Libra♎️ The day will go well. You can stick to old plans: hardly any unexpected events will interfere with the implementation of your plans. It will be useful to return to old ideas. Most likely, today you will implement them or understand what needs to be done to make this possible in the near future. Scorpio♏️ You have a lot to do today, so don't waste your time. It is worth taking on important matters from the very morning; this is how you will deal with them faster and achieve better results. The emotional background in the morning can be tense; think about what would help you keep a good mood. Sagittarius♐️ A day of important discoveries and good news. The information received will help to take a fresh look at what previously seemed completely obvious. It is possible that you will find answers to questions that have been puzzling over for a long time. Interesting business proposals are likely, there will be a chance to start work on some promising projects


July 28, 2022


Cancer♋️ The day will be very hectic and just as interesting. You have to do different things, solve several issues at once. Experience will help to cope with unexpected difficulties, to find answers to questions that have baffled others. Leo♌️ The events of this day will please. It will be possible to carry out what was conceived a long time ago; there are people who would like to help. Possible proposals for cooperation or long-term work. If they are made by old acquaintances, you can agree without much thought. Virgo♍️ The day will be favorable for business negotiations, meetings with people who can provide you with important professional services. Many people will like your ideas. Those on whom much depends will want to help in their implementation. It will be useful to listen to advice, but the most important decisions must be made on your own.


July 28, 2022


Aries♈️ There will be more things to do today than usual, and this will please you. Useful activities will allow you to escape from unpleasant thoughts, memories that could spoil your mood. It is worth being more attentive to loved ones. It will not be easy to find a common language with them, disagreements may arise over trifles. But it is still possible to smooth out sharp corners and avoid disputes. Taurus♉️ The start of the day will be light and inspiring. This is the time to start important things. You will quickly achieve the first successes, you will understand that you have chosen the right path. A lucky coincidence or some unexpected event can lead you to interesting thoughts. Gemini♊️ Take your time. At the beginning of the day, events may not develop as quickly as we would like. There may be delays in business, as well as misunderstandings that may prevent you from completing what you started on time. However, the situation will soon change for the better. The middle of the day is the best time for business negotiations, and they can be held in an informal setting.


July 28, 2022

Use positive reinforcement.

Say nice things to him about what he does well in bed for your pleasure, and gently suggest new things. Express your joy after sex by encouraging the behavior you enjoy. If he does not listen to you, constantly ridicules you and refuses to change, think about breaking up. Surely his selfishness interferes with you not only in bed.


July 27, 2022

What to do with an egoist.

So, according to the answers to these questions, you found out that everything is not so simple. Here are a few tips on how to solve the problem without parting. Understand what you love. Maybe you like oral sex? Back caresses? Vibrator in bed? Say it to him. Not secretly under the covers, but in full voice and when he is ready to hear you. Not right before or after sex!


July 27, 2022

Does he consider your orgasm a trophy?

It's good when a partner makes sure that you reach the peak, but why does he need it? If he is happy for you, that's good. And if this is the measure of his personal success, then it looks like pure egoism.


July 27, 2022

Does he tell his friends about his intimate life?

It doesn’t matter at all to someone that a partner shares intimate details with friends, but many consider this a violation of personal boundaries. If you asked him not to do this, but he ignored it, this is a good indicator of selfishness.


July 27, 2022

Does he ignore your desires?

Think about how he treats you during sex. Does it help to realize your dreams, does it follow your wishes? Or maybe he laughs at your suggestions? If after sex he immediately turns away and falls asleep, then he really is not very interested in your pleasure. The same can be said about the situation when he tries to persuade you to have sex if you are not in the mood.


July 27, 2022

Is he in a hurry with foreplay?

Foreplay is one of the important elements of sex. Unfortunately, many couples treat her with contempt, trying to quickly move on to sex. Of course, the reasons for this may be different: for example, his ex-girlfriend did not like foreplay, or he is afraid that the erection will not be enough for sex. But if he's in a hurry because he doesn't care about your pleasure, that's another matter entirely.


July 27, 2022

Bed egoism: how to understand that only his orgasm is important for a partner?

Sex should be a pleasure for both, but if one of the partners is only interested in himself, the second is usually unpleasant. One cannot call egoism the desire to get one's orgasm, but when a person refuses it to another - is it good? In addition, sexual selfishness can affect other aspects of a relationship. Here's how to understand that a partner thinks only of himself.


July 27, 2022

Your metabolism will speed up.

The plank is a great way to challenge your entire body. Daily exercise burns more calories than, for example, traditional crunches and squats. The plank is guaranteed to burn a lot of energy, even if you lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is especially important if you spend most of your day in front of a computer. In addition, doing this exercise daily for a few minutes at home before or after work not only provides an increased metabolic rate, but also maintains a high metabolic rate throughout the day (even when you sleep).


July 27, 2022

The risk of injury to the back and spine will be reduced.

The plank is an exercise that allows you to build muscle without overloading your spine and hips. In addition, the plank reduces back pain, strengthens its muscles and provides good support for the spine, especially in the upper back.


July 27, 2022

The plank is an ideal exercise for the abdominal muscles.

It involves all the main muscle groups: the transverse, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen, and in addition to this, the buttocks. Soon in certain areas you will definitely notice the result. Transverse abdominal muscles: it will be possible to lift more weight. Rectus abdominis: increased performance, particularly in jumping. In addition, this muscle is also responsible for those same 6 cubes. Obliques: Twisting the waist will now be easier. Buttocks: strengthened back muscles and tightened gluteal muscles.


July 27, 2022

The plank is an exercise for all time.

It does not depend on any fashion trends. It is considered the most effective exercise to date. And this is quite reasonable. Because the bar requires a minimum investment of time and money, and at the same time allows you to achieve visible results in a short time.


July 27, 2022

Who exactly needs collagen in dietary supplements

- athletes (with high physical activity) - people under stress - recovering during the recovery period after serious illnesses - women after menopause - Vegans (collagen is found only in animal protein!)


July 27, 2022

Who needs collagen supplements.

Today, collagen is produced not only in the form of a hydrolyzed powder, but also in the form of lozenges, marmalade, and drinks. However, studies on the effects of additives have only been done on powders. The study showed that the use of collagen hydrolyzate for 8 weeks improved skin hydration and elasticity and reduced signs of aging. However, the body does not need collagen on a daily basis, as some vitamins and minerals do, and proper protein-rich nutrition (eggs, chicken, meat, fish) can work just as well as supplements.


July 27, 2022


Hydrafacial is the latest hardware technique in aesthetic cosmetology that gently cleanses and rejuvenates the skin. The HydraFacial technique has a triple effect on the skin - skin cleansing and peeling, comedone extraction, antioxidant therapy and moisturizing are performed during one procedure. During this all-inclusive procedure, the skin is simultaneously effectively cleansed under the influence of vacuum and actively moisturized with various active serums. As a result, intense hydration and renewal of the skin occurs, various skin problems are eliminated, and anti-aging care is carried out.


July 27, 2022

J Lo has been rocking lately.

And she got married, and celebrated 53 years, and even released a body and butt cream against cellulite JLo Beauty Firm + Flaunt! Of course, her butt is cool, you can’t say anything! But this is not about a cream, but about training, nutrition and willpower in general)) Cellulite will never go away from a magic cream, only from a magic pendel up your ass! Well, J. Lo's butt at 53 can serve as a good motivation.


July 27, 2022

A place of power (not speaking of Tibet or Peru)

A place of power can be any place in any city or in the vast wild. For me, in Moscow - it is the Red Square, in St. Petersburg - Senate Square, in Paris - the platform in front of Notre Dame. The other day, when I was in Sochi, I discovered another one — Krasnaya Polyana (Red Field). In a place of power, it is very simple to enter a state of total awareness. Your reality will become what you intended it to be. This state is the main goal of all practices for working with the Field. The deeper and longer it is, the more likely and faster your reality will transform.


July 27, 2022

The drone from Amazon will not leave a chance for robbers.

The company has its own expensive Ring security system, but the real deal is a small drone that will chase robbers if it detects a break-in. The drone is completely autonomous and after the frightened thief escapes, it will return to its original position, continuing to protect your home.


July 27, 2022