Express face mask.

Coconut oil for the face can serve as a mask that will give visible results in a week. The mask is applied in the following sequence: In the evening, remove make-up from your face, then use a scrub to remove any remaining makeup. Apply generously with the oil product, hold for 20 minutes to be well absorbed. Remove excess with a tissue, do not wash. The course is 7 days. It can be applied only to those places where very deep wrinkles lie - around the lips, eyes, on the forehead. Small wrinkles will be smoothed out, and deep ones will no longer be so clearly "striking".


September 2, 2022

Turn on the lights.

To some extent, complete darkness turns on, because you do not know what to expect from a man. But sex in the light gives an amazing feeling of greatness and desire, and allows you to fully enjoy your partner.


September 2, 2022

Oral pleasure.

In 90% of cases, a girl does not ask for cunnilingus during sex, since it is important for her that the man himself takes the initiative and wants to give her oral pleasure.


September 2, 2022

Being perverted in bed is normal.

Studies have shown that people who are fans of kinky sex are mentally healthier than those who are conservative in bed.


September 2, 2022

For those who want to get married.

Why are you getting married? Here you are - what do you expect from marriage? You can dream from different positions: fullness and emptiness, attempts to get rid of problems or intentions to increase the joy you already have. Do you feel like a failure because you do not have a partner? Do you feel like “the best years pass”, and no one appears nearby? Do people around you ask questions about children, marital status, or having a friend that makes you nervous? If you answer yes to even one question, most likely, your desire to get married is largely based on emptiness. This is how strange alliances arise when a woman rushes to the registry office, as if jumping into the last car of a departing train - it doesn’t matter who turns out to be a fellow traveler, as long as they take her away from here as soon as possible.


September 2, 2022

Sensitive people - who are they?

SENSITIVE people are biologically predisposed. We are all born with completely different perceptions of the world. Some are more sensitive, some are like a rock, and some are somewhere in between. If two children, with different sensitivities, grow up in equally unbearable conditions, the sensitive one may develop a mental disorder, while the other will be left with only unpleasant memories. That’s why you can't compare people who have gone through even similar experiences, one could be completely unaffected by the experience, while the other could completely ruin his life.


September 2, 2022

What are personal boundaries?

It is our inherent temperament, well-being, mood, established attitudes, beliefs, values. Our choices, decisions, desires and needs. Our self-esteem, virtues, talents, abilities. Our feelings, feelings, thoughts, thoughts, dreams. What does it mean to guard those boundaries? If you are forced to act in a way that is uncharacteristic of you, disagree and point it out. For example, if an introvert is offered a rest in a noisy company, not only will he not rest, but he will overstrain himself and will not be ready for further work. And what does it mean to violate the boundaries of the other? For example, to require a hyperactive child to sit still for forty minutes. Or rushing a slow child, and even punishing him for his sluggishness.


September 2, 2022

What to do if you're full of it?

If you restrain yourself, you will accumulate emotions, sooner or later you will explode. If a person for a long time accumulates a small irritation, creating gradually, but steadily internal tension - sooner or later, at the slightest puncture, because of a trifle and nothing, discontent explodes with the force of a snow avalanche. Like other emotions, discontent cannot be accumulated, it must be expressed, but do it competently.


September 2, 2022

Very soon, our teeth will be cleaned by hordes of nanorobots.

The University of Pennsylvania showed a working prototype of a device that works like a toothbrush, dental floss and rinse at the same time. The secret is the use of micro-robots that seep into any surface and do their job automatically. And then, they are simply collected back into the brush with a magnet.


September 2, 2022

Believers get more pleasure from sex than atheists.

Norwegian scientists analyzed the questionnaires of 15,000 Britons aged 18-59 and came to the conclusion that religious people are more satisfied with their sex life than fans of a secular lifestyle. At the same time, believers have sex less frequently. 11% of participants and 16% of participants in the study called themselves religious. The most satisfied of them were married women. The general conclusion of scientists is that people feel less satisfied if they have sex too rarely or too often.


September 2, 2022

In China, a 10-year-old boy donated blood 30 times and underwent surgery to save his mother from cancer.

In Anhui Province, ten-year-old Cao Xuanyi donated bone marrow to his mother, who was ill with leukemia. The boy donated blood 30 times for doctors to check his tissue compatibility, and then underwent seven injections of the drug to mobilize blood stem cells. The boy is the only member of a large family who could become a donor. The child has been preparing for the operation since spring. After the transplant, doctors will continue to work with Xuanyi's mother to restore her body's ability to produce blood cells.


September 2, 2022

Micro breaks at work save you from burnout.

Romanian scientists conducted a meta-analysis of 22 studies of the last 30 years and came to the conclusion that microbreaks no longer than ten minutes in length save from emotional burnout at work.


September 2, 2022

The UK has launched the world's largest offshore wind farm.

It is located 89 kilometers from Yorkshire in the North Sea. The power of the station is 1.3 gigawatts. It can provide electricity to 1.4 million homes - for example, the whole of Manchester. The area of the station is 462 square kilometers, which is more than half of New York. It has 165 Siemens Gamesa turbines with blades 81 meters long. One turn of such a turbine can supply electricity to an ordinary British house for a day.


September 2, 2022

The crypto exchange accidentally transferred $10.5 million instead of $100 to the client and noticed this only seven months later.

The situation occurred in May 2021, when a client from Melbourne requested a refund of $100 from the crypto exchange. However, an amount of $ 10.5 million was credited to her account - employees accidentally entered the woman's account number in the transfer size field. Despite the large transfer, the error was not noticed for 7 months, before the audit at the end of the year. The woman has already managed to cash out the funds, buy a mansion and a house for a relative. When the company discovered a mistake, the client was required to return the misappropriated money.


September 2, 2022

In South Korea, they successfully charged devices within a radius of 30 meters using infrared.

Laser charging is not too powerful yet (400 mW), but very convenient. The device simply distributes laser beams in all directions, which the devices pick up and charge.


September 2, 2022

Super high speed train FluxJet.

Canadian startup TransPod is developing the FluxJet super high-speed train, a hybrid train and jet that can carry up to 54 passengers at speeds of over 1,000 km/h. TransPod has already received funding and will soon begin building the TransPod Line, a networked system that will take people from Calgary to Edmonton in 45 minutes. Traveling on a vacuum train will cost about 44% less than a plane ticket and will reduce CO2 emissions by about 636,000 tons per year.


September 2, 2022

4 best housewives according to the sign of the zodiac. Capricorn.

Capricorns are often described as notorious careerists. You might think that they do not care about the everyday side of life, but this is not at all the case. For example, a Capricorn woman is a wonderful hostess. She appreciates comfort, maintains order in the house, cooks well and is very hospitable. Her family is surrounded by affection and love. Often hardworking Capricorns find the meaning of life in family and household management. These are another “orderers” of chaos, but Capricorn, unlike Virgo, is responsible for order in larger phenomena. The issue of cleanliness in the house is not as painful for him as for Virgo, however, Capricorn observes this parameter as disciplined as everything else. Responsibility is one of the key features of Capricorn, who needs to try to leave any part of life without attention.


September 2, 2022

Together in fire and water! Best friend by zodiac sign, who is she? Aquarius.

An ideal girlfriend: at least get drunk together, at least go to intelligence, at least for dresses, at least to discuss this mouflon - Aquarius is always open to communication, always ready to help with advice, lend a shoulder, borrow money and drive for wine. In general, being friends with Aquarius is the most pleasant thing in the world, if you do not forget about the main thing: she has about 45 more like you (best friends, in the sense).


September 2, 2022

How to get a Virgo man.

Perfection with Virgo. Virgos are drawn to beautiful and decent women, they strive to build trusting friendships, making them the basis for creating a family. Virgo does not need to rush confessions: he himself will offer to meet when he is sure of the girl.


September 2, 2022

4 most bile signs of the zodiac. Virgo.

Virgo is a subtle irony. The mind and humor of the Devs are subtle and well-aimed. They notice little things, shortcomings, but it is not always convenient for them to express criticism directly, so they use sarcastic statements, trying to smooth them out with a charming smile. In Virgo's jaundice, directed at yourself, you can learn a lot of useful things: understand your shortcomings and accept advice veiled in a humorous form. Bileness is dangerous because it hurts loved ones, provokes conflicts and misunderstanding. It is important to strike a balance between healthy irony and offensive causticity, because the representatives of these zodiac signs themselves cannot stand it when they are answered in the same way and sting in response.


September 2, 2022