Daily horoscope August 15th.

Libra♎️ The day is full of ambiguous events, but you are observant and attentive enough to understand how they are connected and draw the right conclusions. Moreover, by understanding how others feel, you smooth out sharp corners, do not allow brewing conflicts to flare up. Scorpio♏️ The creative potential of Scorpions is very high, you are inventive and resourceful. This day is suitable both for long-term planning and directly for starting work on some new projects. You learn quickly, and for this you do not have to make your own mistakes - strangers are quite enough. Sagittarius♐️ Auspicious day for any meetings, public speaking, participation in public life. You are very charming, it helps to find assistants and allies. The day is also suitable for restoring relationships that were previously interrupted for objective reasons.


August 15, 2022

Daily horoscope August 15th.

Cancer♋️ Representatives of the sign are distinguished by high business activity. They do not have a single free minute, but Cancers do not complain: they like to do something useful and interesting. The day is well suited for business and personal communication, any meetings take place exactly as you would like. Have a good trip. Leo♌️ Lions manage to keep calm and control themselves. On such a confusing and eventful day, this is exactly what you need. You not only do not make mistakes yourself, but also help others to avoid false steps. Even very experienced and influential people will listen to your advice. Virgo♍️ Your interest in life and the world around you does not fade for a minute, thanks to which you will learn a lot of new things. The information received is useful. The day is also successful from a financial point of view, you can count on significant cash receipts. Valuable gifts from loved ones are not excluded.


August 15, 2022

Daily horoscope August 15th.

Aries♈️ Do not be afraid of difficult tasks - today it will not be difficult for you to cope with them. Even if ill-wishers and competitors show rare resourcefulness, you can still prevail over them. The day is great for enlisting the support of some influential person. Taurus♉️ Thanks to your natural tact and delicacy, you not only avoid conflicts with others, but also help to make peace with those who were in a quarrel. This day is well suited for business negotiations, and for solving some personal issues. Gemini♊️ You do not give up, even if the circumstances are not the most favorable. Well, this is very commendable, and also effective - by the end of the day you will certainly achieve what you were striving for. Pay attention to your relationships with others: today you will not interfere with delicacy and tact.


August 15, 2022

Do not overdo it!

Too frequent (especially promiscuous) sex can lead to hormonal depletion, when the body does not have time to renew spent energy and biochemical resources. Signs: - Increased irritability. - Earthy complexion. - Chronic fatigue and inattention. Conclusion: Man is a highly developed being, so sex for him should be not only a physiological need, but the embodiment of feelings for his partner.


August 14, 2022

For whom is abstinence harmless?

Abstinence is harmless and even beneficial for young people under 20, since the psychosexual side of their personality has not yet been fully formed. Teenagers often find themselves in difficult situations due to early sexual intercourse. With abstinence, more sex hormones enter the bloodstream, which creates favorable conditions for the physical and mental development of a young man.


August 14, 2022

When abstinence is necessary:

- Before the spermogram. - To normalize the hypersensitivity of the spinal nerves. - To refresh the feelings of partners. - To restore normal ejaculatory reflexes after prolonged masturbation. - Before fertilization.


August 14, 2022

The consequences of abstinence.

Some men note that in the absence of sex, the testicles swell, hurt, break and harden. The pain may radiate to the abdomen. This happens due to the overflow of the seminal vesicles, which swell and provoke discomfort. This condition does not pose a danger, it passes on its own with the decomposition of unclaimed spermatozoa. The body can independently regulate the process through nocturnal emissions.


August 14, 2022

In some cases, abstinence has a negative impact on physical health.

The problem is especially relevant for men leading a passive lifestyle. The consequences of abstinence for a long time (more than a year) can manifest themselves in a number of diseases: - Development or exacerbation of congestive prostatitis. Irregular emptying of the gland leads to blockage of the ducts and the multiplication of pathogens; - Varicocele (scrotal varicose veins); - Decreased libido; - Deterioration of erection or impotence. Long-term abstinence against the background of a passive lifestyle after 40 years can result in the development of adenoma, cardiovascular diseases.


August 14, 2022

Partial and total abstinence.

Forced abstinence gives a man much more problems, because psychologically he is not ready to put up with the lack of sex. The reason may be detention, illness, features of work, absence of a partner. If the tension is periodically removed with the help of masturbation or wet dreams, then such abstinence is called "partial abstinence". Complete abstinence (lack of sexual activity and ejaculations) - total abstinence.


August 14, 2022

Examples of reasons for voluntarily not having sex:

- Asexuality, when a man does not need sex. Libido is compensated by sublimation, for example, in creativity or sports; - Vow of celibacy, spiritual practices; - Preparation for sports competitions; - Psychological barrier.


August 14, 2022

Is abstinence good or bad?

Abstinence is more dangerous for men with excessive sexual appetite, due to the presence in their body of a high level of the hormone testosterone. Not being able to have an active sex life and constantly thinking about it, you can become depressed, become hyper-irritable, aggressive and experience mental discomfort. In these cases, abstinence can provoke hormonal disruptions and cause erectile dysfunction, prostatitis, and deterioration of reproductive functions.


August 14, 2022

10 natural ways to cool down.

7. Pranayama. Breathing practices naturally normalize body temperature. Start with the simplest pranayama: inhale through one nostril, exhale through the other. 8. Grenades. They contain many antioxidants and help thermoregulation. 9. Sandal. Sandalwood oil can be added to shampoo or shower gel. Despite the warm oriental aroma, it cools well. 10. Foot bath. Our feet have many receptors for heat and cold. Add sea salt or epsom salt, mint extract, and lavender and rosemary essential oils to the water.


August 14, 2022

10 natural ways to cool down.

4. Chili pepper. Yes, you heard right: when we eat very spicy foods, the brain receives a signal that it is urgent to cool the body. You can make salsa with chili, garlic, parsley, olive oil, and lemon. 5. Coconut water. Saturates the body with electrolytes and cools. 6. Essential oils. Peppermint and rosemary oils are very refreshing: add them to an aroma diffuser, bath, or spray on your pillow (unless you're allergic!)


August 14, 2022

10 natural ways to cool down.

In many parts of the world, the heat danger level is orange right now, and coolness is a must. But living under air conditioning and gorging yourself on ice cream is not an option. Not everyone has a private pool either. Here are some easy ways to feel better. 1. Aloe vera gel. Perfectly cools the skin, it can be used neat or mixed with cream. 2. Mint. Add it to water, yogurt, tea. Mint sauces like chutney are very refreshing! Now I put mint even in salads - very tasty. 3. Homemade lemonade. Vitamin C naturally lowers body temperature. You can use lemons, limes, your favorite sweetener, and mineral water.


August 14, 2022

Dependent relationships.

Girls, I want to ask you one question: do you feel joy, love in a relationship, or do you feel bad next to this man, but there is no strength to break the connection? After all, when love causes more pain than pleasure, then you may be in a dependent relationship. Here are a few signs: • because of the fear of losing him, you endure rudeness, betrayal, coldness • the thought of ending a relationship or separation causes panic • you broke up with your loved one, but you can't cope with the feeling of a huge loss and you don't understand how to live on without him, life has lost its meaning If you recognize your relationship, then this is an alarming bell. The result of such a union can be completely killed self-esteem, depression, disappointment in oneself.


August 14, 2022

3 failed ways to interest a man.

What NOT to do under any circumstances: ▫️Pretend to be the woman of his dreams. After all, even if you mislead him, it will either open up very soon, or you will have to adapt to the image that you painted for him. ▫️Wait until he recognizes love in you and matures to start a serious relationship with you, or at least in bed. ▫️Manipulations: I'll fly and get it, I'll take it to bed and impress, I'll shoot my rivals and emerge victorious. If you impose yourself on a man who is not interested in you: you love him more than yourself.


August 14, 2022

About the feeling of being used.

It happens that the feeling of being used occurs when a person wanted to use a partner or a situation, but could not. For example, a woman who consents to sex, not out of a clear sexual desire but in the hope of a relationship, may feel used if she is not offered that relationship. Whereas a woman who consented to sex out of a clear sexual desire may feel satisfied, unsatisfied, angry, tired, embarrassed, sad, but in no way used. Because her actions coincided with her goals. They may have been slightly more or slightly less successful, but they coincided. During use and manipulation, the actions do not coincide with the goals. And then only chance will tell who will succeed in reaching that hidden goal and who will not.


August 14, 2022

Weekends, holidays and pauses put everything in its place.

Someone who loves you knows you in detail and agrees with all your systemic mistakes. And has long laughed at the way you repeat yourself, get angry, apologize, and cheat yourself again. Someone who wants to get to know you better clarifies and asks questions. Many questions. About tea, or shoelaces, or how wide you can open the window at night, or how you should be loved. Someone who sees a future together invests time and effort now. And if it's good now, you have to be around longer to have enough for the hard times that sometimes happen.


August 14, 2022

About illusion and reality

Some dreams are given to man not to fulfill them, but to become disillusioned with himself and his fantasies, and to start living in the real world now. A person becomes definitively mature when he realizes that this well-being does not depend on the efforts or opinions of others. And when he realizes that there is nothing wrong with the world. The only question is how to look at it and what kind of contact to make. People are most visible in the way they conceal something.


August 14, 2022

If you're lucky, you'll be alone.

All alone, when no one is around and you have to look for support on the ground and on yourself. If you're lucky and it's at the right time, life will hit you to crack you like a nut and get the kernel. If you're lucky and it's the right time, it will hurt you. So painful that the pain will almost make you die and then help you reborn from the inside out. If you're lucky, you will cry. And nothing can hold back those tears. And release will come through them, and then - real life.


August 14, 2022