Practice for motivation.

We are fully responsible for our lives, not only for our actions, but also for our inability to act. Catch the practice for motivation. I hope it helps your desire come true!!! Do the assignment for one month: ▫️Write down your wish (goal), accurately and in as much detail as possible. It can be anything: I want to buy a new car, go on vacation to the Maldives, make repairs, find a new job, start a new project, etc. ▫️Choose the type of physical activity you will do daily - exercise, run, pool, fitness (rocking abs, squats, push-ups), etc. You can choose several options and alternate. ▫️Every day, after your workout (exercise), think through the details of your desire. And be sure to write down something new and important. If you suddenly missed one day, do not get upset, but start from the beginning. It's a must!!!


August 28, 2022

In Boston, they found a legal way to pump the brain by stimulating certain parts of it with electricity.

According to scientists, there is no risk at all - the operation is completely harmless. However, in return, both the long-term and short-term memory of the volunteers became several times stronger and better for a month.


August 28, 2022

In Texas, footprints of dinosaurs appeared at the bottom of a dry river.

In the Dinosaur Valley National Park in Texas, almost all water bodies dried up due to the heat, and new traces of ancient dinosaurs were found at the bottom of one of the rivers - no one had seen them before. They belong to the predatory Acrocanthosaurus and the herbivorous Sauroposeidon. Animals left footprints 113 million years ago. An adult Acrocanthosaurus weighed about 6.5 tons, was 4.5 meters tall and reached 11.5 meters in length. The predator lived in the Cretaceous period in what is now the United States. Sauroposeidon weighed about 44 tons and could raise its head to a height of 17-18 meters. The tracks are well preserved under the silt, but after heavy rains they will disappear under water again.


August 28, 2022

A site-constructor has appeared, where everyone can create the iPhone of their dreams.

In the web editor, you see a virtual smartphone in a "bare" form (without cutouts, ports and cameras). You can glue the Android logo, the long-missing Home button, and even a cup holder to it.


August 28, 2022

By the end of the century, it will become dangerous for people in some countries to go out because of the heat.

American scientists have calculated how the number of extremely hot days will increase over the course of a century. They built several models based on emission data and different combinations of temperature and humidity. If humanity manages to keep the level of global warming at around 2 ° C, by 2100 there will be 3-10 times more dangerously hot days in the USA, Western Europe, China and Japan. In the tropics, their number can double. In the worst case scenario, extremely dangerous heatwaves during which you cannot go outside could become the norm in India and sub-Saharan Africa. Now heat above 39.4 °C is considered dangerous, and above 51 °C is considered extremely dangerous. These are US National Weather Service estimates.


August 28, 2022

Lay's has released a "washing machine" for fingers.

A small gadget designed to clean the skin from oil residue and crumbs. "Washing Machine" was released in a limited edition, which will be drawn in a special lottery in Japan. The device will not go on sale.


August 28, 2022

4 most vindictive signs of the zodiac. Cancer.

By nature, Cancer is a very soft and somewhat passive sign. His inner world is deep, Cancer feels well what is happening around, sometimes even too well. Like Scorpio, he is able to anticipate danger, but is also prone to making mistakes and dramatizing. The representative of the Cancer sign can be offended very easily - it is worth at least a little to show coldness towards him. Such is his nature - Cancer loves warmth and cordiality. The idea of ​​painful revenge is not close to him. Offended Cancer needs time to "suffer". Mental wounds heal for a long time in both women and Cancer men, so they will remember the pain they caused for a lifetime. But vindictiveness here is passive. In bitter moments, a typical Cancer may feel sorry for himself and believe that the world is too aggressive.


August 28, 2022

Rating of the most emotional signs of the zodiac. 4th place - Leo.

Jennifer Lopez, being a typical representative of the Leo sign, perfectly demonstrates how to deal with negative emotions. For everyone else, the singer continued to keep a good face on a bad game. Only with the release of the biopic did it become clear how much J-Lo was worried about the Oscars and the fact that she would have to share the stage with Shakira.


August 28, 2022

How to get an Aries man.

It is necessary to charm Aries skillfully: a man is looking for the best and most spectacular woman. At the same time, he is attracted by the inaccessibility and the process of conquering the girl: Aries will not appreciate too easy a victory.


August 28, 2022

We select the ideal job according to the sign of the zodiac. Aquarius.

Aquarius, as it should be, is of a humanitarian mindset. They love to explore and be entrepreneurial, but they'd be best suited for non-traditional jobs, as Aquarians like to be rebellious. The best job for this sign is as a scientist, inventor, organic farmer, aviator, designer or musician.


August 28, 2022

Daily horoscope August 28th.

Capricorn♑️ On this day, you will have to work hard, but it will hardly scare you. You are capable of multitasking at the same time, and the ability to properly prioritize allows you not to lose sight of what is really important. Directness and honesty help to achieve goals in negotiations. Aquarius♒️ An easy harmonious day when you can not work hard, but simply watch how events develop and enjoy it. Your sincerity, openness, willingness to make contact do not go unnoticed; today it is not difficult to find people who will support you in everything. Pisces♓️ This day promises to be extremely successful. You can do a lot, and you understand this very well. Cheerfulness and optimism help to win the sympathy of others. The day is suitable for meetings with influential people, as well as for discussing with your own management issues related to your salary and career prospects.


August 28, 2022

Daily horoscope August 28th.

Libra♎️ This is a busy and productive day. Fortunately, your energy potential is quite high, therefore, despite the abundance of various things, you do not feel any irritation or fatigue. This is also facilitated by the fact that you understand very well: the efforts will not be in vain, the reward for the labors will not keep you waiting. Scorpio♏️ Already in the first half of the day you will feel an unusual elation - and this is exactly what is required today to achieve success. It is not so important what tasks you will face, non-trivial or routine, how you get down to business plays a big role. Sagittarius♐️ A day of tense but fruitful business negotiations, settling professional differences. You can start new projects, relying on new allies. You have interesting challenges ahead of you. You will not immediately figure out how to approach them, but after several attempts you will understand what's what.


August 28, 2022

Daily horoscope August 28th.

Cancer♋️ You will focus on work and succeed in it. There are no problems with self-discipline, and even if you need to solve several problems, your attention is not scattered, you act consistently. You can take important exams, pass interviews, meet potential business partners. Leo♌️ You are somewhat scattered and sometimes frivolous, but this does not prevent you from working, solving current problems and just enjoying life. The ability to instantly relax, defuse a tense situation with a joke helps to maintain excellent relationships with colleagues and friends, even if the circumstances are not the most favorable. Virgo♍️ You spend a lot of energy trying to control the situation. Meanwhile, today you can afford to relax and go with the flow: events are developing in a favorable way for you, and there are people nearby who are ready to take care of your interests. Self-confidence increases, you feel that you are able to achieve not only professional, but also personal goals.


August 28, 2022

Daily horoscope August 28th.

Aries♈️ The events of this day delight and inspire you. The more complex the tasks you face, the more passion and enthusiasm you take on to solve them. Non-standard actions, the manifestation of originality in everything attract the attention of influential people to you, there is a chance to find powerful allies. Taurus♉️ Active communication with business partners contributes to progress in the professional field. Joint activities are very fruitful, you feel very comfortable working in a team of like-minded people. Relationships are being established with management, it is likely to receive bonuses or encouragement in another form. Gemini♊️ A clear understanding of your goals and a correct assessment of your capabilities allow you to overcome the obstacles that have arisen without being distracted by trifles and without wasting mental strength. You keep cool and calm, even if you are surrounded by quick-tempered and emotional people.


August 28, 2022

In the US, naughty schoolchildren decided to beat with a shovel.

The Cassville School District in Missouri has decided to reinstate corporal punishment for students that was abolished in 2001. New disciplinary measures were proposed by the parents - they did not like the option of suspension from lessons. Flogging will be the last resort. Only the director can beat children in the presence of a witness who is not a student of the school. You can’t hit the face and head, only the buttocks. Junior students will receive 1-2 slaps, high school students - up to 3. Parents who want their children to be beaten must sign an agreement - the form will be drawn up by the school administration.


August 27, 2022

A foreign language is not forgotten over time.

Even 50 years after learning a foreign language, the level of proficiency in it remains the same. These conclusions were made by scientists from the University of York. They rounded up 500 Britons who had taken A-levels in French from 1970-2020 and gave them a second test. Volunteers from the older group did just as well as recent graduates. People remember words the same way they remember facts, dates, and names. Over time, they may begin to be forgotten, but grammar is learned once and for all - like riding a bicycle.


August 27, 2022

The James Webb telescope has sent new images of Jupiter.

The photographs show incredible quality and a high level of detail. Now you can see the smallest details: auroras, fogs and even a storm. They were made with a NIRCam camera in the infrared spectrum, which is indistinguishable to the human eye, so they were painted in post-processing.


August 27, 2022

Strangers who look alike have similar habits and DNA.

Spanish scientists have found that strangers with similar facial features have similar habits, behaviors and genotypes, while they differ in DNA methylation and microbiome. For research, scientists took pictures of Canadian photographer Francois Brunel - since 1999 he has been doing a project about twins. The scientists contacted pairs of doppelgangers, took DNA samples from them and asked them to fill out two questionnaires: biometric and lifestyle. According to the researchers, only one pair of twins out of 32 could have common ancestors. Some outwardly similar people even lived in opposite parts of the world. The results of the study can be useful for genetic diagnosis and forensic medicine - it will be possible to quickly and accurately recreate the face of a criminal from his DNA.


August 27, 2022

As part of Gamescom 2022, a new game based on the Dune universe was announced.

Dune Awakening is an open world MMO with survival elements. The game will take place on the planet Arrakis. There are still few details about the project, from the announcement it is clear that the project is being created based on the sci-fi series "Dune" by Frank Herbert. The title has already had a page on Steam.


August 27, 2022

4 most vindictive signs of the zodiac. Scorpio.

It will not surprise anyone that this sign is in the first place - the glory of skillful avengers and extremely touchy people has been entrenched in Scorpions. But you need to understand the reason for this. Representatives of this sign have a heightened sense of justice - including in relation to themselves. Interacting with others, they unwittingly keep a record of all the good and bad shown in their address. Kindness, honesty and responsiveness are highly valued by Scorpios and are paid in the same coin. At the same time, the subtle psychologism of those born in the period of Scorpio allows them to capture all the impure thoughts of those around them. Feeling something wrong, the representatives of the sign react sharply, even if from the outside the situation seems harmless. The problem is that they, especially Scorpio women, are also very suspicious and tend to sometimes see a threat where there is none. So in dealing with Scorpions, you should especially choose words.


August 27, 2022