Secondly, the causes of freckles on the face are also natural

LA-based dermatologist Annie Chiu explains: “Freckles are the result of overproduction of melanin, triggered by the skin's attempt to protect itself from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. When cells called melanocytes absorb UV radiation, they produce large amounts of the pigment melanin - in those areas of the skin where this happens, freckles appear. Why do some people have freckles and others don't? Most often this is due to the genetic characteristics of the body: increased skin sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation is characteristic of redheads. But, of course, there are exceptions.


July 31, 2022

Why do freckles appear?

Firstly, freckles on the face are completely normal: if they do not cause you any inconvenience, then you should not fight them simply because your friend does it or the beautician advises it. Lady Gaga, Christina Aguilera, Kylie Jenner and Bella Hadid have them - all these girls posted photos with freckles, not intending to hide them from subscribers.


July 31, 2022

What are our freckles trying to tell us?

From the Greek word "freckles" is translated only as "sun spots". Most often, they appear with the advent of spring in fair-skinned and red-haired girls. But this does not mean at all that dark-haired girls cannot face freckles - and they do not always cause an attack of tenderness in their owner.


July 31, 2022

Did you know?

During ejaculation, the first muscle contraction ejects semen outward at a speed of 45 km/h - faster than the current world record in the 100m race. Be careful when doing this to your ladies in the face. It can also be traumatic.


July 31, 2022

It is necessary not to think, but to give the man what he wants.

Overwhelm him with caresses, fulfill whims, but not be intrusive in personal relationships (for example, “torment” him with calls, demanding attention to yourself). The strongest networks are invisible. It is with them that the skilled seductress braids the body, soul and brain of a man.


July 31, 2022

How to get maximum satisfaction from sex for different zodiac signs? Continuation.

Scales. The orgasm of a lover / mistress is able to excite representatives of this zodiac sign better than any foreplay or oral sex. To please them, try giving them a massage, perhaps with a touch of BDSM. Scorpion. If you have a Scorpio as your lover, then consider that you have won the sex jackpot. Representatives of this zodiac sign are very passionate natures, for whom there are practically no restrictions in sex. Breaking taboos is part of their nature. Sagittarius. They love to brag about their victories. Lovemaking can be perceived by them as a sporting event, during which they use all their indomitable sexual energy for a bright victorious climax. Capricorn. They are not so easy to sway to such experiments as kinks or BDSM practices. However, if Capricorn really trusts his partner, then he will agree to try something unusual one day. Aquarius. Being inventive experimenters, they will never be satisfied with only traditional sex. Whether it's sexting, voyeurism, or making love via video call, Aquarians are always willing to give it a try. Fish. Sensual Pisces love to “merge”, become one with their partner during sex. The prelude is an obligatory item of the program. The creation of a new identity, unusual costume experiments and erotic scenes help Pisces reveal their sexuality and get real pleasure.


July 31, 2022

How to get maximum satisfaction from sex for different zodiac signs?

Aries. They love hunting. Play the game that Aries offers you, and in no case give up ahead of time. Taurus. They have a simple and direct approach to sex. For him, this is a natural physical need, if you add silk sheets, scented candles and a bottle of good champagne, he will be simply happy. Twins. It will be difficult for Gemini to get real satisfaction from sex with a silent partner. Gemini will appreciate if you appropriately insert some kind of “dirty” word or change roles for a while. Crayfish. They are romantic and sensual lovers. Pay attention to Cancer's erogenous zones when you have sex or just cuddle more often. A lion. They are not at all selfish, as is commonly believed. If they feel that their partner admires them, then they themselves will want to please him, to embody his erotic fantasies. Virgo. This will seem unexpected to many, but it is Virgos who are considered the most sexually liberated sign of the Zodiac. They like unusual foreplay, but before a hot night, still clean up the room.


July 31, 2022

Many men are not satisfied with the size and volume of their penis.

This is the same as the relationship of a woman with her own breasts - either it is not large enough, or somehow it is not elastic, or it is not the same at all! The strong sex often looks sadly below the waist and sighs. He takes a ruler or measuring tape, measures it, and sighs again. By the way, the reverse side of the medal also does not always shine radiantly. A very large penis gives its owner no less trouble, in any case, it seriously limits him in choosing a suitable partner. After all, it is still easier for a woman to properly tune in to receiving pleasure from an average organ than to constantly control the depth of insertion into herself of 25 centimeters, or endure pain. And at the same time, we all miss the main thing: no matter how small or, conversely, small the male genital organ is, the main thing is that it functions correctly. And for this it is necessary to monitor the health of the prostate and, in any incomprehensible case, be protected by condoms, because an improperly cured, neglected sexual infection can also affect your future sexual life.


July 31, 2022

The main thing is that the suit "sits".

And not only. In Germany, you can buy condoms that are made specifically for the size of a particular man's penis. This pleasure is not cheap, however - it costs about a thousand dollars. With the help of special equipment that measures the penis and allows you to create a three-dimensional image of it, businessman Oliver Gott is ready for anything. "These condoms fit so well you won't even notice them," says the entrepreneur.


July 31, 2022

How to check the sincerity of a man?

The model of competent behavior is as follows: the first reaction to any, even the most clumsy compliment, is, of course, joy, gratitude. Then, in order to determine what is really behind these pleasant words, you need to ask a special clarifying question. Try asking a man under what circumstances you showed yourself exactly as he says: “clever”, “kind”, “soulful”, etc. When did he manage to notice these qualities of yours, so that now he can tell you about them? It is desirable that he give some real example, a real situation that you can remember. Try to carefully translate the conversation into the mainstream of these memories.


July 31, 2022

Be near.

Being physically close to a person and being with him both in body and soul are two different things. How often during an evening hug on the couch, do you desperately try to get a glimpse of what's happening on the TV screen, instead of fully focusing on the touch of your loved one? If you think that such behavior of yours is not very noticeable - you are bitterly mistaken. Learn to prioritize your husband, especially when you're alone.


July 31, 2022

Benefits of a long distance relationship.

You never know where you will meet your love. And do not despair if she lives in another city or country. Such relationships can live! Pros: • there is no “everyday life”, because of which many conflicts often arise and couples break up. • the opportunity to present yourself in the best possible light: you will have plenty of time to, for example, get in shape before a meeting. • contact only with mutual desire, because if you are not in the mood, then a telephone conversation can be postponed. • emotional and spiritual intimacy through voice communication.


July 31, 2022

Remind yourself of the victories as often as possible.

To become psychologically and mentally stronger, you need not only to overcome yourself, but also to remind yourself of victories as often as possible. Every day write down in a notebook or in your smartphone notes a few things that made you feel grateful during the day. That way, after a while, you'll be able to figure out what brings you the most positive feelings and what you should focus on. I associate such an effect with improvement of the general psychological state, better quality of sleep and reduction of stress, because meaningful positive emotions relax the psyche.


July 31, 2022

What to do if a wave of negative emotions overwhelms you?

Use an alternative method - clenching and unclenching your fists. Clench and unclench your fists one by one on the right and left hand, alternating with clenching them simultaneously. Feel the tense in your muscles. For greater effectiveness, combine this exercise with inhalations and exhalations.


July 31, 2022

At MIT, they came up with stickers that can shine through organs.

At the moment, ultrasound requires a trip to the hospital and specialized equipment. The new development allows you to remove the necessary organ in real time within 48 hours without any hassle.


July 31, 2022

Smart scarf.

The Premier League's leading club has unveiled a "smart scarf" to track fans' emotions during matches. The EmotiBit chip from Cisco measures heart rate, body temperature and other indicators. With the help of this data, Manchester City will be able to accurately determine the level of stress or euphoria among fans at certain points in the matches. Now such ephemeral states as joy, nervous tension and excitement can be measured in quantitative characteristics.


July 31, 2022

In the United States, they created the "Office for the Analysis of Anomalies in All Environments", which, in case of danger, will destroy UFOs.

The US Department of Defense has created a special unit that will study unidentified objects in space, in the air and in water. It was named the "Office for the Analysis of Anomalies in All Environments", and one of its tasks of the new structure was "threat mitigation" from unidentified objects, including their destruction.


July 31, 2022

The flexible actuator lifts 1000 times its own weight.

Researchers at the Italian Institute of Technology have developed 3D printed pneumatic artificial muscles based on soft actuators. Small actuators weighing 8 grams can lift a weight of 8 kg. The actuator membranes are capable of stretching and contracting like human muscles. Actuators can also be combined to mimic real muscles and body parts. The researchers connected 18 actuators of different sizes to create a robotic arm with a wrist. By applying pressure to the membranes of various actuators, the hand could flex its fingers, rotate the palm, and rotate the wrist.


July 31, 2022

The melting glacier is moving the Italo-Swiss border.

In the snowy Alps, the border between Switzerland and Italy has shifted as a glacier has melted, casting doubt on the location of an Italian mountain lodge. But the retreat of the Theodulus Glacier means the watershed has crept towards the Rifugio Guide del Cervino, a visitor's hotel near the 3,480-meter peak of Testa Grigia. The owner of the hotel insists that the hotel will remain on Italian soil: "Italian menu, Italian wine, Italian taxes." The governments of the two countries will make a decision on the border no earlier than 2023.


July 31, 2022

Apple has hired Lamborghini executive Luigi Taraborrelli to develop its electric car.

He worked at Lamborghini for 20 years. With his participation, suspensions, brakes, discs and chassis were designed in Urus, Huracan and Aventador cars. Hundreds of former specialists from Tesla, Rivian, Waymo, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, McLaren, Porsche and Aston Martin have been working on the Apple electric car for several years, but the company has not yet officially confirmed work on this project.


July 31, 2022