Aries♈️ Do not be led by fleeting desires: today they can take you too far. Think twice before taking on any risky business. If you are careful today, you will thank yourself more than once for it later. It will be useful to listen to the advice of old acquaintances. People who care about you will tell you how best to act. Taurus♉️ The day will be favorable for meetings and acquaintances. You will make a good impression on many people, you will find an approach to people with whom it was previously difficult to communicate. It is not excluded the beginning of a romantic story. It will be bright, exciting and will surely play an important role in your life. Gemini♊️ The day will bring good news. Interesting job-related offers are also possible. Most likely, you will agree to them without much thought, and you will not regret it. It will become clear how to solve problems that have arisen before, and you will not waste time in vain. It is good to take initiative in business. Your ideas will surely get support.


July 26, 2022

Excessive self-confidence reinforces anti-scientific views.

A team of scientists from the United States found that overconfident people are more likely to trust anti-scientific views than those who are used to self-doubt. “Overconfidence interferes with learning,” says study lead author Nicholas Light.


July 26, 2022

Basic rules for eating.

The diet should be regular. You need to eat while sitting. Don't overeat. Try not to eat cold food. Don't rush when eating. Do not chat while chewing food.


July 25, 2022

Natural fat burners

1. Grapefruit - with regular use (150g per day) is able to reduce a person's weight by 2kg in 2 weeks on average; 2. Green tea - Asian nutritionists advise drinking 4 cups of green tea a day, this will give the greatest effect on burning fat. 3. Spicy food - mainly seasonings: ground black pepper, pepperoni, mustard, horseradish. For example, chili peppers, which contain the substance capsacin, "melt" excess calories within 20 minutes after finishing a meal. 4. Low-fat dairy products - increase the production of the hormone calcitriol, which causes cells to burn more fat; 5. Cinnamon - one teaspoon a day lowers blood sugar levels and prevents the transformation of excess carbohydrates into fats; 6. Water - its insufficient use negatively affects getting rid of extra pounds; 7. Protein food - more calories are spent for the assimilation of proteins than for the assimilation of fats and carbohydrates. As a result, excess fat is burned.


July 25, 2022

The same trick, by the way, works with potatoes and pasta.

If you boil potatoes and then leave them overnight in the refrigerator, the cold will make the starch more resistant, and our body will digest it more slowly. And by adding fats, such as coconut oil, we create additional protection against rapid digestion. Another issue is that most people like to eat freshly prepared meals, rather than reheat them several times. But here let everyone decide for himself. By the way, rice reheated the next day is no worse than freshly cooked rice. I tested this on myself and on children)


July 25, 2022

What's the secret?

Rice consists of digestible and indigestible (resistant) starch. Humans do not have type 2 digestion enzymes, so this starch is not converted to sugar and absorbed into the bloodstream as it is being digested. The more resistant starch a product contains, the fewer calories our body will receive. Rice cooked in the above way has 10 times more indigestible starch than rice cooked in the conventional way and has 50-60% fewer calories. That is, the calorie content of the finished rice will remain almost the same, but only half will be absorbed, and the rest will be excreted from the body.


July 25, 2022

What is this method?

Put 1 teaspoon of coconut oil into boiling water. Add rice and cook as usual. After cooking, be sure to cool and put the rice in the refrigerator for 12 hours. You can reheat the rice before serving. And that's it!


July 25, 2022

How to reduce the calorie content of rice.

We all know that rice (I'm talking about white polished rice, which adults and children love so much as a side dish) is a high-carbohydrate product. And you should not abuse it because of the high glycemic index, as it increases blood glucose levels. But it turns out that it all depends on the way it is prepared. At the annual conference of the American Chemical Society (ACS), chemistry students from Sri Lanka presented an absolutely simple but innovative way to cook white rice, thanks to which it reduces calories by 50-60%.


July 25, 2022

The sense of smell helps orgasm.

Studies have shown that women with hypersensitivity to scents have stronger and more pleasurable orgasms than those with normal noses.


July 25, 2022

The clitoris is like a small penis.

In the embryo, these organs are formed from the same tissue, and further development depends on hormones. With the help of testosterone, the penis is formed, without it, the clitoris. The heads of both organs are very sensitive, and they themselves are similar in that they enlarge and become filled with blood when excited.


July 25, 2022

Americans dream of Beyoncé and Brad Pitt.

An American sex toy manufacturer polled more than 13,000 people aged 18 to 74 about which celebrity they represent while masturbating. Among the dream men were Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Cruise and Chris Pratt. Beyonce leads the women, followed by Jennifer Lawrence, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift and Kylie Jenner.


July 25, 2022

The female orgasm lasts three times longer than the male.

On average, about 20 seconds versus only six for men. And women are lucky to get multiple orgasms. The only pity is that the statistics of orgasms play against them.


July 25, 2022

Orgasm can be obtained in a dream.

This usually happens in women who dreamed of something frank. Even without stimulation, it is possible for blood to rush to the genitals and the sensations become similar to sex. In addition, in a dream, stress or distracting thoughts do not interfere with you! Orgasm partly occurs in the brain, so sometimes this is quite enough.


July 25, 2022

The average sexual intercourse requires 100 - 500 movements.

During sex, there are usually no calculations, but scientists conducted a series of experiments and found that the active part of sex requires an average of 100 to 500 movements. And not at all tens or thousands, as one might think.


July 25, 2022

Unexpected facts about sex.

Many people think they know a lot about sex, if not everything. In fact, there are many interesting facts that you probably did not suspect. Check yourself!


July 25, 2022

Don't forget discipline.

Often, instead of what you planned, you want to do something else. Instead of going to the gym, for example, come home early and lie on the couch. It seems like it will make us happier, but don't trust your intuition. Our brains are very bad at predicting what will make us happier. To develop discipline, exercise one interesting exercise will help you. The bottom line is that when you need to do something, and the brain starts to offer you other conditions, you first write down what you wanted to do, and then turn on the music. At this time, your brain seems to be distracted, which will allow you to tune in after the music to the working mood. If you do this exercise often, the effect will be the opposite.


July 25, 2022

The deceiver first deceives himself.

The person who deceives you, accidentally or intentionally, is always, on some level, deceives him/herself. That's because it is just impossible to dare this dissonance that occurs in the body while lying without being deluded. The dissonance occurs when words do not coincide with thoughts, and thoughts do not coincide with feelings. When people in conflict are absolutely confident about something you don't agree with, or something that goes against common sense, agreements, or obvious facts, you can argue with them endlessly. Make a choice: to prove someone they are wrong, that is to explain that twice two makes four, or stop it and realize that they are deceiving themselves, not you.


July 25, 2022

Getting out of a codependent relationship.

A person who has stopped playing co-dependent games and raping him/herself, who has escaped from the abusive system in one way or another, is often considered from inside the system as a traitor who has failed, abandoned, left alone, chosen the easiest way. And no one is saying she or he is right. However, often a person has no other way to start a better life, except going for a betrayal, which, together with the pain, carries its healing power.


July 25, 2022

Manipulator phrases that can drive anyone crazy.

I've gathered for you three phrases manipulators use to undermine your independence. "You exaggerate everything." The manipulator purposely makes you feel like a PARANOID. For example, flirt with your ex(s) in front of everyone and then say you were imagining things. "I hate drama." The manipulator arranges PROVOCATIONS and then blames you when you react. Feeling drama they hate so much cultivates guilt feeling in you. "You misunderstood me." Misunderstandings occur everywhere. But the manipulators set up provocations in order to turn everything upside down and then blame you. (Yes very much like a simple trick.) The only way to quit such a relationship is to stop all contact. No messages, calls, or whatever.


July 25, 2022

The difference between a pessimist and a realist.

However, you shouldn't confuse a pessimist with a realist - these are completely DIFFERENT views of life. A realist is a person who is neutral to everything going on around him She or he doesn't let their emotions or desires affect the situation. Do you remember that glass that is half empty or half full? A pessimist thinks it's half empty, while a realist sees it as half full. So, a realist would just drink water from this glass to quench thirst


July 25, 2022