Try making almond milk!

No preservatives, pure goodness. And also very tasty! It can be added to cereals, muesli, pancakes, tea, coffee. Here is the basic recipe: - take 1 cup of peeled almonds. You can also take it not peeled, then the taste will be a little more tart. - put the almonds in a blender and pour 3 cups of water - beat for a couple of minutes, and then strain the finished milk. By the way, I don’t throw away this cake, which remains after filtering, but use it in making pancakes.


July 28, 2022

How does auro-soma work?

During the consultation, an accredited specialist from the Auro-Soma Center (these centers are located in more than 40 countries around the world) will guide you through a personal session of self-selection of two-color bottles, after which you will find the only one with a personal composition selected for you. The composition will need to be applied to yourself every day, until your emotional state evens out and the problems go away.


July 28, 2022

Aura-soma is closely related to the name Vicki Wall.

It was this English writer and pharmacist who invented it in the 80s, as is often the case, for personal needs. In fact, the aura-soma originated as color therapy, as you can easily see by reading Wall's book "The Miracle of Healing with Color". However, not only: in the future, the methodology was based on knowledge about the healing properties of herbs, plants and crystals.


July 28, 2022

Do you know what an auro-soma is?

These are such bright, multi-colored bottles that you have probably already seen somewhere. It is a system of flowers, plants and crystals that enhances happiness and vitality to help you become the best version of yourself.


July 28, 2022

Biologists are considering developing "legal psychedelics" to treat disease.

Studies have proven that drugs that were banned decades ago can help with addictions, mental and other disorders. So far, no company has brought a psychedelic drug to market. At the same time, the question is whether the “mystical experience” that appears as a result of the use of hallucinogens is so important in itself. Some researchers believe that it is through it that patients can resist the root causes of various mental illnesses.


July 28, 2022

Scientists have discovered a gene responsible for the growth of muscle mass.

After the analysis of skeletal muscles, it became known that during training, the C18ORF25 gene is most often activated - it is responsible for the muscles. An animal experiment has shown that their muscles become stronger when C18ORF25 activity is increased.


July 28, 2022

Physicists have learned how to direct lightning with a laser.

To do this, they illuminated the space above the Sentis tower, located in the mountains of Switzerland, for two months during a thunderstorm. Of the 16 lightning bolts that hit the tower during the observation period, four were stimulated by a laser. Recent estimates show that, on average, lightning kills more than 4,000 people a year and costs the economy billions of dollars.


July 28, 2022

A reforestation firm accidentally burned 14,000 hectares of forest.

Reforestation company Land Life, which plants trees to offset carbon emissions, accidentally burned 14,000 hectares of forest in Zaragoza in northern Spain. The fire broke out due to a spark from one of the excavators. First, small plants broke out, and then the fire spread to the trees. Due to the fire, five neighboring cities and several nursing homes had to be evacuated. In total, about 2,000 people had to be rescued.


July 28, 2022

Scientists have found places on the moon with very comfortable temperatures.

In peculiar dips, which are most likely lava tubes, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter probe recorded quite comfortable +17 degrees. Moreover, the temperature is quite stable - you can live.


July 28, 2022

Get inspired by your successes.

When you succeed at something, you want to do more and more. Even a small victory is enough to inspire. Plan your day so that before lunch you make one or two small victories. This will increase your motivation for the rest of the day. Plan things for the morning that you will definitely complete. For example, go to the gym or answer an important letter. The best way to motivate yourself is to organize your life so that you don't need motivation. If work for you is a constant battle with yourself, it's time to think about changes. Use extrinsic motivation as a last resort, but don't rely on it all the time.


July 28, 2022

What to do if a man drinks?

It's up to you to part or endure. In any case, do not forget about your own boundaries and self-respect. Do not let your husband manipulate you, subdue you. Analyze your feelings, maybe your love is just a habit? Most importantly, do not lose yourself in these relationships. Raise your self-esteem, start listening to your desires, take into account personal needs. What do you think, is it worth giving up an alcoholic or is it necessary to save him to the last?


July 28, 2022

5 signs he's not right for you

1. He insults you, tries to prick you with words. 2. He threatens you. Promises to somehow hurt you or yourself if you leave him. 3. If it seems to him that you offended him with something, he "punishes" you with silence and ignorance. 4. He yells at you, scares you, pushes you, shows aggression towards you. 5. He openly says that your opinion means nothing to him. You deserve to have a person next to you who would surround you with care, attention and support.


July 28, 2022

How to find out if you love or not?

Very easy: when you love, you love everyone, basically all living things, you love the very life running through you. You are absolutely not attached to a particular person, you let everyone have complete freedom to live and manifest as they want, because you are free yourself. When you love you don't even think about letting anyone go, since you're not holding on or clinging to anyone at all.


July 28, 2022

You shouldn't care

... if you go your own way and strive for freedom. This is difficult to achieve, because since childhood you have been taught to conform to someone's ideas about the norm. But it is possible — if you have the guts to go through the breaking of the firmware, distinguish your goals from those imposed and not just go your own way, but continue to go them despite difficulties, kickbacks and pressure from the outside. "It doesn't matter" — it doesn't mean to turn into a moron who puts on everyone and everything. Do not confuse "anyway" with rudeness, stupidity, frostbite and marginality. No one has canceled and does not cancel diplomacy and the skill to negotiate with other people. "It doesn't matter" means to act according to yourself, your interests and the laws of the universe, even if everyone around you claims that you are mistaken.


July 28, 2022

How to trust after cheating?

If you are in a classic monogamous relationship and you have been cheated on, the question "How to trust a person again?" is no longer appropriate. The answer to it is one — no way. You will no longer be able to trust this person the way you trusted/trusted before. And you have two options: either be in a relationship with him further and just accept your distrust as a given and inevitable, or break up. Well, to live, remaining in a relationship, to suffer and be tormented by the question "How to trust?" — this is not an option. It's just a neurotic mockery of yourself and nothing more.


July 28, 2022

Why women of these signs of the zodiac are more likely to remain single. Libra.

At first glance, Libra women do not seem lonely at all. A lot of men always revolve around them, and beauties are not deprived of attention. It is surprising that with such a choice of seemingly worthy representatives of the stronger sex, the daughters of Venus remain lonely. Libra themselves (especially in their younger years) usually do not worry that they will be left without “that very” chosen one. But while they test the surrounding men, choosing the best, the ranks of applicants begin to thin out. A Libra woman can easily be left alone because of her own indecision. Astrologers advise her to remember that among modern men, alas, there are not so many knights who are ready to wait forever for the attention of a lady of the heart. If a woman does not respond to his courtship, sooner or later he will pay attention to a lady who is more inclined to communicate. Libras who do not want to be left alone are advised to have less doubt and not make too high demands on applicants for their heart.


July 28, 2022

Prejudice horoscope. What do people around you think.

Aquarius: what a lovely fool. Aquarius is that rare sign that is both praised and scolded for the same thing: too, they say, they are lightweight. No deep feelings and deep thoughts for you, they flutter through life like that dragonfly, and for some reason, always for them, the lucky ones, their devoted ant is located, which is not averse to Aquarius going to dance on his personal table. Because it's easy with her, really! She is not only in herself, she does not delve deeply into anyone! All this, as you understand, is a vile slander and a blatant lie. Aquarians are not at all superficial, and they never mind digging into themselves, loved ones, and especially gifted Aquarians are able to literally dig the Mariana Trench in themselves, so that some zodiac intellectual snobs can safely go and hang themselves with envy. It's just that Aquarians prefer not to solve problems, but to prevent them. And a claw gets stuck - the whole bird is an abyss, you know, so Aquarians don’t let anyone into their depths and, which is typical, they don’t climb into the soul without an invitation. Yes, getting bogged down in someone else's soul is a problem for Aquarius.


July 28, 2022

The zodiac four, which more (and more often) than others give in to panic. Capricorn alarmists.

Capricorns give the impression of cold-blooded creatures. But emotions don’t go anywhere - they accumulate, accumulate, and now .... Explosion, hello everyone. The emotional pets of Saturn are not for the faint of heart. The earthly guys themselves panic, and the rest are dragged into this pool. And Capricorns are very responsible and afraid to make a mistake. Life under constant stress is not easy. Panic is growing, and Capricorns feel like on a volcano - save yourself, who can.


July 28, 2022

What zodiac signs make the best fathers. Aries.

Aries are warriors by nature. They are used to achieving their goals by any means available. But the child is the only one on whom the Aries man will not bring down his warlike nature. For the sake of children, he will learn all the necessary tricks of fatherhood, be patient and become the most caring parent. Appreciation will spend all his strength on providing for the family not only financially, but will try to do everything for an ideal atmosphere in the house. The Aries woman, on the contrary, is very cold about the role of a housewife: entrusting the upbringing of children and housework to her husband and building a career is what can make her happy.


July 28, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Today you will hardly be able to win any important victories, but you will surely successfully complete the work that you started earlier, resolve minor issues that have long required attention. Old allies will willingly help, and new acquaintances will not stand aside if you contact them. Aquarius♒️ Important questions are better to decide on your own. Today it will not be easy for you to agree on joint actions even with proven allies. There may be disagreements over trifles, disputes, because of which relations will become more tense. It is better not to give advice when it is not asked for, and not to interfere in other people's affairs if it is not necessary. Pisces♓️ Great day to chat. Both business and personal meetings will be good. You can find not only allies, but also new friends. Good news from afar is likely, and a successful resolution of issues that have recently brought a lot of anxiety is not excluded.


July 28, 2022