Why is life in the family an eternal problem?

Life in the family is all everyday worries, household chores that provide for the needs and requirements of each family member. From these needs, household duties are formed. Of course, before the wedding, lovers do not really think about how their life will be organized. But in vain. Routine destroys a marriage due to the wrong distribution of responsibilities, unspoken grievances.


August 9, 2022

How to understand that a man wants a family?

He becomes more caring, shows attention, worries about your health and well-being. He spends a lot of time with you. He is ready to give you a space where you can arrange your necessary women's things. He tries to do everything to make your stay in his house comfortable. You are a part of his life, which means there is no need to hide you. He wants to show you to others as his partner.


August 9, 2022

Why spouses should sleep together.

Sleeping together is very beneficial. Sleeping with your spouse improves health and may even extend the days of life. A happy woman falls asleep faster. If you prefer to sleep together, then the dream will be strong, deep and healthy. This is a hint of intimacy. In bed with your husband, you have a desire to play pranks.


August 9, 2022

Two essential things to happen to a person to make him older.

Disappointment in fantasies, omnipotence, limitlessness, infinity, absolute choice and the ability to please everyone. Humility and acceptance of the fact that you're not hanging in the air and can't be cooler than everyone else. Accepting the way things are, and the presence of other people in your life. And the sooner that happens, the more accessible simple human happiness is. Not the kind that requires conquering the universe, but the kind that can be made with your hands, and achieved by simple actions. Not comprehensive, but finite, concrete and simple enough.


August 9, 2022

Sometimes you just don't want to feel... anger, resentment, sadness, or shame.

But they come.⠀ Sometimes you don't want to feel sad or ashamed. But these feelings, as well as any others, come no matter what you want. Sometimes you suddenly feel so hurt that you ask your business partner to wait and run to the bathroom to cry when no one is looking. And you can't explain to yourself what happened. You just feel so vulnerable and can't show it. Feelings make us vulnerable and open to the world in all its unpredictability. They make it possible to be with someone, to change, to find ourselves in unexpected places, to suffer and to rejoice. To be alive.


August 9, 2022

The longer we don't name and identify an event, the more experience we can draw from it.

The more attentively we examine and look at what we see, the more chance it has to change right in our presence. The most attentive people always win. This also concerns the one who is able to make a pause and discern possibilities. That is to notice something invisibly present, the essence of what is happening.


August 9, 2022

An unusual app for VR.

David Glowacki, a molecular physicist, has created a VR app that simulates drinking medium doses of LSD. It was tested by independent experts and confirmed that the experience acts on the human brain in the same way as a portion of hallucinogenic mushrooms or LSD.


August 9, 2022

The hologram was teleported to other countries for the first time.

For the first time, scientists have been able to conduct two-way cross-border holographic teleportation. They sent holograms of American students to the UK and Canada "without airfare." Researchers have developed Hololens mixed reality glasses, a device that resembles a VR helmet. Through lenses, a person can see not only objects in his environment, but also "virtual" objects and people. When glasses are used by several people, each of them can interact with objects that surround the other. The new technology can be applied in distance learning, space research and medicine.


August 9, 2022

The robot surgeon MIRA will work on the ISS.

The robot has been in development for almost two decades. This is the brainchild of Virtual Incision from Nebraska. The MIRA device will be tested on the ISS in 2024 to see if it is a viable medical instrument for long-duration crewed deep space missions. During testing aboard the orbital outpost, MIRA will operate in a microwave-sized experiment chamber and perform procedures that mimic those used in surgery.


August 9, 2022

A new dangerous virus in China - "Langya".

Most likely of animal origin, more than 30 people have already been infected with it. Symptoms of "Langyi" include fever, fatigue, coughing, nausea, and vomiting. Scientists have not yet found out whether it is transmitted from person to person. But they are frightened by the fact that "Langya" is similar to Nipah - one of the most dangerous viruses in the world, against which there is no cure.


August 9, 2022

Australian designer Sean Simon has created an interactive exhibition that takes you "inside the paintings".

With Unreal Engine 5, Sean created space for the gallery and installed 40 viewpoints on it, and on each of them he provided a 360 ° view. And panoramic images of the location were created using VQGAN and CLIP neural networks: they generated images for various queries, for example, “tropical palace” or “nightmare hellish view”. As a result, this is such a cool modern gallery.


August 9, 2022

My dream job.

A New York-based mattress company has opened a recruitment team that simply requires them to sleep on their products and then report back. It also requires a unique ability to sleep and the desire to sleep as much as possible. In addition to the salary, free food is also relied upon.


August 9, 2022

Pretender rating. 11th place - Sagittarius.

Since the last place was out of the standings, the rating is opened by Sagittarius, who live according to the principle "Blaze, sin." At the same time, everyone knows that Sagittarius are the main zodiac Robin Hoods, defenders of the orphans, the poor, the humiliated and insulted. In general, holiness itself, in fact. But the Universe forbid you at least hint to Sagittarius about this! As the idol of all Sagittarius, the unforgettable Chevalier D'Artagnan, said: “I hate hypocrites, and in this category I include musketeers posing as abbots, and abbots pretending to be musketeers!” (c) On the other hand, we are not at all sorry: let Sagittarians take the honorable 11th place and the title of the most important zodiac canal.We still know who, if anything, needs to bear all their troubles, and a newborn kitten found in the garbage.


August 9, 2022

3 zodiac signs with the lowest libido. Gemini.

Looking at the Gemini, you might think that their demands in love affairs are always high. However, in reality, things are different. Despite the fact that Gemini love to flirt and seduce, their libido is quite modest. They do not differ in ardent temperament and passion, as well as sensuality. Gemini is not against various experiments and new sensations, but they always remain somewhat distant from the process. The other partner often gets the feeling that Gemini is always obsessed only with themselves and their feelings, ignoring the other half. That is why they do not reach the level of high libido.


August 9, 2022

5 zodiac signs that attract trouble. Aries.

Born adventurers, people born under the sign of Aries will always support adventure. Representatives of this constellation are able to quit any business, rushing to walk in the middle of the night; they can rush headlong into the epicenter of some dubious undertaking, without worrying about the possible risks. It's no surprise that Aries are the top zodiac signs for dealing with unpleasant situations. Often, representatives of this zodiac sign do not have time to cope with important matters and let loved ones down. It is extremely difficult for Aries to overcome their inherent restlessness - a real magnet for failure.


August 9, 2022

4 zodiac ladies who will easily exchange love for wealth. Aquarius woman.

Lady Aquarius is tired of her husband's eternal whining, and she can be understood, especially if there is someone who will make her life more beautiful and, most importantly, richer. And even though he is not too handsome, it’s not just that they say that you shouldn’t drink water from your face, and then, his millions cover all other shortcomings. Moreover, a great prospect looms on the horizon - you can create a new cell of society in a two-story mansion with a housekeeper. And in general, a beautiful woman was born for love, and not for cooking borscht and washing socks.


August 9, 2022

Daily horoscope August 9th.

Capricorn♑️ Try to listen to your intuition: it is her tips that will help you achieve important goals today, cope with what has not worked out for a long time. New tasks and tasks will appear. They will not seem difficult to you. If you show ingenuity, you will achieve even better results than expected. Aquarius♒️ The day will hardly be easy and cloudless, but you will cope with all the difficulties that it will bring. An unfortunate set of circumstances will not force you to abandon your plan. You will persevere and achieve your goal. Many people will like your approach to business, and there will certainly be people who want to get to know you better. Pisces♓️ Surely you want to start the day with the most important things. This is exactly what you should do: the influence of positive trends will be strong, and you will do an excellent job even with the solution of very difficult tasks. You will be able to get useful information in time, and there will be no shortage of good advice.


August 9, 2022

Daily horoscope August 9th.

Libra♎️ Try not to worry about the little things at the beginning of the day and not think about problems that you cannot solve yet. This is a good time to focus on some useful things that you can handle on your own. You can make small purchases, they will be successful. Scorpio♏️ Without false modesty, talk about your successes and victories: today it will be useful for many to learn about them. Very influential people will pay attention to your knowledge and talents. If you behave now, you will soon receive interesting offers regarding work or business. Sagittarius♐️ Do not rush to take on serious matters. At the beginning of the day, it will not be easy to gather your thoughts, tune in the right way. In addition, others may confuse you, give you unsolicited advice, or share some dubious information. Check everything before jumping to conclusions and making decisions.


August 9, 2022

Daily horoscope August 9th.

Cancer♋️ Do not hurry. The day will turn out very well, only at the very beginning there may be several unpleasant moments. Do not worry about small difficulties: they will soon be a thing of the past. Business negotiations will go well. Some Cancers will receive interesting offers of cooperation, make deals that will bring them significant income. Leo♌️ The day is perfect for looking for allies and like-minded people. You will make a good impression on many people. Very influential people will want to help in the implementation of your ideas. Thanks to their support, you will be able to disarm ill-wishers, leave rivals far behind. Virgo♍️ Start your day with important things. The sooner you take them on, the easier it will be to succeed. The stars will be especially favorable to Virgos, who will deal with financial or property issues. And this time is also suitable for starting repairs and buying everything that is needed for it.


August 9, 2022

Daily horoscope August 9th.

Aries♈️ There is a lot to be done at the start of the day. There will be so many new tasks that you will not immediately understand what to take on first. Listen to your intuition: it will tell you where to start and what to postpone until later. It is better to act on your own, not expecting from others either help or any particularly useful advice. Taurus♉️ The beginning of the day is unlikely to bring any significant events. But it will hardly be possible to avoid unrest, because you will take everything especially close to your heart, you can react sharply to any trifles. Intelligibility in communication is important: try to stay away from those who like to unbalance you. Gemini♊️ There will be especially many worries at the beginning of the day. Most likely, you will have to deal with several things at once, to solve some urgent issues. Try to stay calm. The less nervous and anxious you are, the faster you will achieve the desired results.


August 9, 2022