Licorice against tooth decay and age-related pigmentation.

Licorice contains glycerrisine and triterpenoids, which strengthen the immune system and are used to treat oral diseases, gum disease and tooth decay. Licorice Root Extract regulates melanin production to help fight age-related dark spots. Licorice extract evens out skin tone, making age spots less noticeable, tightens the contour of the face. You can apply it by simply brewing licorice root, insist - wipe your face or rinse your mouth.


July 19, 2022

After 40 years, these elements must be monitored.

Magnesium. The lack of this electrolyte is a fairly common problem among older women. It can cause constipation, muscle spasms, headaches, and digestive dysfunction. Get tested to see if your diet is high enough in magnesium. It is found in foods such as beans, nuts, and leafy greens. Vitamin E. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that can protect your cells from oxidative damage and slow down the aging process. Add hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts, and corn oil to your diet. Iron. Women often lose iron as a result of heavy menstrual bleeding, which can occur for many reasons. Another problem is that as we age, less acid is produced in our stomach, which impairs iron absorption.


July 19, 2022

Pumpkin seeds are great for heartburn.

An excellent remedy for excruciating burning sensation. It should be consumed raw, not fried. Once in the stomach, pumpkin seeds contribute to the production of enzymes that process excess hydrochloric acid and thereby neutralize its negative effect. In addition, in the process of digestion, pumpkin seeds envelop the walls of the stomach, and burning pains behind the sternum disappear.


July 19, 2022

The benefits of Hibiscus tea.

A warm drink raises blood pressure and helps to cheer up. A cold drink, on the contrary, reduces pressure and soothes. Hibiscus has a diuretic and laxative effect, linoleic acid lowers cholesterol and prevents the appearance of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. It also fights bacteria and viral infections, so tea is especially useful in the autumn-winter period for colds. Citric acid supports immunity. The bright red color of the tea is due to the substance anthocyanin. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has a beneficial effect on the entire body. Calcium and phosphorus strengthen bones, teeth, hair and nails.


July 19, 2022

Myths in hair care.

Trimming the ends speeds up hair growth. It has been proven that hair growth depends only on the hair follicle and blood circulation. Shampoo must be changed regularly. Although the myth is very common, it is absolutely not true: high-quality modern beauty products are not addictive. Do not tuck hair into the collar of a sweater. By hiding the strands behind the collar of a sweater or turtleneck, on the contrary, you protect them from temperature changes. The more often you wash your hair, the better. Frequent use of shampoo strips hair of natural oils that add shine and thickness. Limit shampoo use to three times a week.


July 19, 2022

Did you know that our mobility and immobility directly affect our IQ and emotions?

Recent research suggests that our thoughts and our inner sense of self are connected to the movements of the body together. For example, walking or running is equally good for our psychological state. But, if you need new ideas, it is better to go on a low pulse. This will reduce activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for rational thinking. Thus, you will have more creative ideas and thoughts. Dancing also has a very good effect on our emotional state. Because during the dance, our brain guesses what will happen in the next moment and what the next movement will be. And when we get into a rhythm, the brain releases a dose of dopamine as a reward.


July 19, 2022

The choice of sunscreen should be treated carefully.

Did you know that most sunscreens contain avobenzone, which breaks down into harmful chemicals on the skin? Therefore, on all spf products, you need to carefully read the composition so that there are no these most common chemical filters: 4-Aminobenzoic acid (PABA) Avobenzone Вenzophenone-3 Cinoxate Diethanolamine methoxycinnamate Dioxybenzone Ensulizole Enzacamene Meradimate Octinoxate (except Encapsulated octinoxate) Octisalate Octocrylene Oxybenzone Padimate O Sulisobenzone Triethanolamine salicylate.


July 19, 2022

You have low self-esteem.

If your parents: • Compared to mother's friend's daughter. There was always someone better to look up to. • They devalued: “Here I was already (a) at your age ...!”, “Four is not an assessment”, “Enough nonsense, she draws, she dances, it’s better to tidy up the room.” • You did not match the environment: old, not fashionable clothes, glasses, hair. Laughs for this. • There was a different attitude towards a brother/sister. • You felt unloved, didn't want or wanted a boy. • Criticized your appearance: eat little/much, crooked legs, "Pinocchio", "Cheburashka", not beautiful. • Noticed only shoals, and praise was not accepted and harmful. Are you suddenly spoiled? Low self-esteem is self-loathing, pessimism, and learned helplessness. Men neglect, do not notice, you seem to be afraid to live and be happy.


July 19, 2022

He wants nothing. How to stir it up?

What if he aspires to nothing? Are you tired of motivating, and he keeps saying “it’s okay”? A man may refuse development for two reasons: 1. For him, success and achievements have no value, he prefers idleness and peace. To motivate is like teaching a stone to fly. This can be seen in his priorities, in the way he spends his free time. 2. For him, development is something else. For example, you dream of an apartment with a mortgage, and he travels around the world for six months. That is, you do not want to motivate him, but to remake him. But he has his own vision of success. What to do with them? Leave the first one on the couch and test the theory, will he learn to be independent if he has nothing to eat? And the second one must be strongly loved and not redone, because by redoing it, you will make him unhappy. Is this love?


July 19, 2022

Devaluation is the most toxic manipulation.

Devalue - let the person know that he is not important. Or his feelings, desires, problems do not matter to the interlocutor. ▪Oh, never mind, I found something to worry about! ▪Just think you quit, you will have a thousand more of them! ▪I would like your problems. ▪What are you always whining about, smile, life is beautiful! ▪ She is tired, and who is not tired? Did you think you were in a fairy tale? ▪It's all from idleness, you're just lazy. ▪Yes, you yourself chose this, why are you complaining now? Don't like it - leave. ▪Say thanks for not sending at all! ▪Yes, who needs you then? ▪Don't give a damn about your requests, lower the bar! Donate a lip-roller? ▪Don't say a word to her, how tender! ▪Do you think I'm not offended? I'm silent! ▪If I were you, I would never... We are so used to being devalued that we do this to ourselves once an hour, without lunch and days off.


July 19, 2022

Technique "Timekeeping".

It is a time fix for any tasks, even for such primitive ones as morning exercises or lunch. The bottom line: You write down every task that you spend time on, thereby during the week you will be able to solve the following tasks: - determine what your time is spent on; - identify chronophages, that is, "time eaters"; - to develop a "sense of efficiency" and "sense of time".


July 19, 2022

Professionalism and awareness.

It's a lot of hard work. Making unpopular, that is critical decisions. Taking emotional risks and stepping out of your comfort zone. Standing your ground. Often not knowing for sure. Doing, redoing, inventing. Again and again facing ignorance, which only becomes wider as the light that stands out from the darkness extends by an effort of attention.


July 19, 2022

Envy wears different masks.

Well, that's due to the fact that no one wants to feel it, because envy is bad, shameful, low and sometimes unbearable. We try to hide our envy from ourselves and thus call it by different names, forbidding ourselves to feel it in order to think well of ourselves. As a result, we feel empty, sad and even angry. We are afraid of the envy of others, since it is a really dangerous feeling, and sometimes it is better to keep quiet about one's own successes. Otherwise you can suddenly become depreciated and abused by others.


July 19, 2022

Smart people say: stop comparing yourself to others.

But no matter what heights of awareness we have reached, willingly or unwillingly, consciously or subconsciously, we still compare ourselves to others. That's because behind it is an evolutionary mechanism that ensures our survival. It is not a "why" question that really matters but "what we have as a result" of such a comparison. Well, as a result, we have different feelings, most commonly - envy.


July 19, 2022

The desire to impress.

The desire to show off is also used by manipulators as a weapon. Knowledge of a person's character, including weaknesses, makes them an easy target for exploitation. So the first step to defend manipulation is not to reveal your weaknesses! However, it is really necessary to know them. This allows to protect yourself not only from being manipulated, but also from being criticized.


July 19, 2022


Manipulators usually use curiosity as a weapon to attract and retain attention. All public speaking manuals recommend that you begin your speech with a story that arouses curiosity. And during the speech, make promises to talk about something exciting a little later. Every episode of a soap opera is usually stopped at the most interesting moment...


July 19, 2022

How to identify a provocateur?

Let's list the phrases peculiar to her or him: 1. "It never happened, you're just making it up." 2. "I'm just expressing my opinion, I have the right to do so." 3. "Are you absolutely sure of what you're saying?" 4. "Prove your point, please!" 5. "Are you saying I'm wrong?" These are the most basic phrases provocateurs give out in order to cause you to have doubts. Of course, after such words, many fall into a daze: after all, everything you said has been argued and proven, but the person still refuses to accept it. Such a behavior can make you feel insecure. Moreover, it can cause anger, confusion and anxiety.


July 19, 2022

Take care of yourself.

A combination of four types of exercise can help you stay strong and resilient: • Walking, biking and swimming strengthen the cardiovascular system. • Weightlifting strengthens and maintains muscles. • Stretching exercises help you remain flexible. • Yoga balance training helps avoid falls.


July 19, 2022

Did you know?

The penis is usually darker in color than the rest of the man's body. This is due to the fact that the skin on the penis is larger than it looks, as it must be stretched.


July 19, 2022

Special penalty.

The Australian Aborigines had a special form of execution, which consisted in performing a “curse” ritual on the criminal. Very often the “damned” died within a few days after that - so strong was the belief in this ritual.


July 19, 2022