Ant colonies behave like neural networks when making decisions.

When each individual ant in a group feels hot underneath, it holds on as usual until the entire colony suddenly changes course. “They run out as one,” the scientists say. "It's almost as if they have a large collective intelligence." The data obtained during the experiment indicate that the ants combine sensory information with the parameters of their entire group. So they make one decision for all. This process is similar to neural computing, leading to decision making in the same way.


July 27, 2022

Drinking water is just as pleasurable for the brain as sex and delicious food.

A team of scientists from the US found that when drinking water, part of the brain releases dopamine, as is the case with such pleasurable activities as sex and eating delicious food. The researchers were able to trace this process during experiments on mice.


July 27, 2022

Scientists from China have found that the trajectory of tail wagging in dogs depends on their emotional state.

In the process of conducting tests, it was possible to find out that the dog wags its tail to the right more often if a familiar person is in front of him, if he feels comfortable. While wagging his tail to the left makes it clear that he is uncomfortable or there is a stranger in front of him.


July 27, 2022

Chinese scientists have created a laser that can write directly in the air.

Scientists at the Hongtuo Ultrafast Laser Laboratory in Wuhan have created a laser pen that can draw patterns in the air. It uses ultrashort laser pulses to strip electrons from air particles and turn them into light-emitting plasma or ionized gas. The image obtained with the help of such a laser is visible from all sides. The creators of the laser say that it can be used in high-precision manufacturing, medicine and quantum computing.


July 27, 2022

The James Webb telescope has found the oldest galaxy that existed 13.5 billion years ago.

We are most likely seeing GLASS-z13 as it was just 300 million years after the Big Bang. This is as much as 100 million years less than the previous record holder. The galaxy has a mass of a billion suns, which is potentially very surprising given how soon after the Big Bang it formed.


July 27, 2022

The UK's largest radio telescope has been converted into a backdrop for a light show.

Lovell's giant radio telescope will take center stage at the Bluedot festival. On the surface of its dish will broadcast images from the James Webb Space Telescope, NASA Blue Marble Next Generation satellites, photographs of the near and far sides of the Moon, as well as the surface of the Sun. The soundtrack for the show will be recordings from space, including the sonification (representation of information in audio format) of a scan of the Milky Way galaxy made by a radio telescope.


July 27, 2022

Formulate your goals as precisely as possible.

The simpler and more precisely the problem is formulated, the higher the chances of solving it. In addition, concreteness implies an extremely clear understanding of exactly what actions will lead to the most productive decision. An achievable goal is quantifiable, defined in time, and consistent with your other desires. A common mistake is the absence of an action verb in the task statement. For example, "Spain" is a so-so goal. It would be correct: "Leave for two months in Barcelona with my family next summer." For example, the goal "Get rich" is set incorrectly. But “Accumulate $10 million by December of next year” sounds concrete and clear. Such a formulation will help move in a given direction.


July 27, 2022

Get rid of the victim syndrome

Many are trapped in the consciousness of the victim. They constantly ask themselves: "Why did it happen so?". Reason gets stuck in the past, it gets stuck on pain, it gets stuck on losses. Victims ask themselves: “Why me?”. Never say to yourself, "I can't." This is how you deprive yourself of opportunities. Don't let resentment into your life. This is what quietly leads you off the road to what you want. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions.


July 27, 2022

Passion: expiration date

When people say, "we've been together for 10, 20, 30 years, and the passion is like the first time" - it's a lie and self-deception. The lifespan of any passion in a permanent classic relationship is 3-4 years. After this period, it may randomly increase and subside for a few more years, but eventually comes to naught. And this is normal. Therefore, classic relationships based only on passion last a couple of years at most, and then they fall apart if there is no other common ground between people. Another point: after being together for 3-4 years, people break up and then suddenly get together again, the passion between them may reach its peak again.


July 27, 2022

How to be happy?

When you ask yourself "How to make money?", "How to find love?", "How to build a happy relationship?", "How to find myself and my business?", etc. - you're asking these questions being at the level of the person you are now, who has actually created the problems you're trying to solve based on your current mindset. That's not how it works. The question is not how to make money, move, create a relationship, or get out of one. The question is what you need to change in your mindset: in your attitude, your thinking and your behavior, to become the kind of person who can find answers to your questions, and most importantly, to take the right actions in order to make what you want become real.


July 27, 2022

There are people who do NOTHING to change their lives for years, no matter how much they want it.

For example, for years they live in a city they don't want to live in, even though they know which one they would like to live in. For years they go to the same job, which has been boring for a long time, even though they know what they really want to do, but do nothing to change their activities. For years, they stay in a relationship, while their breakup is long overdue. That's because their way of thinking is a dead end. The most common phrases they use include "we have to wait more", "now is not the time", "there is no possibility", "there is no time", "there is no money", etc. All of these are just illusory limitations, psychological masks behind which lurks the fear that nothing will work, that it will be worse than it is now if I take a chance and try. To live this way means to miss out on your life.


July 27, 2022

Scorpio man: what kind of lover and spouse is he?

Scorpio male. Jealous. The water owner will not tolerate horns on his head. Why are there horns - he will not even allow a glance to the side. If you smiled at the seller, hide under the counter - although it won’t help, the Scorpio spouse will still smash the store into bricks. Sullen. Well, why smile? The deed is done - Scorpio has achieved you and knows that you are not going anywhere. And in general, a woman should be glad that her husband at least sometimes answers the phone. Leave behind and let Scorpio focus and search for the meaning of life. Indifferent. Scorpio likes to play the role of a gloomy and cold-blooded guy - this is how a real man should be. And all sorts of musi-pusi are for wimps. But behind Scorpio, like behind a stone wall, the enemy will not pass. But the wife can’t get out either - a bird has come across, now sit and cook cabbage soup.


July 27, 2022

Scorpio man: what kind of lover and spouse is he?

Scorpio lover. Passionate. “Oh-oh-oh, how incredible he is!” the ladies exclaim after a stormy night with Scorpio. But the astrologers of the editorial board warn not to forget that Pluto's ward is still an egoist! True, as for love pleasures, then here he is, of course, a master - he easily guesses the desires of his girlfriends and does everything to make women happy. And then it shows itself in all its glory. Inventive. If we talk about men of this sign, then Scorpio and boredom are categorically incompatible. Do not even think that the sweethearts of the water guy will watch TV during sex (rather, they use the TV to diversify their intimate life). Table, bedside table, chandelier, cornice... Yes, cornice! Well, what, Scorpio is still an entertainer. The generous Scorpio is a real magician and is ready to fulfill everything that his mistress asks for. If the lady gets tired, he will not peel her like sticky - on the contrary, he will shower her with blessings (so as not to leave the enemy behind - that is, the offended woman).


July 27, 2022

Prejudice horoscope. What do people around you think.

Capricorn is an iron lady. For some reason, everyone is sure that you don’t feed Capricorn with bread - let’s just take responsibility for the fate of these little ones and direct them with a firm hand to a bright future, and whoever doesn’t understand his happiness, fool, will walk in three shoes (two on his feet, one You-Know-Where), and on the face of the impassive Capricorn, not a single muscle trembles. All this is true, of course, but in fact, Capricorns are much more emotional than some other signs, we will not point fingers. And they do not hide their emotions at all. It’s just that the Dear Universe created Capricorn as a perpetuum mobile: emotions immediately go to feed the fiery motor, bypassing all sorts of unnecessary stages such as tears, snot, wringing hands and sarcastically raised eyebrows: everything is immediately put into action, the entire resource for the work of the brain! But in general, Capricorns are very emotional, yes.


July 27, 2022

The zodiac four, which more (and more often) than others give in to panic. Virgo alarmists.

Virgos are famous pedants, they have everything and always according to the rules. But life is an unpredictable thing, and breaking the rules is perceived by earthly guys as a disaster. We can't be saved! - Virgos exclaim, put on a tinfoil hat (suddenly this is the machinations of aliens) and spread information about the universal conspiracy.


July 27, 2022

What zodiac signs make the best fathers. Cancer.

This zodiac sign can rightfully be considered the standard of paternity. Because for a Cancer man, family is the highest value. With the advent of a child in the house, the father will devote all his free time to him, learn how to skillfully change diapers, and when the baby grows up, the Cancer father will become his best friend, he will carefully listen to even the craziest fantasies and keep all the secrets. Tenderness, care and sensitivity towards the family are concentrated in this man, and he will gladly bestow his love on the household. A fly in the ointment can be hyper-caring on the part of the parent. The Cancer man, like the woman, should loosen the grip of parental love in time so as not to lose the trust of the child.


July 27, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Great day to work. You will quickly cope with cases that previously seemed difficult, you will find answers to important questions. It will be easy to agree with colleagues and partners on joint actions, there will be no grounds for disputes. Cash receipts are likely, including from unexpected sources, profitable deals. Aquarius♒️ Today, you will need the ability to maintain composure when something does not go according to plan. Most likely, the day will be full of surprises, and you will have to quickly navigate new situations, make decisions on the go. Everything will work out if you listen to your intuition and do not expect too much from others. Pisces♓️ Disagreements and disputes today will arise over trifles. But you will be able to smooth out sharp corners, maintain good relations with everyone. Friendliness and goodwill will be very useful in work. You will quickly agree on joint actions with both new acquaintances and those with whom you have previously collaborated more than once.


July 27, 2022


Libra♎️ Do not rush to make decisions, especially if they are important not only for you. First you need to understand the situation, assess the possible consequences of your actions. It will be useful to consult with those who know you well. All this will take time, but later on you will praise yourself more than once for taking your time. Scorpio♏️ I want to act decisively and quickly, but in this way you risk making mistakes. It will be much more useful today not to rush anywhere, to carefully consider each step. If you behave correctly, you can achieve noticeable success in your work and enlist the support of influential people. Sagittarius♐️ Focus on important things, try not to be distracted by trifles, do not waste time on trifles. You will be able to do a lot of useful things not only for yourself, but also for others. Others will like your ideas, and someone will probably want to help in the implementation of their plans. Some Sagittarians today will meet people with whom they will cooperate for more than one year.


July 27, 2022


Cancer♋️ The day will be calm and pleasant. It is unlikely to bring any important events and big changes, but it will provide an opportunity to deal with the accumulated cases, to complete what was started earlier. New ideas and work plans will appear. Do not rush to start implementing them, first think over everything properly. Leo♌️ Whatever you think of today, do not rush to start implementing new ideas and plans. First, assess the situation objectively, think about whether you can handle everything on your own. It will be useful to consult with people who have previously supported your undertakings more than once. Virgo♍️ At the beginning of the day, it is hardly possible to avoid minor misunderstandings, some unfortunate incidents. But you will not worry about them, and you will do the right thing. The situation will soon change for the better. The middle of the day will bring good news regarding work or business, as well as interesting offers.


July 27, 2022


Aries♈️ Make important decisions yourself. This will allow you to avoid mistakes and unpleasant moments, quickly achieve your goals. Serious disputes with colleagues and management will not arise, and minor disagreements will not spoil relations, and it will be possible to find a compromise quickly. Taurus♉️ The day will be bright and inspiring. The morning will be very fruitful: in just a few hours you will do a lot, cope with things that previously seemed very boring. Work, even difficult, will be easy, you will achieve noticeable success where others have failed. Those who underestimated you before will understand how much they were mistaken. Gemini♊️ The day will please. New opportunities will open up and you will immediately take advantage of them. Success in business will be achieved by the Gemini, who are not afraid to take on something completely new. You will quickly realize that you have found the right path to the goal, and even some minor difficulties that may arise will not force you to abandon your plans.


July 27, 2022