Daily horoscope August 16th.

Aries♈️ The day will be bright, interesting and inspiring. The events that it will bring will surely be remembered for a long time. Successful coincidences are likely, unexpected incidents that will push you to interesting thoughts. Many Aries will suddenly understand how to achieve what they have been striving for for a long time. Taurus♉️ The day will be favorable for communication. Completely unexpected meetings, and those that were planned in advance, will go well. Changes for the better in business relations are likely. Some Taurus will find new allies and partners, get the support of influential people. It will be easy to succeed in your studies. Gemini♊️ Keeping balance at the beginning of the day will not be easy. You can react sharply to any little things, worry about what you would not pay attention to at another time. In addition, you have to deal with not only your own, but also other people's affairs. You probably won't like it.


August 16, 2022

The effect of practice on health.

4. You will learn to cope with anxiety without harm to the body: during practice, you need to concentrate and control your breathing, such a skill in everyday life allows you to quickly return to a stable emotional state; 5. The quality of the skin improves: in the process of training, the body is tightened, lightness and smoothness in movements appear, and posture is straightened; 6. The work of the brain is stimulated, the restored blood circulation improves memory and attention; 7. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract disappear, since the change of straight and inverted asanas speeds up the metabolism and reduces heartburn attacks.


August 15, 2022

The effect of practice on health.

Despite the seeming danger of doing exercises, aerial yoga is considered safe, moreover, it has a positive effect not only on physical but also mental health: 1. The clamps are removed and the natural position of the joints is restored, 2. Blood flow is normalized, which allows cells to receive the necessary nutrition, which contributes to accelerated tissue regeneration; 3. The mood improves, the nervous system is restored, and the quality of sleep increases;


August 15, 2022

How is the practice of aerial yoga?

This is a whole complex of yoga practice, acrobatic elements and Pilates. Unlike the classical directions familiar to us, additional equipment is used in aerial yoga: hammocks. They allow you to perform asanas that are not available in classical practice. During the exercise, you are released from the force of gravity, because of this, the load on the spine is reduced, at the same time, the efficiency is increased.


August 15, 2022

Suggest a solution.

Blaming, shifting responsibility, lecturing - approximately in this vein, women make claims against a man. How to present your dissatisfaction? If you declare a problem, be ready to find a compromise, offer your vision of the situation. For example: “Honey, I understand that you are busy with work right now. And I'm proud of your success. But rest is also very important. I suggest you do the following. Let's make sure to find two Saturdays of the month in order to go out into the world, to devote time to each other. What do you think about it?". Agree, such a speech is much more effective, instead of the phrase “Again I’m alone all day!”


August 15, 2022

How to behave with a man who always argues?

To begin with, it is better not to mess with such a man at all. But if you still agree to such a relationship, then the best solution is to ignore the argument. Everything is arranged simply: you are not involved, but he is not interested. Thus, you cease to be an opponent who needs to prove something. Remember: the more involvement, the more motives for the dispute.


August 15, 2022

How to let go of the past

Don't impose standards on yourself. It's a trap! There is such a thing as a "standard of expectations. Most people absolutely know that any standard situation must have its standard development. And, accordingly, most traumas and hurt feelings from the past are unfulfilled expectations. For example, a woman gets married because she expects her husband to provide for her, her husband earns pennies and does not move to earn more, the woman gets divorced and gets angry at the whole world, thinking all men are mean and lazy. The divorce took place many years ago, and if it were not for her perpetually angry and depressed state of mind, the young energetic woman would have simply found herself another man from among those who are "grounded" to earn, and does not consider it a feat. However, all of her energy is spent regretting the past and the "best years of her life" that are irrevocably gone.


August 15, 2022

Happiness is leisurely

Rapid pace of city life and lack of time are the main enemies of happiness. Life speeds up, as if transferring us into the cabin of a fast car, where our emotions and feelings begin to flash like lights behind the window. We don't have time to feel anything. Our lives blur and we sink into a strange space of "emotionlessness." So just take your time, let your feelings slowly mature and your happiness will blossom.


August 15, 2022

It's harder to be happy than miserable.⠀

Mutual love and happiness is a much more difficult experience than unhappiness and unrequited love. Happiness can be accompanied by anxiety, fear of loss, and other complicated feelings, while grief is a clear one-way road. Survive, drink, rethink, and get out. And happiness is the more difficult task of life. Or even, let's say, a philosophical category. Being here and now, without the possibility of getting caught up in expectations.


August 15, 2022

Objectification of anxiety.

Statistically, forty percent of people on earth have an elevated background of anxiety for various reasons. They wake up in the morning and are already anxious. They worry about work, about children, about money, about the future... And especially strongly such people are so anxious when they cannot find objective reasons for this very anxiety and set in motion their rich imagination. What if it is a chronic disease? What if the radiologist (surgeon, therapist, any other doctor) missed something important on the picture? For example, like now, in the world crisis, or in the plight of polar bears in the conditions of global warming... A person who has finally identified his anxiety becomes much easier. He knows what is happening, he is in control, he takes action, he is afraid, but he still feels better, because an external object has been found.


August 15, 2022

Maeklong Market.

In Thailand, there is one special Meklong market that can seriously scare you. No, it's not about prices or quality of goods. The fact is that a train passes through it, and there are very, very few places there. The train passes literally centimeters from the counters and people.


August 15, 2022

The Japanese giant hornet is the largest of all types of hornets.

The effect of a bite is compared to hammering a red-hot nail, after which the action of toxins begins, which causes swelling, fever, and even tissue necrosis. As a bonus, you can get not one, but several stings, since the hornet is able to sting repeatedly. On average, these guys kill about 40 people a year - more than any other wild animal in Japan.


August 15, 2022

Replica of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

Joe Barnard of the YouTube channel BPS.space spent 7 years developing a replica of SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket - it repeatedly takes off at 800 meters and lands on supports. Subscribers helped Barnard finance the project. In the future, he wants to launch his Scout F rocket into suborbital space, to a height of 100 kilometers.


August 15, 2022

Bacteria capable of living on Mars have been found.

And even carry out photosynthesis. One strain of cyanobacteria from the Anabaena family, PCC 7938, can do more than just live in the Martian atmosphere. It will perfectly get along in the grains inside the Martian soil. Which theoretically opens up scope for the colonization of the red planet.


August 15, 2022

In Argentina, they discovered a new species of dinosaur that weighed like a cat and looked like a dragon

Paleontologists have found the remains of a previously unknown dinosaur species in southern Argentina, which they called Jakapil kaniukura ("shield bearer"). Such a dinosaur was the size of a cat, walked on its hind legs and looked like a small dragon. Scientists believe that Jakapil kaniukura lived about 100 million years ago. Its fossils have been found during excavations for the past ten years, but only now have researchers got enough data to single out this dinosaur as a separate species.


August 15, 2022

Impossible to resist: 4 most amorous signs of the zodiac. Pisces.

Astrologers say that Pisces is the epitome of sensitivity. representatives of this sign are under the influence of Neptune, which is responsible for the perception of everything invisible, subtle and "magical". Therefore, for Pisces, elevated feelings and spiritual priorities are much more important than everything else. They are well versed in people and feel them, paying attention to those qualities that the majority, in principle, does not notice. This is a sign in which Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, manifests itself at all two hundred percent, which is why Pisces fall in love more often than others - it is simply vital for them to constantly soar in the sky.


August 15, 2022

Pretender rating. 5th place - Virgo.

The Virgos open the five zodiacal saints - a sign with which everything, as usual, is very difficult, despite the fact that the Virgos themselves strive to simplify and sort everything out. However, it is no secret to anyone that, as a rule, Virgos have problems with dissecting their own personality: on the one hand, they are unusually compassionate and empathic people who are ready to internally burst into tears at the sight of a child who has dropped an already licked candy on the ground; on the other hand, Virgos fucking like their fame as maniacs, devoid of any human feelings; on the third - Virgos will never give up their favorite pastime - doing good to others and doing good; and, finally, on the fourth side, Virgos do not at all want to be considered saints, but they want to be cool, like, for example, Sagittarius. In general, this is how they rush between the images of a strict nun and Don Quixote, bruised by life. For this they are entitled to fifth place and a drum around their neck.


August 15, 2022

4 zodiac signs that are set up only for a serious relationship. Scales.

Scales diligently avoid conflict situations and stress, and divorce, division of property, and even dating a child on strictly prescribed days is unbearable for them. Libra can look for their man for a long time, but if they decide on a stable relationship, then they will last a lifetime. They are ready for compromises, they can give in, even if they are not right, but they are unlikely to forgive betrayal. These zodiac signs are often lucky and find the serious relationship they've been longing for. The problem arises if falling in love ends with a break: not everyone manages to recover and decide to trust again.


August 15, 2022

4 zodiac signs that make the most obnoxious bosses. Zodiac sign Leo.

A typical Leo boss seemed to have descended from a caricature of an office tyrant: he loves power and often abuses it, moreover, with patheticism characteristic of this sign. Having barely achieved a leadership position, even if there are 1-2 employees under his command, he will emphasize his “dominant” position with blatant arrogance. Leo boss - woe to the whole office But the Lioness boss is even worse - she needs to please, provide regular signs of attention, and compliment. Objections to her point of view will be rebuffed with raised voices, and if you forget about her birthday, blame yourself. At the same time, Lions of both sexes are sometimes characterized by very annoying perfectionism.


August 15, 2022

Daily horoscope August 15th.

Capricorn♑️ You tend to say what you think; because you do not think anything bad, no one is offended by you. Any meeting goes well. Even if it is not possible to reach an agreement right away, eventually a compromise will be reached. You can resolve issues related to large purchases and investments, but it is too early to part with money. Aquarius♒️ The first half of the day is a favorable time for communication and constructive discussion of topical issues. You are patient and attentive, easily win the favor of the interlocutors and the sympathy of new acquaintances. A correct assessment of one's own capabilities and an understanding of the motives of others contribute to success. Pisces♓️ You are not afraid of difficulties, difficulties are afraid of you. This day is associated with Pisces with solving problems that have been bothering you lately, getting answers to relevant and important questions. It is possible to complete work on a project that you have been bored with for a long time. You can start a new business.


August 15, 2022