5 perfect couples according to the signs of the zodiac. Capricorn + Taurus.

The key to happiness in the union of Capricorn and Taurus is emotionality and passion. Romance and tenderness in these relationships is not very much. However, this state of affairs does not upset Taurus and Capricorn at all, who want to shout out loud what a wonderful chosen one they have. They really admire the second half. Bonuses for a prosperous future are added by the fact that most Taurus and Capricorns are completely devoted to their soulmate, share his hobbies and support even the most daring undertakings.


August 23, 2022

Rating of the most emotional signs of the zodiac. 9th place - Sagittarius.

Miley Sarus, like many other Sagittarius, demonstrates that innate cheerfulness helps to cope with any periods of emotional depression. In addition, this zodiac sign loves to travel, which helps to distract.


August 23, 2022

Which zodiac sign is able to start a second family? Capricorn.

Of all the zodiac signs, Capricorn is the most polyamorous. It is surprising if anyone manages to lure representatives of this zodiac sign into an official union, because Capricorns value freedom and independence most of all. It is the desire to prove to himself that the family did not deprive him of the opportunity to choose and alternatives, Capricorn can decide on another connection or another family.


August 23, 2022

We select the ideal job according to the sign of the zodiac. Virgo.

Virgo is a perfectionist. They also excel at abstract thinking and are very neat. Virgos are good at office work, and they would be happy to work where you can always get help or advice. Research and statistics are the most comfortable environment for this sign. The best job for Dev will be an editor, teacher, critic, technician, translator, detective or sociologist.


August 23, 2022

Daily horoscope August 23rd.

Capricorn♑️ Today, the ability to get along with people will be very useful to you, to find an approach even to those who are completely different from you. The day promises unexpected discoveries, good news from afar, as well as lucky coincidences that will open the way for you to a long-established goal. Many Capricorns will succeed in their work, and they don’t even have to try very hard for this. Aquarius♒️ No matter how events develop, you will be able to maintain self-control and self-confidence. This will help you avoid many embarrassing moments. You will not waste time on doubts and long reflections, you will start acting in time and achieve even more than you expected. Pisces♓️ At the beginning of the day, it will be much easier to act on your own than to agree with someone on cooperation. Even if you encounter a serious problem, there is a way to solve it quickly. In addition, unusual, but very good ideas will appear, after the implementation of which new opportunities will open up before you.


August 23, 2022

Daily horoscope August 23rd.

Libra♎️ The beginning of the day promises pleasant surprises. If you do not get confused, you can achieve a lot. The decisions made will turn out to be correct, you will surely find allies you can rely on, you will immediately understand what you need to focus on in the first place and what should be postponed. Noticeable success in work will be achieved by those who have recently taken up a new business for themselves. Scorpio♏️ It is worth focusing on work: today you can achieve noticeable progress in business. Colleagues and management will support you, help you with deeds and advice. It will be possible to put an end to long disagreements, enlist the support of people with whom you did not find a common language before. Sagittarius♐️ It is better not to rush to resolve important issues, to be more attentive in cases, the outcome of which is important not only for you. The first half of the day is unlikely to be especially favorable for work. Misunderstandings, unfortunate coincidences are possible, due to which you will not be able to complete what you started on time.


August 23, 2022

Daily horoscope August 23rd.

Cancer♋️ You will do a lot of good for yourself and for others. The day is well suited for solving important tasks. You will not build illusions, correctly assess the situation and that is why you will quickly understand how best to act. Good news regarding work is likely. Career growth is also possible. Leo♌️ Today, you will be very useful purposefulness and the ability to insist on your own. It is thanks to these qualities that you will cope with what others did not succeed. Business relations will noticeably change for the better. People who previously underestimated you will realize how wrong they were and will take your side. Virgo♍️ You can hardly avoid the fuss. Most likely, you will have to deal with several things at once, solving both work and home problems. In the morning, minor misunderstandings are not ruled out, it will be more difficult to find a common language with others than usual. But you will not allow conflicts.


August 23, 2022

Daily horoscope August 23rd.

Aries♈️ Getting along with others today will not be difficult. You will guess what others are thinking, you will find an approach to those with whom you have not found a common language before. A casual acquaintance can start a friendship or romantic relationship that will give you a lot of positive emotions. Taurus♉️ The start of the day will be bright and inspiring. This time can bring good news or ideas that you want to implement immediately. You can easily change plans if you see a new goal. Both old and new acquaintances will willingly support many of your undertakings. Gemini♊️ In the morning it will not be easy to tune in to a serious mood, and it is worth starting the day with simple and understandable things. You can turn to old friends: they will support you and give good advice for sure. Successful purchases are likely, as well as small cash receipts.


August 23, 2022

Steps to the perfect relationship.

Failure in the next relationship is not a sentence, but only an attempt to show you that you need to change something. But what exactly? Self love. It is important to be able to love yourself with all the flaws and imperfections. Don't look for an estimate. If you find another man for the sake of raising your self-esteem and giving compliments - a losing option. Don't hide emotions. You don't have to pretend to be someone you're not. A man will love you for who you are. Self improvement. Do not stand still, do not forget about dreams and goals, do not forget to live. Find a hobby that you enjoy.


August 23, 2022

The right to choose.

Forget stories about how one of your friends or acquaintances got married right after school and now she is a happy mother of two children. This is her way. But before you a huge choice of gentlemen. It is necessary to choose a worthy partner, and not to take what comes across. Otherwise, you will feel lonely in a relationship. Wanting to get married is not an end in itself. While you are free, you must make friends with yourself, understand what is acceptable for you in marriage and what is not.


August 23, 2022

Show tenderness.

Be gentle to your husband and be gentle just the way he likes. Some of the men love it when a woman strokes his back, someone likes it when they run their hands through his hair. Tactility in communication is very important. The more often you come into contact with your partner, the more you become attached to each other.


August 23, 2022

Am I busy or am I working

Ever think about the fact that all of the tasks we do on a daily basis can be divided into "real work" and "busy"? And these tasks affect us and our lives in very different ways. Real work are those tasks that only we ourselves can do: they are complex and move us toward our goals, and we get paid to do them. For example, only I can decide what kind of business I open next and what I need to do it. Busy tasks are tasks that eat up our time and energy, while we are not paid for them or paid little, they do not move us towards our goals and they can be done by someone else. For example, only I can make the decision to open a business, but calculate everything, assemble a team and set up sales. Sure, I can wash the floors, but who will do my job better than me?


August 23, 2022

Where is the exit?

The way out of the Victim's position... Resentments, burdensome memories, anger, resentment - these are obstacles to a happy and joyful sense of life. When you forgive, you step out of the position of Victim, and you have a new vision, energy, and desire to live. It is up to you to forgive or not to forgive. But when you choose to forgive someone, you must understand that you are doing it ONLY FOR YOU. You are forgiving so that YOUR life can be better. You forgive in order to find happiness and joy in your life. You forgive so that your relationships with others can be improved. You forgive in order to become younger, healthier, richer, more beautiful and successful. YOU FORGIVE FOR YOURSELF!


August 23, 2022

Forgiveness Technique.

That’s actually a practical task for the previous post. Position yourself horizontally, more comfortably. Enter into a state of half-sleep. Thoughts and images flow freely. Imagine the image of the person you want to forgive. ▫️ I forgive you completely. I draw conclusions from the past. ▫️ I thank the Universe (god, universe...) for the lessons I am learning. ▫️ I am on my way to harmony. ▫️ I understand that you had the best of intentions. ▫️ I get why you did what you did. I forgive myself for.... ▫️ Subconsciousness, help me draw conclusions from what happened. Give yourself time. Write down the conclusions. Keep in mind that you have to choose one grievance or situation. Once you've worked through one particular situation, you only move on to the next one after that.


August 23, 2022

The main thing is to strike a balance.

Balance between intimacy and co-dependence, a fine line. How to understand, to feel this difference? ▫️ The desire to share your emotions - intimacy. Trying to impose your moods is co-dependence. ▫️ Talking openly about what you're not happy with in a relationship - intimacy. Imposing blame on the other for relationship problems is co-dependency. ▫️ Holding your OWN social circle and letting the other have theirs is intimacy. NOT having a relationship outside of a couple is co-dependency. ▫️ Sharing your values and interests with your partner is intimacy. CHANGE your values to your partner or try to change them to match your own - co-dependence. Knowing how to balance such subtle issues can save a relationship.


August 23, 2022

About Purpose, Dreams and Plans.

What is the difference between a dream and a goal? It's very simple, a goal has a DATE! Work through your dream and give it a clear date. What is the difference between a goal and a plan? A plan is a goal broken down into step-by-step steps. Literally step by step, with dates and clear definitions describe your actions. And finally, only a plan confirmed by methodical actions makes our dream come true!


August 23, 2022

Parental mistakes. Where do abusers come from.

Up to 6 years: • Educational beatings, humiliation, yelling at him. • Always respond differently. Today to slap a bream, and tomorrow for the same hug and cry with pity. • Or extol the child, buy him first places, diplomas. • Show that mom has 2 modes: you are bad - she yells, beats. And the rest of the time when they don't notice it. He never feels good. It is enough to systematically abuse it in one point and you will get it, sign it. But even with a system in place, there are chances to stay normal.


August 23, 2022

Parental mistakes. Where do abusers come from.

Up to 3 years: • Prevent him from exploring the world. Do not let go of yourself, take everything away, prohibit. • Or, on the contrary, leave one, disappear from his life. • Never refuse, do not limit anything. He is not disappointed and does not know how to survive breakups. • Tell the child that you will stop loving him if he does not obey. Arrange boycotts, forbid crying, do not console.


August 23, 2022

If a couple fights, do they have relationship problems?

It would be more accurate to say: if a couple quarrels, this is a relationship. It is impossible to constantly hush up your discontent and live in an atmosphere of love and eternal peace. Every couple has some disagreements, and that's okay. Do not take any quarrel as the end of your relationship and try to find compromises and smooth the situation. Quarrels often develop relationships: you learn to find a common language, resolve domestic and other issues and make concessions to each other.


August 23, 2022

Why grow up?

Growing up will help you assess the situation with a cool head and find ways to solve it. Without counting on or expecting help from others. Relying on yourself will give support, faith and confidence even in difficult moments. Adulthood will allow you to set priorities and refuse unnecessary things. Inner support will allow you to do it quickly, without long deliberations and feelings of guilt or shame. Adulthood will allow you to delegate some things. And support will help you avoid anxiety and fear that the other can't handle it. Adulthood will assess your condition and signal that it's time to rest. The inner core will allow you to take time for yourself without remorse and fear of "What will they think of me?" Inner core together with adulthood will help transform fears into resources, negative qualities into helping qualities.


August 22, 2022