Guys like sex for the same reason girls do.

They want to let off steam, they want to be enchanted and they are looking for passion. Sex is a great vehicle for intimacy, and everyone knows how guys love real intimacy (even if they never admit it).


August 8, 2022

How many positions do you have time to change while having sex?

Count and try to make your act more varied (by the way, this is a great way to make it even longer). Have you set a new record? Check it out and see if you can beat it.


August 8, 2022

Secrets of the male orgasm.

Men can't control their emotions when reaching orgasm During sex, 94% of men have a desire to do it again, but after an orgasm, this desire disappears. The amount of seminal fluid secretion depends on the mood. Restoring the body to the readiness of a new sexual intercourse takes an average of 18 minutes. The best time for a male orgasm is early in the morning.


August 8, 2022

A woman's sexual desires are related to her cycle.

Nature so ordered that a woman experiences the greatest sexual desire on the days of ovulation. Hormones and an increase in testosterone levels during this period are to blame, which cause a strong intimate attraction to a partner. The work of this sexual mechanism, of course, is not accidental: in this way, nature does its best to ensure that a woman becomes pregnant.


August 8, 2022

Be smart.

It's fair to say that we all have different levels of empathy. But even an attempt to understand your spouse, reciprocating love and understanding, plays a huge role in relationships. Be attentive to the little things and show compassion!


August 8, 2022

Do not criticize each other's parents.

Each of us has something to say about our parents, and even more so about the parents of a wife or husband. But don't give in to this temptation. Even if the husband himself complains about his parents, the rule continues to work. Do not give in to provocation, do not get involved and start scolding his mother or father along with him. Just say, "I understand you." Don't say yes, "yes, your mom is a really terrible woman!"


August 8, 2022

What happens to the feelings we bottle and hide?

As a rule, only intensify and find workarounds to manifest themselves. Envy is a strong feeling, it derives from our desires and opportunities, it is a passion, and there is a lot of energy behind it. Is it possible to turn this energy to your advantage? Or is an envious person doomed to suffer? Creative envy gives inspiration, motivation and even joy. Neurotic envy is a slightly different story. And then there is narcissistic, psychotic envy... there are many forms of its manifestation, each has their own.


August 8, 2022

Hope can strike you blind.

If there is even the slightest chance of hope somewhere on the horizon - one might find themselves in a state of worry and uncertainty. Their world is not as agile and capable of change. When one is preparing themselves to take the first heroic step into a new bright future, they face challenge to take these “domino” steps in the present.


August 8, 2022

Let yourself grow.

Some people find it hard to let themselves grow or even reach their true level. They want to stay small, or at least not very big. There're few people who dare to declare their real growth, let alone to admit the fact that they are above average. However, it's not so hard to be above average among people who don't want to grow at all. Growth is a responsibility. Growth is a right. Growth is your call. It's at everyone's discretion.


August 8, 2022

Balance in relationships.

Family relationships are everyday work. We need to hear each other and talk, and not make claims. It is also important to constantly throw firewood into the hearth. Life really dulls feelings, but if they are real and the fire is maintained, the routine will not kill them. And in general, all couples have family problems.


August 8, 2022

Submarine principle.

During a quarrel or conflict, imagine that you are on a submarine or on a spaceship. All hatches are tightly closed and it is impossible to open them, which means that there is no way to get out of the boat either. And the phones don't work either: there is no one to call and complain to. Therefore, you need to learn how to resolve any conflict or quarrel right now, without leaving your home and without attracting anyone from outside. The maximum that you have is the opportunity to go to the kitchen, calm down and think about how you can solve the situation now, what words to choose, how to agree, what steps to take. This is a very simple principle, it has already helped save more than one family.


August 8, 2022

Seek or grow.

Peace and joy are not to be found outside. Anything found outside makes you dependent on something that is not you. However, you can be inspired by something from the outside world and put it inside yourself like a sprout. You can reflect things that you like using your imagination. Peace and joy have to be cultivated within yourself. This approach is much more encouraging than others. It requires no one but you, and no time but now. You just have to plant sprouts inside and start taking care of them.


August 8, 2022

Do you love yourself unconditionally?

Accepting yourself when you succeed is not difficult. Accepting yourself when you fail is something everyone learns sooner or later. Accepting oneself amidst strong feelings is something that any book or even the most superficial psychological coaching can teach you. But do you know how to accept yourself as inactive, standing at ground zero? To do it when you are incomprehensible to yourself and others. Give yourself time to duck or digest what's going on? How easy is that for you? Aren’t you spending all your energy to avoid facing your inactive self?


August 8, 2022

Getting out of a codependent relationship.

A person who has stopped playing co-dependent games and raping him/herself, who has escaped from the abusive system in one way or another, is often considered from inside the system as a traitor who has failed, abandoned, left alone, chosen the easiest way. No one is saying she or he is right. However, often a person has no other way to start a better life, except going for a betrayal, which, together with the pain, carries its healing power.


August 8, 2022

Just put up with it...

It is much easier to put up with some things a person does when you love her or him. But it's very hard when you don't feel love. Or you don't love him anymore. When there is no peace, no understanding, no strength to forgive. Humility with the actions of those you love multiplies love and gives a joint perspective. Love gives strength. You cannot make them up or call them out by order. They are already there. Accepting the actions of those you don't love gives you personal freedom and wisdom. It also gives you back your energy, your attention and makes you free. However, it takes a lot more mental effort.


August 8, 2022

Would you like to invest?

Somali pirates owned an investment company for some time. You could invest in the activities of the Somali pirates and even get a share of their booty if the raid was successful.


August 8, 2022

History of Listerine

Listerine was invented as a surgical antiseptic, then as a floor cleaner, used to treat gonorrhea, and finally as a mouthwash.


August 8, 2022

The James Webb telescope captured the first ever star WR140 with incredible resolution.

The rings in the photo are streams of matter that a collapsing star in a pre-supernova state throws out during processes similar to inhalation-exhalation.


August 8, 2022

Chemists figured out how to make a liquid crystal display out of fish scales.

Japanese chemists have learned how to synthesize carbon nanoonions (CNO) from fish scales. The stable optical properties of scale nanoonions will make it possible to produce large-area flexible radiating films and LED devices. This work opens up new possibilities for the development of next-generation displays.


August 8, 2022

The drone opened the cupboard and turned the valve.

Swiss engineers taught the drone how to manipulate objects, such as opening cabinets and turning valves. It has 12 propellers that can be rotated so the drone can hover in any position. The complex manipulator was replaced with a simple stick with a hook at the end. Before starting work, the drone builds a trajectory so that the door or other object comes from the current position to the specified one. To do this, engineers hung on objects (and the drone itself) spherical infrared markers - cameras around the perimeter of the room track their position with an accuracy of tenths of a millimeter. Hypothetically, a drone can be trained to handle almost any object that can be pulled or pushed. At the same time, while it is only able to work indoors, which is equipped with a tracking system, and, for example, is not adapted to the street.


August 8, 2022