Interesting facts about sharks.

1. Sharks don't feel pain. 2. The eye of a shark can perceive almost twice as many frames per second as the human eye. 3. Sharks are able to feel the blood diluted in sea water in a ratio of one to a million. Yes, they do have a very, very keen sense of smell. 4. Sharks can't sleep. The fact is that they can pass water through the gills, taking oxygen from it, only in the process of swimming, since shark gills at rest cannot “suck in” water themselves. Thus, sharks never sleep, otherwise they will simply suffocate. 5. There is a place in the central part of the Pacific Ocean where large groups of white sharks regularly gather. It bears the informal name "Shark Cafe".


August 14, 2022

Black Panthers have a unique ability.

They can change their smell, which allows her to deceive her victims, who themselves come to her paws, attracted by the smell.


August 14, 2022

The most expensive tea in the world.

Chinese tea "Da Hong Pao" - "Big Red Robe" is the most expensive tea in the world. It can only be purchased at an auction, so the price can reach $700,000 per 1 kg. Chinese tea "Da Hong Pao" has been famous since the reign of the Qing Dynasty; it grows in China only in one place in the province of Fujian near the Tianxin monastery. Experts suggest that the age of the bushes of this tea is more than 350 years. Each year, the tea harvest is approximately 500 grams. The taste of this tea will not leave anyone indifferent. And all thanks to the amazing combination of ancient wine and exotic fruits. After the first sips of Da Hong Pao tea, one gets the feeling that the light bitterness is being replaced by the aroma of fruits and wine.


August 14, 2022

Scientists from Finland have confirmed that sunlight helps in the fight against depression.

To be more precise, it is vitamin D that is produced in our body under the influence of sunlight. The study involved 53,235 people, some of whom are happy owners of clinical depression. However, vitamin D supplements and sunlight corrected the situation.


August 14, 2022

China launched the world's first maglev tram line.

Thanks to powerful magnets, the tram hangs in the air at a height of 10 meters and can accommodate 88 passengers moving at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour. At the moment, there is one test 800 meter line, but plans are to expand it to 7 km and 120 kilometers per hour speed


August 14, 2022

Scientists have figured out when the sun will be at its hottest.

The European Space Agency has studied data on thousands of sun-like stars in the Milky Way and figured out how its future will turn out. The Sun is now 4.57 billion years old and continues to heat up. The hottest star will be 8 billion years old. Then it will cool down, increase in size and become a red giant in 10-11 billion years. Then, in about 11.8 billion years, it will gradually turn into a white dwarf - that is, into stellar remnants.


August 14, 2022

Intellectual labor pollutes the brain with toxic substances.

As a result of nervous activity in the process of mental work, potentially toxic substances, in particular glutamate, accumulate in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. Because of this, people feel cognitive fatigue - the desire to do anything disappears. French scientists came to such conclusions. They hope that their discovery will help fight burnout among office workers. According to neuroscientists, feeling tired can signal the need to stop working in order to preserve the integrity of brain function. To combat mental exhaustion, scientists recommend rest and sleep, as during it glutamate is removed from the brain.


August 14, 2022

The heart of these five signs of the zodiac cannot be melted. Aquarius.

Sometimes it seems that Aquarians do not suffer from sentimentality and emotions at all. They easily say goodbye to people, making new acquaintances very quickly. Aquarians often choose their work, believing that family and relationships are secondary in this world. This sign rarely admits their mistakes and never goes on about feelings. It is very difficult to catch Aquarius rushing about in front of a choice, because he always knows what to do. There are exceptions to every rule, but it is in this five that there are the most reasonable and independent people who avoid emotional manifestations and unnecessary attachments.


August 14, 2022

Pretender rating. 6th place - Taurus.

Taurus occupies an honorable central place in the horoscope of the holy man: simply a Good Enough Person. We will lie if we say that Taurus always strives for harmony (Taurus strives for comfort, pleasure and enrichment, which is already there), but in this case he has no equal: Taurus is ready to do good when he has the resources for this, and is not ready, when he realizes that he will have to act to the detriment of himself, his beloved. Taurus makes an exception only for relatives and friends: for their sake, he will literally take off his last shirt. But, however, he will remove it with such a martyr expression on his face that relatives and friends will most likely refuse - you know, no impudence is enough to plunge Taurus into such suffering! Thank you already for offering. Oh, he's still a good man!


August 14, 2022

4 zodiac signs that are set up only for a serious relationship. Virgo.

The pragmatism of Dev does not allow them to agree to promiscuity, because it is at least dangerous to health. Virgos prefer constancy and want to be completely confident in the person they plan to wake up and fall asleep with for the next decades. Virgos prefer not to waste their energy on casual relationships. They have a clear position in life, which does not allow them to waste themselves on trifles and extra people. Virgos are caring, gentle and responsive partners, ready to live with one person all their lives. In their feelings there may not be constant irrepressible passion, but sincere tenderness will last until old age.


August 14, 2022

4 zodiac signs that make the most obnoxious bosses. Cancer.

Business management is an element alien to Cancers-family men. Representatives of this sign take everything too close to heart and regard as a personal insult all the miscalculations of subordinates. The Cancer man, due to his empathy, can be an understanding boss, but in an effort to enter into the position of everyone, he acts to the detriment of the company, and his views on doing business are very archaic. Cancer women often behave like little children: their actions are irrational, they are noisy and selfish, they get lost when an important decision needs to be made urgently.


August 14, 2022

Daily horoscope August 14th.

Capricorn♑️ A calm day, allowing you to focus on those things that are important to you. The successes of Capricorns are directly proportional to the efforts made, so you will hardly have any reason to complain about the injustice of fate. It is possible to obtain important information with which you will disarm competitors. Aquarius♒️ You show perseverance and perseverance in time, defend your interests firmly, but at the same time tactfully. It is possible not only to avoid conflicts, but also to find a common language with those with whom they did not get along before. Signing of long-term contacts is possible. It is possible that you will find people with whom you are implementing some important projects. Pisces♓️ The problems that arise do not scare you, you cope with their solution, even if it takes effort. Young people will be your best helpers; their enthusiasm and optimism is transferred to you. Business relationships can develop into romantic ones.


August 14, 2022

Daily horoscope August 14th.

Libra♎️ The emotional background of this day is favorable, you are in a good mood, and even in difficult moments you do not lose optimism. Useful acquaintances are easily made, business negotiations are very fruitful. A wide range of opportunities open up before you; You only need one thing - not to doubt your abilities. Scorpio♏️ Comfortable, pleasant day for Scorpions. You feel confident in any situation, even when communicating with very influential people, you do not lose your peace of mind. The day is favorable for interviews, job changes, passing exams. You can take on new things, try your hand at some previously unexplored area. Sagittarius♐️ The first half of the day is suitable for big and important things, it is better to devote the second half to solving small problems and current tasks. You can rely on the advice of experienced colleagues and just knowledgeable people, probably getting valuable information. You learn from the mistakes of others rather than making your own.


August 14, 2022

Daily horoscope August 14th.

Cancer♋️ Day of fruitful work at Cancers. Success is largely due to the fact that the things you do really arouse your interest. On this day, it is easy for you to make non-standard decisions, look for new ways. People who were skeptical of your conclusions until recently are now ready to follow you. Leo♌️ The business activity of the representatives of the sign is very high, the Lions are able to win in intense competition. The main thing is not to lose faith in yourself if difficulties arise, and even approach routine matters with imagination. Your ideas are very good, and soon there will certainly be people who will help in their implementation. Virgo♍️ This day will pose difficult tasks for Virgos, but you will be smart and cope with their solution. Try not to rush your allies - not everyone can keep up with the speed of your thought. It may take lengthy negotiations, but you will still be able to convince your opponents that you are right.


August 14, 2022

Daily horoscope August 14th.

Aries♈️ Auspicious day for business negotiations and conclusion of large transactions. The victories of the representatives of the sign do not envy anyone: it is clear to everyone that the representatives of the sign receive a well-deserved reward. The day is suitable for Aries for meetings with influential people, representatives of government agencies. Taurus♉️ The day promises great success. Representatives of the sign are very charming, it turns out to be useful both at business meetings and when communicating with new acquaintances. The best qualities of Taurus are clearly manifested. It is not difficult for you to attract attention to yourself, to charm the person you are interested in. Gemini♊️ You easily find a common language with people, make contact with those who you like. You can achieve significant success in the implementation of joint projects, and you do not have to make responsible decisions on your own. There are people whose advice you can trust.


August 14, 2022

Why is the right composition important?

So that the aroma and texture do not distract from sensual practice, and the composition stays on the skin for a long time and glides well. If you want to give someone close to you a set for nuru massage, then you should pay attention to Shungu - a beautiful gift box and a waterproof sheet in the kit. The gel is diluted in the right proportion with water and it turns out almost 4 liters of pleasure (do not pour out all at once, try to start with a small part, you can add less or more water for the desired consistency).


August 13, 2022

Ideal for nuru massage oil - special.

So if you want to do everything right, and the procedure was close to traditional, take nuru massage oil. It will also be a nice addition that the skin is very well moisturized with the help of a gel used for massage. Odorless, colorless, non-marking and very pleasant to use, it is hypoallergenic so it can suit anyone. We especially recommend Mixgliss, a well-formulated nuru massage oil.


August 13, 2022

Comfortable temperature for NURU massage.

Take care to maintain a pleasant temperature and avoid drafts, you can preheat the room and close the doors and windows. Everyone is comfortable under different temperature conditions, but it is optimal to stick to 20-23 degrees Celsius. If there is no heat, the person you are doing the massage will experience discomfort and freeze, then no caresses will help him relax.


August 13, 2022

Preparation for erotic massage.

First, decide where you will massage your partner. Any place will do - even a table in the kitchen, the main thing is that nothing distracts or disturbs you. Although we still recommend the most comfortable place so that you can really relax. Ideal conditions are, of course, your own bed, subdued light or even candles, aromatherapy, relaxing background music, a warm room and a place where you can lay out all your “outfit”. But the massage is pleasant even without decorations, so if suddenly you didn’t think everything through so carefully - nothing!)


August 13, 2022

You can do it in a salon, or you can do it at home.

Nuru massage can be purchased as a service at the massage and erotic salon. Porn sites have a number of videos and even separate sections dedicated to nuru massage. And of course, like any other erotic massage, you can try to reproduce it at home yourself! After that, the skin becomes glossy, moist and soft as silk, so that the sensations during the massage will be even more pleasant. In addition, the complete absence of the smell of the gel does not distract attention from a portion of vivid sensations. Smooth slides of a naked body over the body of a visitor can ignite the fuse and excite, give inexpressible sensations and reveal all corners of consciousness.


August 13, 2022