement.


July 14, 2022

Intentional mistake.

If you need to build a relationship with someone, I advise you to make a deliberate mistake so that the person needs to correct you. After that, act out admiration for how the interlocutor accurately noticed your flaw and tactfully pointed it out. My experiment showed that the object of manipulation after such a technique would think: “Wow, she (a) knows how to accept criticism and relies on my knowledge. We will continue to communicate."


July 14, 2022

Don't forget about the law of diminishing returns.

Decided on the impossible? Excellent. Then you must know what barriers you will encounter along the way. One of them, which is often unsettling (if you've ever been on a diet, remember how easy it is at first and difficult afterward) is the law of diminishing returns. The point is simple: the further you advance, the harder it is for you to get better. If suddenly it becomes harder for you than before, then you are on the right track and much closer to the goal than before. Just don't give up.


July 14, 2022

Sharpen your intuition.

Intuition belongs to our unconscious, which means that in order to improve it we need to work it through. For a long-term effect, meditation, trance, and self-hypnosis (autogenic training) are the best. These practices allow you to temporarily shut off (weaken) your conscious, in other words intellect, and other superstructures over the unconscious, giving it an opportunity to come out. In addition, meditation and similar practices harmonize internal processes, help you listen to your body, your sensations, i.e., your inner voice. There is an effective technique for gaining insight. Step 1. Formulate a task for your intuition (write it down, draw it, say it). Step 2. Shift your focus to things that are not related to your task. Step 3. Turn off your mind - sleep, meditate. Step 4. Go back to the original task, the inner voice will tell you the right direction. Improving your intuition is most effective with a complex approach.


July 14, 2022


Visualize the end result of your goal, task or idea. Write it down. If necessary, find additional information about your goal/objective/idea, write down its implementation steps. Write down a specific end goal with the condition "if-then". For example, if you are fond of reading books but tend to procrastinate, set yourself the challenge to read 100 pages a day throughout 14 days (if), at the end of which you can buy some stuff you've been dreaming about for a long time. If you feel lazy and cannot bring yourself to do anything, imagine what would happen if you do not complete the task. For example, if you do not wake up at 6 a.m., then you will long beat yourself up for being weak-willed.


July 14, 2022

How to free up time?⠀

▫️ Planning. A necessary thing that will definitely help you allocate your time as efficiently and proportionately as possible. ▫️ Setting priorities. So, once you've written down all the things to do, you need to determine their level of importance. Prioritizing plays an important role in getting things done efficiently. ▫️ Workplace. This is certainly worth paying attention to! Who would want to work or study in a mess? ▫️ A frog for breakfast. Sounds interesting, doesn't it? In other words, make a habit of taking on the hard work first, not putting it off.


July 14, 2022

What makes skin dry?

The main features of drying out of the skin are violations of water balance, lipid metabolism and disturbances in the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Dry skin can be due to many reasons. The skin may be dry from birth. With this type of skin, sebum production and moisture regulation are impaired. This causes peeling, itching, redness and even inflammation. Cold, heat, wind and hot dry air can also irritate the skin. In addition, for many, dry skin can be a reaction to soap, synthetic clothing, hot showers. Improper diet and lack of water can also be the cause of skin problems. From the recommendations: visit a beautician / dermatologist and buy really good skin care, because you can’t save on yourself. Healthy, normal skin is your body's primary defense against bacteria and viruses, so be sure to take care of it!


July 14, 2022

Bloating. What to do?

Bloating is the process of increasing the volume of gases in the intestines by more than 2 times. This is not only due to an improper diet or an unbalanced diet, but can also be one of the symptoms of more serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Unpleasant symptoms also lead to: • lack of diet; • fast uncontrolled snacks, conversations in the process of eating, as a result of which, in addition to food, air enters the stomach; • smoking, chewing gum and carbonated drinks. Air is not harmful to the body and is excreted naturally. But to eliminate unpleasant sensations, you should adjust your lifestyle, in particular, adjust your diet, give up soda. Also, fractional nutrition will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms.


July 14, 2022

The gut affects the immune system.

Every day with food, a huge amount of proteins and pathogens alien to us enter the intestines - substances that can cause diseases. Therefore, the intestines have adapted to ensure that these same substances are neutralized as quickly as possible. Including for this, microflora lives in it. A significant part of the immune system is located in the intestines, so the work of the digestive tract affects the entire body. A poorly functioning gut can lead to asthma, migraines, allergies, and even autoimmune diseases (diseases in which cells of the immune system attack their own bodies).


July 14, 2022

Alcohol and antibiotics. Why are they not compatible?

What are the main risks of such a combination? There is a chance that alcohol will either destroy the active ingredient or cause it to bind to pathogens. Yes, and the process of excretion can act - slow down or speed up. In addition, alcohol and antibiotics are quite toxic, and their combination further depresses the liver. Antibiotics, for example, block the enzyme that breaks down alcohol - increasing the time of toxic exposure. So the ban on the use of alcohol during a course of antibiotics is justified.


July 14, 2022

The coldest city in the world is Oymyakon.

It is also the Pole of Cold, as well as the coldest place on Earth, where there is a permanent population.


July 14, 2022

Interesting facts about clouds.

Clouds permanently cover about 60% of the Earth. The average cloud weighs about 500 tons, the same weight as 80 elephants.


July 14, 2022

Sleep and excess weight.

During sleep, the body produces a hormone that stimulates metabolism and the mechanism of hunger / satiety. Constant lack of sleep leads to weight gain.


July 14, 2022

Smoking and wrinkles.

Smoking causes wrinkles due to the damaging effect of nicotine on collagen. And wrinkles in smokers are deeper and appear earlier.


July 14, 2022

Toyota, Volkswagen and Mercedes are among the top 10 global companies with the largest debts.

The list, which includes 900 global companies in the world, lists only the largest, and under the debt means only net debt. In other words, these are those that will remain if you “minus” the available cash and liquid assets that can be quickly sold. Toyota topped the list with debts of $186 billion, Volkswagen AG almost caught up with colleagues ($185 billion), Mercedes-Benz AG - $109 billion. At the same time, at the beginning of the year, Toyota was named the most expensive auto brand in the world and ranked 12th in the top 500 most valuable companies.


July 14, 2022

Video game fans make decisions faster and more accurately than others.

The sensorimotor decision-making skills of gamers are higher than those who play little or no games. These conclusions were made by scientists from the University of Georgia during a study involving 47 students, 28 of them are gamers, 19 are not. The study showed that computer games in the future can be used for cognitive decision-making training.


July 14, 2022

Extinct blue macaws have returned to the forests of Brazil.

A month ago, ornithologists released eight blue macaws into the forests of Brazil, all of them survived. These parrots were considered extinct in the wild for more than 20 years, only a few dozen individuals remained in private collections. Now the population will recover - the birds will be able to start breeding in their natural environment next spring.


July 14, 2022

US greenhouse emissions from 1990 to 2014 caused the rest of the world $2 trillion in damage.

This is a global income lost due to heatwaves, crop failures and other effects of pollution. Developing countries were mostly affected. In terms of damage caused, the United States has overtaken China, Russia, India and Brazil. Together, the top five polluting countries caused $6 trillion in harm - 11% of world GDP in a year. The developed countries in the northern latitudes have made the greatest contribution to the development of the climate crisis. At the same time, their economies have suffered less from global warming than in the poor countries of the south.


July 14, 2022

Top sex moments from women.

Arches the back. Don't even ask why, but it looks very sexy. Licks his finger. It is difficult to control yourself when a girl does this, especially since everyone knows what this action leads to) Puts on a man's clothes after sex. Of course, this item has nothing to do with sex, but the sight of a girl in a man's shirt is so exciting that you can arrange another round.


July 14, 2022

BDSM bondage.

Erotic-aesthetic practice, which consists in depriving one partner of another of one degree or another of physical mobility and / or freedom of action in order to obtain psychosexual and / or aesthetic pleasure. It is usually considered as one of the constituent parts of BDSM. Most often, bondage is understood as binding, but this concept also includes other types of restriction or deprivation of freedom of action: shackling, using blocks, handcuffs and similar items, confinement in a cage, etc. It can be a form of sadomasochism, but most often it does not have directly related to the infliction of physical pain, focusing mainly on the moral and emotional components of the practice.


July 14, 2022