Cancer♋️ The beginning of the day will be bright and rich. Act decisively and you will achieve a lot. It is worth taking the initiative in business. People around you will surely like your ideas, so if you need helpers, it will not be difficult to find them. This is a good time to meet people you would like to make a good impression on. Leo♌️ This day will not be the easiest, but still quite successful. It is well suited to take on a completely new business. You will quickly understand how to act in order to succeed. Useful acquaintances are likely, it is possible the beginning of cooperation, which will open up attractive professional prospects for you. Virgo♍️ There will be many interesting conversations, as well as unusual meetings that you will remember for a long time. You will receive important information before others and quickly understand how to benefit from it. Virgo will achieve the most noticeable professional success today, who will prefer to solve even very difficult issues on their own, without expecting help from anyone.


August 2, 2022


Aries The day is perfect for discussing new ideas, recently appeared plans. People who know you well will tell you how best to proceed. You will listen to advice and avoid annoying mistakes. Business trips work well, especially if you go on them shortly after noon. Taurus♉️ Don't worry if things don't go according to plan. This is not the easiest day, but you will succeed in many things. It is important to remain calm and not get confused in a new situation. Surely the experience gained in the past will come in handy. Thanks to him, you will not make even small mistakes. Gemini♊️ Take your time. The first half of this day is unlikely to be particularly fruitful. Delays in business are likely, some minor difficulties, due to which it will not be possible to complete what has been started on time. Violation of old agreements is not ruled out. You will have to act independently where you counted on someone's support.


August 2, 2022

Active stretch.

In fact, active charging is a “synonymous” with dynamic, but on the Internet you can sometimes find the opinion that this is not the same type of load. It's just that some are misled by different names, but the essence remains the same.


August 1, 2022

Dynamic stretch.

I am against dynamic stretching because I believe that such a process should be very neat and calm. In dynamics, you can abruptly perform one or another action and get injured, which will then make itself felt for a long time. Dynamic stretching is a “rocking”, that is, you are pulled not when you are in a static position, but when you are constantly in dynamics: you rock up and down, down and up. Therefore, most often, when you swing in this way, you can not calculate your strength and damage something.


August 1, 2022

Passive stretch.

It is also based on the principle that each person is pulled slowly, carefully, so I enjoy practicing it too.


August 1, 2022

Static stretch.

Static stretching is the safest stretch as there are no sudden movements during the session. They are all aimed at relaxation and achieving a state of calm. As the main direction of my studio, I chose just static stretching.


August 1, 2022

Let's talk about stretching!

This type of physical activity is simply necessary for all of us to be flexible and mobile. Personally, I myself have never been a gutta-percha person, I bend badly, for me even reaching the floor with my fingertips is a whole problem. So what types of stretching exist. Let's figure it out.


August 1, 2022

11 healthy habits that will help you lose weight.

6. Add probiotics. They improve digestion and immunity, and aid in healthy weight loss. 7. Give up high-calorie drinks. These are all kinds of soda, lemonades, juices with added sugar. 8. Try intermittent fasting. The easiest and safest method is 16/8. But be sure to check with your doctor! 9. Drink less alcohol. It not only contains "empty" calories, but also slows down metabolism. 10. Drink green tea. It contains many antioxidants that promote fat burning. 11. Manage stress. Here to help meditation, breathing practices, yoga, walking.


August 1, 2022

11 healthy habits that will help you lose weight.

1. Snack wisely. Instead of sugary and fatty snacks, choose high-protein and high-fiber snacks. For example, boiled eggs, hard cheese, vegetables, hummus. 2. Strength training. Working with weights speeds up metabolism and normalizes insulin sensitivity. 3. Don't forget about cardio. The good news is that there are a lot of types of cardio workouts, you can choose any one you like - from swimming to dancing. 4. Get enough sleep. It sounds trite, but without healthy sleep, the truth is nowhere - numerous studies link lack of sleep with weight gain. 5. Eat fiber. It helps to regulate appetite and heals the intestines. These are, first of all, fruits, vegetables and legumes.


August 1, 2022

Down with complexes!

Everyone is actively discussing social advertising in Spain. The Ministry of Equality (yes, there is such a thing since 2021) calls on all women not to be embarrassed to go to the beach! “All bodies are made for the beach. We have the right to enjoy life as we are, without shame or guilt. Summer is for everyone," Spanish Minister of Social Affairs Ione Belarra said.


August 1, 2022

Sex trends. Self-education.

Everyone needs basic knowledge of psychology and sexuality. The main thing is to choose a good specialist. Do not be fooled by bloggers selling "marathons", let a certified sexologist recommend books for you. They can be very effective if you need to work through significant topics and understand yourself.


August 1, 2022

Sex trends. Sex therapy.

Another trend is the ability to recognize that sometimes you need help to understand yourself. Personal consultations with a sexologist online will help you safely and effectively explore your own emotions and experiences, master new techniques, get rid of taboos, or, conversely, realize when you should leave your boundaries intact.


August 1, 2022

Sex trends. Sex toys.

It seems that society has matured to the point that everyone understood that such gadgets do not replace, but complement sex. They should be used together with a partner as spices, allowing you to give each other new sensations. You want - from a vibrobullet, you want - to a toy with cyberdildonics technology that allows you to have sex at a distance.


August 1, 2022


Invite a man to cuff your legs and arms to the bed and let him be in charge this night. You'll see, your helplessness can be very exciting for both of you. In addition, all means for tying and tying are best stored in the bedside table. You can also add handcuffs there - preferably with fur.


August 1, 2022

Types of sexual temperament.

Low (romance). People can go without sex for a long time, intimacy is not the main component of relationships. Often such people are looking for a partner for life and remain faithful. Average. People can indulge in love pleasures with passion, or they can be calm. As soon as they start having sex, they can change partners, but then they choose one for life. High. People in this category are insatiable. They do not like a long prelude, but immediately go to the process. More often these are people with high self-esteem and they put compatibility in sex at the top of their priorities.


August 1, 2022

More time for fun.

In order for a man to last as long as possible, and sex not to be spoiled by a sudden urge to cum, it is necessary to change the amplitude of entry into the vagina: Short thrusts with a minimum range of motion, practically without taking the penis out of the vagina - so the stimulation of the head will be minimal.


August 1, 2022

Experiment in the bath.

If the chest and abdomen are your erogenous zones, then this position will provide their stimulation. A man will also like it, as he has an exciting view of the back and ass of his girlfriend. Instructions The partner sits down, leaning back against the wall of the bathroom. His knees are slightly bent. The girl sits on top (with her back to the man) and leans forward, pressing her chest to his knees, and her stomach to his hips.


August 1, 2022

What qualities of a woman attract men?

Well-groomed. If a woman is well-groomed, she is healthy, and this is a guarantee of healthy offspring. This is how the male unconscious works. Satisfied. By yourself and the world. This is a sign of a healthy psyche and ease of communication. It is easier to communicate with such people and it is easier to be in a relationship for a long period. Active life position. This means: you have goals and plans. And you go to them. In a feminine way. You take responsibility for your life, for your happiness. Energy. We have a society of sad tired citizens who are busy surviving. If you do not have energy, you merge with the crowd of zombies.


August 1, 2022

What is a family for a man?

Girls, have you ever wondered why an accomplished man needs a family at all? After all, he has everything he needs. He realized himself, there are also women around. Why would he need these extra circumstances, it would seem? The fact is that a family for a man is a project. This is a kind of business that he creates himself. Not all men are passionate about designing and creating a world called family, but if it is expensive for a man, he will build a family. There is no disrespect for a woman here: he is just busy with his own business, and if a woman wants to participate in this business, she can join on the terms of a man. If she doesn't want to, that's her right. The trick is that a woman can carefully regulate the mechanisms of the project. This is done diplomatically and very carefully.


August 1, 2022

Is it possible to "remake" a man? And is it necessary?

The success of a man depends on both - both on the man and on the woman. A woman influences a man, but she cannot completely change him. Usually a successful man finds a woman who will inspire him. If a woman waits and demands too much, a weak man will resist or change. If a strong and purposeful man feels that his “wings are being tied”, he will also fight with a woman. But he will not be able to work and achieve full success until his wife changes or ceases to be his wife. If the influence of a woman does not suit a man, but he himself does not want to change, sooner or later he will leave this relationship.


August 1, 2022