Hidden properties of sex.

Usually we talk about sex as a means to get pleasure. But today we decided to tell a little about the unusual, hidden properties of sex. 1. If your head hurts, have sex! It cures all diseases and ailments, largely because you simply stop remembering that something hurt you;). The list of diseases that are treated with sex is long - colds, headaches, obesity, dermatological problems.


September 1, 2022

Sex and men's health.

Scientists have found out how many times a month men need to ejaculate to maintain health. You need to ejaculate from 22 times a month. Thus, the risk of prostate cancer was 33% lower than those who did it less often.


September 1, 2022

Tea prolongs life.

The risk of premature death among those who drink at least two cups of tea a day is 9-13% lower than those who do not like the drink. These conclusions were made by British scientists during a ten-year study involving 500,000 people aged 40-69. Among them, 85% regularly drank tea, 89% of them preferred black varieties. The effect is the same from ordinary tea, and from tea with sugar, and from tea with milk. The temperature of the drink also does not matter, as well as the characteristics of human metabolism. The benefits of tea can be explained by the fact that it contains substances that relieve inflammation and oxidative stress, as well as strengthen blood vessels and maintain energy levels in the body.


September 1, 2022

The blue light of a smartphone screen changes the chemical composition of cells.

Blue light from gadget screens affects the main functions of cells and can accelerate aging. American scientists came to such conclusions during experiments with fruit flies - the chemicals in their cells are similar to human ones. Blue light activated "stress-protection genes" in the flies. After that, the levels of some metabolites seriously changed. For example, the levels of succinate increased sharply and the concentration of glutamate decreased. These substances are needed for the proper functioning of cells and the communication of neurons, so changes can cause premature aging and death. Scientists are still planning to confirm their results with experiments with human cells, but they already recommend spending less time in front of screens.


September 1, 2022

Mobility in old age turned out to be more important than longevity genes in women.

American scientists have come to the conclusion that the level of physical activity and the total duration of sedentary pastime affect life expectancy more than genetic variants associated with longevity. The study involving almost 5.5 thousand older women lasted more than six years.


September 1, 2022

Playing music as a child can help you stay sane in your old age.

Scientists from the University of Edinburgh found that people who play music from childhood are better at retaining cognitive abilities throughout their lives. The results showed that the "musicians" had small but noticeable cognitive benefits throughout their lives.


September 1, 2022

Researchers have found that people perceive numbers better if the numbers are not written from left to right, but from top to bottom.

To test how quickly people can process numbers with different representations, the scientists showed 73 2nd year students a pair of numbers from 1 to 9 on a monitor. Participants were required to enter a higher number using a high-performance, zero-latency gaming joystick. It turned out that participants compared numbers faster if they were split vertically, with the smaller number at the bottom. This may indicate that our mental number line actually goes from bottom to top, from small numbers to large ones.


September 1, 2022

Artificial intelligence brought 10 million euros to the French treasury.

With its help, more than 20 thousand unregistered pools were discovered. The program has found tax-free private swimming pools on satellite images - now the technology will be used for other buildings.


September 1, 2022

Dolphins form gangs to seduce females and eliminate competitors.

Scientists have found that male dolphins are able to build strong social bonds for years and have a friendly network of 20-50 individuals. They are often friends since childhood. Male dolphins are great friends: they help each other find females, fight them off other dolphins, and even defend themselves from other groups.


September 1, 2022

The world's first motorhome, a 1914 Ford, was put up for auction.

The world's first motorhome, a 1914 Ford T, was put up for auction at Bonhams in the UK. Sleeping places are equipped inside the car, there is a table, a stove and cabinets. The maximum speed of the car is 48 km/h. The Ford T was refitted by the Dunton Carriage Workshop for the Bentall family, who founded one of the world's first chains of shopping malls. The first motor home drove around Britain until the 20s, then the van was abandoned. In the early 70s, it was found and restored to its original state. The lot is worth 20-30 thousand pounds. The auction will take place on September 10th.


September 1, 2022

Geneticists have revealed the secret of the "immortal" jellyfish.

It may help people fight aging. Spanish scientists have deciphered the genome of the "immortal" jellyfish - Turritopsis dohrnii. She is able to reverse the aging process, repeatedly returning to the larval stage. Mutations have been found in the T. dohrnii genome that allow it to do this. They are responsible for regenerating DNA and preventing the destruction of telomeres, the protective caps at the ends of chromosomes that shorten with age in humans.


September 1, 2022

Sea level rise due to the melting of the Greenland ice is no longer to be avoided.

Due to the melting of the glaciers of Greenland, the sea level will rise by 27 centimeters. This can no longer be avoided, even if humanity stops all carbon emissions right now. While this is an inevitable rise in sea levels, it could happen in a century or even two. By controlling carbon emissions, people can minimize damage.


September 1, 2022

In India, bikers are asked to wear helmets with air filters.

The Government of India is promoting the sale of motorcycle helmets with air filters and fans so that bikers can purify the air while riding. First of all, this applies to New Delhi - with the onset of cold weather in the city, it is almost impossible to breathe due to caustic smog. It is expected that the demand for helmets will be 30 million pieces per year.


September 1, 2022

In the jungles of Brazil, the last Indian from an unknown non-contact tribe died.

In the state of Rondonia, the Man from the Hole died - this is how the researchers nicknamed the last Indian from an isolated tribe that lived on the territory of the Tanar people. The man has spent the last 26 years alone. He most likely died of natural causes. The approximate age of the Indian is 60 years old, his real name, the name and language of his tribe are unknown. Most of the people of the Man from the Hole died back in the 1970s during skirmishes with farmers and lumberjacks.


September 1, 2022

In the Israeli desert, they found a luxurious mansion next to a mosque, which is more than 1.2 thousand years old.

In the south of the Negev desert, archaeologists have found a luxurious mansion 1.2 thousand years old. The building had four wings with rooms. One of them was decorated with a marble corridor with a stone floor and decor on the walls. Next to the building was a courtyard. During excavations, scientists found ancient artifacts, including fragments of exquisite glassware. Cellars were built under the courtyard - it was cooler underground than in the desert. Among other things, there was a cistern with drinking water. The wealthy owners of the mansion used it as a residence and reception room for guests. Most likely, a local ruler lived in the house.


September 1, 2022

Butyrate saved mice from peanut allergy.

Butyrate, which is produced by the gut bacteria Clostridium, may help people with severe peanut allergies. This was found out by scientists who introduced polymer micelles with butyrate into the intestines of mice and relieved them of allergies. The authors believe that such micelles can also help with reactions to other food proteins.


September 1, 2022

Time runs faster when the heart speeds up.

When the activity of the sympathetic nervous system increases, that is, the heartbeat accelerates, people feel that time flies faster. These conclusions were made by scientists from the University of Liverpool during a study involving 67 people. During the experiment, volunteers wore heart rate sensors and changes in the electrical conductivity of the skin - it is affected by the activity of the sweat glands. People went about their normal business and each hour wrote down how fast or slow they thought the last 60 minutes had gone. It turned out that when the sympathetic nervous system was more active, it seemed to the volunteers that time was running 10% faster.


September 1, 2022

Optimists rule the world.

And indeed it is! It has been proven that people who think positively are more likely to create situations with a positive outcome. Firstly, positive people are attracted to positive people, creating in a sense a positive space around them. Secondly, when a person is negatively minded, his brain starts to work worse, and therefore success is more difficult.


September 1, 2022

If a man really needs you, he won't leave you alone.

He will write several times a day and be interested in how you are and what is wrong with you, call, come, and not play the mysterious game of "who will silence whom." Such a man will find time for you even in the busiest schedule, and will not be obscured by his busyness. He will remind you of himself at every opportunity, because men have no concept of obsession, but persistence is in use when he really wants to hear, see or just hug you. If a man really needs you, you don’t have to remind him of yourself and beg for crumbs of attention. He is always ready to help and be there. Otherwise, he is not very interested in you ...


September 1, 2022

Method 10 minutes.

Often we have enough time for many things, self-development especially suffers from this. But instead of completely giving up, for example, from classes, exercise at least 10 minutes daily. The main thing is to find a simplified version, the effect will be no less, but nevertheless, it will still be, and this is definitely better than nothing.


September 1, 2022