Chinese point massage.

You have probably heard about the miraculous Chinese massage more than once? Can you do it yourself at home? Let's take a look at the most popular massage points in the palm of your hand. Finding them is not difficult. When you press the point, you will feel a pulsation, a slight bursting from the inside, as well as slight discomfort, since the points on the hands for the most part have an analgesic effect. Do not be afraid to "press in the wrong place", you will not cause harm to yourself. In addition, the massage area of ​​the point is quite large, so the error is quite acceptable. We press on each point and make circular movements for 3 seconds, press again and again make circular movements, this is a point massage.


August 5, 2022

How to keep a man's interest?

I will reveal the secret of all men: every man has a subconscious program aimed at sleeping with as many women as possible. Either he satisfies his need for novelty with the help of different women, or with one. "Every woman should have a mystery." Have you heard such a phrase? In fact, it is not a mystery, but the energy of novelty. Novelty for a man is when a different energy comes from you. It doesn’t matter how you bring novelty: change your appearance, change your job, try a new hobby, go on a trip, learn new knowledge and skills, offer experiments in sex. All this changes your energy, and you transfer this state to a man, even just by communicating with him. Novelty holds a strong man, and repels a weak one. Therefore, starting the path of development, consider the fact that weak men will simply disappear from your field.


August 5, 2022

Music as a means of anchoring.

Many couples use it unwittingly, calling the songs "ours" and associating them with each other. You, too, can use this method, but not by accident. It is enough just to turn on the music a couple of times in front of a man and it will already be associated only with you. The same goes for "chants" or other pleasant sounds.


August 5, 2022

About criticism and humiliation.

It happens that you make someone literally crushed or humiliated by your words and behavior. She or he takes a harmless "it's hard for me to be around you" or "when I see you, I get anxious" as the harshest criticism or a violent attack. And then you wonder: "What did I say?" You've suddenly become a horrible monster to the other and no excuses can help. Or sometimes someone tells you that you have humiliated her or him, while you are sure that you would never do such a thing. You are again left wondering. How could this happen? The truth is that your words hurt the most when they coincide with what the person's "inner critic" tells him/her. People are crushed not by someone else's words, but by their feelings of inferiority.


August 5, 2022

The first step towards change.

No matter how many different opinions there are around, it is only you who decides, acts and evaluates the results of your decisions and actions - no one else. That's the message I try to convey to people every day. When they finally understand this, life changes dramatically. That's because the level of responsibility grows and you start to come up with a lot of different ideas. I am very happy to see these results. If a person can understand even this simple idea, my work is not in vain.


August 5, 2022

Wake up and listen to yourself

It is so important to do in our modern world where the flow of information is overwhelming and our attention is scattered! Do you know what's important to you? What do you want? What are your true goals and what does your soul want? To understand yourself, to hear yourself, and feel yourself. To do that, it's important to develop awareness, to get out of your head, because the head is only 20% of the body. We tend to sit firmly in the head analyzing everything, thinking, running in a hurry, feeling nothing, and then we don't understand what happened.


August 5, 2022

Enjoy. Even when someone is trying to drag you into struggle or misery.

Stay satisfied with yourself. Even when someone was expecting a different result from you. Believe in yourself. Even when someone important doubts you. Go forward. To know yourself better, not to prove something. Don't avoid yourself. There is no relationship that justifies self-sabotage.


August 5, 2022

Xiaomi has released a Korin Zero backpack with a built-in cooling system.

A fan is placed in the back, which rotates at a speed of 3500 rpm and is powered by a power bank. Korin Zero is made of waterproof materials and weighs about 1.5 kg. The volume is 16 liters. There is a compartment for a laptop, mouse and other accessories, a pocket for an umbrella, and a USB in the strap for charging your smartphone on the go. On the Chinese crowdfunding platform Xiaomi Youpin, the backpack costs 499 yuan.


August 5, 2022

Scientists have come up with proton resistors for an artificial brain.

They are a million times faster than the neurons in the human head. Using simple and affordable compounds of phosphorus and silicon, scientists have created analog logic elements that operate much faster than silicon transistors and a million times faster than synapses in the human brain. The comparison with the brain is not accidental. The neurons in the complex can be quite large, while the new logic elements - proton resistors - can be thousands of times smaller. It will be possible to fit such a powerful analog processor into the volume of the brain that it will be something unimaginable by modern standards. However, many more discoveries remain to be made for this, although the main thing - the basic element - scientists have already invented.


August 5, 2022

New sneakers from Heineken.

Heineken released sneakers with a beer in the sole and a bottle opener on the tongue. The idea was helped to realize by Dominic Chambrone - designer and customizer of shoes for LeBron James, DJ Khaled and Drake.


August 5, 2022

Virtual churches have appeared in China.

A Hong Kong Baptist minister founded Me Church in the metaverse as a solution for parishioners who find physical attendance boring or uncomfortable. Anyone can become part of the flock, but owners of VR helmets will be able to pray and receive communion together, and soon take part in virtual baptismal rites.


August 5, 2022

In the American desert, they found "ghostly" traces of ancient people - they appear only after rain.

In Utah, in the desert of the Great Salt Lake, archaeologists have found 88 footprints left by ancient people 10-12 thousand years ago. They belong to adults and children of five years old. You can see the traces only after rain, when the soil of a special composition is saturated with moisture, and they darken. Footprints disappear quickly under the Sun.


August 5, 2022

The work of the organs of the pig was restored for the first time an hour after death.

Scientists provoked a cardiac arrest in a pig, then the animal was gradually injected with an experimental liquid OrganEx - as a result, it was possible to maintain the integrity of tissues, as well as stop cell death and restore the functioning of key organs.


August 5, 2022

In Georgia, human embryos are recognized as dependents - pregnant women are now entitled to tax benefits.

Authorities in the U.S. state of Georgia have equated human embryos with a heartbeat to dependents. Pregnant women can now list the fetus on their tax return and claim a $3,000 deduction. The state's legislation was changed after the right to abortion ceased to be constitutional in the United States. Critics of the initiative point out that a woman may have a miscarriage - that is, the authorities risk giving out huge sums for interrupted pregnancies. In addition, theoretically, a woman can be tried for tax fraud.


August 5, 2022

Talents of the zodiac signs.

Aries ♈: You are excellent athletes, born to win. In addition, you have a skill that can break any negotiator. You are a fiery and unforgettable lover and creative genius. Taurus♉: Gourmets like no other. You combine sensitivity and patience in action. Your hands are exceptionally talented when it comes to massage and you are also a good musician. Gemini♊: Thanks to your communication skills, you are an expert in organizing parties. You know how to use your communication skills to always come out on top - that's your cold and calculating diplomatic side.


August 5, 2022

5 zodiac signs that are easier to decide on a divorce. Aquarius.

Wayward and sociable Aquarius cannot give all of himself to one person. Often in the life of Aquarius there are many people with whom he is connected by business and interests. If he comes across a jealous, stingy and domineering partner, problems cannot be avoided. Aquarius needs freedom - a field for experimentation and self-expression. This is the most unpredictable sign, which is characterized not only by changes, but by cardinal upheavals. In a partner, he must feel an ally and a friend. Disunity and limitations push him to the final break.


August 5, 2022

Prejudice horoscope. What do people around you think.

Libra: all so sudden, all contradictory. About the mood of Libra, changing at the speed of pictures in a kaleidoscope rolling down the mountain, only the lazy one did not write, it seems (from which, dear reader, we must conclude that, for example, we are not at all lazy!). Everyone else knows that Libra is not able to make a single decision without weighing all the pros and cons 100,500 times. Attention, a question for connoisseurs: did it ever occur to you why Libra allows himself to waste precious time on such garbage? We answer: because they made all the most important decisions in their lives a long time ago, while all the other signs sent meaningless requests like “Who am I?” to the Heavenly Chancellery. and “Why is this all?”. And Libra, meanwhile, chose the right one between the blue and red pills and now they can choose for at least a year between a red and a blue dress.


August 5, 2022

Daily horoscope August 5th.

Capricorn♑️ On this day, Capricorns should not make excessive demands on themselves and others. It is not recommended to make purchases and make responsible choices. It is better not to resort to the help of women and paid services. Interest in music, psychology, individual fashion trends is possible. Feelings and sympathies at this time are constant. Aquarius♒️ Do not throw away money for dubious undertakings. New hobbies of Aquarius on this day have no future. There may be additional costs for the sake of the child. It is not recommended to choose valuable gifts today. Visiting a music show or an expensive restaurant can leave an ambivalent impression. Pisces♓️ On this day, Pisces are dependent on their changeable moods. You may also have to adjust to the family environment or the tastes of the household. Under the influence of a random emotional outburst, you can make the wrong choice in love or waste money. It is not recommended to engage in interior decoration and landscape design.


August 5, 2022

Daily horoscope August 5th.

Libra♎️ Distant lands may lose their attractiveness for Libra, or you will be forced to leave them. There may be slight discomfort on the road due to poor health. Disappointment in love, in any religious, aesthetic or financial system is not ruled out. Your holiday romance or any hobby may come to an end. Scorpio♏️ Today, Scorpios should not rigidly plan a program of action. Rely on inspiration, chance, or your own intuition. The day is favorable for rest and creativity. Sagittarius♐️ Be diplomatic in dealing with others. The dissimilarity of tastes and habits can complicate the home life of Sagittarius (for example, bring disharmony in the relationship between parents and marriage partner). Forgive others for their petty weaknesses, then in return they will willingly forgive your own sins.


August 5, 2022

Daily horoscope August 5th.

Cancer♋️ Contacts of Cancers with representatives of remote territories today will be pleasant. Increased sentimentality can make you more open in dealing with people you don't know well, like fellow travelers. Do not reveal your secrets to unfamiliar women. When away from home, do not get carried away with shopping and buying souvenirs Leo♌️ Rest will be more pleasant if the Lions change their usual surroundings. This is the right moment to interact with female friends. An unexpected meeting, an unplanned invitation to visit is not excluded. Random pleasant acquaintances made on this day are unlikely to continue. Virgo♍️ Other people's needs today are more important than Dev's personal plans. If you do not share the tastes of a partner, you will have to adapt to them. You may be alerted by his laziness, secrecy or inconstancy. An attempt to bring complete clarity to married life or to make cardinal changes in it is unlikely to be successful.


August 5, 2022