My peach.

Buy her underwear. You do not need to purchase a chic peignoir - a set of "week" shorts is enough. Choose the funniest or most gentle (depending on your mood) nicknames from your bed lexicon. Then you go to the office that makes inscriptions on gifts. In general, decorate all her brand new panties with tags "sweet peach", "pussy" and similar nonsense. How it works: Every morning, when your passion grabs underwear from the shelf without looking, it will stumble upon a neat inscription. And remember last night.


July 20, 2022


Are you sick of fashion stores? Try to forget about it, well, at least for one evening. Arrange a fun fitting together. Only these should not be business suits, but lingerie, leather miniatures and stockings or romantic peignoirs with feathers and lace evening dresses... How it works: The main thing is not to lose control - saleswomen can protest anyway. They will have fun too though.


July 20, 2022

Instant striptease.

Find a quieter and warmer corner with an instant photo machine, for example, in an empty department store or supermarket. Feel free to climb into the booth with your girlfriend, pull the curtain and arrange a small erotic show in front of the camera's eye. Then calmly leave, taking a photo. How it works: A little exgibi lives in everyone, you just need to be able to let it out sometimes to frolic. These pictures will become favorites.


July 20, 2022

Crazy sex ideas inflame passion.

Tired of routine sex? Do you want to go back to being 16 years old, when your knees were trembling and your palms were sweating just thinking about "it"? We will try to help you with this. Here are some interesting and unusual ideas.


July 20, 2022

The best version of yourself.

What to pay attention to, what the first steps to take, and what direction to take in order to become the best version of yourself! Step 1: Broaden your horizons. The process of self-development depends so much on our erudition. It is really hard to find any path if you have scant knowledge. Step 2: Read a lot. Books are an invaluable source of knowledge. Whatever your professional field, read! Explore fiction. Discover spiritual literature. The whole world is in books. Step 3: Move. Learning the proper mechanics and specifics of exercise is very mind-blowing. If you're passionate about sports, it's simply impossible not to develop.


July 20, 2022

A conscious person, what is he?

It is a person who understands what he/she is doing at any given moment and is aware of all their actions as well as always able to say "no" when it is necessary. A conscious person understands what is going on in his/her head and can control his/her own thoughts. A person of this kind does not drown in random thoughts. He or she chooses their thoughts in the same way they choose their clothes. Conscious people think before they say anything to others. They understand the meaning of words and keep in mind that they can hurt the other, so they choose words carefully.


July 20, 2022

Reflect on hard questions.

For example, Oxford and Cambridge applicants are often asked tricky questions in entrance exams that train their analytical thinking. Some of them are even published in books. So try to think about them yourself first, and then read the author's reasoning. I'll give you some examples, and you try to answer them: Will your bag ever be empty? An empty bag is not actually empty. In addition to dust, crumbs, scraps of paper, and germs, it is full of air, which takes up all the empty space. But what if you pump out the air? The bag would still be overflowing with the quantum energy produced by constantly appearing and disappearing particles and waves.


July 20, 2022

Be ready to win.

Try to look every day as if today you will be awarded the Oscar. This amazing practice will set you on the right track, increase your self-esteem, and give you positive energy for achievements.


July 20, 2022

Productive time.

For 5-10 minutes before falling into a deep sleep, our subconscious mind is ready to receive important information, process it, and give clues. Dedicate these minutes to analyzing the day's victories, studying self-involvement techniques for positive attitudes, watching helpful videos, and doing spiritual practices.


July 20, 2022

It turns out that blood is divided into six groups, and not four, as previously thought.

This conclusion was made by researchers from the University of Vermont. New species were identified thanks to another discovery - two proteins ABCB6 and ABCG2, located on the surface of red blood cells. Junior and Langereis - this is the name given to new blood types. It turned out that these groups are quite rare and are found in some Americans, in a fairly large number of Japanese and, also, in European gypsies.


July 20, 2022

In Germany, they created a robotic dog that learned to walk on its own.

The four-legged robot corrected its gait after each stumble, and after an hour was able to walk firmly and confidently. The robotic dog is controlled by an algorithm loaded with very little information about its legs, such as the exact shape of various elements.


July 20, 2022

Scientists infiltrated the brains of flies and began to remotely control them.

Thermal sensors in fly brain neurons have been genetically engineered. They are ion channels that respond to temperature changes. When the sensors received heat signals, the neurons fired and caused the fruit flies to spread their wings. The results of the experiments will help scientists treat neurological disorders in humans accurately and with virtually no surgery. Now the team is focused on finding methods to restore vision.


July 20, 2022

A cafe has opened in Japan where you will be forced to work.

The cafe owner looks after discipline and silence. The place is visited by those who need to complete a project in a short time, but they cannot bring themselves to start work. Every 30 minutes, the owner of the cafe comes up and learns about the progress in the implementation of the project, and also reminds about the deadline. The cost of an hour in a cafe is $2.5.


July 20, 2022

Sommelier neural network appeared.

The algorithm determines the degree and variety of wine with an accuracy of 95%. At the same time, the hardware consumes less power and works faster than analogues. The neural network was trained on the characteristics of 148 wines from three types of grapes. Each virtual drink was described by 13 parameters: degree, color, alkalinity, magnesium content, and others.


July 20, 2022

The most beautiful girls according to the zodiac sign. 5th place - Libra.

Libra, in fairness, should hang out somewhere at the end of the rating, but this is too cruel and, most importantly, unfair, because Libra is a beauty fanatic. Everything in Libra's life should be perfect, including themselves. But for personal purposes, Libra does not use beauty at all. Rather, they use their own beauty in only one case: as a standard. With which everything else is compared on the subject of "whether it sets off my beauty or spoils it." Yes, keep in mind: Libra people are also chosen according to this principle.


July 20, 2022

"Indifference is to blame": 4 most insensitive signs of the zodiac. Cancer.

Who wouldn't hug when they meet? Who doesn't smile when they win the lottery? Well, it’s clear who the zodiac crackers are. Let's find out who these thick-skinned guys are. Cancerians top the list of zodiac nihilists. Well, who else constantly pretends to be an ice statue? Sometimes Cancers can buck and throw a tantrum - well, this is the merit of the Moon, under the influence of which poor Cancers fall. Water creatures always win in the "peepers", because they are so calm that they can not blink for hours. And the shell, in which Cancers love to hide so much, has long become an armor around the heart.


July 20, 2022

3 male zodiac signs that are polygamous by nature. Aquarius.

Aquarius loves every time, like for the first time (by the way, he is one of the most stubborn signs of the zodiac). He believes in the purity of his feelings and sincerity, so he does not feel remorse when he suddenly forgets about his partner and is carried away by a new girl. There is enough selfishness in Aquarius to put his feelings first, so he does not consider it necessary to worry about the fact that for girls his attachment to several at once is not allowed. The polygamy of these 3 signs often plays a cruel joke with them: they enjoy different women, fall in love and leave, and at the age of 50 they realize that they are left alone and no one needs them.


July 20, 2022


Capricorn♑️ On this day, the usual activities of Capricorns can become more attractive. You can find new facets in them thanks to the pleasant company of witty people or the opportunity to show your natural creative abilities. This is not the best time to dive into boring calculations. Instead of monotonous routine work, try to restore old connections or decorate the fruits of your labor. Aquarius♒️ On this day, Aquarius has a good chance to be rehabilitated in someone's eyes. If you want to keep your audience's attention longer, mention past interesting events more often. When communicating with a partner, do not strive to the fore, let him speak. Pisces♓️ To successfully interact with colleagues at work, do not show secrecy, vulnerability and discouragement. Artistry, witty thinking, a creative approach to routine, an optimistic look into the past and future are relevant today. An integral part of the Pisces work schedule will be jokes, joint smoke breaks, funny memories.


July 20, 2022


Libra♎️ Today, Libra may unexpectedly hear from an old friend or even meet him. The reason for close reunion will be not only the opportunity to indulge in pleasant memories and the prospect of having fun in a familiar company, but also the revival of some old creative idea that has not yet lost its relevance. Scorpio♏️ On this day, Scorpions will be able to advance thanks to old connections, previous achievements, a long-standing love adventure. Perhaps you will be distinguished from the crowd by the role of an intermediary, toastmaster, writer or showman. However, the need to constantly smile, be in good shape and amuse the audience can cause you to overwork. Sagittarius♐️ Day of positive news. Perhaps Sagittarius will be reminded of himself by a friend of his youth, an acquaintance from abroad or a child who is far from you. You may find that your knowledge or philosophical beliefs need to be rethought. It is possible that obsessive thoughts about emigration, studying abroad, and a political career will again haunt you.


July 20, 2022


Cancer♋️ Today Cancer's thoughts may be preoccupied with children's affairs or financial matters. This is the right time to re-register documents reflecting your financial situation. It is possible to receive monetary compensation. Perhaps you want to realize an old dream, look after a gift, show someone a favor. Leo♌️ The day is favorable for studying, traveling, working with search engines. The main emphasis of the Lions should be on rethinking the information received earlier, editing texts, meeting with old friends, repeating the past. You may be able to use your artistic and literary abilities. Virgo♍️ Meetings and negotiations of these days can take place in a romantic atmosphere or in an atmosphere of confidentiality. Perhaps the Virgos will have to fulfill the delicate task of the authorities, acting as a messenger or intermediary. This is a good time for intellectual activity with a creative touch.


July 20, 2022