Do not try to overcome all fears.

The main mistake: “First I will deal with fears, then I will begin to act.” If you have the impression that only desperate brave men, adventurers and lovers of shaking the good old values ​​\u200b\u200bare acting at once, then this is not true. Or rather, not all. The truth is only about values, because it is just useful to test them for strength. In fact, everyone is afraid. Waiting for the moment when it will not be scary is not worth it. Surprisingly, change often begins with fear. With great fear that life will pass, and we will not even give ourselves a chance to fight for a dream.


July 16, 2022

Where to get energy?

Well, there is no single answer to this question, neither for me nor for anyone else, because there're different sources of power for each of us. How to unleash your source of energy? Recognize the slightest signs of lively interest in whatever it is. When something makes your eyes shine, it's that very real interest that connects the one to her or his living creative genius. The habit of gathering these little lights will open up access to inner resources.


July 16, 2022

Read paper books.

I agree that a house full of books is a dust collector. But the results of numerous studies show that information from paper books is remembered and analyzed much better than electronic or audiobooks. Why? The feature of our brain is that the information that is received by all the senses is better remembered. We hold a book in our hands, flip through its pages, smell it, feel the paper by our fingers, look at the cover and illustrations, and, of course, read.


July 16, 2022

Healthy selfishness.

Learn to think first about your needs, desires, dreams, and only after that spend the remaining time on others. This will help you save energy to achieve your goals and weed out everything that is secondary.


July 16, 2022

Limit the flow of negativity.

To become a better person, you mustn't let negative information or destructive people into your life. They ruin harmony, make you doubt your strength, and upset you. The concept of NEGATIVE is what people assess as something bad, unpleasant, hard, adverse, owing to psychological reasons. That is, sometimes intentional is not deliberate, not generated in the mind. Unkind criticism, raging, blaming and self-blaming, hurting oneself, seeing everything in a black color - all this is negativity.


July 16, 2022

If you need to lower your blood pressure without medication.

Points 1 and 2. The line starts just below the earlobe and goes down the neck as shown in the picture. Do not press on this line, but just lightly draw along it from beginning to end, gently touching it with your fingertips. Repeat the procedure 10 times on both sides of the head. Point 3. The next line starts at the height of the earlobe (about 1 cm from the ear) and moves in an arc towards the nose. Gently massage the line on both sides with your fingertips. Don't press on the skin. During the massage, try to relax, thinking about the positive result. Performing this exercise in 5 minutes brings blood circulation to an ideal state.


July 16, 2022

We continue the topic of food habits. Eat slowly.

Get rid of the addiction of eating on the run, learn to chew food thoroughly and take your time. Slowing down not only supports digestion and helps me better tune in to my body's natural hunger signals, but it also allows me to truly enjoy my food, and this has a profound effect on mental well-being.


July 16, 2022

We continue the topic of food habits. Stick to your meal schedule.

Healthy eating is not just about what you eat, but when. A suitable eating schedule must be followed. Meals should be fairly frequent. You don’t have to wait until you are very hungry, otherwise you can pounce on food and overeat. Portions should be small in order not to unnecessarily stretch the stomach.


July 16, 2022

We continue the topic of food habits. Take hearty snacks with you.

When you constantly need recharging, you need to pay special attention to competent snacks. It is better if it is sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfresh vegetables and lean meat or fish. Gnawing carrots or peppers, eating a piece of cheese and chicken is a pleasure! It is important that snacks combine fiber, protein and the right fats, then they will maintain your tone, stable blood sugar levels, and will not let you get hungry. You can add a little healthy fats: olive, linseed, almond oil.


July 16, 2022

We continue the topic of food habits. Prepare ahead of time.

When you look in the fridge, of course you want to find something ready to eat right away, but usually instead it is filled with the ingredients of your future dinner, which need to be cut, baked, stewed, and so on. Assessing the prospects, many will prefer any dry food, just not to cook. Solution: Set aside a day of the week, stock up on at least chopped veggies (including avocados), and fill the fridge with containers of delicious cheese, baked chicken pieces, and so on. All this can be thrown on a "pillow" of lettuce leaves - and that's it, a healthy snack is ready!


July 16, 2022

Delicious drinks for immunity.

Cranberry tea will give the body valuable vitamins and invigorate the immune system. You need to wipe 1 tablespoon of fresh cranberries, cover the berries with sugar and pour 200 ml of boiling water or ordinary brewed black tea. Tea from currant leaves. Take 2 handfuls of fresh currant leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 3 minutes. Then pour into cups and add some sugar and honey for sweetness and taste. Healing hazelnut milk. 100 g of hazelnuts should be lightly fried in a dry frying pan and then crushed to a powder. Pour nuts with 0.5 l of boiling milk, cool slightly and add 2 tablespoons of natural honey and a pinch of vanilla. After insisting, after 15 minutes, mix and drink in small sips throughout the day.


July 16, 2022

This is love!

Nicolae Ceausescu loved his dog Corba so much that he gave him the rank of colonel in the Romanian army and allocated a government limousine.


July 16, 2022

That was the tax!

A virginity tax was introduced in Berlin in the early 18th century to force women between the ages of 21 and 40 to marry and have children - they took 2 pennies a month from unmarried women.


July 16, 2022

"Deep Web".

The Deep Web is not only a place to share criminal information. Drug dealing and stolen bank details are just a small part of the "deep web". The main part of it consists of libraries, scientific articles and databases that have nothing to do with crime, but are not indexed by Internet search engines.


July 16, 2022

Engineers have created a "conscious" robot.

He understands himself. The robot is like a baby who is studying his body, trying to understand the environment and himself in it. The robot creates a “mental” model of its body from scratch, without human help. The scientists placed a robotic arm around five video cameras. The robot looked at itself through the cameras, as if in a mirror. He began to wriggle and deform in order to understand exactly how his body moves in response to motor commands. Three hours later, the robot stopped. Its internal neural network has finished learning the connection between the robot's motor actions and the volume it occupies in the environment. The ability of robots to model themselves is an important skill. This not only saves labor, but also allows the robot to monitor its own wear and even detect and compensate for damage.


July 16, 2022

The microchip shortage is over.

It turned out that companies had accumulated too many chips in warehouses and the shortage turned into an oversupply. That's because during the pandemic, manufacturers stocked up on computer chips "just in case." Prior to this, just-in-time production was the norm for companies that ordered parts as close to production as possible to avoid excess inventory, reduce storage capacity and reduce costs. However, due to the fact that many chip manufacturers have reduced or completely stopped work, unrest began in the market - companies feared that there simply would not be enough chips for everyone. As a result, they bought chips in volumes that exceeded their real needs. So there was an artificial shortage.


July 16, 2022

In Chile, they caught a five-meter oar king - a harbinger of disasters.

Fishermen from the Chilean city of Arica pulled a 4.8-meter oarfish out of the water. This fish is called a harbinger of disasters: earthquakes and tsunamis. It is also believed that whoever catches it will be cursed. Herring kings can reach a length of 11 meters. They live at a depth of about a kilometer and appear on the surface due to storms and currents or weakness and disease.


July 16, 2022

The most beautiful girls according to the zodiac sign. 9th place - Gemini.

Ninth place goes to Gemini, who can look just about anything, it doesn't matter. Apparently, for this, the Heavenly Office gives the Gemini more natural beauty than all the other signs. But all in vain: the main rule of life for Gemini is to never lie to yourself. And about themselves, the Twins know the main thing: no matter what angelic appearance nature has awarded them, under it is still hidden a chthonic abyss. But, however, sometimes this can be used. For example, to seduce someone and see how funny he will twitch when it comes time to look into the eyes of monsters...


July 16, 2022

4 most jealous signs of the zodiac. Aries.

By nature, people born under the sign of Aries are quick-tempered and extremely impatient. On top of that, they love to be the center of attention and are very resentful when a partner is having a good time with someone else. The natural competitive spirit of Aries men often leads to unwarranted scenes of jealousy. And women born under this sign can violently experience feelings of jealousy, but they will not make a scene, but simply leave their partner. But, despite this, Aries are very quick-witted and quickly forgive minor offenses. Although they will remember "jambs" at every opportunity.


July 16, 2022

Signs of the zodiac in which the feeling of hatred develops into true love. Virgo - love is above rationality.

Virgos try not to get involved in adventures and make decisions not with their hearts, but with their heads. This does not mean that they do not commit madness, rather the Virgin of those who run away from love, but she “throws them around the neck”. So, Virgos first abstract from their feelings, avoiding the object of love, but then, unable to resist, they plunge into new, vibrant relationships. The real problem will be if the person who evokes sympathy is not as perfect as the Virgos would like. They analyze all new acquaintances, identifying advantages and disadvantages. When they notice sympathy for a person who has found many flaws, they try in every possible way to move away. Sometimes their behavior seems to be a manifestation of hatred, but gradually Virgo begins to let them get closer to her.


July 16, 2022