What to do?

Unfortunately, stress is inevitable. Therefore, it is important to be able to minimize its influence. 1) Plan time for relaxing activities. 2) Eat right and get enough sleep. 3) Go in for sports. 4) Talk to other people. 5) Avoid drugs and alcohol - they only exacerbate the negative effects of stress.


August 18, 2022

Stress and its effect on the body.

4. Rash. Stress can weaken your immune system and lead to intestinal dysbiosis. Subsequently, it manifests itself in the form of redness and a rash on the skin. Stress also causes and exacerbates some autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis. 5. Wrinkles. Stress causes changes in the proteins of the skin and reduces its elasticity. During stress, we constantly frown, which is why characteristic creases quickly form. 6. Gray hair and hair loss. Cells called melanocytes produce the pigment melanin, which gives hair its color. Stress-induced sympathetic nerve activity can lead to the disappearance of the stem cells that create melanocytes. Chronic stress can also disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to hair loss.


August 18, 2022

Stress and its effect on the body.

1. Acne. During times of stress, our body produces more cortisol. It causes the hypothalamus to produce a special hormone, corticotropin-releasing hormone. It stimulates excessive oil secretion, clogs pores and leads to acne. 2. Bags under the eyes. Stress and lack of sleep exacerbate the signs of aging: fine lines, reduced skin elasticity, bags under the eyes and uneven pigmentation. 3. Dry skin. Stress disrupts the barrier function of the stratum corneum and can negatively affect water retention in the skin, making it dry and itchy.


August 18, 2022

Stress and its effect on the body.

Everyone experiences stress from time to time, but when it becomes chronic, it seriously affects health. Stress increases the risk of depression, negatively affects the immune system, and increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. And more. Stress takes a toll on our face. We tell you how.


August 18, 2022

Anxiety symptoms during menstruation may include:

1. Nausea or diarrhea. 2. Profuse bleeding. 3. Irregular cycles. 4. Painful bowel movements. 5. Problems with urination. If you have any of the above symptoms or are worried that your period cramps are abnormal, be sure to get yourself checked out. Feel free to tell your gynecologist about your symptoms - this is the only way to determine what is wrong with you!


August 18, 2022

Here are five signs that period pain is a reason to see a doctor.

1. Pain ruins your life. If your period pain is so severe that you regularly have to take time off from work, you should talk to your doctor. This condition is not uncommon, but not the norm either. 2. Painkillers don't help. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers are usually helpful in relieving monthly discomfort. If there are not enough of them, this is a reason to worry. 3. You have intermittent pelvic pain outside of your period. Discomfort in the pelvis just before your period and in the first few days of your period is normal. Sensitivity also occurs during ovulation. But if your stomach hurts at other times during your cycle, that could be a sign of a problem. 4. Menstrual cramps last longer than 2-3 days The cramps may start the day or the day before your period starts, but they should not last until the end of your period. Or continue after it ends. 5. You have other symptoms.


August 18, 2022

Menstrual cramps.

How often do we talk about it with friends. But despite all the talk, we still have a hard time distinguishing "normal" pain from "abnormal" pain. We tell you what is normal and what is not. Often we may think that very painful periods are normal. Yes, discomfort during menstruation is not uncommon, especially in young girls. About half of all women experience pelvic pain during their period. However, really severe menstrual cramps are not normal and can be a sign of serious problems.


August 18, 2022

Great reasons to sleep naked.

5. Improve relationships. Sleeping naked next to each other increases oxytocin levels. This hormone is called the love hormone. Its increase helps to strengthen the connection between partners, that is, it helps them to love each other more strongly. 6. Good and frequent sex. This is also another wonderful side effect of boosting oxytocin. The researchers found that people with high levels of the hormone tended to have stronger orgasms and had more intense sex lives.


August 18, 2022

Great reasons to sleep naked.

3. Stress levels will go down. Sleeping without clothes is more comfortable for our body. As we sleep well, levels of the stress hormone cortisol decrease. 4. Confidence enhancer. When we are naked, we feel our body better - and that's good. Therefore, do not be ashamed to sleep naked. It's sexy and inspiring, which in turn boosts self-confidence.


August 18, 2022

Great reasons to sleep naked.

1. The cooler, the better sleep. Wearing pajamas and a thick blanket can be harmful to your sleep. Your body temperature needs to drop so that you can sleep in optimal conditions, which means that blankets and clothing can disrupt your sleep. This is not entirely good, given that the lack of coolness is unhealthy and means a very unpleasant morning. 2. Younger every morning. Well, not exactly, but the aging process will be much slower. While we sleep, we secrete growth hormone (a natural anti-aging substance), and when sleep is disturbed by high temperatures, we produce less of it and age faster.


August 18, 2022

A difficult but effective way to annoy a woman:

With one hand, press it against the wall (but without excessive pressure), with the other, unfasten everything that is unfastened, and move away everything that interferes. All this time, silently look the girl in the eyes, caressing her body with your fingers.


August 18, 2022

With or without a condom.

In order for a man to finish slowly, it is necessary to use a condom, this is how he does not feel the heat and moisture of the vagina. But if you add lubricant to the condom, then the sensations will be more pleasant and you can get an orgasm twice as fast.


August 18, 2022

How to resolve family conflicts.

The easiest and most accessible option for all spouses is to use speech that is intelligible and calm. If you want to make a scandal - speak up. There is a desire to be offended and declare a boycott - speak. Thought to take revenge on her husband - still say. Take responsibility for what happens. But don't let it sit on your neck. In any conflict, both are to blame!


August 18, 2022

Find the source of your strength.

Think about what makes you feel energized, full of energy and ready for new challenges. This will help you identify your strengths. Also remember what you start doing when you feel tired or overwhelmed. At times like these, we want to take control of the situation. To do this, you do what gives you strength. By identifying what kind of activity gives you energy, in the future you will be able to overcome many problems by replenishing your strength at the right time.


August 18, 2022

Make fear and failure work for you.

If you are afraid of failure, make fear your assistant. What is needed for this? I advise you to reconsider the very definition of failure. Failure is not the exact opposite of success, failure is what will happen if you don't step out of your comfort zone. Look at any business from this angle, and the fear of failure will force you to act.


August 18, 2022

The most important thing is motivation.

We will always have activities that we do not like, but their level of usefulness for our development is usually high. Therefore, before taking up the next lesson, ask yourself a simple question: “Why am I doing this?” The answer to it will be the best inspiration for you. Muhammad Ali once admitted that he hated the daily monotonous workouts, but the clear realization that this was what would make him a champion allowed him to overcome the desire to shirk.


August 18, 2022

Tricky tricks from psychologists to stop procrastinating and finally work.

It turns out that all we need is a system to get things done. Productive Life System: 1. Motivate yourself to complete each task. 2. Set deadlines for yourself at every stage. 3. Accountability to a friend or mentor. 4. Work / study with intervals. 5. Elimination of distractions. 6. Healthy eating. 7. 30-minute daily workouts.


August 18, 2022

Pause in a relationship.

Some couples, when they have difficulties in communication, use a simple method: take a break. They stop communicating or leave for a while to sort out feelings or resolve internal contradictions. What happens if a couple takes a break? What problems can be solved in this way? There are three possible options: 1. Running away from the problem. 2. Manipulation. 3. Last resort to avoid devaluation, negativity or disrespect. In this way, partners give each other time to think and calm down. Of these, only the third option makes sense, and then only as a last resort.


August 18, 2022

How does a man talk about other women?

When you first meet a man, it is very important to pay attention to this important point. After all, it is an indicator of how a man will communicate with you through time. For example, if he says that all his former fools or stupid, then you need to run! I decipher: he does not respect the women with whom he once felt good. And therefore, he is unlikely to respect you either. Also pay attention to how he speaks of his mother. Based on their relationship to their mother, men build communication with the opposite sex.


August 18, 2022

Talent is a gift from God.

After all, the universe has decided to bless YOU with such talent. Sometimes it is more important than education, because it is our ability that determines our PATH. It is monstrous when a person is objectively talented as an artist or musician, but is forced to sell kitchen machines. Don't resist your given, develop, keep growing and improving, look for ways to realize your talents, knock on different doors. After all, the LUCKY doors open only to those who once knocked on them.


August 18, 2022