Aries♈️ The day is good for intensive communication of Aries with loved ones. He also disposes to games, literary creativity and promotional activities. An unexpected meeting with a former passion is possible. Topics related to the upbringing, education or recreation of your child may again become relevant. You can plan a visit to beautiful, but long-forgotten places. Taurus♉️ It's time for Taurus to talk with the household about what has been worrying them and you for a long time. The most relevant may be pressing issues related to cosmetic repairs, moving, family vacations, receiving guests. The stars say that you should not worry about the financial side of the discussed plans. Gemini♊️ Gemini have excellent conditions for communication, study, exchange of thoughts. It is possible that you will answer phone calls, work with documents or correspond until the evening. It is also a favorable time for organizing meetings, personal dates, short trips.


July 20, 2022

Borrowing from tomorrow is a bad idea.

Few people are really able to catch and stop the growing catastrophe. And the result, as a rule, is the same: lost time, rollback in results, failed self-esteem. Well, and zeroing the counter. Not flint. Just a human. It is better to understand about yourself in advance. And follow an adequate course, without testing the strength of what you can’t handle later. The counter is reset only from your side. With his, he remembers everything, knows everything and continues to cheat.


July 20, 2022

Everything has its time and everything has its place.

Every cycle has a beginning and an end. The mind is responsible for building an adequate deficit and loads, the will for the implementation of the plan. A diet (like any other process) has a beginning and an end. It is followed by summing up, course correction, choice of tools and a new segment of conscious work.


July 20, 2022

What to do?

In fact, forgiving yourself is good. Feelings of guilt are useless. And to understand that mistakes happen, this is normal. Awareness is the first part of working on mistakes. It is also useful to realize that miscalculations can be simply pleasant. A vacation without a total loss of awareness is not a slip, but a conscious release of control, but not to a state of chaos. Holidays, when you eat more and tastier for a couple of days, and then calmly return to the regime, this is not a slip, but common sense.


July 20, 2022

The result of self-deception.

This tactic has two outcomes: 1. The literal lack of results, coupled with a sense of guilt, 2. Development of unhealthy cycles of ate-fasted/prayed-again ate, Both, as a rule, lead to an actual breakdown and ... resetting the counter. Like, what happened, then passed, I'll pretend that nothing happened. New Monday, new me. Zeroing does not imply work on the mistakes, it only implies the start of the next cycle with the accumulation of debt according to the snowball method with the inevitable collapse at the end.


July 20, 2022

Self-deception in counting calories.

The most cunning guys and girls eventually deceive themselves by doing this: the appetite on the diet grows, the planochka begins to squeeze. And blunders begin to occur with the transfer "for tomorrow." Well? We have a flexible diet, tomorrow I will compensate. However, the next day, the appetite does not go anywhere, and in the same way it tickles the stomach and knocks on the head. The comrade, in collusion with his appetite, again hamsters in excess, and the debt passes to the next day, as a rule, slightly growing. This cycle is addictive, like using a credit card: it’s even nice to take other people’s funds, but it’s painful to give your own.


July 20, 2022

There is another non-obvious problem (even a rake), which consistently brings losing weight.

Some form of self-sabotage. Lack of flexible diet. We all know perfectly well that not only the daily calorie content is important, but also the weekly one. And that you can vary your consumption from day to day, for example, set the bar higher on a training day. Or raise on the weekend (Attention! Do not cancel, but raise!). Or abuse it in Sabantuy and subtract from the next day or two.


July 20, 2022

Calorie counting formulas. Should they be trusted?

Calorie counting formulas. Should they be trusted? Calorie counting formulas work just as accurately as fortune telling predictions. Formulas don't know a lot about you, and that's why they miss.


July 20, 2022

The myth of microcalories.

People who live on microcalories and feel great are either very positive vegetables in the garden, or liars, conscious and not very. And if you look closely, all the broken and slow metabolisms immediately take on a measurable form and it immediately becomes clear who the snail is in life (creeping a hundred kilograms along the slope of Fukushima) and what kind of appetite it has.


July 20, 2022

Counting calories. Popular mistakes.

Counting calories. Popular mistakes. Counting is also a skill. You need to learn to be more precise, trust the eye less, stop writing at the end of the day from memory and start choosing positions with adequate calorie content. Everyone who counts “by eye”, they have a tariff of one hundred: one hundred grams of this, two hundred of that. And most importantly - consistently past.


July 20, 2022

Explore your body.

Explore your body. Orgasm arises from the stimulation of the awakened erogenous zone. Unawakened zones give a very weak signal, since there is no connection between the point on the body and the brain area responsible for arousal. And this does not arise by itself - only as a result of active actions. You have to learn how to find your own erogenous zones and awaken them.


July 19, 2022

What do you like?

What kind of porn videos are still able to excite, and which, on the contrary, completely remove desire: Classic. The most popular among girls are videos with beautiful, unhurried, albeit open sex. Oral. More than half of women try to avoid videos where oral sex is present: they consider it a very personal event, which in the life of not every woman happens at all.


July 19, 2022

Reverse rider.

The difference between this position and the classic horsewoman lies in the position of the man: he lies down on the bed with his feet on the floor. And the girl plays a leading role: it is she who, raising and lowering the pelvis, determines the speed and depth of entry.


July 19, 2022

Morning sex...is it worth it?

Scientists have calculated that women are at the peak of desire from 6:00 to 9:00 and from 18:00 to 00:00, and men from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 18:00 to 3:00. inconsistency Someone just loves the romance of morning passion and special sex in a slightly sleepy state. And the moments before the alarm clock are the most juicy and bright for such couples. It's fine! But there are many who would like to do the same, but it does not work out. Why? But: Sleepy! Owls in the morning want nothing but sleep, and their libido will increase during the day Thinking only about work. People wake up, grab the phone and that's it, they are 100% immersed in business. Little sexuality in the morning. Shower, toilet, brushing your teeth is a priority, otherwise the feeling of discomfort will eat you up. Too much light. This is a problem with exposing the body in front of your partner. It is more pleasant for such women to have sex in the twilight.


July 19, 2022

Strongest erogenous zone.

The neck is the strongest female erogenous zone, due to the concentration of a large number of blood vessels and nerve endings in its area. That is why the girls are trying in every possible way to pay attention to this zone. Literally the entire surface of the neck is sensitive - back and front. It is especially recommended to pay attention to the transition area to the scalp from the back.


July 19, 2022

Perfect condom size.

You know that the products of some brands are divided into as many as 9 sizes, from 45 mm to 72 mm, uniquely measured in diameter. After all, only after calculating all the sizes, you can choose your ideal size. (Note that the standard width of condoms from pharmacies and online stores is only 52-57mm.)


July 19, 2022

Pain and discomfort - something that should not be.

Sex is not self-sacrifice, but pleasure. If something hurts, such as a posture or caress of a partner, say so. Or if a partner has a desire that seems unacceptable, this must be explained, and not silently agreed.


July 19, 2022

Do not forget about all parts of the body during sex.

In sex, you do not need to get hung up on the clitoris, breasts, penis. Erogenous zones for many people are the stomach, back, neck, feet - study each other's bodies to achieve maximum bliss!


July 19, 2022

You don't have to be too serious in bed.

Sex is not only pleasant, but also a healthy process, because it: Improves mood; Normalizes sleep; Helps to counter many women's and men's health problems.


July 19, 2022

Eat pomegranate, it is good for cancer prevention.

Pomegranates are best known for their high antioxidant content. However, such invaluable properties of these fruits as the ability to dissolve gallstones, nodules, as well as small ones, for example, ganglion cysts, often remain outside the brackets. They are very effective in combating calcium deposition in tissues and are an excellent means of preventing cancer.


July 19, 2022