3 male zodiac signs that are polygamous by nature. Sagittarius.

Sagittarians are creative and freedom-loving individuals (read more about the sides of their character here). They can not be overly controlled, but it is also impractical to allow everything. They are addicted to different projects, dreams and women. His chosen one should be as unusual as he is, so that a man does not have a desire to find support and inspiration elsewhere. You cannot keep a Sagittarius man with wealth or children: but at the same time, he will not leave the child and will spend time together. The polygamy of Sagittarius pushes him to rash acts and prevents him from living with one chosen one all his life.


July 19, 2022

Horoscope for the week from July 18 to July 24, 2022 for all signs of the zodiac.

Horoscope for the week from July 18 to July 24, 2022 for all signs of the zodiac. The beginning of the week will be quite controversial. You will be driven by enthusiasm and the desire to develop and discover new horizons. At the same time, some haste and even aggression can be observed in actions. Be restrained, otherwise spontaneity can bring great destruction. There is a risk of injury. At the end of the week the situation will be more favorable. But be careful and careful. New perspectives will open before you.


July 18, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Auspicious day for difficult and responsible work. It will not be immediately clear how to proceed, but you will not rush, give yourself time to sort things out and make an informed decision. You will be able to establish business relationships with people with whom you did not find a common language before. It is possible that recent rivals will become your allies. Aquarius♒️ A bright, rich, inspiring day awaits you. It is well suited for discussing important issues: you will surely find like-minded people and get support. Some Aquarians will be able to carry out what they have long planned, to realize a plan on which they had high hopes. A real breakthrough is likely. Pisces♓️ Today it will be useful for you to attract attention to yourself. Without false modesty, talk about your victories and achievements, share your experience. You will be listened to by very different people, among them may be your future allies, business partners and friends. An acquaintance with which a romantic story begins is not excluded.


July 18, 2022


Libra♎️ At the beginning of the day, it is important not to build illusions and not rush to conclusions. This is not the easiest time, especially from a professional point of view. You may encounter unexpected difficulties, make unfortunate mistakes. Fortunately, all errors can be noticed and corrected in time. Scorpio♏️ The day will be favorable for communication. You will quickly get along with very different people, easily agree even with those who are not at all like you, look at things differently and are interested in completely different things. Unusual, but very successful trade unions can develop. Sagittarius♐️ Don't try to solve all problems on your own. Today, it is not only possible, but also necessary to seek help: this is how you can find new allies, get close to people whose support will come in handy more than once. Many Sagittarians will benefit from someone else's experience. Don't be afraid to ask questions, even if you think they might seem silly to some.


July 18, 2022


Cancer♋️ Get rid of unnecessary things, put things in order; today it will help to tune in to a businesslike mood, to get rid of doubts and unpleasant thoughts that prevent you from moving forward. You can focus on financial matters. Here you will be lucky. Intuition will help you make profitable deals. Leo♌️ The day should start with the hardest things. The first half will be interesting and fruitful. If you do not waste time in vain, you will achieve what you have been striving for for a long time. Lucky matches are possible. You will not get confused and get the most out of them. Virgo♍️ Take your time. This is not the easiest day, but you can still succeed. This will require perseverance, which will be especially important in the morning. Do not give up what you have started if you encounter difficulties, do not retreat in front of obstacles. It will soon become clear that you are on the right track. People around you will understand this, they will probably want to help you.


July 18, 2022


Aries♈️ Make plans: today you correctly assess both your strengths and the situation as a whole, understand how events will develop and who you can rely on. It is possible that very influential people will offer you their help in the implementation of your plan. In such cases, it is better not to refuse, because there is a chance to agree on a long mutually beneficial cooperation. Taurus♉️ The day will be inspiring, easy and interesting. Good luck will accompany many of your undertakings, you will quickly achieve success in new business, but you will also complete successfully what you started earlier. True, it will be difficult to avoid fuss and confusion, but they will not prevent you from orienting yourself in the situation and making the right decisions. Gemini♊️ Tune in a peaceful way, try to avoid conflicts with others. It will not be easy to maintain good relations with everyone, but it is still possible. Listen to your intuition: it will tell you how best to behave.


July 18, 2022

Pose "Low Doggy"

This position can awaken wild passion in you, because a man has taken an ideal position in which it is easy to feel his superiority over the weaker sex. 1. The girl, lying on her stomach, bends her knees and spreads them apart, she does the same with her hands. 2. The man is attached behind her and leans forward, holding his body on one outstretched arm.


July 17, 2022

Guys with such sexual complexes are best avoided.

Othello complex. This is the standard nonsense of jealousy. The Othello complex did not arise from scratch, it is one of the forms of delirium of damage, usually signaling problems not only on the personal front. Quasimodo complex. It is officially called dysmorphophobia. This is a psychological disorder in which a person mistakenly evaluates his appearance as disgusting to others. Orest complex. This is one of the severe forms of misogyny - hostility towards women in general. It is formed in childhood, and if the father is frightened by the evil mother or, conversely, the mother is the object of humiliation in the house, the boy may be filled with disdain for the female sex in general.


July 17, 2022

Sex "Lanto"

Regardless of which of the partners "leads the process", all movements are averaged and reproduced without much strain. This pace of sex is often referred to as "on duty" because you can have this sex as much as you want without really straining your core muscles.


July 17, 2022

Satisfyer Marvelous Four: Four toys in one set.

The set consists of 4 nozzles and a common base for them. The nozzles are made in the form of a rabbit vibrator, anal and vacuum wave vibrators, as well as a mini vanda. They are installed on the base by rotating the parts 90° until they click (Click & Rotate). Since the motor is not located in the base, but in the nozzle itself, strong vibrations are pre-programmed - always exactly where they are most needed. There are 12 vibration programs for consumers, and the vacuum wave stimulator has 11 different intensity levels.


July 17, 2022

Prepare her.

The main key to arousing a girl is not to rush. Men tend to get aroused quickly, while women take longer. This means that you need to prepare the girl and then seduce her beautifully and slowly. The most important part of this preparation is to make her feel comfortable and safe. Below you will read many steps about respect, seeking agreement and other things that you may not find "exciting". Don't neglect them, they are important. Sex for women takes place not only on the physical level, but also on the mental level - if you make sure that they do not worry, you are halfway there.


July 17, 2022

Proper zucchini.

The idea of ​​​​a delicious and proper dinner is to keep and delight your figure. Ingredients: 1 large zucchini, 400g minced meat, 200g sour cream, 2 medium tomatoes, 100-200g hard cheese, salt, pepper. Cooking: 1. Cut the zucchini into large rings. 2. Cut out the middle of the rings and finely cut it. 3. Salt the mince, pepper and add the finely chopped middle of the zucchini rings. 4. Put the zucchini rings on a baking sheet covered with parchment, put the minced meat in the middle and grease with sour cream. 5. Cut the tomato into slices and spread on top of the zucchini. 6. Send to a preheated oven at 180 • for 30 minutes. 7. Cut the cheese into slices and after the time has passed, put it on the zucchini and send it back to the oven for 10 minutes.


July 17, 2022

Exercises against fat on the abdomen and sides

1. Squats. Start with 20 squats. The back is straight, the abdominal muscles are tense. 2. Tilts to the sides. 20 times several approaches. 3. Lying on the floor on your side, raise your legs to a level of 90 degrees to the body. 20 reps on each side for several sets. This is the most effective exercise. 4. Lying on the floor, hands behind your head. We pedal. The exercise is familiar to you. Very effective for the stomach. 5. Exercises with a hoop or hula hoop remove fat well from the sides and from the abdomen. Do not spare the money and get yourself this gymnastic equipment. Make it a rule to do these 5 exercises every day and in a month you will notice how the fat began to leave the sides and abdomen, thallium will acquire beautiful outlines, and some will even appear :) well, less flour and sweet.


July 17, 2022

New innovative Coca Cola product.

Coca Cola has created a new innovative product for the Chinese market: a beauty drink that you drink (Attention! Before going to bed!!) and wake up beautiful and rested in the morning. New Beauty Magic Cola contains: -GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which improves sleep quality, memory and well-being. collagen peptides. What is the use of collagen, and how it has a beneficial effect on our skin, we all know. Coca Cola knowingly entered the Chinese market with this product. After all, it is Chinese medicine from time immemorial based on the fact that a person is what he eats. And the right food can cure many ailments. It is very interesting to see how such giants as Coca Cola, associated exclusively with harmful drinks and "prohibited", head for wellness.


July 17, 2022

Facial care. 4. Care for Biologique Recherche "Second skin"

Facial care. 4. Care for Biologique Recherche "Second skin" This procedure stimulates regenerative processes, has a lifting effect and "draws" the oval of the face. In terms of effectiveness, it is comparable to injection methods. The Second Skin Facial is an intense, regenerating treatment that acts on the extracellular matrix of the skin to accelerate cell renewal, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and optimize healing.


July 17, 2022

Facial care. 3. Hydrafacial.

Thanks to my friend for opening this procedure to me with the right approach and in the right place. What it is? This is a deep, vacuum facial cleansing using various serums aimed at different skin problems. After the procedure, the pores are narrowed, and the skin is tightened and in general you come out very beautiful, already glowing, plus saving time!


July 17, 2022

Facial care. 2. Microcurrents.⠀

There are many and they are all different. I love Biogenie. This is a hardware technique for the face, based on a combination of microcurrents and professional cosmetics specially designed for this device. After such a procedure, you immediately get a wow effect: everything is tightened, and most importantly, the complexion is such that it’s like you haven’t crawled out of the spa for a week.


July 17, 2022

Let's talk about facials.

I am an adherent of everything natural and I believe that a woman should be able to grow up beautifully (look at the French women). So here are my top favorite non-invasive procedures: 1. Buccal and sculptural facial massages. In this matter, I trust the experts who studied with Joel Siocco. By the way, Joel herself at her 60+ looks simply amazing and this is without a single injection of beauty and plasticity. This is exactly what I mean when I advise you to take the example of organic "aging" from French women. They do it brilliantly!


July 17, 2022

Childhood trauma.

Most women with an inferiority complex had problems with their father in childhood: he could pay attention to the girl's shortcomings and make incorrect remarks, he was stingy with emotions and showing warm feelings for his daughter. Relations with the mother also affect, because she is an example for a girl to follow. Another mistake in raising girls is when parents laugh at their daughter's imperfections or try to improve something, which in the end also turns into psychological trauma. The girl constantly focuses on her own shortcomings, and pushes her virtues into the background. She does not accept herself, just as they did not accept her and her feelings in childhood.


July 17, 2022

More than a teacher: Who is a mentor and why your child needs one.

A mentor is an authoritative adult who guides and helps a kid with defining her/himself, the interests, and abilities. The main difference from a teacher is that a mentor doesn't teach the school curriculum, but helps you find your own life and career path. Mentor's working areas: • Helping you find your weaknesses and strengths; • Defining interests; • Choosing a profession; • Combating bad habits; • Solving problems in communication with peers. Why mentoring? Mentoring is aimed at making one adjusted to life, that is to be able to think effectively, explore one's potential, and build skills to use them in some difficult situations.


July 17, 2022