Xiaomi introduced its first humanoid robot CyberOne.

The machine was developed by Xiaomi Robotics Lab. The humanoid robot is 1.77 cm tall, weighs 52 kg, and has an average speed of 3.6 km/h. The robot is equipped with a set of sensors that allow it to navigate in space, recognize people nearby and, if necessary, respond to them. So, CyberOne is able to answer questions and talk on various topics, recognizing 45 human emotions. Xiaomi believes that CyberOne can become a household assistant, performing small tasks. However, the company emphasized that this is only the first model and it is very far from really "smart" robots. When and at what price CyberOne will go on sale is unknown.


August 13, 2022

The heart of these five signs of the zodiac cannot be melted. Capricorn.

Capricorns try to seem more indifferent than they really are. In the depths of their souls, a lot of sentimentality and tenderness will be found, but Capricorns do not show this part of their nature even to close people. They have long chosen for themselves the image of an unflappable and independent loner, therefore they sacredly correspond to it. However, Capricorns, indeed, may prefer benefits to feelings.


August 13, 2022

Pretender rating. 7th place - Libra.

Libra traditionally cannot decide where they are - to the smart or the beautiful, to the saints or to the sinners. And, since our Magic ball has an inexplicable sympathy for Libra, we give them the last remaining place on the dark side of the horoscope. Yet, to be honest, Libra is indeed a holy people, in essence: be that as it may, they never want to harm anyone - and do not. By and large. But little by little - they, firstly, really want to see something demonic in themselves, but we don’t feel sorry for it - this is the time. And two - the one who at least once in his life caught Libra in the morning and sleepy, he knows: he wants to kill this supposedly bright little man who behaves as if his main mission on earth is to poison the lives of others.


August 13, 2022

4 zodiac signs that are set up only for a serious relationship. Cancer.

For Cancer, it is important to feel unity with a partner, a state when lovers anticipate each other's desires and words. It may seem that Cancer chooses a life partner, guided only by the heart, but practicality is not the least important. A loved one must be honest, frank and as much in love with Cancer as he is with him. Cancerians are created for family life and stable long-term relationships. They are ready to selflessly love not for something, but in spite of everything. Their patience and sacrifice become the basis of a long alliance.


August 13, 2022

5 zodiac signs that attract trouble. Taurus.

One of the most pronounced qualities with a minus sign, which is inherent in Taurus, astrologers call selfishness. Many are sure that they are the best - gifted, skillful, attractive and so on. And then they themselves suffer from the troubles that caused their narcissism. This quality brings the greatest number of problems in relationships with people - both in the romantic and in the professional sphere. Taurus is hindered by their inherent pride, ambition and greed.


August 13, 2022

Daily horoscope August 13th.

Capricorn♑️ Do not start the day with important things. You will need some time to collect your thoughts, to tune in to a serious mood. In addition, others can distract you, confuse you with unsolicited advice. The decision of any issues related to money and property should be postponed until the second half of the day. Aquarius♒️ An unexpected event or important news received at the beginning of the day may force you to change plans. It will be difficult to avoid fuss and confusion, but you will keep your composure and will not say or do anything in a hurry. The right decisions will turn out to be the right ones. Pisces♓️ Try not to quarrel with anyone at the beginning of the day. It will not be so easy, because others may seem to test your patience on purpose. But if you do not succumb to provocations, the situation will soon change for the better. It will become easier to communicate with those with whom you did not get along before.


August 13, 2022

Daily horoscope August 13th.

Libra♎️ The ideas that you have today should be implemented as soon as possible. The day will open up new opportunities, give you a chance to achieve what you have long dreamed of. It is worth taking the initiative in personal relationships. If you behave now correctly, all disagreements and disputes will remain in the past. Scorpio♏️ A great day is waiting for you. It is suitable for important matters, and for solving issues that previously caused a lot of concern. It will become noticeably easier to get along with people with whom you did not find a common language. Disagreements that prevented agreement on joint actions will remain in the past. Sagittarius♐️ There is no need to hurry. The first half of the day is hardly suitable for taking on new business or implementing some bold plans. Not everything at this time will turn out the way we would like. But you don’t need to give up what you have planned: soon the situation will change for the better, then you will achieve the desired result.


August 13, 2022

Daily horoscope August 13th.

Cancer♋️ Don't worry about trifles. This day will turn out well, and with small problems that will arise in its first half, you will quickly cope. There will be a chance to learn something important before others, to get information that will allow you to avoid mistakes, to orient yourself in an ambiguous situation. Leo♌️ If you have big plans for the day, start implementing them yourself. It is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly agree with someone on joint actions, but disagreements are very likely. It will take some time for others to correctly evaluate your ideas, to understand that they are really worth implementing. Virgo♍️ Be ready to show perseverance: without it, today it will hardly be possible to succeed. There will be a chance to realize what was conceived earlier, to implement long-standing plans. People you know well will be happy to help you with this. It is possible that a long friendship or a beautiful romantic story will begin with a common cause.


August 13, 2022

Daily horoscope August 13th.

Aries♈️ The day will be eventful, it is unlikely that you will be able to spend it calmly and carefree. Most likely, there will be new tasks that need to be solved, cases that cannot be postponed in any way. Some Aries will have to drastically change their plans, postpone travel and meetings in order to focus on solving recent problems. Taurus♉️ It is worth getting up early: the morning will be especially favorable. You will quickly cope with what you have not dared to take on for a long time. Cases that previously seemed difficult will not cause difficulties. It will be possible to calmly discuss issues that have caused a lot of controversy, and find a solution that everyone will like. Gemini♊️ The beginning of the day will be contradictory: in some cases you will be lucky and everything will work out right away, in others difficulties may arise unexpectedly. It is important not to rush to conclusions and decisions, not to trust the first impression. Give yourself some time. Soon you will understand the situation and understand how best to act.


August 13, 2022

Sources of adrenaline.

Very strong sensations, which are accompanied by the production of large doses of adrenaline, are always stored in our memory. The production of this hormone is primarily promoted by sports, especially dangerous sports, as well as travel, gambling (cards, roulette, etc.). Businessmen also very often experience a similar emotional state, since their professional activities are associated with constant risk. A number of professions can also be called "adrenaline": firefighters, surgeons, journalists, etc. Emotional addicts often choose these professions for themselves, since the constant presence of adrenaline is vital for them. Adrenaline is a very important and very necessary hormone. This is a kind of dope and a source of energy. Without it, our life would be boring and uninteresting!


August 12, 2022

Аdrenaline diet.

There is a type of adrenergic receptors, the "inclusion" of which contributes to the breakdown of adipose tissue. That is why people who are too emotional are usually thin, but if there are not enough such structures, in this case, adipose tissue begins to accumulate. Currently, scientists are developing drugs based on this principle of interaction with adrenergic receptors.


August 12, 2022

Interesting Facts.

1. Women's breasts actively respond to heat and cold. The warmer the room, the softer and larger it will be and the larger the nipples will become. 2. The clitoris is the only organ of the female body created exclusively for sexual pleasure. 3. Only 8% of the world's inhabitants have sex every day.


August 12, 2022

Influence of smell when choosing a partner.

The unique smell emitted by the immune system of each person is the second most important factor (after character) by which women choose potential partners. However, even with the absence of pheromones in the classical sense (as in animals) and a lower sensitivity to aromas, in comparison with many other animals, people still have physiological tools for capturing and evaluating the smell of a partner, and this assessment, if you do not delve into neurophysiology, “flies past” the intermediate stages of analysis, and is immediately perceived as a “pass” or “fail”. And then a person considers as an optimal sexual partner only those who received a “credit” at the first stage. This is due to a number of mechanisms that are evolutionarily beneficial for obtaining the most healthy offspring.


August 12, 2022

A little about orgasm.

The female orgasm is a powerful and necessary stimulation of the ovaries, which secrete estrogen. This hormone has a very positive effect on the skin, hair, nails, softens the course of premenstrual syndrome, reduces pain and irritability.


August 12, 2022

Sex helps to strengthen the immune system.

Sex is one of the ways to strengthen the immune system, because. the percentage of immunoglobulin antibodies increases significantly and this increases the body's resistance to viruses. It is also one of the most effective ways to relieve depression and stress. And of course, sex helps to cope with headaches, insomnia and fatigue.


August 12, 2022


Adrenaline gives a person tremendous strength: in a critical situation, he is able to lift the car. And this is no coincidence. In stressful situations, adrenaline mobilizes all the forces of the body for self-defense. Such a phenomenon is especially necessary in case of injuries, when, being in a state of shock, a person does not feel pain in full force, while a strong pain shock can lead to death.


August 12, 2022

Did you know?

One large container ship releases the same amount of cancer and asthma-causing substances into the environment as 50 million cars. And the 15 largest container ships in the world combined pollute our planet like 760 million cars.


August 12, 2022

Biotechnologists transplanted human genes into yeast to find a cure for cancer.

Dutch biotechnologists transplanted human genes responsible for muscle metabolism into yeast. So it will be possible to study cellular processes, the understanding of which will help in the search for cures for cancer. Yeast DNA has been modified before, but this is the first time scientists have been able to include such a large and important piece of the human genome. Humanized yeast is easier to grow than human cells and tissues. It is also easier to study them - the model turns out to be clean, there are no extraneous interactions in it. Using genetically modified yeast, researchers will study the process of breaking down sugar to capture energy and create cell blocks inside muscle cells.


August 12, 2022

Useful app.

Volvo has launched a smartphone app that will alert pedestrians staring at the screen when a car is approaching. For now, the app will only work with a specific pool of cars. But in the future, development may start saving lives.


August 12, 2022

Spiders can dream.

It turned out that during sleep, the limbs of arthropods twitched, their retina also moved at certain intervals. They increased during the night. Researchers do not deny the possibility that spiders can dream. It is assumed that eye movements in the fast phase are directly related to night visions.


August 12, 2022