What we usually do in this case.

Many new moms go to the gym, work their abs really hard, do planks, crunches, and all the exercises that trainers usually recommend doing to build abs. But the problem is that this does not work with diastasis. And one coach admitted to me that 90% of people do not know how to pump the press correctly, because the coaches themselves do not have this knowledge! So it turns out that the coaches don’t know, we don’t know, but in the sweat of our brow we do twists, and the stomach continues to bulge!


July 23, 2022

Causes of diastasis.

Usually in women, diastasis appears after childbirth. Also, the causes of diastasis can be: obesity; rapid weight loss (for example, while following a strict diet); pronounced hacking cough in chronic nosologies of the respiratory system; increased physical activity (especially carrying heavy loads); regular constipation; dysplasia (improper development) of the connective tissue.


July 23, 2022


Anyone who has encountered this knows that diastasis spoils not only the appearance of the abdomen, but also the work of internal organs. In three words, diastasis is a divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles, that is, the abdominal muscles. Because of this, there is an appearance that the stomach, as it were, “falls out” outward.


July 23, 2022

The main recommendations for those who decide on the procedure:

1. The procedure can be done only 2 weeks after active exposure to the sun (sunburn), or 2 weeks before exposure to active sun. 2. It is recommended to use Bepanthen Plus cream within three days after the procedure. 3. Apply sunscreen with an SPF factor to the treated area before going outside (to create a filter from aggressive UV radiation). 4. Do not visit the sauna and bath for a week. 5. It is also recommended to make injections of biorevitalizants or bioreparants in order to provide additional protection against UV radiation. These injectable preparations contain a set of amino acids and hyaluronic acid, which increase UV protection by 10%.


July 23, 2022

Why can BBL be held in the summer?

BBL technology is based on the action of broadband light, and, in fact, under the action of the rays, the damaged cells are removed in a controlled manner. And viable skin cells begin to regenerate collagen (connective tissue protein), making the skin look younger and denser. That is why the BBL procedure should not be rejected in the summer. The only caveat is that the protocol should be aimed specifically at skin rejuvenation, and not at fighting pigmentation. BBL in the summer will be safe if the doctor chooses the right filters and other parameters, and the patient correctly follows all the recommendations after the procedure.


July 23, 2022

How does the BBL procedure work?

Each flash of the BBL produces many short pulses, so that a pulse is obtained without excessively high power peaks. The wavelength is controlled using special replaceable filters, and the size of the treated area is controlled by nozzles. This design makes the procedure efficient and safe. In addition, BBL is a complex procedure consisting of several stages, each of which allows you to solve a specific problem: for example, the treatment of acne, post-acne, vascular pathology (rosacea, telangiectasia), hyperpigmentation.


July 23, 2022

BBL procedure. What's this?

This is a high-intensity broadband light that affects skin cells at the gene level, slowing down the aging process and activating young genes responsible for the quality and elasticity of the dermis. We can say that the result is a “Photoshop” effect: a fresh look, radiant smooth skin without any filters.


July 23, 2022

Why does a man flirt with other women?

Even when everything is fine in your relationship, tiny "cheating" will always be in the man's head! They invigorate, increase testosterone, internal energy and fortitude. Being a decent spouse, he brings this emotional “bouquet” to you in the form of gifts, passion and “purring” in your ear. And at this moment you love him even more or you think: “What has suddenly come over him?”. It does not matter how old the husband is - 20 or 60. He will always look at women appraisingly and flirt with them. This is nature! And he is a male. Another question: is it possible to reduce his "hunt" for women to a minimum?


July 22, 2022

Word love language.

Agree, the notorious phrase “the main thing is not words, but deeds” plays a cruel joke with many. Similarly, for example, some women make excuses for a toxic partner. Well, think about it, rude often. But he earns money and provides for his family. But words are the most important type of expression of love. Let's say your husband had a trouble at work, you won't press on with moralizing, but simply say "I'm with you." Remember that verbal expression of feelings is not limited to praise and compliments. It is also important to be able to say "I'm sorry" and "I forgive."


July 22, 2022

What is the meaning of being conscious?

It means to be present. This state implies self-awareness, when you can observe your sensations that are evident but not overwhelming.Observe yourself from the outside: the environment and your own reactions to it.


July 22, 2022

The only thing worse than an idler is a workaholic!

The only thing worse than an idler is a workaholic! Our body is not "programmed" to work 24/7 - it needs to recover. If you don't track the moment when work absorbs all your thoughts and free time, you can get a lot of negative consequences, including problems in your personal life and even depression.


July 22, 2022

The desire to control everyone and everything all the time.

This desire can be dictated by perfectionism, egocentrism, lack of trust and a variety of other reasons. But all these consequences have a common cause - a violation of attachment in childhood: at some point the child ceased to feel secure near his or her parents. She/he stopped trusting this world and feeling relaxed. Growing up, such children rely only on themselves. It would seem that this is absolutely great... But there is a flip side of the coin: even when they need help, they don't ask for it, since they are afraid to admit their weakness. Becoming adults, these people live in a state of constant tension and always expect some kind of trick from the world.


July 22, 2022

Interesting facts about Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan (who was a popular actor before his political career) did not get a role in the Broadway production of The Worthiest because the playwright decided that he would not be convincing enough as President of the United States.


July 22, 2022

The Australian Aboriginal language is ideal for human communication and artificial intelligence.

Scientists from the University of New South Wales have found that Jingulu, the language of the Jingili natives living in northern Australia, is ideal for training artificial intelligence systems. Based on it, the technological language JSwarm was created. Jingula words can be easily translated directly into commands for algorithms. The language has a simple syntax - this reduces computational costs. At the same time, scientists can change the context of using jingulu without rearranging words in sentences.


July 22, 2022

Robotic systems have been tested in the area of Mount Etna.

Robotic systems have been tested in the area of Mount Etna. The volcano provides an ideal landscape for testing the capabilities of robots and has some similarities with the Moon. The first to test two robots LRU1 and LRU2, working together autonomously. LRU1 evaluates soil samples with its cameras, while LRU2 collects surface samples and analyzes them using laser breakdown spectroscopy.


July 22, 2022

The Chainsmokers will be the first band to perform in the stratosphere.

The musicians have already signed a contract with World View, which organizes tourist flights in a space capsule. After special training, Andrew Taggart and Alex Poll will fly into orbit and play a concert at an altitude of 30,480 meters from Earth. It is known that the musicians will be accompanied by 6 passengers. The flight will last approximately 12 hours and is scheduled for 2024.


July 22, 2022

The world's first chipping happened in New York.

Scientists have installed a neurocomputer in the brain of a paralyzed person. The company Synchron, which developed the technology, said that the operation was carried out with minimal intervention - the device was inserted into the cerebral cortex through the jugular vein, which is located on the neck. The technology itself works with the power of thought - the implant reads the signal and transmits it to the device that the person wants to use. The development is, in fact, a direct competitor to the similar Neuralink project from Elon Musk, which should also help paralyzed people. However, the Australian startup, unlike the American one, was able to get permission to conduct a human trial. The chip from Elon Musk has so far only been implanted in a monkey.


July 22, 2022

The most beautiful girls according to the zodiac sign. 3rd place - Scorpio.

The top three are opened by Scorpios, who, perhaps, would be glad not to use beauty, but they cannot: Scorpios are still considered fatal beauties anyway. In fact, Scorpio can generally walk in a potato sack and with a shaved head - and others will admire her beautiful figure and noble skull shape. The point, of course, is not in the appearance of Scorpio, but in her incredible attractiveness, because of which Scorpio definitely seems to everyone to be a written beauty. Such a plan.


July 22, 2022

Ready to run away: signs of the zodiac who are scared by the pregnancy of their beloved. Gemini - the thirst for freedom.

Unexpected news will take Gemini by surprise, even if just recently he asked his beloved for a child. In a confused state, Gemini can even blurt out, without thinking about abortion, but will quickly come to his senses. Gemini's confusion is replaced by activity. If a man did not run away, then he is sincerely in love with his woman and is ready to become a father. The pregnancy of a loved one will force him to rethink his goals and values, the man will grow up and become more proactive, taking on most of the organizational issues during pregnancy and jointly choosing a place for the birth of a baby.


July 22, 2022

"Indifference is to blame": 4 most insensitive signs of the zodiac. Scorpion.

Scorpios do nothing just like that: they have everything calculated and thought out. Yes, these are walking calculators and insensitive chumps! exclaim indignantly all those who are familiar with the wards of Pluto. Have you decided to tell the Scorpions a funny story? Don't expect laughter in return. Scorpios have more important things to do, and arrogant creatures will cast an indifferent look at you - they are not going to listen to this boring nonsense.


July 22, 2022