The true story of the missionary position.

1. At different times she had different names It seems that we know everything about the “face to face, man on top” position. No matter how! She has many names, and the most famous of them generally appeared literally out of nowhere. The missionary position is also known as matrimonial, mom-dad, Anglo-American, and male superiority. 2. This is the only legal position in the state of Florida. Although the arrests of those who dared to violate this rule, nothing is known.


August 3, 2022

4 amazing facts about sex ... in the animal world.

1. Seahorses have done what some women would dream of. In this species, it is the females who implant their eggs into the male, which are fertilized there. And after the act of love, her boyfriend takes everything out in a special bag, it will turn out about 200 skates. And give birth to the cutest children. 2. Male African cichlids (such fish) do not have normal sex ... They practice oral sex. The female holds eggs in her mouth, the male swims up to her. Madame opens her mouth and he fertilizes future offspring with sperm. 3. African lions love sex marathons. For four days the lion and the lioness love each other. This is about more than 30 sexual acts! So they are not embarrassed by anyone, they have sex in any location, even on the road. 4. Goats know how to show their guys what they want. The goat jumps on the goat and demonstrates her sexual desires to the partner, who at this moment absorbs new knowledge.


August 3, 2022

4 zodiac ladies who will easily exchange love for wealth. Taurus woman.

According to astrologers, it is not worth blaming the Taurus woman for commercialism. Yes, she wore her older sister's clothes for a long time and could not afford fashionable dresses, and then she suddenly met a prince, so what's wrong with that? Lady Taurus is tired of living from penny to penny and can afford to shine. And the abandoned family will figure it out somehow, it’s not up to old age to look after them. But the earthly lady will shine in haute couture dresses and accept gifts from a rich lover.


August 3, 2022

5 zodiac signs that are easier to decide on a divorce. Scorpio.

5 zodiac signs that are easier to decide on a divorce. Scorpion. Passionate and deeply feeling, Scorpio is a sign of contrasts. He doesn’t have halftones, because if Scorpio loves, then with all his heart, and if he hates, then you are completely unlucky and it’s even easier to move to live in another city. Moreover, from love to hate for Scorpios, it’s not just one step, one moment can flash. The reason for this may be the partner’s dishonesty, lies, betrayal and ... total control, which Scorpio will definitely not put up with. If the representatives of this sign begin to dislike something or suddenly cause discomfort, then radical measures are the very first thing they will resort to. Therefore, for Scorpio, divorce is not only an opportunity to put an end to painful relationships, but also a great opportunity to punish a partner who suddenly made Scorpio unhappy.


August 3, 2022

Prejudice horoscope. What do people around you think.

Leo: the crown does not press? Spitting after the Lioness with the offensive nickname of Kukuruzin, alluding to the queen of the fields, is a completely thankless task: the crown on her head does not even move. I mean, everyone thinks so. In fact, the Lioness does not have any crown on her head, and so there is only one appearance. Because if there really was a crown, the Lioness would not care what you think about her there. And guess what, she doesn't. And if you think badly of her, then we have to say the following: a crown would be better. Because the Lioness just has teeth. But, to your happiness, she attacks only once, because fussing is not a royal business. So if you miss, rejoice. And pretend that you do see the crown imaginary by both of you.


August 3, 2022

4 men of the zodiac, from whom it is impossible to wait for a marriage proposal. Scorpio.

The Scorpio man wears in his arms, gives jewelry, and bypasses the wedding palace. Maybe Scorpio is allergic to rose petals, or he has a blocker in his brain, and any marital topic leads Scorpio to run away. And you do not catch up - it's useless. And enough wedding hints already, because this is what drives the water guy out of himself.


August 3, 2022


Capricorn♑️ It won't be an easy day, but you'll get through it. It is important not to rush anywhere, make informed decisions, take seriously even the solution of easy and not very important tasks. You will quickly get help if you need it. Useful acquaintances, meetings are likely, from which a long and fruitful cooperation will begin. Aquarius♒️ You have to be persistent to succeed. Circumstances may not be very good today. Difficulties can arise where no one expected them. But you will not retreat in front of obstacles, you will not give up on what you have planned. Surely there will be people who want to help you. By joining forces, you will cope with the situation. Pisces♓️ At the beginning of the day, some difficulties may arise, but you should not worry about them. Over time, the influence of positive trends will gain strength, you will notice that many things are changing for the better. It will become clear how to cope with difficult tasks, and you will not waste time in vain.


August 3, 2022


Libra♎️ The day will be successful from a professional point of view. You will do an excellent job of solving complex problems, you will succeed where others have not done anything good. Very influential people will pay attention to your achievements. If you behave correctly today, you will soon receive interesting business offers. Scorpio♏️ Don't get excited. Ambiguous situations may arise, it will not be so easy for you to navigate them and behave correctly. But if you keep your composure, you will quickly figure out how best to act. Many Scorpios will benefit from the experience gained earlier. But the advice of others, most likely, will be useless. Sagittarius♐️ A difficult day awaits you. Much needs to be done, but it is not always clear how best to act. Since proven methods are likely to be ineffective, be prepared to improvise, come up with something new. Try to avoid controversy. It will take quite a bit of time, and everyone will be convinced that you were right.


August 3, 2022


Cancer♋️ At the beginning of the day, it will be difficult to focus on business. Minor misunderstandings can distract, useless disputes will take a lot of time. However, the situation will quickly change for the better, and a very fruitful period will soon begin. It will be useful to return to some old tasks: you will be able to complete what you started earlier. Leo♌️ It is worth being careful: this day is not easy. Pay attention to how your relationships develop with others. Try to be patient with those who are dear to you, do not get angry over trifles, and if possible avoid heated arguments. It is better to solve important issues on your own, without expecting help and support from anyone. Virgo♍️ The day will be rich and successful. Take on new things: you will quickly achieve the first successes, you will easily understand where you need to move on. Allies will appear with whom you will immediately find a common language and soon make friends. Business negotiations will be successful, even those who were previously only interested in their own point of view will listen to your opinion.


August 3, 2022


Aries♈️ Act decisively, and you will have time for a lot. The first half of the day will be especially fruitful. You will cope with the problems that arose before and quickly achieve new goals. Surely the knowledge gained in the past will come in handy. They will make a strong impression on new acquaintances: they will immediately begin to trust you. Taurus♉️ It is unlikely that you will be able to quickly achieve success, but if you are persistent, then everything will work out. Determination is especially important in the professional field. When you take on something, don't expect everything to work out right away. You will achieve the desired results, but for this you will have to work hard. Gemini♊️ A good day to get back to the old things. Today you will be able to successfully complete what previously gave a lot of effort. You will not waste time on empty talk, and you will not get hung up on trifles. Focus on what's most important and you'll be fine.


August 3, 2022

Lamborghini is preparing a sports car-SUV Huracan Sterrato.

In the video, the new modification famously drives along a dirt road in a light original disguise. Lamborghini increased the ride height by 47mm, changed the dampers and suspension geometry, added wheel arch extensions, additional lighting, roof rails and air intake, and new front fenders due to a 30mm front axle offset. A full announcement is expected before the end of this year. The car will be released in a limited edition and, most likely, will receive a naturally aspirated 630-horsepower 5.2-liter V12 engine and all-wheel drive.


August 3, 2022

Xiaomi introduced Mijia Glasses Camera smart glasses.

Xiaomi introduced Mijia Glasses Camera smart glasses. As the name suggests, they have a 50MP camera and a microLED screen. The display shows the translation of the text from English to Chinese and vice versa in real time, as well as objects of augmented reality. The cost in China is about $400.


August 2, 2022

Chicken wing flavored lip gloss launched in the US.

The cosmetics brand collaborated with fast food chain Applebee's to create a line of glosses in the flavors of the establishment's signature chicken wings. There are four flavors in total: BBQ, sweet chili, honey sauce and spicy buffalo. The research lasted a year - experts tried to think over the texture of the gloss so that it would not feel like a frozen sauce on the lips.


August 2, 2022

A potentially habitable planet has been found near a star close to the Sun.

Astronomers have discovered a potentially habitable planet near a red dwarf 37 light-years away. It is four times heavier than our planet, that is, it belongs to the class of super-Earths. The red dwarf is called Ross 508 and is located in the constellation Serpens. The star is five times smaller than the Sun. Her planet Ross 508 b makes a full annual revolution in 10.8 Earth days. Its orbit is 20 times closer to the dwarf than Earth's is to the Sun.


August 2, 2022

The taste of sweets enhances creativity.

The taste of sweets activates creative thinking through associations with the positive moments of life - that is, it's not about sugar. The effect disappears during the solution of analytical questions or tasks for attention. These conclusions were made by scientists from the University of North Texas after seven experiments.


August 2, 2022

Does he plan to get married?

If you've been dating for a long time, and he still hasn't proposed to you, then this is a reason to think! In fact, men always do what is convenient for them. Truth! Absolutely always. If you agree to live with him, then be prepared that the next stage (wedding) may not happen. A year of relationship usually shows a man's willingness to propose. For example, if you have conversations about the wedding and children, then this is already a good sign. But if you do not even discuss it, then the situation is very doubtful. Perhaps you will continue to live with him, hoping to someday receive the coveted ring, and he will not even think about it. Girls, be careful, don't waste your time. Pay attention to the "bells"!


August 2, 2022

In what cases can you first get acquainted with a man.

• Do you feel that a man is not indifferent: by looks, smile, gestures, but very timid and indecisive? Send him a message first! ⠀ • You know that this handsome man has no one, he recently broke up with his girlfriend. Most likely now he is avoiding a serious relationship or has forgotten how to go on dates, so he has taken a wait-and-see attitude. Be active. • There is sympathy from a man, but there is no serious relationship. What to do? Play a little with him in an intriguing game: "push-pull." • When there is little time, for example, tomorrow he has a plane to another country. If you don’t want to bite your elbows, take risks, take the initiative in communication, than later regret it all your life.⠀ Yes, you can be the first to approach, talk to him, hint that you are not against rapprochement. But I do not recommend actively and persistently offering myself on a silver platter.


August 2, 2022

Fear of being wrong.

• Entering into the wrong relationship. • Starting the wrong project or business. • Saying the wrong phrases. • Creating the wrong product. • Thinking the wrong thoughts. And so on and so forth. I don't know the right way, so I don't do anything. Who in this world knows how to do the right thing? How to figure out what's right and wrong for you without making mistakes? What is the criterion of rightness? Maybe the other person's experience, their words, their way? How to be sure that having taken another person's life as a guidance, I would understand something about myself? You can understand something about yourself only by looking inside, not by trying to live another life. Life is a path; you open one door to find another, and then you find the next one, and it happens again and again, endless.


August 2, 2022

Are you afraid of singleness or do you choose it?

Being afraid of singleness = endlessly searching for the missing parts of yourself in another. To choose singleness = to recognize your difference to others, to realize that only being single you are able to reach your individuality. P.S.: for lovers of categorization: choosing singleness does not equal never having relationships. Choosing singleness is to stop looking for a wedding dress every time a random man compliments you in the elevator.


August 2, 2022

Two recent tendencies destroying mental health.

- Consumption of an inordinate amount of information. - And inversely, the lack of meanings. Imagine that you have arrived in a little-known terrain, about to discover it with excitement. Then, instead of walking, you sit down in the inviting nearby trolley and it begins to speed up to 200 km/h. Behind the wheel everything flashes so fast that you have no time to see the details, you have no time to focus your gaze on anything. The same thing happens to our attention.


August 2, 2022