Hair mask with cognac.

You will need: - Egg yolk - 1 piece, - Cognac - 20 grams, - Olive oil - 2 tablespoons. We mix everything, apply it to the hair, put on a hat or bag, wrap it with a towel and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The mask is suitable for brittle hair, perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the hair.


August 26, 2022

Kalina with honey.

Kalina with honey is the best medicine and a storehouse of vitamins. It can be prepared for the winter. Scald viburnum berries with boiling water and wipe through a colander or sieve. Add honey to viburnum in a 1:1 ratio, mix and leave in the room for a week. Take 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach - and a vitamin supply for the day is provided! For sore throat and hoarseness. 1 st. pour a spoonful of viburnum with 1 glass of boiling water, wrap and infuse for 2 hours. Gargle 3 times a day with angina, and with hoarseness, drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. With bronchitis. Remember 3 tbsp. spoons of viburnum and mix with 3 tbsp. spoons of honey. Pour this mixture with 1 liter of boiled water and cook for 10 minutes. Strain and drink like warm tea.


August 26, 2022

Altera therapy.

Everyone wants to look beautiful and natural. But some spend a couple of hours a day on it, while others spend a couple of hours a year. Why? Because the first beautifully imitate naturalness. And the second - preserve the natural beauty and youthfulness of the skin. There are different ways to do this. One of them is Altera therapy. This is a non-surgical technique for lifting and rejuvenating the skin using micro-focused ultrasound. Its main difference from other SMAS facelifts is the patented real-time visualization system. After the procedure, the skin is tightened, rejuvenated and compacted by itself. And the result, depending on individual characteristics, can last up to 1.5 years.


August 26, 2022


Все хотят выглядеть красиво и естественно.Но одни тратят на это пару часов в день, а другие — пару часов в год. Почему? Потому что первые красиво имитируют естественность. А вторые — сохраняют естественную красоту и молодость кожи. Для этого есть разные способы. Один из них — Альтера-терапия. Это нехирургическая методика лифтинга и омоложения кожи при помощи микросфокусированного ультразвука. Ее основное отличие от других SMAS-лифтингов — запатентованная система визуализации в реальном времени. После процедуры кожа подтягивается, омолаживается и уплотняется сама собой. А результат, в зависимости от индивидуальных особенностей, может сохраняться до 1,5 лет.


August 26, 2022

Flossing can increase interdental spaces.

Many people know about the benefits of flossing, but are afraid to use it so as not to push their teeth apart. This is another myth about dental care. In fact, flossing helps keep your mouth healthy. With floss, you can remove food debris and bacterial plaque from interdental spaces that are inaccessible to the brush. The use of a thread is very important and necessary, and its width and density are insufficient to affect the bite. Unaccustomed to flossing, your gums may bleed. This usually goes away after a few weeks. But, if bleeding continues, see your dentist to identify the cause and treat your gums.


August 26, 2022

Chinese effective facial rejuvenation mask.

A beauty mask made from honey starch and salt that nourishes, evens out skin tone and visibly reduces the appearance of age spots. Ingredients ▫️1 teaspoon honey (preferably liquid) ▫️1 teaspoon starch ▫️1 teaspoon salt Preparation: mix honey and starch until a uniform whitish color. Add a teaspoon of crushed sea salt (it can be replaced with ordinary iodized salt). To mix everything. If the skin is hypersensitive or very dry, then add another 1 teaspoon of milk to the mask. Application: apply on the face in several layers until all the prepared mixture is used up. The mask should be kept on the face for 25 minutes, then washed off. For best results, it is recommended to do a Chinese beauty mask every other day, for 20 days. During this time, it will turn out to make 10 masks.


August 26, 2022

"Golden milk"

Golden milk helps restore intervertebral lubrication, flushes out salt deposits. It is also useful for hematopoietic function, colon, nervous system and bone tissues. Ingredients (per serving): • 1/8 teaspoon turmeric • 1/4 cup (65 ml) water • 250 ml milk • 2 tablespoons (40 ml) unrefined almond oil • honey to taste Cooking method: Pour turmeric into water, bring to a boil and cook for about 8 minutes, until the contents thicken. If the paste becomes too thick, add some water. At this time, boil the milk, adding almond oil to it. When the milk boils, immediately remove from heat. Pour milk into turmeric and add honey to taste.


August 26, 2022

Is it true that neuroses can be cured with proper nutrition?

Neurosis occurs due to an insufficient amount of folic acid in the body, the presence of which is responsible for the level of serotonin in the brain (in the common people - the “hormone of happiness”). You can restore (complete) the lack of this hormone by adding the following foods to the diet: bananas, greens, cabbage, asparagus, citrus fruits, etc. With depression, there is a lack of vitamin B6, which is also necessary for the formation of the “hormone of happiness”. Vitamin B6 can be found in such foods: shrimp, fish, seeds, nuts, chicken meat, lentils, banana.


August 26, 2022

Psychedelics help treat alcoholism.

These conclusions were made by scientists from the Langone Center for Psychedelic Medicine at New York University. Taking psychedelics helps people cope with alcohol addiction. After treatment, they have fewer relapses than people who simply received therapy and took a placebo.


August 26, 2022

NASA Artemis mission cleared for takeoff.

According to the plan, it will take place on August 29. All checks have been completed and the rocket that will return humanity to the moon is ready for its first flight. Within its framework, all systems will be checked in combat mode. True, so far without people on board.


August 26, 2022

Watching TV increases the risk of dementia.

American scientists decided to find out how different types of sedentary leisure are associated with the risk of developing dementia. It turned out that frequent watching TV is more dangerous than sitting at the computer. This can be explained by the fact that watching TV is an extremely passive activity, while spending time on a laptop involves cognitive functions. For example, users are writing emails or thinking about their next move in a video game. The study involved 146,000 people over 60 years of age, initially none of them had dementia. Over 12 years of observation, the disease developed in 3.5 thousand.


August 26, 2022

A material with a real three-hour memory has been discovered.

By materials with a "memory" function, they usually mean those that remember what shape they kept before exposure. But vanadium dioxide (VO2) has gone further - it can remember more than just one state. He remembers as many states as he wants for the past 3 hours. That is, it can be bent, heated, twisted, and it will remember not the last transformation, but the entire chain.


August 26, 2022

Scientists have created wind turbine blades that can be recycled into gummy bears.

American scientists have combined fiberglass with synthetic and vegetable polymers and obtained a composite resin for wind turbine blades, which can be processed into similar devices or gummy bears. Sweets can be made from purified potassium lactate - it remains after the resin is boiled down in an alkaline solution. In addition, the alkaline breakdown of the resin releases the acrylic material PMMA - organic glass, from which car headlights are also made. The new resin will help get rid of waste, since ordinary blades are simply thrown into the landfill - they are often not recyclable.


August 26, 2022

Chemists from South Korea have created an analogue of meat from sugar and proteins extracted from flour beetle larvae.

These insects are fed to small animals. The new meat substitute tastes and smells almost indistinguishable from the natural product - the sugar-treated and fried larvae enhanced the meat flavor. Scientists hope that their technology will make the production of meat and meat sauces more environmentally friendly and cheaper.


August 26, 2022

NASA has launched a service that allows you to hear how your voice would sound on Mars.

If you were standing and talking on Mars, you would hear a quieter and more subdued version of your voice, and you would have to wait a little longer to hear it. Just follow the link, turn on the microphone and record a welcome message. After a few seconds, the system will process and produce a version of your voice with a "Martian effect".


August 26, 2022

The first robotic health food restaurant.

From day to day, the first robotic healthy food restaurant will open in San Francisco, which works without any human intervention at all. What it looks like: A customer enters a restaurant and uses the touch screen to place an order. Then the robots take the order out of the freezer, put it on paper plates, heat it up and serve it to the client. Such a restaurant can process 75 orders per hour, and in total 65,000 different combinations of dishes are available in it - food can be assembled according to your requests.


August 26, 2022

3 most unbearable mothers-in-law by zodiac sign. Scorpio.

A wise Scorpio woman usually supports the choice of her son in terms of a life partner, without imposing her opinion on him. But it’s too early to rejoice - given how the representatives of this sign are prone to mood swings, the daughter-in-law of the Scorpio will have to go through many unpleasant minutes. Women of this sign rarely speak honestly about the boiling, preferring to play the game "guess for yourself why I was offended." And Scorpio can think of a lot of reasons for resentment, and when the daughter-in-law cannot choose the right one from this set, the mother-in-law is offended even more and begins to harbor anger. In this case, if she lives separately, she will most likely “remove herself” and stop communicating for a while, then she will thaw, but at the first opportunity she will definitely release a hairpin or two at your address.


August 26, 2022

Rating of the most emotional signs of the zodiac. 6th place - Taurus.

Representatives of this sign often pretend that everything is in order with them, although in reality this is not at all the case. They are really prone to negative emotions and often get upset - and the singer Cher can serve as an example of this.


August 26, 2022

We select the ideal job according to the sign of the zodiac. Sagittarius.

Sagittarians are ethical and full of energy. They know how to make the right decisions and be an honest boss. Sagittarians are also spiritual and would like to be involved in the protection of the environment and animals. Representatives of this sign love to travel and be outdoors, the routine kills their spirit. The best jobs for them are minister, animal trainer, editor, PR manager, coach and everything related to travel.


August 26, 2022

4 men of the zodiac who like to feel henpecked. Aquarius.

Freedom-loving Aquarius - henpecked? Can't this be? How else can, if you do not believe, ask his wife. Aquarius is soft, kind and compliant. Well, yes, he is a bit of a manipulator, but his wife doesn’t know about it and makes the air guy go to the bachelor party, and Aquarius resists - that’s the poor thing.


August 26, 2022