A major family illusion is that relatives are the closest people.

And automatically, obligatorily and completely. And that's not true. They may have chosen each other on a soul level, but as people, they just got each other. That's why relatives are the first people where we meet not only with love, but also with impossibility, misunderstanding, absence and disappointment. Relatives are people given to us to adjust our filter and learn to discern. Take the necessary and spit out the unnecessary, even if it is systematically under our noses. And eventually, discover ourselves by separating from others.


August 10, 2022

About Resources and Holes

Dealing with resources ultimately boils downs to facing with the holes, into which these resources leak. It's also about assimilation. Until a person realizes he’s like a moose that drinks and drinks, and he’s getting worse and worse, nothing will change globally. You can receive information, support and warmth for hours and tons, but if you spit it out or stockpile it aside and don't notice or just lose it, no one from the outside will help. As you can only find the hole in contact with others. But fixing the hole is always a work in itself.


August 10, 2022

A copy of Paris - the city of Tianducheng.

In China, not far from Shanghai, in 2007, an almost exact copy of Paris was erected - the city of Tianducheng. It has the Eiffel Tower - 110 meters high (almost 3 times smaller than the original), a reduced copy of the Champs Elysees and the Luxembourg Gardens, residential buildings, copies of expensive houses from the center of Paris. The city was designed to accommodate 10 thousand people. A few years later, it became a ghost - only 2 thousand people live in it. Of these, 80% are the poor and the military, to whom the local authorities provided housing for temporary use "until the city is fully populated."


August 10, 2022

Interesting facts about shaving.

The human beard grows at a rate of 14 centimeters per year. Men, with a daily shave, spend 3,350 hours in their lifetime shaving off 8.4 meters of stubble.


August 10, 2022

The brain always wants more, even if it doesn't make us happy.

Psychologists from Princeton University in New Jersey decided to find out how people get trapped in an endless thirst for the fulfillment of more and more material desires, and how psychological problems can develop because of this. The simulation experiment showed that the degree of happiness depends on "relative comparison" - people worry about the difference between the material goods they have and those they want to receive. Also, the feeling of happiness depends on our previous expectations. They may change over time. For example, if we enjoyed last summer's round-the-world cruise, we will want to experience at least the same emotions on our next vacation. On the one hand, if you never feel satisfied, you will endlessly strive for the best. On the other hand, constantly devalue what you already have. This can lead to depression and overconsumption.


August 10, 2022

Bioengineer finds 400-year-old yeast and recreates Latin America's oldest beer.

A barrel with a sample of yeast was kept in the city of Quito in the monastery of St. Francis, built in the 16th-17th centuries. The bioengineer found the formula for the drink in a trade magazine. Carvajal managed to brew beer only ten years after the start of the project - it was necessary to cultivate yeast and fill in the gaps in the recipe. Carvajal called his work beer and microbial archeology. He wants to make money on the old beer, but has not yet decided on the start date for the sale of the drink and its price.


August 10, 2022

Self-healing paint for cars appeared.

Scientists from South Korea have created a polymer coating that can quickly and repeatedly self-repair under the influence of infrared radiation. It is suitable for painting cars - scratches will disappear in half an hour in the sun. The new coating is more practical and better than analogues. It can be applied over regular paint. It is also suitable for smartphones and other constantly damaged devices.


August 10, 2022

Climate change exacerbates the impact of pathogens on humans.

Natural disasters exacerbate approximately 58% of human pathogenic diseases. That is, because of the climate crisis, the risk of epidemics caused by viruses, bacteria, animals, fungi is growing. American scientists came to such conclusions during the analysis of an interactive scheme demonstrating the relationship between natural disasters and 375 diseases. It turned out that 277 of them are spreading more actively due to heat, forest fires and floods. In total, scientists have found 3213 examples in history when disease outbreaks were associated with climate disasters.


August 10, 2022

The American company Embark has taught an unmanned truck to present documents to the police.

The truck detects that a car with a flashing light is following it - with a high probability this means that the police want to stop it. The drone sends a signal to a remote operator: he watches the broadcast from the cameras and decides whether to stop. After parking, the police officer can request the documents of the car, which are stored in the safe. To do this, you need to call the operator at the number written on the back of the truck and request a code. After checking the documents, the policeman can clarify the details with the operator and put the papers back in the safe. After that, the truck will return to autonomous mode and continue driving.


August 10, 2022

The heart of these five signs of the zodiac cannot be melted. Taurus.

Taurus reveal their sensuality only in a long and proven relationship. Until then, they appear before people as closed and cold personalities. Many mistakenly believe that Taurus is arrogant, arrogant and unsociable. But this sign prefers to show emotions only in a circle of trusted people. In public, Taurus always looks aloof and unflappable.


August 10, 2022

Pretender rating. 10th place - Leo.

This is exactly what you can’t blame the Lions for, it’s that they try to seem better than they are: the Lions are simply convinced that there is nowhere better at all and only stars are higher than them, but, note, not all. And therefore, the Lions pretend that, in principle, they are not very interested in who every plebs consider them to be, even saints, even devils in the flesh. In fact, the Lions, of course, want to be feared and respected. And if there are no questions with the second point, then with the first, as you understand, the answer is obvious: no one is afraid of bright little men. So the innate kindness and nobility of the Lions are served through the lip - and for this they get a well-deserved tenth place.


August 10, 2022

3 zodiac signs with the lowest libido. Capricorn.

Since Capricorns are very fond of order and regularity in everything, the same thing happens in their intimate life. Here, too, they prefer a painted plan. The sexual potential of Capricorns is not very high, but the second half will still be fine with this sign. Capricorns are difficult to understand, because they hide their emotions and feelings, it is difficult for them to open up even to close people. Inborn coldness, methodicalness and slowness are the main characteristics of the sign. You should not expect exciting surprises or dizzying sensations from him, however, Capricorns always stand up for quality, so intimate life with them will be pleasant, albeit calm.


August 10, 2022

5 zodiac signs that attract trouble. Pisces.

Pisces are often overly careless. Wards of Water are far from always able to rationally plan their day - they simply lack perseverance. Someone justifies this with their inherent dreaminess, someone complains about their creative nature. But in fact, everything is much simpler: many representatives of this zodiac constellation are rather lazy. In this connection, it is difficult for them to pull themselves together and start doing things, especially routine tasks. Children of Neptune face misunderstandings in relationships due to their inherent windiness, as well as the inability to keep promises. While trouble seems to follow most people born under the sign of Pisces, the Water children rarely learn from their own mistakes. They just do not want to retrain and change.


August 10, 2022

Ежедневный гороскоп 10 августа.

Козерог♑️ Обратите внимание на идеи, которые появятся у вас в начале дня. Скорее всего, они окажутся удачными, а возможность реализовать задуманное появится в ближайшее время. Вероятны какие-то удачные совпадения, неожиданные события, которые натолкнут вас на интересные мысли. Водолей♒️ Старайтесь не переутомляться. Этот день едва ли подойдет для каких-то особенно серьезных и сложных дел, далеких поездок, напряженных переговоров. Постарайтесь отвлечься от забот, найти время для занятий, которые приносят вам радость. Нежелательно обсуждать вопросы, прежде вызывавшие серьезные конфликты и споры. Рыбы♓️ Обдумайте планы, сосредоточьтесь на решении сложных задач. Сегодня вы увидите возможности, которых раньше не замечали, поймете, как добиться успеха там, где ситуация казалась почти безнадежной. Легко будет найти людей, которые захотят помочь вам в достижении поставленных целей.


August 10, 2022

Daily horoscope August 10th.

Capricorn♑️ Pay attention to the ideas you have at the start of the day. Most likely, they will be successful, and the opportunity to realize the plan will appear in the near future. Some lucky coincidences, unexpected events are likely that will push you to interesting thoughts. Aquarius♒️ Try not to overwork. This day is hardly suitable for some particularly serious and complex cases, long trips, tense negotiations. Try to take your mind off worries, find time for activities that bring you joy. It is undesirable to discuss issues that previously caused serious conflicts and disputes. Pisces♓️ Think over plans, focus on solving complex problems. Today you will see opportunities that you did not notice before, you will understand how to succeed where the situation seemed almost hopeless. It will be easy to find people who want to help you achieve your goals.


August 10, 2022

Daily horoscope August 10th.

Libra♎️ Start the day with new things. You will quickly figure out how best to act in order to succeed, do not make even minor mistakes. Some obstacles may arise along the way, but you will persevere and overcome them. Many people will like your determination. Scorpio♏️ Try not to lose balance, no matter how the day develops, do not worry about the little things and do not succumb to provocations. This is especially important in the morning, because the emotional background at this time will be especially intense. Over time, the influence of positive trends will increase, you will feel calmer and more confident. Sagittarius♐️ Tune in a positive way, try to look for reasons for joy and pay attention to the opportunities that this day opens up. The influence of positive trends will increase over time, therefore it is better not to schedule important matters and important meetings in the morning. It is undesirable to make decisions related to money.


August 10, 2022

Daily horoscope August 10th.

Cancer♋️ Share ideas, talk about plans, look for allies. This day will be favorable for communication, you will get along well with very different people. However, it is important not to waste time discussing minor events, rumors and gossip. It is better to give preference to more useful conversations. Leo♌️ Take a closer look at others: it is possible that you will find new allies, reliable business partners. If you behave correctly in the morning, you will soon receive the support of very influential people. Recent rivals will be disarmed, ill-wishers will decide that it is better not to stand in your way. Virgo♍️ Do not put off important conversations: the first half of the day is much better for them than the second. You will be able to get along even with those with whom you could not agree before. This time you will find the right words, you will be able to convince everyone that you are right.


August 10, 2022

Daily horoscope August 10th.

Aries♈️ Feel free to take on the most difficult cases: today you will have a chance to cope with them perfectly. You will act in your own way, and this will be the best solution. This is how you get the results you want. The middle of the day is suitable for solving financial issues. Here no one can confuse or confuse you. Taurus♉️ Don't be discouraged if things don't work out or difficulties arise. You will still achieve your goal if you persevere. In the most tense moments, people to whom you once rendered important services will willingly come to the rescue. Relations with colleagues and management, which were previously tense, will change for the better today if you behave in the right way. Gemini♊️ It is better not to plan serious affairs in the morning. At this time, it will not be easy for you to concentrate, it is possible that you will have to solve several problems at once, correct other people's mistakes. All this can prevent you from finishing what you started. Wait a bit. Soon the situation will change for the better, then you will begin to act.


August 10, 2022

Learning to tune in to sex.

Absolutely anything that increases the level of adrenaline in the blood can be suitable as introductory games. By the way, many things can turn a woman and a man on, but for many ladies, the help of a loved one with the housework can become the main “love game”. It is much more important than foreplay. If your man does nothing around the house, hint to him that it would not hurt to vacuum or wash the dishes in order to “deserve” sex. An understanding and caring partner will always help the woman he loves!


August 9, 2022

Learning to tune in to sex.

Turn on good music, close the windows and light candles. A light and unusual dinner can become a prelude to sex. Good fruit, fish or poultry. Do not forget about aphrodisiacs - basil, chili, cloves.


August 9, 2022