Daily horoscope August 7th.

Aries♈️ Surely, you, like most, have things that you dream of doing throughout your life. Today is a great day to appreciate what has already been done. If you don't already have such a list, now is a great time to make one. Have you gone skydiving yet? Would you like to? Follow your impulses! Taurus♉️ Today you will have a huge impact on everything that happens around you. All your words and actions will have simply miraculous power. Stay honest under any circumstances - it will only play into your hands. If you feel that some undertaking has great prospects, be sure to give it a go. Gemini♊️ Friends, from communication with which you have always received only pleasure, and in the future will remain an integral part of your life. These people open up new opportunities for you and do not skimp on good advice that you should listen to. However, do not forget about your inner voice, which strongly recommends that you check your finances and control your expenses.


August 7, 2022

Herbs to improve sleep quality and stimulate melatonin production.

Chamomile linden flower Cat mint Mint Lavender Lemongrass Valerian Passionflower


August 6, 2022

Essential oil blends to improve sleep.

1. Patchouli and cedar. 2. Lavender and vanilla absolute. 3. Vetiver and chamomile. 4. Ylag-ylang, chamomile, bergamot, sweet marjoram, valerian. 5. Lavender, chamomile, sage, ylang-ylang. 6. Geranium, sweet marjoram, patchouli, sweet orange. 7. Chamomile, rose, palm rose. How to use essential oils: Inhale, add to bath, shower gel, apply on wrist and behind ears before bed (mixed with carrier oil), diffuser, cotton pad in bedroom before bed, bedroom and bed spray. The effectiveness of essential oils for improving sleep is supported by a meta-analysis of 15 studies. No side effects found.


August 6, 2022

Secrets of healthy sleep.

Healthy sleep - a healthy body! Nutrition to improve sleep: - Caffeine not later than 14.00. - Chamomile tea in the 2nd half of the day. - Lunch with a good fat content. - Dinner 3-3.5 hours before bedtime - at least 100-120 g of protein (poultry, fish, cheese, minced meat, eggs, bone broth soup) - Warm cherry or cherry juice in the afternoon (from 1/3 cup) - Dark chocolate over 80% 30 g 2 weeks in the morning - Eliminate alcohol. - Eliminate light carbohydrates, including fruits after 16.00


August 6, 2022

Sex after 50.

Oddly enough, but according to the latest data, one in four men over 50 years of age, sexual activity improves compared to the previous period. On the physical side, this is due to the fact that a man is less stressed at work and in bed than before. Although a number of men at this age lose their sexual activity, due to health problems and a deterioration in their general physical condition and a decrease in activity in general.


August 6, 2022

Sexuality from 35 to 50 years.

If a man had a regular sexual life up to this age, then no special changes will occur during this period. Sexual preference, behavior and temperament of a man will remain at about the same level as in 30 years. Some physical illnesses that have worsened by this time can affect sexual behavior. A mature man at this stage in bed thinks more about the interests of his partner, knows how to please her, is affectionate, courteous, can have sex for a long time, holding back ejaculation.


August 6, 2022

Sexuality from 25 to 35 years.

Closer to 30 years, testosterone levels begin to fall, the desire for sex decreases and is controlled by the mind. Sex becomes better, a man can have several sexual intercourses per night. A man is ready for experiments and can realize his partner's fantasies in bed. In bed, a man is gentle, inventive and knows how to surprise his partner. Sexual intercourse itself can last from 10 minutes or longer.


August 6, 2022

Sexuality up to 25 years.

Usually boys begin to get acquainted with sex at the age of 15-17 years. Therefore, by the age of 20, the guy already has a certain sexual experience - from time to time successful, from time to time not quite. In their youth, guys have excellent physical shape and general well-being, so they need regular sex. A high level of testosterone spurs sexual arousal and guys are ready for sexual contact at any opportunity. Excitation grows quickly, but the duration of sex can upset the girl, it is unlikely that the guy will last more than 5 minutes.


August 6, 2022

Male sexuality at different ages.

There is an opinion that men constantly think about sex and at any opportunity they are already in sexual fantasies. But thinking and acting are completely different things. Passion, flirting, sex and love go with a man through life at any age. But if in women the peak of sexual activity occurs closer to 30 years, then in a man the sexual curve looks a little different throughout life. How exactly male sexuality changes with age, let's figure it out.


August 6, 2022

What does it mean to love?

To love with all your heart means to drop all your thorns and understand that the person you love is also perhaps standing in front of you without armor. To love is to live with a naked heart, strong but defenseless, and to cherish someone's heart as your own. To love is to trust the world, like a child, forgetting how cruelly it sometimes treats us. To love is to be gentle, brave and daring. It means to truly live.


August 6, 2022

It seems that the most important quality in a person is his simplicity.

It is easy to settle down with such a person, because next to him the feeling of discomfort immediately disappears. Being simple does not mean being a simpleton, but it means being someone who does not impersonate another and is always honest with himself.


August 6, 2022

How to learn to refuse?

1) During the conversation, try not to interrupt the speaker, show respect for his situation and request 2) When refusing a request, do not delve into the detailed reasons for the refusal. Suffice it to say that at the moment you do not have such an opportunity (in a suitable interpretation) 3) If rejection is difficult for you, especially when you are taken by surprise, ask for an opportunity to think. During this time, formulate your refusal.


August 6, 2022

Live or plan?

Many people's lives consist of making plans for how they will do something, or of making plans about how they will make plans. For example, take up some sports, write a book, build a house, go on a trip somewhere, or just sit down and sort things out. And all these plans are never meant to come true, because there is always too little time, money, or effort. If there're some, it would be obvious that there are more obstacles on the inside than on the outside, even if there is a good chance and an opportunity. And it's not about time at all, since there is always enough time for what you really want.


August 6, 2022

To feel is to be alive.

Feelings arise in people, even if they are irrational and do not lead to the desired goal, even if they don't seem to make any sense. Feelings are not something that should serve a purpose. It is something that simply comes into being. It arises and it exists. And there's nothing you can do about it. You have to reckon with them. Sometimes you don't want to feel sad or ashamed. But these feelings, as well as any others, come no matter what you want. Sometimes you suddenly feel so hurt that you ask your business partner to wait and run to the bathroom to cry when no one is looking. And you can't explain to yourself what happened. You just feel so vulnerable and can't show it. Feelings make us vulnerable and open to the world in all its unpredictability. They make it possible to be with someone, to change, to find ourselves in unexpected places, to suffer and to rejoice. To be alive.


August 6, 2022

When it's hard to feel good.

When it's hard to feel good. In the life of a person who has experienced a lot of trauma, pain and disappointment, and then found healing after long time working on him/herself, there comes an interesting time... There comes a very strange and unnerving day when everything is well. It’s not an illusion, a catch or the lull before the storm, but an actually true "well". You just feel happy to live your life. It would seem that all of life's struggles took place to let this moment happen. You feel whole for the first time, and it's quite a strange feeling.


August 6, 2022

European birds have faded due to the climate crisis.

The colorful plumage of European birds has faded over the past 15 years due to climate change. This can lead to problems during the mating season - the bright color of birds attracted partners. Color changes can be caused by a combination of a 1.23°C increase in temperature and a 0.64 mm decrease in rainfall. Becoming less bright, the birds adapted to the new environmental conditions. They may now have to change their breeding strategy.


August 6, 2022

Iceland's Fagradalsfjall volcano erupts for the first time in 6,000 years.

The Icelandic Meteorological Office has urged people to stay away from the volcano. The fact is that the eruption goes through a volcanic crack, and this can lead to strong explosions or significant dispersion of ash in the stratosphere. In addition, in this case, toxic fumes can evaporate.


August 6, 2022

Xiaomi showed the MiGu headband for controlling smart home devices with the power of thought.

There are three sensors on the headband that register brain signals and convert them into commands. The device can be used not only to control gadgets, but also to detect stress or fatigue while driving a car. The prototype was assembled by the company's employees as part of an annual developer forum dedicated to ideas that may be useful in the future. Not the fact that Xiaomi will undertake to finalize the project.


August 6, 2022

Because of the abnormal heat, the source of the Thames dried up for the first time.

For the first time in the history of observations, the source of the Thames dried up due to abnormal heat in the city of Cirencester, Gloucestershire. According to the UK Met Office, July 2022 was the driest in England since 1935.


August 6, 2022

Two glowing Labradors were born in South Korea.

Koreans continue experiments on editing the genome. This time, Labradors were born with strengthened hips and the code cleaned from unnecessary DNA mutations. And at the same time, they added the genome of the green fluorescent protein. Now puppies glow under ultraviolet light.


August 6, 2022