In the UK, Oracle and Google servers are suffering due to abnormal heat.

Data centers can't handle the record 40.3°C heatwave. Some Oracle equipment had to be shut down due to "off-season temperatures" and because some of the cooling infrastructure failed. Google Cloud also said that a number of its products are "experiencing increased levels of errors, delays or unavailability of services" due to the heat. Representatives of the company noted that they are making every effort to turn the cooling back on.


July 21, 2022

In China, they learned to diagnose diseases by analyzing tears.

Chinese chemists have developed nanomembranes that extract all the accumulations of protein molecules from a drop of a human tear. Thanks to their analysis, it is possible to diagnose various diseases: diabetes, dry eye syndrome and others.


July 21, 2022

NVIDIA has developed the EG3D neural network, which generates 3D images from 2D source images.

The technology was demonstrated based on images of human faces and cat faces. According to the developers, AI works faster and more accurately than analogues.


July 21, 2022

The brain of a sleeping person wakes up more than a hundred times a night, and this is normal.

Frequent awakenings of the brain during sleep is absolutely normal. This process is important for memory - short awakenings reboot the brain so that it can retain all memories. It takes about 30 seconds from the peak of one wave of norepinephrine to another. The deeper the low point, the stronger the sleep and the higher the next peak, and hence the degree of awakening. These conclusions were reached by scientists from the University of Copenhagen in the course of experiments on mice. The researchers believe the results of the work will be useful in the creation of new antidepressants.


July 21, 2022

Be inaccessible!

Agree, you always want something more that you can’t take at any moment? If you're in a relationship, don't sleep with him when he wants to. Do not be afraid to refuse, sex should be ONLY by mutual desire! If you have important things to do, do not cancel them for the sake of a man NEVER! Or he will understand that you are completely in his power (and this is very bad).


July 21, 2022

Why doesn't he do anything for you?

Women have a special memory: where the keys go, she does not remember. But when and how her husband offended her and did not give her enough, he recalls in detail every quarrel. Where he is right, he will never hear. But where it's wrong, it's in the details! Why he is bad, what was missing, what else is needed, where he messed up, what didn’t work out - everything flies into his brain. Such men get sad, burn out, they have failures at work, their libido drops, their escape from reality into gadgets and a bottle progresses. And such husbands need a mistress to save the marriage. They go to her in order to regain everything that their spouse bit off at home.


July 21, 2022

The difference between Western and Eastern psychology.

According to Western philosophy, by practicing muga, the Japanese eliminate their shame. So what they call the "watching self" or the "intervening self" serves as a censor determining one's actions. The difference between Western and Eastern psychology is clearly evident in the fact that when we talk about a shameless person, Western psychologists imply that this person has done something unacceptable without thinking of those around him. But when the Japanese talk about someone shameless, they mean a person who coped with stress and stiffness. Americans are referring to a bad person, the Japanese to a good, trained person who is able to fully realize her/his capabilities. At the heart of motivation for the American is guilt. A person who, because of a coarsened mind, ceases to feel it, thus becomes anti-social. The Japanese see it in a different light. According to their philosophy, everyone is good at heart. If she or he succeeds in something, then this person acts virtuously and with ease.


July 21, 2022

Gain control over things and life: nine principles of minimalism

1. We are not what we have. By getting rid of unfinished tasks and unrealized fantasies, we make room for new possibilities. 2. Less stuff — less stress. Getting what you want gives you a new headache because you have to take care of it. 3. Less stuff — more freedom. Unnecessary stuff can be a barrier to discovering something new. 4. Get rid of useless and ugly things. 5. Establish control over your shopping. 6. Don't keep unwanted gifts. Keep a special box for items to give away, such as to a charity. 7. Enjoy without possessing. In today's world, almost all of humanity's masterpieces are available without having to purchase them. 8. Enjoy what you have. When we have enough and are grateful for it, we don't want more. 9. "Live simply and let others live." Pay your attention to recyclable goods.


July 21, 2022

Why do marriages fall apart: 6 root causes.

The reason of any family problem is considered to be the problem of communication between partners. But in fact the reasons are deeper than that. Here're the six most frequent reasons that lead to a crisis in the relationship. 1. Change 2. Escaping from loneliness 3. Blaming 4. A lack of empathy 5. Inattention 6. Hidden power struggles Life teaches us how to love, how to carry the weight of loneliness, how not to be afraid of shame, how to build bridges out of the walls, enjoy the opportunity to get lost in this crazy world, take the first step, and forgives for unjustified expectations. Life teaches us how to love everyone equally, how to seek and find compromises, and also to devote the whole self to something or someone. And this life is worth living.


July 21, 2022

The most beautiful girls according to the zodiac sign. 4th place - Virgo.

Unexpected turn! Yes, all of a sudden, Virgos use their beauty more than most other signs. And Virgo, perhaps, did not reach the top three leaders only because they will never upgrade their natural data with the help of ungodly tricks such as fillers in the cheekbones and push-up. But the fact that nature has measured out, Virgos use with might and main. Simply because Virgos use any methods suitable for manipulation. And beauty is still here and there, but when they use torture ...


July 21, 2022

Signs of the zodiac who are afraid of the pregnancy of their beloved. Aquarius.

Aquarius is a vulnerable nature The news of pregnancy will become a new stage in life for Aquarius: he will love and idolize his children, but he cannot avoid doubts and sad thoughts. A man is not ready to limit his freedom and personal time, and if a woman demands a lot of attention and puts pressure on Aquarius, then his vulnerable soul will not stand it, and he will run away. Leaving a pregnant lover, Aquarius will be tormented by remorse, perhaps even begging for forgiveness after the birth of a child or closer to childbirth. Women who understand the difficult nature of Aquarius will receive full attention and tenderness from a repentant man.


July 21, 2022

"Indifference is to blame": 4 most insensitive signs of the zodiac. Virgo.

Get on your knees before the Virgos and ask for help. Earthly creatures will calmly open the diary and report that you do not fit into their plans. And there is no need to shed tears and shout that the Virgins do not have a heart - you will not get through the wards of Mercury with this nonsense. But the earthly guys have a heart, it's just in eternal freezing.


July 21, 2022

5 zodiac signs created for motherhood. Libra.

Libra women are always striving to recreate the perfect balance in all aspects of life. And if the representative of this sign did make all her dreams come true, then her house will become a “place of power” - harmony, love and comfort will reign there. Mom-Libra is not one of those who will keep the child in tight rein, she will never raise her voice and will not arrange spanking over trifles. In her understanding, the relationship with children is more of friendship than constant mentoring and censure. She will be able to lay an excellent foundation in children so that they turn out to be real, sincere and intelligent people who know how to be reliable friends.


July 21, 2022


Capricorn♑️ The thirst for a holiday, love, bright unforgettable experiences today is combined in the behavior of Capricorns with the usual caution. You will get involved in a risky game only if it does not lead to the destruction of plans and does not prevent you from reaching your goal. At the end of the day, you can suddenly go from pragmatic to romantic. Aquarius♒️ The day helps to strengthen the marriage bonds of Aquarius and the intention to formalize free love relationships. In both cases, the presence of children or a community of creative interests will play a significant role. It is better to discuss the details of a joint trip abroad or a regular vacation program in the first half of the day Pisces♓️ Unavoidable duties can limit Pisces until the evening. Only at the end of the day will all obstacles to the long-awaited freedom of feelings and actions be removed. Your hidden enemies can be inconsistency, sentimentality, amorousness, impressionability. You can become a victim of other people's intrigues or face the consequences of your own inability to resist subtle temptations.


July 21, 2022


Libra♎️ During the day, Libra will set an example of self-control to friends and can be the unofficial leader in your company. Perhaps it is you who will own the entertainment program or the right to a decisive vote in collective endeavors. If you want to continue in this role, cut back or reduce active communication by the evening. Scorpio♏️ While others are enjoying freedom and relaxation, you may be subtly striving for the fulfillment of a particular desire. Perhaps Scorpions will be helped in this by a marriage partner or one of the parents. It is possible that until the evening your thoughts about entertainment will go along with thoughts about the service or secret affairs. Sagittarius♐️ Today, Sagittarians are ready to enjoy freedom and relaxation, but are not going to deviate from a solid system of their views. The support of an old friend or mentor will build your confidence. You will be able to get the most out of life thanks to the ability to correctly allocate time.


July 21, 2022


Cancer♋️ A perfect day for complete relaxation. So that nothing disturbs your peace, try to do the necessary simple things in the morning (for example, keep a promise made to your parents). It is better to refrain from excessive expenses, excessive sociability, heavy food for Cancers today. Leo♌️ Today, it will be natural for Leos to take into account their own tastes and needs. However, the ease of your behavior should have limits. Do not violate the standards of communication accepted in your circle. Refrain from expressing ill-conceived thoughts, insufficiently substantiated conjectures and suspicions Virgo♍️ The day is conducive to conscious loneliness or a temporary narrowing of the social circle. If you are tired, more sleep than usual will help you. Your vague creative fantasies may take on a clearer shape. Late evening promises Virgo a change of scenery and advises to be more careful.


July 21, 2022


Aries♈️ Great day to relax and unwind. You can safely have a picnic in nature, go to the country. Also, these days create conditions for Aries for free creativity, in which you are not limited by anything or anyone. This is a good time to interact with children. It makes sense to discuss organizational issues in the morning. Taurus♉️ The stars offer Taurus to devote this day entirely to the family: for example, communicating with parents. If you invited guests to your house, think over the program of the day from the very morning and subsequently do not deviate from it. Before going to bed, it will be useful for you to relax a little, change the topic of conversation or the subject of thought. Gemini♊️ Today, the desire of Gemini to please everyone is adjacent in your behavior to selectivity. Perhaps you will make additional high demands on your companions and interlocutors and diplomatically refuse to meet people who do not meet the level of your expectations. The final choice is best made in the first half of the day.


July 21, 2022

Crooked track.

Blindfold your friend and tell her that a surprise is being prepared. Then put her in the car and circle the city for a long time. Stop by her favorite restaurant for a romantic dinner for two. Remove the bandage only when she sits at the table. You can go straight home - for one evening a bachelor's lair should become like a five-star suite. How it works: The unknown intrigues, attracts, and excites.


July 20, 2022


Make tattoos (may be temporary) on the most intimate places. Not necessarily right "there" - on the inside of the thigh or the left side of her ass, a small ink picture would also look good. How it works: Don't think that tattoos have long been just a fashion statement - they still haven't lost ground.


July 20, 2022

Sweet life.

Take the chocolate, melt it in a saucepan (watch out so that it doesn’t boil, otherwise your beloved runs the risk of smelling like a burnt cake). Find a couple of brushes. Now undress. Imagine Michelangelo - and draw on her (and she, respectively, on you) everything that comes to mind. Now you can enjoy each other. How it works: Chocolate is still a mischief, everyone knows this, and a brush on the body is, oh, how nice. Dare!


July 20, 2022