How to learn to forgive?

Unnecessary offenses poison the life, first of all, of the one who was offended. And your offender will sleep peacefully, not even bothered by the subject of your torment. So it is easier and better for yourself to forgive and let go. How to do it? MAKE THE DECISION TO FORGIVE. The most important thing about forgiveness is to realize that YOU need it much more than your abuser. LIVE YOUR EMOTIONS. Respect your feelings, don't hide them in yourself, find an opportunity to live them and feel them fully. Even if not immediately, but gradually you will become much easier. REMEMBER HOW YOU WERE FORGIVEN. Remember how you regretted your own mistakes and how important it was for you to receive forgiveness from those you wronged. Choose to be strong. Don't let your resentment poison your own life.


August 22, 2022

LOVE is a three-part recipe.

Mankind is in a constant search for the FORMULAS of love. There are many variations on this theme. I am sharing another formula, which I like so much for its brevity. The triangular theory of love is a theory of love developed by psychologist Robert Sternberg. In the context of personal relationships, "the three components of love, according to the triangular theory, are intimacy, passion and commitment." 1. Intimacy - which includes feelings of belonging, unity, connectedness. 2. Passion - which includes both romantic attraction and sexual attraction. 3. Commitment - which involves, in the short term, a decision to stay with a partner, and in the long term, joint achievements or plans for the future. And happy is the one with a complete set of these qualities in his/her relationship.


August 22, 2022

How to behave on a first date?

To be sure the first date is not the last one, it’s important to grasp a few simple rules. ▫️ Stay confident. It's okay to be nervous on a first date. Acting confident, being yourself is the surest way to look natural. ▫️ Dress appropriately. Usually on a first date a man looks at a woman from head to toe, and she tries to impress him. ▫️ Take care when choosing a fragrance. Without knowing your date's preferences, choose unobtrusive light scents for yourself ▫️ Don't be a drag. Don't burden him with your problems and don't complain. ▫ Be easy and have fun conversations about simple everyday topics. ▫️ Take off the rose-colored glasses. Do not embellish the image of a man, do not praise him, do not make long-range plans for him. ▫️ Let him pay for you. Especially if he insists on it, give him the opportunity to make a nice gesture. If the date was interesting for you, don't forget to thank him for an enjoyable time.


August 22, 2022

Washing helps reduce stress levels.

The publication Social Psychological and Personality Science conducted a multi-level study with a thousand people. And the process of washing at all stages reduced their stress levels, calming people down.


August 22, 2022

Scientists have figured out how and when the sun will die.

Experts from the European Space Agency have analyzed new data from the Gaia Optical Space Telescope. Thanks to them, scientists were able to determine how the Sun will develop in the future. According to calculations, our star is already 4.57 billion years old, and in general it is still stable. However, eventually the star will die - the process will begin when the core runs out of hydrogen. The merger process will begin, which will turn the Sun into a red giant star and lower the surface temperature by dozens of times. In this state, it will last another thousand billion years, until it turns into a dim white dwarf. But it is unlikely that a reasonable form of life on Earth will catch this - the brightness of the Sun increases by about 10% every billion years, which entails an increase in temperature. Such changes will make our planet uninhabitable long before the end of the solar system.


August 22, 2022

Drop has released a keyboard dedicated to Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

Especially for fans of the writer's work, a keyboard appeared on sale in Sindarin - the Elvish language and Kirt - the Dwarf language. The cost of the keyboard is $170. The device is wired and mechanical, with backlight. It connects to a computer via a USB-C interface.


August 22, 2022

Scientists have presented a new contraceptive for men, tested on mice and 99% effective.

Hormonal, without any side effects, mice in the experiment, it remained sterile for 4-6 weeks. After a long search, scientists have found an experimental compound, GPHR-529, that blocks a protein responsible for binding to a form of vitamin A in cells. By selectively blocking this protein, sterility can be increased without causing any side effects. In mice (males) from the experiment, there was a sharp decrease in spermatozoa, in fact, they became infertile in 99% of cases. And only 4-6 weeks after stopping the drug, the males ceased to be infertile.


August 22, 2022

Residents of an Australian town are terrorized by gangs of kangaroos.

The local environment department said they counted between 60 and 80 kangaroos in the city and nearby forests. Over the past 12 months, seven cases of kangaroo attacks have been recorded in the state, while Maarum has an unusual situation: females, not males, are behind most of the attacks. According to one of the local residents, over the past few years, it has become more rainy in the area, which favors the growth of grass. The abundance of food attracted kangaroos.


August 22, 2022

The morning ritual of smokers has a scientific justification.

Scientists have found that chemicals found in coffee minimize the damage that smoking causes to the brain's nicotinic receptors. Thus, ironically, after coffee, you want to smoke less. But smokers do this subconsciously, feeling that the receptors will forgive the cigarette.


August 22, 2022

Startup Mobile Pixels took to Kickstarter with a dual foldable monitor project that became an instant hit.

There are two models - Geminos and Geminos X. Both screens are 24 inches, and the resolution depends on the version: 1080p in the younger and 1440p in the older one. The frequency is also different: 60 and 75 hertz, respectively. In addition to the screens themselves, the monitor has a webcam, speakers, and several ports, including USB-C. For successful financing, the developers requested 25 thousand dollars, at the moment 1.7 million dollars have been collected. The price of the junior and senior versions on Kickstarter is $500 and $650, respectively, and after the launch of production and regular sales, the cost will double.


August 22, 2022

Apple has created a NeuMan neural network that can create a realistic deepfake based on a 10-second video.

NeuMan recognizes the background and person in the video, and then the algorithm synthesizes a new video with the same background and person, but which is already performing other actions. According to the developers, this technology is necessary to improve the AR reality.


August 22, 2022

Loneliness in childhood leads to alcohol problems in adulthood.

People who felt lonely before the age of 12 are more likely to have problems with alcohol in adulthood. They respond more strongly to stress and usually drink to cope with negative experiences. These conclusions were made by American psychologists in the course of a study involving 310 students aged 18-29 - they filled out questionnaires.


August 22, 2022

In Britain, due to the fashion for tight-fitting leggings, the demand for intimate plastic has increased.

In the UK in recent years, more and more women want to get a labioplasty. It's all about tight-fitting leggings. In 2021, Skevophylax performed 50 intimate surgeries, in 2022 this record was broken already in August. Women are embarrassed by the fact that the "camel toe" is visible in tight pants, and also complain of discomfort and pain in the groin area. At the same time, not everyone is ready to give up fashionable pants, so they choose an operation. According to the surgeon, 80% of patients want to eliminate the discomfort of wearing tight clothing, and not to make the vulva more aesthetic.


August 22, 2022

Dodge showed the concept of an electric muscle car.

It provides an acoustic system to simulate the roar of the motor. The company's press release provided few details on the vehicle's technical specifications. It is only known that the new muscle car was equipped with a proprietary 800-volt all-wheel drive power plant with a capacity of 700 horsepower. Inside, a curved dashboard, a multimedia screen and an additional projection display were installed.


August 22, 2022

The Mediterranean Sea has warmed to extreme temperatures - animals and plants are dying.

The Mediterranean Sea from Tel Aviv to the French Riviera or Barcelona has warmed 3-5°C above normal. Because of this, animals, plants and other organisms die. For example, in the region of Mallorca and Sardinia, corals, sponges and algae die in warm water. Also, high temperatures affect the cultivation of mussels on aqua farms. In 2015-2019, heat waves have already negatively affected 50 marine species, in many cases causing their mass death. According to oceanographers, about a third of the waters of the Mediterranean Sea need to be protected from people so that ecosystems can recover.


August 22, 2022

A greenhouse with hemp will appear on the ISS.

The American company Redwire has announced the creation of the first commercial greenhouse in space. It will be sent to the ISS no earlier than the spring of 2023. Industrial hemp will be grown there. "Redwire Greenhouse will expand the possibilities of crop production on Earth and enable research on growing crops in space, which will benefit future long-range missions as plants provide regeneration of food, oxygen and water," said project leader Dave Reed.


August 22, 2022

5 perfect couples according to the signs of the zodiac. Sagittarius + Aries.

A person born under the sign of Aries has a great chance of finding love happiness, being in a relationship with his "colleague" in the elements - Sagittarius. Their union is full of enthusiasm and energy, which are visible to the naked eye. Sagittarius and Aries are constantly on their own wave and understand their partner very easily. From the outside, these people may seem very "loud", almost crazy. However, this is exactly what each of them needs, thanks to which Aries and Sagittarius feel alive and happy.


August 22, 2022

Rating of the most emotional signs of the zodiac. 10th place - Gemini.

Geminis are amazing at how easily they can just forget about something and move on. Yes, and this zodiac sign also experiences emotions, but as if at a distance. Just remember how easy Johnny Depp was to distract himself from the horrific and scandalous details of the trial with the help of drawings and jokes.


August 22, 2022

Which zodiac sign is able to start a second family? Cancer.

Oddly enough, Cancers are also prone to having multiple families. It is generally accepted that representatives of this zodiac sign are very devoted, love comfort and keep the hearth. This is true, but it is worth remembering that Cancers are very gentle and sensual natures. The emotionality of Cancers often leads to the fact that they have another permanent partner. Representatives of this sign are not interested in sexual relations and have no desire to get new sensations, just Cancers love to take care of someone, and if a permanent partner does not allow this to be done in full, he will find another ward.


August 22, 2022

We select the ideal job according to the sign of the zodiac. Leo.

Leos are fearless, inspiring and independent. They would like to lead their company to success and high profits. Leos work best in the spotlight and in positions that bring them status and power. The best job for him would be CEO, performer, tour guide, real estate agent, interior decorator, fashion designer and salesman.


August 22, 2022