Sitting around a campfire causes significantly more harm to health than smoking cigarettes.

Studies show that smoke from burning wood contains 30 times more carcinogens than tobacco smoke.


July 19, 2022

About cinema.

The scene in The Wolf of Wall Street where McConaughey hits his chest was not in the script. It's just that the actor was so relaxed in fact, and DiCaprio, seeing this, offered to include the scene in the film.


July 19, 2022

The engineer built a radio-controlled submarine from LEGO.

The design has a pressure sensor, a laser distance sensor and an automatic depth controller. This is the fourth and most advanced version of the submarine - in 20 minutes it covered 200 meters along a shallow river.


July 19, 2022

Here is the ring!

India's SWA Diamonds has created a ring with a record 23,679 diamonds. A decoration called "Ami" ("Immortality") has been added to the Guinness Book of Records. It is made in the form of an edible pink oyster mushroom growing in the tropics. The cost of a 340-gram ring is $95,000.


July 19, 2022

Heat waves are more dangerous for women than for men.

Dutch scientists analyzed the consequences of a heat wave recorded in 2003 in France. It turned out that taking into account the same age, the mortality rate among women is 15% higher than among men. Experts attribute this to the different intensity of sweating and the work of the cardiovascular system in the two sexes.


July 19, 2022

An American single-handedly cleared the mangrove forests on the coral islands of the Florida Keys from 10 tons of garbage

Namely: syringes, used hygiene items, furniture, auto parts and mirrors. It took five years. First, 35-year-old Andrew Otazo cleaned up an abandoned camp for fugitives. Then he began to collect garbage all over the coast, even while freediving. Andrew believes that a sewer system would solve the problem, but so far the local authorities have no plans to install it.


July 19, 2022

In broccoli, they found a substance that heals wounds twice as fast as antibiotics.

Israeli scientists have found that diindolylmethane (DIM), found in broccoli, cauliflower and other vegetables, heals wounds twice as fast as antibiotics. An ointment based on diindolylmethane was tested on pigs. It turned out that the substance interferes with the vital activity of bacteria. Thanks to this, the wounds are healed in five days. Medicines with antibiotics heal them in ten. Now scientists are working on the creation of a full-fledged ointment suitable for people. If the trials are successful, she could replace antibiotics.


July 19, 2022

Aquarium fish can count.

Aquarium fish can count. Aquarium fish, in particular zebrafish, perceive magnitudes - they understand how many objects are in front of them. For mathematical calculations, fish connect parts of the brain similar to those used by mammals and birds. This ability helps to assess the amount of food or competitors.


July 19, 2022

In China, a dead mosquito helped catch a burglar.

Police tracked down a burglar while investigating a burglary in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. Examining the robbed apartments in one of the residential complexes, the investigators came to the conclusion that the offender stayed there for the night. Leftover noodles, egg shells and used mosquito repellent were found in the apartment. In addition, a crushed insect was found on the wall, which helped to solve the theft. After collecting blood samples left after the killed mosquito, the police conducted a DNA test, which led them to a previously convicted man named Chai. After 19 days, the thief was found and arrested. Further investigation uncovered three more burglaries by the same perpetrator.


July 19, 2022

The manufacturer of Skittles was sued over a poisonous dye that changes DNA.

American consumers have filed a lawsuit against Mars in a California state court. The plaintiffs allege that the level of titanium dioxide (E171) in Skittles candies is exceeded. This additive is used in paints, adhesives, plastics and can cause DNA, brain and organ damage, as well as damage to the liver and kidneys.


July 19, 2022

Scientists have figured out why woodpeckers don't get brain damage.

They disproved the popular hypothesis that why woodpeckers don't get concussions when they bang their heads on wood. Previously it was believed that the structure of the skull absorbs shocks, but the researchers proved that the heads of woodpeckers are more like hard hammers, rather than protective helmets. The authors of the new study believe this is because their brains are too small. The pressure ensures the safety of the woodpecker's brain, and the force on it is below that which can lead to a concussion. However, these birds are not immune to traumatic brain injury. They can get it if, instead of wood, they mistakenly start chiseling metal.


July 19, 2022

The most beautiful girls according to the zodiac sign. 6th place - Taurus.

An honorable central place in the horoscope is occupied by Taurus, to whom the Dear Universe of beauty showered generously, but forgot to put the instructions for use. And Taurus is now telling everyone that using beauty for serious achievements is below their dignity: you need to get settled in life with the help of your mind and strength of character, and not like some, we won’t point fingers, although we should be like that. In fact, Taurus tries to use their beauty, but every time an epic fail comes out: some kind of beggars, cheerful gouges always peck at their beautiful eyes - instead of the owners of breweries, newspapers and steamships. Life is pain!


July 19, 2022

4 most jealous signs of the zodiac. Taurus.

Representatives of this sign often consider their partners as property that cannot be shared with anyone. The Taurus woman completely surrenders herself to relationships and spends a lot of energy on it, therefore she requires the same return from her beloved. But, unlike Aries, they cannot quickly let go of grievances, but rather the opposite - it is very difficult to earn their forgiveness. Taurus men are also owners by nature, so they will regard the slightest sign of infidelity as a great betrayal. But all representatives of this sign are straightforward and will not harbor a grudge, they prefer to face problems face to face and do not hide anything.


July 19, 2022

3 male zodiac signs that are polygamous by nature. Aries.

For Aries, conquering women often becomes a sporting event. Among the representatives of this sign there are many Don Juan, who disappear from the life of a girl as soon as they conquer and fall in love with themselves. At a young age, Aries care little about the feelings of others, and at a more mature age, even Aries who have married for love look at other women. Aries are cynical about feelings and lovers. A woman should be charming, strong and spectacular: such that the partner is afraid of losing her. In other cases, Aries is not against several parallel relationships.


July 19, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Important meetings and serious conversations should be postponed until the afternoon. And the morning is better to devote to some pleasant activities. Is there an opportunity to relax and get away from business? It's worth doing just that. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. After all, there will be people nearby who are ready to come to your rescue at any time. Aquarius♒️ The morning will be favorable for new things. Your intuition will tell you what to do first. There will be people nearby who are ready to support any of your ideas. Perhaps the beginning of both business and friendships. Even important work issues at this time should be discussed in an informal setting: it will be easier to agree this way. Pisces♓️ The day will be rich and fruitful. If you do not waste time on trifles, you will achieve even more than you expected. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely avoid disagreements and disputes, but you will find a way to smooth out all the sharp corners, get along with people with whom you did not find a common language before.


July 19, 2022


Libra♎️ Be especially careful at the beginning of the day. This is not the best time to make important decisions, especially when it comes to work and business. It can be difficult to correctly assess the situation, to guess how events will develop further. Scorpio♏️ Be prepared to change plans. It is unlikely that today everything will turn out the way you expected. Many decisions made earlier will have to be abandoned. Delays in business, some work problems, due to which it will not be possible to implement everything planned in time, are not ruled out. Remember, you don't have to deal with all problems alone. There are people around you to turn to for support; they will be happy to help. Sagittarius♐️ Do not waste time in vain in the morning, try to spend this time productively. There will be a chance to quickly cope with difficult tasks, to find answers to questions that have baffled many. Your resourcefulness will make a strong impression on others; many will want to get to know you better.


July 19, 2022


Cancer♋️ Don't look for easy ways. In order to achieve your goals, you will have to work hard today. But insurmountable obstacles will not arise, so do not rush to retreat and abandon your plan if something goes wrong. In the morning it is better to act on your own, but in the middle of the day you will have allies you can rely on. Leo♌️ The less you worry about the little things, the more successful this day will be. In the morning, it is hardly possible to avoid the hustle and bustle, and besides, something may not go according to plan. But you will quickly orient yourself in the situation, behave exactly as it should, and achieve excellent results. Virgo♍️ It is better not to schedule important meetings for the first half of the day. Even with old acquaintances it will be difficult to agree. Tense moments are likely, it will be difficult to avoid misunderstandings. But this time is perfect for independent work. If no one distracts you, you will achieve great success.


July 19, 2022


Aries♈️ It will be difficult to concentrate on work: some personal matters or problems that have arisen with loved ones may be distracting. But try to still pay attention to professional tasks. If you succeed, you will soon receive very interesting offers, you will be able to climb the career ladder. Taurus♉️ Don't believe everything new people say. Today, many will try to win your sympathy and trust, but not everyone will do it with the best of intentions. In important matters, it is better to rely on those with whom you have previously collaborated more than once. Gemini♊️ Focus on the important things: you can get through them quickly and you're sure to get great results if you focus. The day is suitable for meetings with potential partners and employers, negotiations on cooperation, and simply for discussing work issues.


July 19, 2022

The most beautiful girls according to the zodiac sign. 7th place - Aries.

Aries remembers that beauty is a terrible force, and so it uses it: only exclusively when all other methods do not work and it's time to cut the ropes, shout "Geronimo!" and press the red button. That's when Aries puts on his most revealing dress, twists his curls, draws a girl-girl on his face and goes out to fight to the death - one warrior in the field. And from the bodies of men who fell under the onslaught of her beauty, then it will be possible to lay down the second Great Wall of China.


July 19, 2022

4 most jealous signs of the zodiac. Scorpion.

Astrologers call Scorpios almost the most jealous representatives of the zodiac circle. Even the slightest reasons for jealousy will corrode Scorpio women from the inside, but they are unlikely to decide on loud scandals and tantrums. Scorpio men always rush headlong into relationships, but at the same time they cannot fully trust their partner, so they see betrayal even where there is none. Representatives of this sign are monogamous by nature and will never allow themselves to “fall” to betrayal. And they demand the same attitude from their chosen ones. Although these guys should learn to loosen their grip at times, especially when it comes to true love.


July 19, 2022