How can I get help from my husband?

Tell your husband that you need his help But without reproaches and insults. Just tell him: "Darling, I'm tired, please stay with the children for a couple of hours." Make a to-do list for him Men love to act. Therefore, when a spouse has specific instructions, he will perceive this as an entertaining quest. Try to make at least one household chore regular for your husband. Something like a ritual. For example, on Saturday he goes to the park with his children, and you go to the cinema or shopping with your girlfriend.


August 4, 2022

A way to test your relationship without moving in.

Discuss your principles and expectations. You will definitely have a better chance if your values ​​match. At the beginning of the acquaintance, you can touch on them in passing, and when you feel that the matter is taking a serious turn, discuss them. Are you religious? Where do you want to live? Do you want to have children? How important is your career to you? In these discussions, keep two things in mind. First, falling in love makes potential sources of conflict seem insignificant. Secondly, do not forget that it is very difficult to predict your future actions. It may seem to the partner that he will do this and that, but it is not a fact that it will be so.


August 4, 2022

All we can do regarding our past is to accept it.

Believe me, absolutely all of us have something to discuss with a psychologist, no one's past is flawless. But no matter what you do, there is no method to change it. Only accept. However, you have to build your future, and it is always built in your "today". Your future isn't in diaries or tables, but in the actions of today.


August 4, 2022

At what age is it "too late" to change something, try new things, and follow your dreams?

Our desires are the main driving force that makes us do something. Assuming, of course, that these desires are really OURS, that is, not imposed by society. If that's true, then as soon as our desires arise in our minds, the amount of energy necessary to bring them to fruition arises too. People can be divided into three groups depending on their attitude towards their desires: People who dream a lot, but give up their dreams when faced with difficulties: because of disappointments, advice from "experienced" people and the seeming unrealism of their requests. ▪️"My partner said I was stupid dreaming of a big house, a nice car, decent money. It's not for us, it's too luxurious for people like us." ▪️"My friend told me I'd never get that job. It's all settled there, and there's no point in trying."


August 4, 2022

We are all perfect.

I like the idea of the phenomenological concept of the world. It's when a beautiful blooming rose is a perfect blooming rose. And a wilted bud is a perfect wilted bud. It's when any phenomenon is beautiful as it is. Without "improving", "reaching", or " finishing". It's different from the medical view stating that there is a standard to live up to. As well as the idea of endless development. Achievement. In this race, there will always be room to move on. As there will always be a shadow that constitutes the non-acceptance of what is now - the shadow of depreciation. Living according to the phenomenological concept all the time is probably impossible, but applying it to discover love and warmth to yourself is very healing


August 4, 2022

Ничего не работает!

Некоторые люди в прямом и переносном смысле бьются головой о стену, пытаясь получить желаемое. Они обвиняют себя, других и несправедливый мир в собственных ошибках, но ничего не работает. В таких случаях следует сделать паузу и хорошенько поискать второстепенную выгоду от ИТ. Поверьте, он существует. Я вам точно говорю.


August 4, 2022

Nothing works!

Some people literally and figuratively beat their heads against the wall trying to get what they want. They blame themselves, others, and the unjust world for their own faults, but nothing works. In such cases, one should take a pause and have a good look for IT secondary benefit. Believe me, it exists. I'm telling you for sure.


August 4, 2022

A night of intimate conversations.

To get even closer with a partner, even if you have been together for more than a day or a month, talk about your sexual fantasies at night Male and female expectations from sex are very different: but if it’s hard for you to say something out loud, then just show examples for clarity


August 4, 2022

Use foul language.

The more creative the dirty talk, the better. No rule says you should only have dirty talk when you're having sex. Instead, you can sneak up on your partner from behind and whisper lustful words while they do the dishes.


August 4, 2022

Men don't always want sex.

Most women mistakenly believe that men constantly want sex. In fact, men, surprisingly, are also people with their ups and downs. Just like women, men's sexual desires change every day depending on the mood and the situation. Our willingness to have sex can be affected by many factors, such as fatigue, stress, health problems, or low self-esteem.


August 4, 2022

Sexologists believe that men have 8% more erogenous zones than women.

But, in girls, these erogenous zones are much more sensitive, which allows you to get more pleasure during exposure to them.


August 4, 2022

Female orgasm.

The physiological beginning of an orgasm in girls is the rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the vagina, adjacent tissues and anus. The intervals between contractions are 0.8 seconds, and the number ranges from 3 to 20.


August 4, 2022

Massage to start.

Both women and men love tenderness and affection, certain exciting strokes, pleasant touches and massages. Especially men adore such caresses. And this is also a great way to establish an emotional connection with a partner. Massaging the scalp and touching the hair have a stimulating effect on men, as they have many erogenous points hidden under their hair. Massage is a great prelude to sex, especially if you are embarrassed to directly state that you want intimacy. Your hands will speak for you. Rest assured, men understand this language perfectly.


August 4, 2022

25 ways to unleash your feminine energy and restore your strength.

18. Write a list of grievances, disappointments and burn it (let go of the negative of the past, forgive grievances and forget them). 19. Make a list of your tasks (at least three) and entrust them to someone else. 20. Write a list of your dreams. 21. Make a playlist of your favorite music and listen to it. 22. Make a gratitude list of at least 10 items - for which you are grateful to the universe or specific people. 23. Take a contrast shower. 24. Have an evening of a hundred kisses with your man. 25. Do a morning workout (jogging, meditation, gymnastics). Choose at least three points and complete them during the day, the result will be instant.


August 4, 2022

25 ways to unleash your feminine energy and restore your strength.

9. Take a walk in the park to your favorite music. 10. Walk barefoot on the grass, lie down on it. 11. Sort out your wardrobe and throw away everything you don't need. 12. Bring comfort at home, update the interior. 13. Write 25 compliments to yourself 14. Make a list - 10 items: "Why I love myself." 15. Write a list of your uniqueness - the 10 best differences from the majority. 16. Put a bouquet of flowers at home / at the workplace. 17. Find time every day to slow down - do something measuredly, do not rush.


August 4, 2022

25 ways to unleash your feminine energy and restore your strength.

1. Spend three days in a row without male elements in clothing (trousers, boots, sneakers, etc.). 2. Write a list of your achievements and hang them on the wall in a frame. 3. Spend an aroma evening at home with relaxation, meditation 4. Sit alone by the water (lake, stream, river). 5. Read poetry. 6. Take a relaxing bath (make a face mask, wrap, etc.). 7. Stretch. 8. Cook a meal with the whole family.


August 4, 2022

Scientists have begun using the power of machine learning to decipher messages throughout the animal kingdom.

With the help of modern technology, scientists have already developed an algorithm that analyzes the grunt of a pig to determine whether the animal is experiencing positive or negative emotions. A system called DeepSqueak uses ultrasonic signals to determine if rodents are stressed, and Project CETI plans to use machine learning to translate messages from sperm whales. The Earth Species Project team hopes to decipher non-human communication using machine learning - and make this know-how available to the public. The ESP approach is unique in that it focuses not on deciphering one kind of communication, but all at once.


August 4, 2022

Acupuncture reduces the risk of developing diabetes.

Acupuncture helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes. These conclusions were made by Australian scientists after a meta-analysis of dozens of studies involving 3.6 thousand people in a pre-diabetic state - their blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not enough to diagnose a chronic disease. According to the International Diabetes Federation, by 2045 almost 1.3 billion people on Earth will suffer from diabetes or prediabetes.


August 4, 2022

FluxJet trains will travel in vacuum tubes at a speed of 1,000 km/h.

The FluxJet is a train/jet hybrid capable of carrying up to 54 passengers at over 1,000 km/h (621 mph), three times faster than high-speed trains. Toronto-based TransPod is designing this transportation system in collaboration with other institutions and international partners. TransPod plans to build a revolutionary network system called the TransPod Line between the cities of Calgary and Edmonton in Alberta, Canada. The authors of the project say that it is different from other vacuum tube train projects because it is based on a "smart infrastructure" that significantly reduces operating and maintenance costs.


August 4, 2022

NASA has published a new photo sent by the James Webb telescope.

It shows the ring-shaped Cartwheel galaxy, located about 500 million light-years from Earth. This is one of the most unusual galaxies. It was formed after it collided with its satellite galaxy, which completely changed its appearance.


August 4, 2022