Essential oils for nail health

If the nails become dull and brittle. It should be remembered that essential oil cannot be used without a base oil (for example, almond or olive), which also has a positive effect on the condition of the nails. 1. Lemon essential oil is so beneficial that it is included in many nail products. It has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, and also whitens the nails, promotes the speedy healing of the injured cuticle, and gives the nails a natural shine. 2. Ylang Ylang essential oil is often used during nail polishing. To do this, one drop of oil is applied to the polishing buff to prevent brittleness and delamination of nails.


August 17, 2022

Sleep food.

The issue of protein products for dinner is not entirely unambiguous and should be decided individually. On the one hand, proteins increase activity and stimulate the nervous system, which is not very good for sleep. The abundance of protein foods is not suitable for anxious people with trouble falling asleep. On the other hand, proteins perfectly satisfy hunger and maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. So for those who exercise and sleep soundly, working late, protein for dinner can also be a convenient option.


August 16, 2022

Is it true that the sea heals?

SEA and YOD. Seaweed releases iodine gas. By inhaling it, we provide the body with a daily need for this microelement. Iodine is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. THE SEA IS AN ANTISEPTIC. Sea water promotes rapid healing of wounds. The salt contained in the sea, as it were, sucks water out of the bacteria, and they die. This process is called osmosis. SEA and JOINTS. Swimming is a special kind of physical activity without harm to the joints! Water supports up to 90% of a person's weight and thereby reduces pressure on the joints. In addition, swimming strengthens muscles and improves blood circulation, preventing the development of osteoarthritis. SEA and DREAM. The sounds of the sea are unique! A special term has been coined for them: “white noise”. Scientists have found that white noise contributes to rapid falling asleep, as well as high-quality and deep sleep. Even the sound of the sea reproduced on the device has such an effect!


August 16, 2022

How to find out what vitamins you need.

Vitamin C. Bruises easily, bleeding gums, ulcers on the oral mucosa. Vitamins A and E. Dry skin, acne, vision problems. Vitamin RR. Dermatitis, diarrhea, dementia. B vitamins. Irritability, depression, insomnia, dizziness, muscle weakness, skin pallor. Vitamin K. Bleeding of the nasal and oral mucosa. Vitamin D. Muscle pain, cramps, deterioration in appetite and mood, deterioration in the condition of teeth and nails. Vitamin R. Problems with blood vessels, dark circles under the eyes, hair loss.


August 16, 2022

Mask for split ends of hair.

Beat the egg yolk, heat glycerin (10 ml), burdock oil (30 ml) in different cups. Mix the egg with burdock oil, add glycerin, apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon). Apply for 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


August 16, 2022

Tibetan yoga - from bruises and "bags" under the eyes.

This exercise will help you improve your vision, relieve swelling and remove bruises under the eyes. For the best effect, you just need to breathe slowly, deeply and evenly (preferably with the lower part of the chest or abdomen). 1. Breathe in. 2. While inhaling, concentrate in the area of ​​​​the eyes and feel how a thin, warm stream of energy flows into the eyes, into the bruises, nourishing them. 3. After inhaling, perform a delay during which with three fingers (index, middle and ring fingers) of each hand, press 10 times on the points under the eyes. 4. As you exhale, feel as if all fatigue and pollution are being blown out of the eyes and from the place under the eyes. 5. Do this exercise 5 times in the morning and evening. The effect is noticeable almost immediately!


August 16, 2022

If you can’t have coffee, but you really want it.

We remember only 3 spices that neutralize the negative effects of caffeine on the body and make coffee work for us. 1. Black pepper has a strong cleansing effect on the digestive system, removes toxins, improves metabolism, stimulates the stomach, and is an antiseptic. Add it to hot coffee 1-2 peas, let it brew. 2. Cardamom has a calming effect. Strengthens the stomach. It is recommended to add cardamom pods or fresh powder to coffee. Gives coffee a special unique aroma due to the action of essential oils. 3. Clove stimulates blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. Essential oils of clove give coffee aroma, help reduce the negative effects of caffeine. Add one head of cloves to hot coffee and let it brew.


August 16, 2022

First aid for leg cramps.

1. The fastest way to relieve a cramp is to pull your big toe towards you. Try not to pay attention to pain, as this simple remedy is considered by many to be very effective and fast-acting. 2. If you grab onto a cramped muscle and at the same time press deeply with your index finger into the protruding part in the center of the muscle and hold it in this position for 15-20 seconds, then the cramp will pass. To improve blood circulation, you can take several deep breaths and exhalations.


August 16, 2022

Mask with clay and lemon juice.

You will need: - Clay - 1 tablespoon, - Lemon juice - 6 drops, - Water - a little. We mix the clay with water so that the consistency of fatty sour cream is obtained. Add lemon juice and mix well. Apply to face, let dry and rinse with warm water. The mask helps to cleanse and whiten the skin, and also narrows the pores.


August 16, 2022

Benefits of banana peel.

In a number of useful products, replenishment - scientists have found the benefit of adding banana peels to baking. Sugar biscuits with the addition of peel were found to be enriched with fiber, magnesium, potassium and various antioxidants.


August 16, 2022

FTO gene.

And if a little more specifically about the popular gene FTO (fat mass and obesity-associated protein), the polymorphism of which may be associated with a predisposition to obesity. Gene expression leads to variant genotypes: G/G - no predisposition G/A - body weight gain ~ 1.2 kg A/A - body weight gain ~ 3 kg What does it mean? This gene is located on the 16th chromosome. Or not located. Studies show that carriers of one copy of this gene per chromosome weigh an average of 1.2 kg more than "lucky" ones without this gene; if there are two such copies, then the average mass is already 3 kg more.


August 16, 2022

Myths about genetics.

Most often, we think that in families where all family members are obese, genetics definitely played a cruel joke. But in fact, in the first place, their family model of eating behavior has an influence. Most likely, their women know how to cook very tasty and satisfying, men do not play rugby or football, and one of their favorite traditions is hearty dinners, not walks in the parks. It’s just that it’s customary for them, and it’s very difficult for new family members to break family ties and break into a different lifestyle, because often children don’t even know that it’s possible somehow differently. But from childhood they know how to cook pancakes.


August 16, 2022

"You're lucky, but I have bad genetics!"

There are women who can eat pasta at night and not gain weight. And there are those who get fat already from one look at a chocolate bar. Is it really all about heredity? Let's try to figure it out. Yes, genetics can indeed be a factor in obesity! Moreover, there are many genes responsible for excess weight gain! But I can calm you down or, on the contrary, upset you: their impact on weight gain is only 13.6%. Everything else comes down to our lifestyle: nutrition, physical activity, stress levels. This means that those people who have these genes will need to make a little more effort and time to lose weight.


August 16, 2022

Do you want to freshen up?

Here is a cool and healthy recipe for mango sorbet with probiotics! Take a few frozen mangoes, cut into pieces and put in a blender. Next, throw in ice cubes and pour in 1/4 cup of probiotics. What do I mean by probiotics? Now you can buy such sachets or tablets for intestinal flora. There are many different ones sold in pharmacies. Simply mix with water and add to a blender. And now before you is not just a sorbet, but a healthy dessert.


August 16, 2022

Phallus Museum.

This unique phallus museum is located in the capital of Iceland - Reykjavik. This is home to the largest collection of mammalian penises, wildly expensive! Among the most striking exhibits is a part of a blue whale organ. As a whole, it has a length of more than one and a half meters and weighs about 70 kg. The smallest sample is also presented, which is examined through a magnifying glass (and it’s interesting to someone!). And its "happy" owner is a hamster. A funny exhibit - a composition of casts of the penises of the national handball team! By the way, they are not signed, and the fans are wondering whose dignity is the most modest)


August 16, 2022

Improving the missionary position.

Get higher. By placing a pillow under the buttocks, you thereby slightly change the angle of penetration - it will be deeper, and therefore will give new sensations. Move your hips. By squeezing your legs, you will make your pelvic floor muscles tighten, and his cock will be able to stimulate your clitoris. Look at him. The missionary position is also good because it can give lovers that intimacy that will never be, for example, in doggy style.


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex. Reluctance to experiment in sex.

If offers of new positions and role-playing games scare you, then the thrill of having sex with you is definitely not going to be achieved. Sexual fantasies are not divided into “good” and “bad”, so let them go. Try to start by discussing your preferences in sex with a partner over a glass of wine - this will help you begin to translate them into reality.


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex. Habit of analysis.

It is unlikely that a person can be reproached for the fact that he prefers to think and weigh everything properly before deciding on any act. But in sex, sometimes you just need to give in to desire, experts remind. So to speak, without a second thought. If you analyze every step, then the relationship is deprived of spontaneity - the main quality of memorable sex.


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex. Too loud or not loud enough expression of emotions.

Revealingly loud moans or mooing, repeated repetition of some words - all this is annoying in bed as well as complete silence. But the manner of simpering and giggling like a schoolgirl can also turn sex life into a child's game, and there is nothing good in that.


August 16, 2022

Signs that you are bored in sex. Passivity.

There are no hard and fast rules about who should initiate sex and be active. This does not mean that you should immediately switch roles with your partner and be active all the time. Just take the initiative from time to time.


August 16, 2022