The Danger of Pessimism.

Pessimists don't see success in their actions, and the world around gives them no reason to be happy. This attitude reduces the quality of life and can contribute to the growth of depression. An interesting fact: Pessimists with their attitude prevent the production of endorphins, which directly reduces well-being and thus weakens the immune system. Simply put, they kill themselves.


July 25, 2022

Facts about Mars.

The Martian day is 24 hours 39 minutes, which is very close to Earth. And we could use an extra 39 minutes! Martian sunrises and sunsets are the exact opposite of earthly ones. Because of the dust scattered in the atmosphere of the planet, they are painted in blue tones. Mars currently has no global magnetic field. However, there are magnetized areas in its crust, indicating that the planet possessed it in the distant past.


July 25, 2022

In the Netherlands, they created a prototype carbon dioxide-absorbing electric car.

As planned, the invention will be able to absorb more CO2 than it will produce during its life cycle. The creators developed the monocoque and body panels using additive technologies to reduce material waste and produce as little carbon dioxide as possible.


July 25, 2022

Miracle mattress.

Texas has developed a mattress that should make users feel sleepy thanks to properly positioned cooling and heating elements. In particular, the central areas of the body are cooled, while the arms, legs and neck are heated. Two versions of the mattress (one with water and one with air) were tested on 11 volunteers. Participants were forced to go to bed two hours earlier than usual, and on some nights the cooling and heating functions were turned on, while on others they were not. The scientists found that cooling and warming up caused the subjects to fall asleep about 58% faster.


July 25, 2022

California farmers have mastered unmanned tractors: they are cheaper, greener and more productive.

Instead of a driver, such a tractor has a remote operator who monitors and receives alerts in real time. The vehicle is equipped with a full range of cameras and sensors, so you can instantly determine exactly which crop the device is working with, as well as collect data on the state of the crop and soil. The tractor is also equipped with sensors to detect livestock, crops and workers: the machine will stop until there are no obstacles in its path.


July 25, 2022

The American brand has released sneakers made from recycled dildos.

Los Angeles-based clothing brand Rose In Good Faith has released "Plastic Soul" sneakers made from discarded dildos. The manufacturer melted them into plastic, and made shoes out of it. Available in a single cream color, it's water-resistant and comfortable to wear as it features built-in arch support with a molded cork interior. The price is $130 for a pair.


July 25, 2022

The zodiac four, which more (and more often) than others give in to panic. Panic Cancers.

Do not let Cancers near the TV, do not let us listen to the radio, pull away from news feeds on the Internet. Otherwise, the water creatures will go crazy and you will be brought down at the same time. Have prices gone up? Cancers predict hunger. Has the weather changed? We will all die - we are waiting for the flood, warming, earthquake and rockfall to the heap. Get in line in the shell. Although, it's too late, the Crayfish have already barricaded themselves and will not let anyone in.


July 25, 2022

5 zodiac signs created for motherhood. Gemini.

Ruling Mercury helps this sign to be friends with their child. Children can discuss anything with them. Gemini mom is honest, open, has a good sense of humor. She will get along with the child's friends and is more likely to let him go to the night party. The atmosphere of this sign is characterized by a certain “androgyny”, so a woman born during the period of Gemini will easily find a common language with both her son and daughter. Such mothers are easy-going, they like to change the situation. They take children on trips, teach them to communicate with the world, broaden their horizons and do not pester them with overprotection.


July 25, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Talk about the future, discuss plans: today it will be especially useful. There will be a chance to find new allies, to agree on joint actions with people on whom much depends. There will be a day to learn new things. The knowledge gained today will soon be useful. Aquarius♒️ The day is suitable for difficult things. You will cope with what did not work before, in many ways you will achieve excellent results. Be persistent in the morning, and you will get what you have been striving for for a long time. There will be an opportunity to find new friends, as well as allies on whom you can always rely. Pisces♓️ The day will be bright, eventful and inspiring. There will be many new cases, and you will be happy about this, because among them there will be very interesting ones. By solving unusual problems, you will meet amazing people. It is possible that soon they will become your allies or good friends.


July 25, 2022


Libra♎️ You will quickly cope with the solution of many tasks, including those that others have not coped with. The day will be especially favorable from a professional point of view. If you act right now, you will soon be able to climb the career ladder or get offers that you have been waiting for a long time. Scorpio♏️ The day will be very fruitful if you start it with important things. Don't let difficulties scare you: you will quickly leave them behind. You can discuss work issues, meet people who can be useful to you. You will be able to learn something new and get great advice. Sagittarius♐️ A good day for meeting new acquaintances, communicating with people whose views and experiences are different from yours. There are a lot of interesting topics for conversation, you will surely learn something useful. Relationships that start as business today will soon take on an informal character, and this will please you.


July 25, 2022


Cancer♋️ Today it will be especially easy for you to get along with others. You will easily win the sympathy of new acquaintances. The day promises pleasant meetings, interesting conversations. Some Cancers will be able to communicate with those about whom they have heard a lot before. Thanks to your genuine interest in other people, you will receive important information in time. Leo♌️ The day will be bright and eventful. You will enthusiastically take on new things and quickly achieve success in them. It will be possible to solve several important issues at once, not to forget or confuse anything. People you know for a long time will be happy to help you realize your unusual ideas, so feel free to share your ideas. Virgo♍️ Friends and just good acquaintances will help you cope with things. Thanks to their support, you will quickly overcome the difficulties that may arise at the beginning of the day. You won’t worry about trifles, but pay attention to what may be important in time.


July 25, 2022


Aries♈️ Be careful at the start of the day. This is definitely not the time to go along with fleeting desires, say and do whatever comes to mind. If you take on an important matter, be patient: not everything will turn out right away as you would like, but perseverance will help you achieve the desired result. Taurus♉️ Throw away false modesty and tell about your victories and achievements to everyone who might be interested in them. The day promises useful acquaintances, meetings that will open up new opportunities for you in the business sphere, will allow you to strengthen your professional positions, and eventually increase your income. Gemini♊️ New things will pop up all of a sudden. It is possible that you will have to change plans, postpone for later what you expected to do now. You should not worry about this: everything that is really important, you will have time to do one way or another.


July 25, 2022

Popular masks for the area around the eyes.

Moisturizing mask. Use watermelon pulp and sour cream. In one container, add one tablespoon of sour cream and watermelon pulp. Mix and then add oatmeal. Apply around the eyes. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. Nourishing mask. Use 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey Mix it with the yolk and add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply to face. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. Toning mask. Grind the juice of one cucumber with a teaspoon of cream. Instead, circles of fresh cucumber can be applied to the eye areas. Soothing mask. To prepare it, you need chamomile. The dried plant can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can add a few leaves of mint and dill. Let it brew for 10 minutes. Then use a cotton swab and soak it in the decoction, then apply to the area around the eyes. Tea bags quickly remove puffiness and redness.


July 24, 2022

The benefits of folic acid.

Folic acid is essential for the body to maintain its essential metabolic processes. Without a vitamin, a harmonious DNA chain is not built, the flow of microelements to the brain is disrupted. Also, the bone marrow needs the substance to form healthy blood cells, participates in the synthesis of neurotransmitters that normalize appetite, sleep, mood, reduces the development of cancer, etc. Folic acid is very necessary for pregnant women, as it plays an important role in the body during this important period.


July 24, 2022

Signs of a folic acid deficiency in the body

The lack of B9 in the body will definitely make itself felt with the following symptoms and signs: • Elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood • Anemia with an increased number of red blood cells • Constant feeling of tiredness, weakness • Irritability • Shortness of breath


July 24, 2022

Why is matcha useful?

This green tea leaf powder is a bombshell of antioxidants, vitamin C and B. It also contains 2 times more caffeine than black tea, but also stress-reducing l-theanine. Matcha has a lot of polyphenols that help strengthen bones - just what you need for actively exercising. For those who don't like hot matcha, here's a cool vegan gluten-free parfait recipe: Bottom layer: Dates crushed with raw pecans Upper layer: Coconut yogurt + a spoonful of matcha powder Fresh mango cubes (can be substituted with other fruit)


July 24, 2022

Healing became a sign.

Since then, Mikao Usui founded a society in 1911 to promote this method. After this event, Mikao created a scientific system of spiritual healing in Japan that still exists today. Reiki works on all three levels – mental, physical and spiritual. This energy strengthens and heals not only the human body, but also affects the development of his personality, skills, talent. It is a method of spiritual healing with the help of energy.


July 24, 2022


Reiki is a universal healing energy, a Japanese form of bioenergy therapy. Dr. Mikao Usui is the founder of this system. Legend has it that Mikao Usui went to the Holy Mountain of Kurama, where he laid 21 stones in front of him and fasted, meditated for three weeks, dropping one stone from the top of the mountain every day. He received an understanding of all the problems that troubled him and the gift of Reiki healing. Having accidentally hurt himself, he intuitively put his hands to the sore spot, and the wound healed.


July 24, 2022

Sex toys and games for a change

It's not hard to make sex bright these days: there are so many things in sex shops that you don't have to make an effort to invent something new. For example, playing erotic cubes is quite simple and interesting. Just roll the dice on the table and go.


July 24, 2022

Erotic clothes help

Sexy clothes not only arouse desire, but also please the partner. In a tight skirt, beautiful stockings and high heels, any woman becomes the queen of sex. But for erotic clothing, the same principle applies as for undressing: don't show too much! Parts of the body hidden by clothing awaken the partner's imagination.


July 24, 2022