The bystander effect

Why doesn't anyone come to help? The more people who observe an emergency situation, the less likely they are to offer help. Example: this experiment was conducted in 1968 by social psychologists Bibb Latane and John Darley in New York City. One college student simulated an epileptic seizure. In a situation where one passerby was present during the seizure, the student received help 85% of the time, and only 35% of the time if there was more than one person nearby.


July 17, 2022

How is apathy manifested?

Apathy is a symptom manifested through the feeling of indifference, a detached attitude to what is going on around, lack of desire for any activity, absence of a negative and positive attitude to reality, absence of emotions.


July 17, 2022

The effect of the present moment

We have difficulty relating "me today" to "me tomorrow," so we often allow ourselves to do what we like to do now, leaving "those we will be later" to take the blame for these fleeting pleasures. Many of us live as if they are timeless, so they tend to put difficult things off. Case in point: During research, 74% of shoppers, when choosing a meal for the week, preferred healthy fruit. And when they were asked to make a choice for the current day, 70% of experiment participants chose chocolate. The solution: try not to identify "you today" with "you tomorrow." Imagine that tomorrow will be another person, and remember that no one but you can do your job.


July 17, 2022

The largest ATM manufacturer in the US will add the ability to buy cryptocurrencies.

The U.S. arm of South Korean ATM maker Hyosung has signed a partnership with cryptocurrency provider DigitalMint that will allow the purchase of bitcoin at the firm's 175,000 ATMs located in the U.S. However, it is up to device operators to decide if they want to enable this service. Therefore, it is likely that not all of Hyosung's 175,000 ATMs will actually support the purchase of cryptocurrencies. According to the press release, it is bitcoins that will be available for purchase to users at the first stage. The United States has the largest number of cryptomats. According to Coin ATM Radar, 33,772 devices have already been installed in the country. And in total there are about 38,430 devices in the world.


July 17, 2022

Engineers have grown most of the human heart in miniature - and it's beating.

The cells that make up the heart were obtained from the cardiovascular tissues of young rats and then grown on a layer of a scaffold printed from a polymer with grooves to guide tissue growth. This flat mesh made the structure mimic the arrangement of the fibers of the human left ventricular heart muscle, from which blood is ejected into the aorta with one strong contraction. The difference of the new model is also that it is made of several layers of cells - just like a real heart.


July 17, 2022

Heinz created spoon-shaped french fries.

To commemorate National French Fry Day on July 13, Heinz released French fries in the shape of a Spoon Friez spoon that can scoop up the perfect amount of ketchup. While announcing the remarkable invention, Heinz said that he had also conducted a study showing that 95% of people refuse to eat potatoes without sauce. Another 84% of people are annoyed that they can't achieve the perfect potato to ketchup ratio.


July 17, 2022

People hear well in a dream, but do not understand what exactly.

Sleeping people hear almost as well as awake people - neurons continue to receive audio signals. But at the same time, the higher centers of the brain do not react to them due to the fact that alpha and beta rhythms subside during sleep. As a result, people do not understand what they hear, and do not foresee the further course of events.


July 17, 2022

In Japan, they developed vertical capsules for sleeping at work.

As planned by the partners, people will be able to sleep in vertical Nap Box capsules in a standing position, “like a flamingo.” Manufacturers claim that due to the special design with support for the head, knees and back, people will be able to comfortably relax in the shortest possible time and at the same time not fall. The developers of the sleep pod believe that their invention will help Japanese workers who often overwork to get better rest during breaks.


July 17, 2022

The most beautiful girls according to the zodiac sign. 8th place - Cancer.

Cancers, as, indeed, always, both want and prick: on the one hand, nothing human is alien to Cancers (suddenly!), And admiration for their beautiful person, of course, flatters them. On the other hand, it seems to be a sin to use beauty for selfish purposes. However, this is very convenient for others: by the appearance of Cancer, you can always draw accurate conclusions about her rich inner world. In the sense that the more beautiful the young lady Cancer, the more pious she is. So it makes sense to approach the written beauties born in July immediately with a marriage proposal. Otherwise, you can get caught up in the cabbage soup.


July 17, 2022

Show 4 more jealous signs of the zodiac. Leo.

Narcissistic Leos prefer to express their feelings on a grand scale. If a Leo man falls in love, he wants the whole world to know about it right away. But if he suspects his partner of cheating, he will be very eloquent in expressing emotions, and when their impulse overwhelms him especially strongly, he can even use force. As for the tender half, Leo women are more demanding of their partners than jealous. They will never throw tantrums or make scandals if they suddenly notice that their chosen one is somehow “strange” looking at other girls - this is not gentle for Lionesses, they are much higher than this. True, sometimes their exactingness turns into suspiciousness - that's when it's worth sounding the alarm, because in this case suspicions will arise for any reason.


July 17, 2022

Signs of the zodiac in which the feeling of hatred develops into true love. Scorpio - in bed with the enemy.

Scorpio can think for a long time that love does not exist, explaining the processes between a man and a woman by chemical reactions or self-hypnosis. But then he is faced with what is beyond his understanding, and begins to hate himself for weakness, punishing the object of love with manifestations of hatred. It is Scorpios who develop situations, as in the film, when the main character manipulates the chosen one, uses her, until the last he does not admit to himself the power of feelings. In the struggle between reason and passion, Scorpio idolizes and hates, confesses his love and talks about parting.


July 17, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Try not to succumb to provocations at the beginning of the day. This is not the easiest period; unexpected and unpleasant delays are likely, as well as disputes that can spoil the mood. But over time, the influence of positive trends will increase, there will be more opportunities and reasons for joy. Aquarius♒️ The start of the day is great for meeting someone you'd like to make a good impression on. This will not be difficult to do; your best qualities and strengths will not go unnoticed. The people you meet during this time will soon become your best friends. Pisces♓️ The beginning of the day is unlikely to be without worries and unrest, but serious problems at this time are unlikely to arise. Rather, we will talk only about minor misunderstandings and unfortunate incidents that will not have any serious consequences. Soon the influence of positive trends will increase, you will notice changes for the better.


July 17, 2022


Libra♎️ The day will be hectic and will surely bring some unexpected events, new discoveries and pleasant surprises. Successful coincidences are possible that will give you interesting ideas, tell you where to go next. It is important not to waste time in vain. If new plans appear, you should immediately begin to implement them. Scorpio♏️ You will have time to do a lot of useful things if you do not waste time in vain. Difficulties may arise, but it is not at all necessary to cope with them alone, because there will be people nearby who are ready to support you in everything. Thanks to their support, you will quickly cope with what seemed very difficult before. Sagittarius♐️ Do not start the day with important things and serious conversations. This is a much better time to rest and rejuvenate. Find an interesting and non-fatiguing activity, chat with friends, watch a good movie. All this will help you to tune in a positive way.


July 17, 2022


Cancer♋️ Any important conversations should be conducted in a relaxed atmosphere: it will be much easier to find a solution that everyone will like. The day is well suited to receive guests. You can invite people with whom you once had business interests. It is possible that new plans will appear today, the implementation of which will be beneficial to everyone. Leo♌️ It is worth taking the initiative in personal relationships. If you are in a quarrel with someone, try to make peace today: it will surely work out. Unusual acquaintances, meetings are possible that will make a strong impression on you. A romantic attraction, even love at first sight, is not ruled out. Virgo♍️ A good day to deal with serious issues. This is where intuition will help you. You will listen to her prompts and will not let anyone confuse you. Unexpected successes are possible where you did not count on them at all. Many Virgos will surprisingly quickly learn what they previously thought was very difficult.


July 17, 2022


Aries♈️ Try to keep your composure, even if it's not going to be easy. The emotional background will be unstable, because of this, you can react sharply to any trifles, get angry because of what you simply would not pay attention to at another time. Think good things more. Reasons for joy today will be enough; it is important to notice them in time. Taurus♉️ In the morning, you should focus on the things you started earlier: you will quickly complete them, achieve the desired result, and this will require almost no effort. This is a good time to take the initiative and share ideas. Many will be happy to support you, so the implementation of even the most daring plans will not be a problem. Gemini♊️ Be prepared for the unexpected: today, for sure, something will not go according to plan. Amazing and strange events can happen that will push you to interesting thoughts, help you take a fresh look at familiar things. Many Gemini will have new hobbies and interests.


July 17, 2022

Safety in anal sex.

Having anal sex without a condom is a big folly, as the rectal mucosa is very thin and delicate. And this means that the risk of bringing various infections into the body is quite large.


July 16, 2022

Laugh during sex.

Most men claim to be afraid of women's laughter during sex. Even the causeless laughter of a girl can lead to a sharp decrease in erection.


July 16, 2022

Dispelling myths about sex.

Myth 1. Magic positions for conception ... a child of the right gender! Changing positions affects pleasure during sex, not the Y chromosome. But nice idea! Myth 2. I will burn a lot of calories in the heat of passion. Provided that the act of love will be oh-oh-very long)) In 12 minutes you will lose only 42 calories! And in a regular workout, it’s already ten times more. Myth 3. The size of the penis depends on the parameters of the nose, palms and feet. Nope. Science has not proven a connection between them. And a simple glance at a man is not enough to understand his scope of erection. Myth 4. Let's go get a female orgasm! Can we replace it with the extraction of pleasure? Sex is about enjoying each other here and now. Yes, and the female orgasm is a thing with character. It is better to lure him out by concentrating on mutual pleasure.


July 16, 2022

Pose "The embodiment of desires"

A taut body, agitated thoughts and exciting actions will be constant companions of a couple who decide to have sex in this outlandish position: 1. The girl kneels on a chair at the very edge, holding on to the back of the chair, raises one leg up. 2. The man stands behind her between her thighs, holding the girl's raised leg, begins smooth movements in her ass.


July 16, 2022

Don't neglect the "little things"

The G-spot is, of course, wonderful. However, in search of it, you can spend your whole life - and not the fact that you will find it. For most of the fair sex, clitoral orgasm is the favorite and surest way to achieve pleasure. Don't forget about it.


July 16, 2022