What can not be done in bed for a woman.

6. Passively endure sex. Lying lazily on the bed and not moving - men don't like it. This position is boring and impassive. If you don't feel like having sex, you should openly tell your partner about it. If you just lie there and still place all your hopes on him, then it's time to rethink your behavior and understand that two are involved in sex.


July 30, 2022

What can not be done in bed for a woman.

5. Strong bites. Some men enjoy the pain and violence in bed. A gentle bite to the neck or lower lip can be arousing and increase pleasure, but too much bite can be painful and very unpleasant. And biting during oral sex is generally taboo!


July 30, 2022

What can not be done in bed for a woman.

4. Shout too loudly. Lying in complete silence and continuing to make love is like a punishment, and men, of course, do not like it. But the opposite also scares men. Screaming until the walls shudder during his efforts is also not an option.


July 30, 2022

What can not be done in bed for a woman.

3. Imitation of orgasm. This is probably a classic sex mistake and extremely hated in the male world: a fake orgasm. Pretending not only means lying, but also harms both partners. A man thinks that he has found "the very" stimulation and the key to a woman's orgasm, but this is not so. The game misleads him, and the woman herself is left without pleasure.


July 30, 2022

What can not be done in bed for a woman.

2. Don't talk about what you like. Women who openly say what they want during sex are not only confident, but also incredibly sexy and attractive.


July 30, 2022

What can not be done in bed for a woman.

1. Hide your face during orgasm. When we experience an orgasm, we are completely immersed in the process, and this should also apply to our face. Therefore, if you have always been afraid to show your partner your face during orgasm, you should stop doing this. Because there is hardly anything that turns men on more than seeing you completely surrender to passion and overcome the barriers of shame.


July 30, 2022

Maybe a drug!

Not every person realizes that from a medical point of view, sex can be compared with a drug. During intercourse, a person releases the hormone endorphin, which stimulates the same areas of the brain as psychotropic substances. And the very addiction to sex can be equated with the same addiction to narcotic drugs, such as heroin. And unfortunately, this can be a big problem.


July 30, 2022

Interesting fact.

Based on statistics, the Greeks are the world leaders in the number of sex sessions. They have sex about 138 times a year. And the most dissatisfied nation in terms of sex is the Japanese, they do it only 45 times a year because of the high employment at work.


July 30, 2022

Canadian scientists: There is a 10% chance that rocket debris will kill someone on Earth this decade.

Rockets are used to launch satellites and other spacecraft and often remain in orbit after launch. Most of the orbits are located in the equatorial regions - it is in these regions that debris falls uncontrollably to Earth. The risk of dying from missile debris is disproportionately higher in low-income countries near the equator, also known as the "global South". It has a higher population density, which means that approximately 80% of the world's population lives in "unprotected or weakly protected structures that provide limited protection from falling debris."


July 30, 2022

Whale sharks are the world's largest omnivores.

A study by Australian scientists has shown that in fact the largest omnivores in the world are not the Kodiak brown bears living in Alaska, but whale sharks. Previously, it was believed that they only eat keel - a mass of small crustaceans. But, studying whale sharks off the Ningaloo reef, scientists came to the conclusion that these animals are also able to digest plant foods. And it, apparently, makes up a large part of their diet. Whale sharks can be over 12 meters long and weigh up to 19 tons. Now they are considered the largest of the existing fish.


July 30, 2022

Sprite is phasing out green bottles from August 1st.

Now the container will become colorless. This is because colored plastic cannot be completely recycled for reuse. The drink has been sold in canonical green bottles since 1961.


July 30, 2022

Mysterious rows of holes have been found at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

They are located at a depth of 2.5 kilometers and look like man-made. It is not yet known exactly how these rows appeared. There are several versions explaining the appearance of holes on the bottom of the Atlantic: they were dug by unknown marine animals; they were formed as a result of some geological processes, they were drilled by another team of scientists while collecting rock samples.


July 30, 2022

Scientists have not found any connection between people's playing time and their well-being.

Oxford conducted an experiment using 39,000 gamers. They all played varying amounts of hours per week. And according to scientists, there is no connection at all between how well people feel and the amount of time people spend playing games. Well-being meant not only health but also emotional state. According to the results of the study, it was announced that games begin to affect the psyche and health only when a person plays 10 or more hours every day for a long time.


July 30, 2022

Day of ecological debt.

Thursday, July 28th is Ecological Debt Day, by which point humans have consumed all the resources the Earth can recreate in a year. Further, humanity will take them from nature on credit. The earlier Eco-Debt Day comes, the more debt grows. The debt burden of different countries is unevenly distributed. If everyone was consuming resources like Americans, Eco-Debt Day would be March 13th.


July 30, 2022

Horoscope for August. Gemini.

Stock up on patience. At the beginning of August, events can develop more slowly than you would like, and you should not rush them. Remember: delays that will annoy you at first can be useful. And just having a little more time to think about each decision is very helpful. The work will require caution. This primarily applies to Gemini, who often have to participate in business negotiations and it is important to make a good impression. It is important for such representatives not to say too much, not to make promises if there is even the slightest doubt that they can be fulfilled. Over time, the influence of positive trends will gain strength, and this will be noticeable in all areas of life. The second half of August will delight with pleasant surprises, and the mood will improve even for those Gemini who have recently looked at life not too optimistically. Unusual acquaintances, meetings that will make a strong impression on you are likely. Pleasant events in the family are possible, inspiring news that is important for you and your relatives.


July 30, 2022

Horoscope for August. Taurus.

In August, the stars will be especially favorable to Taurus who are studying or doing research, taking on new things for themselves and trying to figure out what seemed difficult before. Someone else's experience will be especially useful to you now. Feel free to ask questions to those who know more than you, try to communicate with people who are ready to share valuable information. Informal acquaintances, which began almost by chance, can be useful from a professional point of view. It is possible that right now you will meet people who will become your most reliable allies. Relations that were previously tense will noticeably change for the better, and this will be your merit. You will become much better at understanding those who are completely different from you, and you will understand how to make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel. There will be an opportunity to improve relationships that once went wrong through no fault of yours. Many Taurus will be able to better understand their feelings, so it will become much easier for them to find a common language with others.


July 30, 2022

Horoscope for August. Aries.

In August, you have a lot to learn. Not everything will be easy, but if you are careful, you will not make serious mistakes and you can avoid many stressful moments. The month will be favorable for changing jobs. Some Aries right now will receive offers that they have long secretly dreamed of. Pay attention to how your relationships develop with colleagues and management. It is important to avoid petty disagreements, disputes over trifles: there is a risk that they will prevent you from completing things on time. In personal life, changes for the better are likely, including completely unexpected ones. A person who previously did not notice your virtues will finally pay attention to them. Probably the beginning of friendships or romantic relationships, which will soon take on a serious character, will become important for everyone. The main thing for you is not to rush things, to allow them to develop in their own way.


July 30, 2022

Why women of these signs of the zodiac are more likely to remain single. Capricorn.

Many Capricorn women are men in skirts. Therefore, they do not marry a person, but for their work. Building a career and achieving success is much more important for her than a family nest. It is worth noting the high requirements of the ladies-Capricorns to the representatives of the stronger sex. The more mature the representative of this sign becomes, the more self-sufficiency she has, and the chances of sharing personal happiness with someone decrease. Capricorns strive for self-development all their lives, and it often seems to them that a man will pull them to the bottom, taking away time from more important matters.


July 30, 2022

Prejudice horoscope. What do people around you think.

Aries: boy-woman. It is customary to frighten children of all ages and naughty cats with the explosive temperament of Sheep, and neither of them, which is typical, are not afraid at all. But supposedly the stronger sex for some reason believes that in any incomprehensible situation, Aries will first cook with a frying pan, and then ask for a surname - if, of course, there is someone left. In fact, of course, it is true, but there is a nuance: Aries are gentle, patient, empathic young ladies and simply never pull anyone over trifles. Well, not to educate, in fact, an adult and reasonable person? But when a critical amount of little things accumulates, then the lid blows off. It’s just that for some reason some people think that since they don’t saw them every day, then everything is fine. And then they’re like, “Well, what are you starting ?!” Yes then!


July 30, 2022

What zodiac signs make the best fathers. Libra.

Men born under this sign are always romantic. They masterfully know how to ignite a spark in family relationships and simply adore children. As the head of the family, they are not old-fashioned, preferring to give their children free rein. But at the same time, from the outside, they will always watch the child and worry about his every step. There will always be a friendly atmosphere in the house of Libra, because the men of this sign do not tolerate rudeness and despotism in the family. Like Libra women, men strive to create a cozy nest, in which they are helped by a well-developed imagination and a penchant for creativity.


July 30, 2022