What is an erection?

The penis can be compared to a "sponge". Where the sponge is the cavernous bodies of your penis that fill with blood during an erection. The penis fills with blood under the action of nitric oxide. This blood creates internal pressure, which leads to the fact that the penis rises. The chain of action is: 1) Excitation in the head (brain) 2) Nitric oxide release locally 3) Guanosine activation 4) Relaxation of the muscles at the root of the penis 5) Filling with blood, the outflow veins narrow.


August 23, 2022

How often can you use a body scrub?

How often you use a scrub often depends on your skin type. If for oily and combination skin scrubs can be used - 1, maximum 2 times a week, then for dry and sensitive skin it is not recommended to use it more often than once every two to three weeks. Scrubs should not be used if the skin has wounds and inflammation, including acne. Abrasive particles can damage the inflamed area and spread germs over the entire surface of the face. As a result, even more rashes.


August 23, 2022

Recipes for homemade cellulite scrubs.

RECIPE 3. A sugar salt scrub that will not only help get rid of cellulite, but also make stretch marks less noticeable. To prepare the scrub, take: - 250 grams of regular sugar add - 250 grams of salt, sea salt is best Pour it all with olive oil (0.5 cups). Mix everything thoroughly and you can safely use.


August 23, 2022

Recipes for homemade cellulite scrubs.

RECIPE 2. No less effective is a coffee and sea salt scrub. To prepare the scrub, take: - 3 tablespoons ground coffee beans - 3 tablespoons of sea salt - 5 drops of olive oil Mix everything thoroughly. This scrub will increase blood circulation, resulting in an increase in the rate of removal of fluid and toxins from skin cells.


August 23, 2022

Recipes for homemade cellulite scrubs.

RECIPE 1. One of the most effective and effective salt and honey scrubs. To prepare the scrub, take: - 100 g of natural liquid honey, - 100 g of sea salt. Mix everything thoroughly and you can safely apply on the body. Scrub not only helps get rid of cellulite, but also perfectly moisturizes the skin.


August 23, 2022

How often do you need to take hormone tests?

Doctors recommend taking hormone tests once a year, even if you do not have the above symptoms of a hormonal imbalance. A referral to them can be issued by a gynecologist or therapist. But haphazardly checking all hormones before a visit to an endocrinologist is not worth it - there is a risk of wasting time and money. The endocrinologist will tell you which tests you really need based on your symptoms and the answers to his questions.


August 23, 2022

When to See a Doctor About Hormones:

4. Acne, especially if you're well past adolescence. 5. Constant feeling of tiredness, regular sleep problems. Yes, this may not be due to anxiety about deadlines at work, but a sign of hormone problems. 6. Dry mouth that doesn't go away even if you drink plenty of fluids. 7. Problems with the intestines and stool. 8. Abrupt weight gain or loss.


August 23, 2022

When to See a Doctor About Hormones:

1. Any violations of the menstrual cycle. And also, when the discharge became too abundant or, conversely, stopped. 2. Planning for pregnancy, as well as when you have been trying unsuccessfully for a long time to conceive a child (You should consult a doctor one year after you and your partner have given up any contraceptives. Women over 35 years old - after six months). 3. Hair loss or accelerated growth, brittle nails.


August 23, 2022

What to do if you fall into one of the above categories?

If you fall into one of the above categories, in the summer, use products with the maximum degree of sun protection. These include Photo Reverse cream from Institut Esthederm. It not only prevents the appearance of age spots, but also brightens existing ones - even under the influence of UV rays. The cream is available in several shades and colorless - if you do not need a tone. And for those who have been diagnosed with vitiligo or albinism, a No Sun ultra-high protection product is more suitable.


August 23, 2022

Sunburn should be avoided if you have:

6. Tendency to hyperpigmentation: the sun increases the likelihood of new age spots. 7. Many cosmetics with active ingredients - fruit acids, vitamin C or retinol. They also cause hyperpigmentation. 8. Recently there was a peeling (chemical or laser) - it is dangerous to expose the skin that has not yet recovered to ultraviolet radiation: again, because of the risk of hyperpigmentation.


August 23, 2022

Sunburn should be avoided if you have:

3. Skin diseases, for example, acne, rosacea: ultraviolet light can provoke an exacerbation. At first, the sun dries up inflammation, creating the illusion of improvement, but then, as a rule, the situation worsens. 4. Diagnosed with cancer. Oncologists do not recommend tanning to patients. Aggressive sun can cause a weakening of the immune system, which creates conditions for relapses and metastases. 5. Many moles (more than 100 on the body): this indicates the risk of developing melanoma, and the sun is one of the provoking factors in the development of this disease.


August 23, 2022

Sunburn should be avoided if you have:

1. Blond hair, blue eyes and very fair, "porcelain" skin. In this case, even with a short stay in the sun, there is a risk of getting a burn instead of a beautiful tan. Be sure to use sun protection, especially in the summer. 2. Vitiligo (partial loss of natural skin pigment) or albinism (when there is no pigment at all). Unpigmented areas of the skin are completely devoid of natural protection and require maximum photoprotection.


August 23, 2022

Who Invented Face Masks?

They say that even Cleopatra applied a mask of clay and honey to her face so that the skin became smooth, toned and velvety. However, the inventor of cosmetic masks is officially considered not the Egyptian queen, but the American milliner. In 1875 Madame Rowley of Ohio patented a "toilet mask" made of rubber. The inventor guaranteed that with her help, clients would improve their complexion and whiten their skin. Later, new technologies replaced rubber, and now we use masks not only as an SOS remedy, but also as an important part of our morning and evening care.


August 23, 2022

General rules when using face masks:

1. Prepare your skin. First of all, thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup and impurities. Use a gentle cleanser and then be sure to wash and toner your skin to restore pH. 2. Apply the mask - with your fingers or a special brush. Distribute it along the massage lines of the face, that is, from the center of the face to the edges. This will help to avoid tension and microdamage to the skin. 3. Keep the mask on your face for exactly as long as the manufacturer recommends. Longer is not better, and you definitely don’t need skin irritation! 4. Don't forget to finish with cream. Yes, this is necessary to consolidate the effect and “preserve” the beneficial substances that the mask gave to your skin. The exception is indelible masks: it is not necessary to apply a cream after them.


August 23, 2022

How to use face masks correctly?

Sometimes we go to extremes and begin to either use masks every day, or, conversely, we remember about them only before an important event. Dermatologists recommend making masks no more than 1-2 times a week: if less often, the effect will be short-term, if more often, there is a risk of damaging the skin barrier.


August 23, 2022

Vitamin D really helps with depression.

Vitamin D supplements help people diagnosed with depression. In the future, the substance may become the basis of an alternative treatment option. These conclusions were reached by Australian and Finnish scientists in the course of a meta-analysis of 41 studies involving 53,000 people. Vitamin D is believed to help regulate the functions of the central nervous system. Also, animal experiments have shown that it is involved in controlling the chemical balance in the brain. This may explain the relief of symptoms of mental disorders. The biggest effect of vitamin D was in people who took it for less than three months. A typical dose is 50-100 micrograms per day.


August 23, 2022

In Britain, drivers will not be judged for crashes involving autopilot.

Regulators said that for this it is not even necessary to change the legislation. For all accidents at the moment when the car is on autopilot, the responsibility will be borne by the manufacturer, not the owner of the car.


August 23, 2022

A startup from Los Angeles has begun creating small houses from plastic waste.

They are cheaply processed, 3D printers are launched and with their help they create residential buildings, the price of which is several times lower than with traditional construction. For example, a small studio can be printed for $25,000.


August 23, 2022

China decided to create artificial rains to save crops from drought.

The Chinese authorities decided to spray the clouds with chemicals to cause artificial rains - because of the drought in the country, rice crops, which make up 75% of the annual crop, are dying. Plants will also be treated with humectants to limit water evaporation. If artificial rain does not save the Chinese crop, inflation in the US and Europe could rise.


August 23, 2022

An Israeli startup is going to create personal clones for people for a spare set of organs.

Renewal Bio has shared plans to create realistic synthetic embryos that will be grown in artificial wombs from stem cells (without the use of sperm and eggs). Scientists have already conducted studies on mice. They placed mouse embryos in a mechanical womb and managed to grow them to such an extent that the brain began to emerge and the heart began to beat. Analyzes show that the synthetic versions are about 95% similar to normal mouse embryos, based on the mix of cell types within each.


August 23, 2022