Physicists have figured out which ice cream melts the slowest in the heat.

Chocolate covered ice cream won. Its hard shell melts at a higher temperature, protecting the soft filling. Thanks to this, ice cream can withstand +30 ° C for a long time. In second place are the horns. They may not melt for 40 minutes at +28 °C - waffle and a special shape limits the effect of the heat of our hands on ice cream. Cylindrical fruit ice melts the fastest - it begins to melt already at +17 °C.


August 11, 2022

James Webb photographed the farthest star from Earth.

The James Webb Infrared Space Observatory has obtained a new image of the "star at the edge of the universe" - the so-called object "Earendil" (Earendel). It is the farthest observable star from Earth discovered to date. The light of Eärendil has been traveling to us for 12.9 billion years. Its mass is 50 times greater than the sun, and its radiance is millions of times brighter.


August 11, 2022

Tesla Semi

Elon Musk said the Tesla Semi, with a range of 804 km, will start shipping this year. It is known from the media that PepsiCo Corporation has already pre-ordered a large batch of tractors. Already installed Megachargers at the Frito-Lay plant in Modesto, California. Elon also said that Cybertruck will be released next year.


August 11, 2022

Unusual decoration

Rapper Frank Ocean has released an 18k yellow gold penis ring set with diamonds. The price of such an exquisite jewelry is $25.570, size is XXXL.


August 11, 2022

Wireless headphones with solar panels.

A Swedish startup has unveiled the world's first wireless earbuds with solar panels built into a charging case. The manufacturer promises eight hours of continuous operation of the Phoenix itself, and together with the charging case, the headphones can work up to 32 hours. Sales will begin in the fall of 2022, and their cost will be $149.


August 11, 2022

Three types of female orgasm.

Women can experience three types of orgasm, but usually only one of them happens. Depending on the degree of tension of the pelvic floor, female orgasms can be divided into three types: "wave", "volcano" and "avalanche". As a rule, a particular woman experiences only one of them. While it is impossible to say, she can not feel other orgasms in principle, or they just happen less often. These conclusions were reached by Czech scientists during a study involving 54 women. They brought themselves to orgasm with a special vibrator with sensors that recorded physiological parameters. Almost half of the women experienced a "wave" orgasm - 26 participants, 17 - "avalanche" and 11 - "volcano".


August 11, 2022

The heart of these five signs of the zodiac cannot be melted. Gemini.

Despite the increased sociability and all goodwill, it is almost impossible to penetrate into the soul of Gemini. It seems that they are very emotional and mobile natures, however, if necessary, the Gemini behave quite harshly and coldly. In the case of “defense”, they show such a share of sarcasm and irony that it is simply impossible to break through their “armor”.


August 11, 2022

Pretender rating. 9th place - Aries.

Aries is one of the most vain signs of the zodiac: the day in which no one fell down before Aries and did not tremble in anticipation of further instructions was lived in vain, count. But at the same time, Aries is never looking for cheap fame: there’s no need, no need to thank Aries for once again doing good. This, in the end, is even insulting somehow! For this, after all, we didn’t have to raise anyone on the horns and furiously stomp our hooves, we didn’t have to intrigue and build insidious plans, we didn’t have to risk our head and fortune, what is there to talk about? Yes, I saved the cat, and that's enough. By the way, do you know that I sat the chief?


August 11, 2022

3 zodiac signs with the lowest libido. Cancer.

The most emotional and sensitive natures do not reach the level of high libido, on the contrary, here they are distinguished by modest indicators. The thing is that for Cancers, emotional attachment to a partner, a sense of security and reliability always come to the fore. Cancers can give a partner a sea of ​​tender emotions, but they will be devoid of ardor and passion. For this sign, it is very important to fully meet the needs of your soul mate, to hear approval and assurance of your irresistibility. If they are understood by a loved one, then the night with Cancers will be magical.


August 11, 2022

5 zodiac signs that attract trouble. Virgo.

Most Virgos ruin their lives with their own negativity. In addition to the fact that the consciousness of the representatives of this zodiac sign itself actively generates sad thoughts, they absorb the gloomy moods of the people around them. Therefore, for many Virgos, the world seems gray, faceless, and sometimes cruel. And he willingly answers them back. Since early childhood, Virgos have actively developed compassion and empathy, and therefore it is even more difficult for them to withstand difficulties. With the onset of a more mature age, the natural insecurity of the representatives of the Earth is often replaced by aggression, even cruelty, which only makes their life more difficult. To make life easier for Virgos, and troubles, accordingly, happen less often, they need faith and support from loved ones.


August 11, 2022

Daily horoscope August 11th.

Capricorn♑️ Try to avoid windy people, especially when it comes to some social situations. Their chaotic energy can make you inattentive, which is not good. So, if one of your friends made an appointment for you, but you have doubts about his punctuality, just reschedule it or cancel it altogether. Aquarius♒️ There are always multiple ways to improve communication. So why do you always use only one of them? Your manner of communication cannot be the same as everyone else, so do not compare yourself with other people and do not try to repeat after them. Pisces♓️ Today you may be visited by uncertainty about feelings for some person, but this is not scary. The resulting confusion is completely normal, since we are talking about emotions. Moreover, you will receive new information about a person you like, and this will make you think twice before making any serious decision.


August 11, 2022

Daily horoscope August 11th.

Libra♎️ Today you must explore those areas about which you know very little or have not heard anything at all. By learning new things, you improve yourself and become a more interesting conversationalist. If you are unfamiliar with political or world news, do not change the subject or try to avoid the conversation. Scorpio♏️ It is better not to make any assumptions and forecasts regarding your financial condition. Everything can be better than you might think, or maybe vice versa. Before you go shopping, contact the bank and check the status of your account to make sure that you are able to pay. Sagittarius♐️ Do not doubt your position in the social circle. You should have more faith that your friends still love and respect you. Of course, you have to find out how strong your relationship with other people is, but only because it is in their lives that strange events occur that unsettle them.


August 11, 2022

Daily horoscope August 11th.

Cancer♋️ Be wary of a friend whose lifestyle is too extreme for you. It is an instructive story that should not be repeated. In addition, you have already learned many life lessons, and it would be simply unwise to follow the example of your friend. Leo♌️ Has your desire for success turned into fanaticism? It is good and wonderful to be aggressive in achieving goals, but you must also take into account the fact that not all other people act according to your schedule, and not everyone has a reserve of vitality like yours. Virgo♍️ Some of your relatives at work had some difficulties. This tension will probably affect the personality of this person, which will negatively affect your relationship with him. Let him know that you are concerned about his problems, but let him know that you are not going to change everything radically because of his nervous demands.


August 11, 2022

Daily horoscope August 11th.

Aries♈️ Put aside your smartphone and personal computer - most likely, they will fail today, so forget about these means of communication for a while. Do not assume that the words printed on the screen will adequately convey what you mean. Everything needs to be spoken about live, even if you are not enthusiastic about this idea. Taurus♉️ If someone simply does not want to understand what you are trying to convey to him, it is worth stopping fruitless attempts at least for a while. Perhaps this person will be ready to listen to you in the near future. Gemini♊️ Today, generating creative ideas will be easier than usual, and all thanks to your unique worldview. Some people, seeing a blank sheet of paper, panic and have no idea how to fill it with fresh thoughts. And you will need more than one such sheet to present all your ideas on it.


August 11, 2022

All about blackberries. Pros.

100 grams of blackberries contain 35% of the daily value of vitamin C. Blackberries are high in anthocyanins and other antioxidants. Blackberries are an excellent source of vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting. Blackberry activates brain activity. Research has shown that rats that ate blackberries had improved cognitive skills compared to a group of rats that didn't eat blackberries. The authors of the study believe that this is due to the polyphenol substances that it contains.


August 10, 2022

All about blackberries. Minuses.

In the midst of the blackberry season, I propose to enjoy it from the heart. But do not forget that in addition to the pros, there are always cons. Namely: Blackberries are a pretty strong allergen. The reaction can appear in just an hour. Blackberries contain a lot of organic acids, so people with high stomach acidity should limit their use. Blackberries have a strong diuretic effect, so people with kidney disease should take them with caution.


August 10, 2022

Myofascial release.

MFR cannot be replaced where it is required to speed up the recovery process after a workout, remove pain in the muscles, increase flexibility, and remove hypertonicity. There are many different techniques and applications of MFR. Self Myofascial Release is now popular in fitness, that is, an independent myofascial release that you can perform yourself before, after or instead of training. MFR is performed using all kinds of rolls of varying degrees of hardness and balls. They are rolled, they are pressed with their feet and hands, they sit, lie and stand on them.


August 10, 2022

Myofascial release.

These are exercises aimed at releasing the fascia, the connective tissue that covers the muscles and tendons. Simply put, this is a simple and very effective muscle relaxation technique. You probably periodically see people in gyms who, with a thoughtful look, roll a tennis ball with their foot or put a foam cylinder under the fifth point. Why are they doing this? In order to relieve tension from a particular muscle.


August 10, 2022

Pike perch with asparagus.

You will need: Pike perch fillet 200 gr, asparagus 5-6 pcs, butter 80 gr, ground black pepper and salt to taste, garlic 3 cloves, hot pepper 1/2 pc., lime or lemon juice 1 teaspoon. Fry the pike perch on the skin side 2/3 of the cooking time (until 2/3 of the fish turn white), then turn over to the side of the fillet. We cook asparagus for 6-10 minutes, depending on the size, you can also serve blanched asparagus with pike perch Add lime juice when we see that the garlic is a little golden.


August 10, 2022

Oils for skin aging. Do you want to prolong your youth?

1. Sage oil. Eliminates mimic wrinkles, tightens pores, improves skin elasticity. 2. Geranium oil. Increases skin elasticity, retains moisture. 3. Grape seed oil. Contains vitamin E, which prevents the skin from aging, fights inflammation on the skin. Oils are suitable for all skin types. Use with moisturizer.


August 10, 2022