In China, they introduced a computer case with an aquarium for fish.

MetalFish has released the Y2 Fish Tank Chassis - and its name speaks for itself. The capacity of the built-in aquarium was 13 liters - this is about half the volume of the body. The kit comes with a filter, a pump and an oxygenator for aeration, which is powered by a USB connector. The manufacturer claims that you can install a Micro-ATX or Mini-ITX board, a video card up to 220 mm in size and a small power supply into the case.


August 8, 2022

A new species of giant jellyfish has been found off the coast of Papua New Guinea.

Diver Dorian Borcherds photographed a giant translucent jellyfish. Marine biologist Lisa-Anne Gershwin carefully examined the recording and came to the conclusion that it contained a previously unknown species. The discovered jellyfish was described as teardrop-shaped with a pattern on the sides. She is the size of a soccer ball. The new species is similar to the jellyfish Chirodectes maculatus, which was seen in 1997 off the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia. Researchers then captured and studied the animal.


August 8, 2022

AI discovered alternative physics without human intervention.

A team from Columbia University showed the trained artificial intelligence a set of frames representing typical physical actions - burning, rotating, etc. And then, the algorithm was asked to describe this case with formulas. The AI has successfully completed the task - its formulas are working. But these are generally other formulas that are in no way connected with current physics. There is no breakthrough knowledge for our physics.


August 8, 2022

In China, a national relic, the Pingnan Wan'an Bridge in the city of Ningde, burned down.

The bridge has over 900 years of history. After a fire, it cannot be restored.


August 8, 2022

Scientists have discovered episodic memory in dolphins

They conducted an experiment and offered eight dolphins a game - people stood along the edges of the round pool, but only one of them had the ball in their hands. The animals had to swim up to the right person on the first attempt and ask him for a toy. The experiment was carried out for two days. All eight dolphins successfully answered the question "where?", and only one of them did not cope with the question "who?". So the animals demonstrated that they not only remember the event, but also the context accompanying it.


August 8, 2022

The concentration of "eternal chemicals" in rainwater is exceeded almost all over the world.

Swedish and Swiss scientists have measured the concentrations of four major "timeless chemicals" in rainwater and found that they are well above safe levels almost everywhere in the world. In particular, the norms established in the USA for drinking water. "Eternal Chemicals" (PFAS) is a group of 4.7 thousand artificially synthesized substances. The most famous of them is Teflon. They are used to dye clothing and food packaging; creation of cosmetics; production of dirt- and water-repellent coatings. Ingested PFAS increases the risk of cancer, malformations in newborns, liver and thyroid diseases, and hormone problems.


August 8, 2022

Talents of the zodiac signs.

Capricorn♑: A talent for knowledge of the sciences and a desire to rule endow you with the ability to pull thousands of people with you. And cunning, sneakiness and a sharp mind only increase the chances of unconditional leadership. Aquarius♒: They are great inventors. Being different from others and thirsting for new, unbeaten paths makes you innovators and pushes you to create. You cannot keep up with the times: even a step, but always ahead of the rest. Pisces♓: Nature has generously endowed you with the gift of feeling the emotions of another person. You are first-class psychiatrists or mediums. You know how to empathize and help people in difficult situations. Pisces makes excellent priests.


August 8, 2022

4 zodiac ladies who will easily exchange love for wealth. Scorpio woman.

The Scorpio girl was born for a beautiful life, and the husband himself is to blame for not being able to provide for her. Expensive restaurants, boutiques, five-star resorts - it's dizzying, and Scorpio will never remember a past life in which children and a loser husband remained. And you can sympathize with a rich lover - after all, sooner or later there will be an even richer guy for Scorpio.


August 8, 2022

Women of these zodiac signs become lovers more often than others. Scorpio.

He's also a thrill seeker. Scorpio has incredible magnetism for the opposite sex. He himself is often drawn to the mysterious and inaccessible. Sensuality, mystery, intimacy are characteristic of the atmosphere of this sign. The passions of Scorpio are strong, from falling in love, he easily loses his head. For many Scorpios, it is important to experience a sense of drama, tension. “Love and blood” is an exaggeration, of course, but this often happens to them. In close relationships, Scorpios can be very liberated and outspoken.


August 8, 2022

Daily horoscope August 8th.

Capricorn♑️ The day is perfect for trying something new. There is no need to rush: you will have enough time to think about the current situation, draw up a plan of action. Potentially interesting offers. If they are made by old acquaintances or people about whom you know a lot, you can agree without much thought. Aquarius♒️ The day will be unusual and bright. A lot of good ideas will come up and you can start implementing them right away. There will be people around to help. New allies will soon become your real friends, communication with them will delight you. Pisces♓️ Disputes and disagreements today will arise more often than usual. Any trifle can become the reason for them. Not always even the most convincing arguments will help you convince others that you are right. However, you should not worry: it will take a little time, and those who did not agree with you will change their minds


August 8, 2022

Daily horoscope August 8th.

Libra♎️ Serious conversations should be postponed. The first half of the day is hardly suitable for them, and it won’t hurt you to think it over again, to pick up convincing arguments. Any information received before noon should be carefully checked, as there is a risk that someone will try to mislead you. Scorpio♏️ Act decisively, you have a chance to achieve success. Good luck will accompany bold undertakings in the professional field. Perhaps you will understand how to increase your income or make profitable deals. Relations with colleagues and management will noticeably change. You will have a much better understanding of those with whom you work. Sagittarius♐️ The day will be busy and will bring a lot of excitement. It will be difficult to concentrate. Many Sagittarians today will have to deal with several things at once, and it will not be so easy not to miss anything, not to forget and not to confuse. You will surely benefit from what you have learned so far.


August 8, 2022

Daily horoscope August 8th.

Cancer♋️ A good day to share ideas, talk about new plans. Your enthusiasm will be contagious, and many will want to help you achieve your goals. A long friendship and even a romantic story can begin with common affairs. Leo♌️ Be careful. Today it is easy to make annoying mistakes, to succumb to provocation, to say or do something that you will later regret. It is worth being more selective in business and personal relationships. Do not rush to trust everyone who is trying to win your sympathy. Virgo♍️ The day is perfect for study, research work, as well as for thinking about difficult and very important things. You will pay attention to what others have not noticed, and draw the right conclusions. Some Virgos will understand what needs to be done in order to achieve goals set a long time ago.


August 8, 2022

Daily horoscope August 8th.

Aries♈️ Your business intuition will be especially sharp today. Listen to her tips when it comes to finances, and you will not make mistakes. You will have a chance to conclude profitable deals, increase your income. You can achieve noticeable success in your work, cope with tasks that will baffle many. Taurus♉️ Do not build illusions and do not get carried away with empty dreams at the beginning of the day. At this time, it is especially important to really look at things, to sensibly assess your strengths and capabilities. Do not rush to make promises, bind yourself with some obligations. Much of what now seems simple and effortless will turn out to be complex in reality. Gemini♊️ Although the day will bring some difficulties, it cannot be called especially difficult. It will certainly please those who take up something completely new. It will be easy to achieve the first successes, you will quickly make sure that you have chosen the right path to the goal. Important discoveries, good news and interesting offers are likely.


August 8, 2022

Talents of the zodiac signs.

Libra♎: Best of all they know how to create harmony around. Nature has rewarded you with sensitivity and melody. Aesthetic taste and the ability to express impressions in words gives you the opportunity to write beautiful poems. Scorpio♏: Your sharp, and sometimes black humor is loved by people. You can ridicule imperfections in such a way that even very vulnerable natures will not be hurt. Born comedians who can perform both in stand-ups and act in comedy genres. Sagittarius♐: Nature has endowed you with the ability to quickly assimilate information and educate people. You fill up with questions until you take all the knowledge and experience for yourself. You have a talent for explanation, you are endowed with the gift of finding the right words.


August 8, 2022

4 zodiac ladies who will easily exchange love for wealth. Gemini woman.

She dreamed of a prince. And then he turned up - Gemini will forget both his poor husband and his children. “Let them live in poverty, but I want to live beautifully,” the airy lady will say, tempted by the palace and the diamond necklace. But whether she will be happy is another question ... It is unlikely, because frivolous beauties are changed like gloves.


August 8, 2022

Prejudice horoscope. What do people around you think.

Sagittarius: your guy to the board. An eternal optimist, a great friend, "a good guy" - everyone should have such wonderful stereotypes, tell me? But for some reason, Sagittarians do not like it. And we even know why: because everyone around is idiots, it turns out, they confuse freedom from conventions with accessibility, and honesty with entering the friend zone. So Sagittarius, perhaps, suffers most from the stereotype about himself. That is, she would suffer if she were inclined to it. Well, at least somewhere the stereotypes do not lie!


August 8, 2022

Women of these zodiac signs become lovers more often than others. Aries.

This sign is characterized by great, sometimes immoderate activity in love relationships. Feelings and desires in Aries arise easily, and most often he does not resist them. Calm and predictable relationships quickly bore him - Aries likes sparks and passion. The themes of challenge and competition are also in tune with the character of Aries, so he may well decide on a close relationship with an unfree person. But it is important to note that Aries decides on the role of a lover only if he really wants this - and not because there are no other options.


August 8, 2022

Daily horoscope August 7th.

Capricorn♑️ You are about to climb to the very top of the career ladder, but this may ruin the plans that you made with your family. Try to identify the problem in time and make every effort to solve it. For example, you might have a couple of backup plans in case you have to work late or cancel an important dinner with a family member. Aquarius♒️ Today you will be surprisingly influenced by someone's charm and will inspire you to actively participate in charitable activities. Recently, you have paid too much attention to yourself and your needs, but on this day you will have a desire to pay maximum attention to others. Pisces♓️ You should pay attention to your reaction to the fact that you are not able to control some events. You will be surrounded by spontaneous, unpredictable energy that will confuse people close to you. Something may happen that you have no control over. But instead of indulging in despondency and giving up, you should take advantage of the situation and benefit from it.


August 7, 2022

Daily horoscope August 7th.

Libra♎️ The inner voice persistently reminds you that you should not worry about the opinions of other people about your person, and you should listen to it. He also says that today you will have to act in a rather unusual role for yourself in order to cope with all the necessary matters. Scorpio♏️ It seems that you have been hatching some kind of grandiose idea for a long time, but you still can’t find the right incentive to start acting. Today, it may appear in the form of someone's inspiring story, a sudden monetary gain, or an obsessive inner voice that will make itself felt especially loudly. Sagittarius♐️ It seems that some problems have appeared in your family or just in a close environment, but you are quite able to solve them. Someone really needs your wise advice - do not refuse this person to help. At the same time, try to be as delicate and soft as possible.


August 7, 2022

Daily horoscope August 7th.

Cancer♋️ Today you will have a very difficult day, but it will be very productive. You will be able to concentrate on one task without being distracted, which will help you get ahead, leaving those around you far behind. Leo♌️ All people have different concepts of beauty. Any aesthetic preferences are very subjective. If today you understand this and put up with it, then you will be more calm about a possible dispute about the artistic value of some work of art or something like that. Virgo♍️ Today it will be quite difficult to spend time in peace and quiet alone with your thoughts. You have already accumulated quite a lot of invitations to various events, and you need to quickly decide whether you want to go out into the world or still move away from the bustle of the world for a while.


August 7, 2022