Vegetarians in old age are one third more likely to have hip fractures than meat eaters.

These conclusions were made by scientists from the University of Leeds during a 22-year study involving 26,000 women aged 35-69. Perhaps this is due to the lack of nutrients for healthy bones and muscles, as well as a smaller body fat - it serves as a "safety cushion" in the fall. For bone health, fortified cereals with added iron and vitamin B12, as well as sufficient amounts of nuts and legumes - they contain protein, can be included in the diet, according to the researcher.


August 12, 2022

The neural network has learned to recognize the faces of people in masks and veils.

An international team of scientists has created a convolutional neural network that, with 99.95% accuracy, recognizes the appearance, gender and age of people with closed faces: in masks, niqabs and veils. Also, in 80.9% of cases, the algorithm for one eye determines whether a person is smiling. Further, scientists plan to test it with more diverse images - for example, taken from different angles, in different lighting, and so on. The technology can be used in the field of security, medicine, and education. It will probably work with low quality images as well.


August 12, 2022

Gorillas at the Atlanta Zoo have learned a new call to keepers.

This means that these primates have the ability for complex vocal learning. The new sound is like a cross between a cough and a sneeze and is equivalent to a human "ahem". In English, it was called snough - sneeze ("sneeze") + cough ("cough"). Gorillas use this sound to get food and attention from humans. Experiments have confirmed that the call is used purposefully. Analysis of the sound showed that it differed acoustically from standard gorilla audio signals.


August 12, 2022

The heart of these five signs of the zodiac cannot be melted. Virgo.

Virgo is hard to "breed into feelings", because she always thinks with her head. You won't find a more practical and reasonable sign. She considers romance a waste of time and money, but she respects sanity. It is also quite difficult to pity the Virgin, because she will begin to zealously delve into the reasons for such behavior, rather than sympathize. This sign is very cold and calm, it can rarely be found in moments of its own weakness.


August 12, 2022

Pretender rating. 8th place - Capricorn.

The main goal of Capricorn is to live life in such a way as to leave as little evidence as possible in it. In the sense that Capricorns, of course, crave professional recognition (to a greater extent than all other signs), but as for the personal, excuse me, move over: the fewer people know what Capricorn is, the calmer he lives. So a Capricorn who wants to help his neighbors is the same person who sends large but anonymous donations to charitable foundations, the same person who arranges a job for an unlucky relative through third parties, and the same person who makes a cash desk for veterinary clinics. : at night you have to pay at a double rate, but no one will know that Capricorn picked up a downed mongrel on the road. And the image of a stale cracker will not suffer at all.


August 12, 2022

4 zodiac signs that are set up only for a serious relationship. Capricorn.

For Capricorn, love is a profitable investment that should pay dividends throughout life. He gives his feelings, time and strive for a union that is able to overcome distance, time and unimaginable obstacles. Usually, Capricorns honestly warn the chosen one that relationships are serious for them, which can scare away some zodiac signs. To fit the parameters of Capricorn is not an easy task, which can be dealt with only by experiencing strong feelings. The chosen one of Capricorn is waiting for tests, trials, often prepared not only by Fate, but also by a partner.


August 12, 2022

5 zodiac signs that attract trouble. Aquarius.

Aquarians are arrogant. If someone suggests that the representatives of this sign are beyond their powers, they will immediately do everything possible to convince the doubter. Sometimes this quality leads to positive changes in life, but more often it plays against them. Aquarians tend to overestimate their strength and take on more tasks than they are able to handle. Due to the constant load, they often simply get confused in their own duties and generally forget what they promised and to whom. Good news for Aquarius: if they wish, they are able to agree with this feature of their own character and be more selective, responsible in business. In addition, Aquarius, unlike most of the signs of the horoscope described above, are able to draw conclusions from their mistakes and learn from them.


August 12, 2022

Daily horoscope August 12th.

Capricorn♑️ A day of intensive communication and new acquaintances. We will have to take part in the implementation of some joint project. I must say that at first you will react to it without much enthusiasm, but then change your mind. Keep in mind that you won't always be the leader; the ability to go into the shadows in time is worth a lot. Aquarius♒️ Most of this day passes under the influence of positive trends. You have a great time, get a lot of positive emotions. You can afford to just go with the flow - it will help you get exactly where you want to go. The first half of the day is favorable for contacts and new acquaintances. Pisces♓️ Pisces are cheerful, energetic, full of enthusiasm. This helps in solving many problems and adds to your attractiveness - today many people want to do business with you. You don't overlook small details; observation is useful not only to you, but also to your loved ones. The day is suitable for shopping, including large ones.


August 12, 2022

Daily horoscope August 12th.

Libra♎️ A favorable day from a financial point of view, cash receipts are possible. Purchases will be successful, you can afford to buy something not very necessary, but extremely cute. This day is good for relaxing in a friendly company, attending social events. Lonely representatives of the sign expect promising acquaintances. Scorpio♏️ A good day, well suited for solving many issues. You are serious and attentive, not a single trifle escapes your gaze. Your person is of great interest to the representatives of the opposite sex; there will be many opportunities to make promising acquaintances. Sagittarius♐️ A busy day that brings Sagittarius a lot of various troubles. You would like to be alone with yourself in order to calmly think everything over, but such an opportunity is unlikely to present itself. You lose trust in people (it must be admitted that it is not unreasonable), you often react to any attempts to address you with harshness.


August 12, 2022

Daily horoscope August 12th.

Cancer♋️ This is an unfavorable and tiring day. You need to work tirelessly to achieve at least some result. It should be noted that not all Cancers are enthusiastic and ready for labor exploits. Most representatives of the sign would be happy to entrust the tedious work to someone else, but they will not have such an opportunity. Leo♌️ It cannot be said that this day is somehow especially good, but you are in a great mood and you can do a lot, so there are reasons for joy. It is possible to find people who support your ideas and help in the implementation of your ideas. The joy of meeting old acquaintances will certainly be mutual. Virgo♍️ This day promises Virgo success in financial matters; significant cash flows are possible. The most profitable will be transactions related to real estate - it can be sold, bought, rented or leased. New perspectives will open up for representatives of the sign planning to move.


August 12, 2022

Daily horoscope August 12th.

Aries♈️ This day has a favorable emotional background. Aries are in a good mood, there is no need to complain about the lack of optimism. If someone is discouraged nearby, by the way, your sense of humor turns out to be - you manage to cheer up a sad person or defuse the situation with a joke. Taurus♉️ You trust only your views on life and do not want to take into account the real state of things. This can cause serious blunders, mistakes that take a long time to correct. Selfishness and excessive pride will do Taurus a disservice. Gemini♊️ Hard day. The probability of loss is very high; you must be extremely careful to avoid them. You react very sharply to everything that happens around, behind any trouble you are ready to see a future catastrophe and the collapse of all hopes. Your loved ones are offended by your suspicion and jealousy.


August 12, 2022

One request, one complaint.

Some women make the biggest mistake. In one quarrel, they manage to express everything that has boiled over months or even years. Make it a rule to voice only one wish at a time. When you criticize your husband, he sees in you not a beloved woman, but a primary school teacher who only wants to teach. And, of course, don't get personal.


August 11, 2022

Constructive dialogue.

When you talk about your claims, it is important to talk about what you don’t like about a person’s behavior, actions, but in no case touch on his personal qualities, otherwise the disassembly can drag on indefinitely. Compare: “I don’t like that you put things here and there because I just cleaned and I want it to be clean” Or: "You're a slob, you always make a mess and you never clean up after yourself" Conflicts in which there is a goal to push the partner under your model, template, as well as conflicts in which offensive statements are allowed, do not benefit the relationship.


August 11, 2022

How to make your husband rich?

Women do not understand that they drive all the masculinity in their chosen one to death into a corner, taking responsibility for everything. A man will not become complete next to a mother woman. On the contrary, he will become a little boy, a child to be looked after. Did you marry a child? Your assertiveness and eternal piling detract from all his masculine qualities, the male instinct hides behind an inferiority complex and does not allow him to move on. Only the man whose beloved allows him to make decisions leads him to real wealth. She inspires him to exploits for her own sake, and he moves mountains. She gives him wings and he begins to soar in the clouds.


August 11, 2022

I don't like him.

Everyone has long known the formulation that if you don't like something in another person, you have to look for it in the shadow part of yourself. Seek it out, accept it, explore it, and then you'll "let go”. But you don't know what it is that you don't like in people. If you take everything in and dig it out, it will take a long time. So you don't like it and you don't like it. Maybe something just doesn't suit you. For example, the smell isn't right or the way you dress. So the first thing to pay attention to is what you actively dislike. To those situations where, instead of just stepping away from your partner, you stay around and try to actively redo him, blame or shame him. And you can't calm down. You explain to him why he's wrong, and you can't calm down.


August 11, 2022

What do we learn from frustrating experiences?

The contact of one human being with another is always valuable if one sees the essence. Sufi wisdom says: the one who hurts you, blesses you. He sends you on a journey that you would never dare to undertake on your own.


August 11, 2022

As we get closer to pleasure, the closer we get to vulnerability.

For pleasure is possible when a person connects with himself, stops analyzing, and simply goes through what's happening to him. The closer we are to vulnerability, and so, to real feeling, the less control we have. And the lower the control, the closer to the surface everything that is contained. That's why people who hold back pain, anger, grief, or fears are almost inaccessible to pleasure. Pleasure and vulnerability are inseparable. You cannot turn on all the senses and turn off what is not lived. And as soon as control is reduced, the restrained and hidden comes to the surface with all clarity.


August 11, 2022

Mercedes has confirmed plans to get rid of manual transmissions by the end of 2023.

Volkswagen spoke about the same intentions and pushed the deadline a little further. It is obvious that other manufacturers will follow the leaders.


August 11, 2022

The rate of dissolution of tablets in the digestive system depends on the posture of the person.

It can decrease or increase by 83%. American physicists came to such conclusions after analyzing computer models. It turned out that tilting the body to the right accelerates the absorption of tablets. Also, drugs dissolve a little faster when the body is tilted back at 45°. Tilt to the left slows down the process. These data must be taken into account when creating tablets, which, for maximum effect, must dissolve in the digestive system as soon as possible.


August 11, 2022

In the US, speleologists accidentally found a missing dog that had been living in a cave in complete darkness for two months.

Fish and crustaceans live in caves 35 kilometers long - there is water there, but no light at all. Cavers Hayley and Jerry Keene were surprised that the dog could survive so long in complete darkness. After they rescued the dog, they went around all the houses in the area in search of her owners. One of the women recognized her pet - her nickname is Abby. The American woman had not seen the dog since June 9 and was worried that she had lost her forever.


August 11, 2022