The position of the language in mewing.

1. It is necessary to place the tip of the tongue in a small depression behind the front teeth on the palate. It's easy to find him saying soft n 2. We stick the surface of the tongue to the palate, as if you took advantage of the glue moment, but it should not be stuck anyhow, but from the tip of the tongue to the root. In this position, the muscles of the tongue and jaw are tensed, and the shape and oval of the face depend on them.


September 4, 2022


Mewing is a technique designed to correct bite, strengthen the maxillofacial muscles and facilitate breathing. To perform this exercise, you do not need anything, you can perform it at any time when your mouth is not busy. The main point of the exercise is to ensure that at rest your tongue does not hang around in your mouth idle, but is firmly pressed against the palate.


September 4, 2022

Why You Should Eat Carrots

3. Slows down aging! High levels of beta-carotene act as an antioxidant that prevents and reverses cell aging. 4. Few of us know that carrots contain calcium, which is vital for the growth and development of bones in children and women. 5. Raw or grated carrots can be applied to wounds, cuts and inflammations for quick healing. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to revitalize and tone the skin.


September 4, 2022

Why You Should Eat Carrots

1. Consumption of 100 ml of carrot juice per day stimulates hair growth and also thickens them. The vitamin C and vitamin E in carrots improve blood circulation in the scalp, which promotes hair growth and prevents premature graying of hair. 2. Carrots are good for your teeth and mouth because they scrape off plaque and food particles like a toothbrush. Minerals contained in carrots kill harmful microbes in the mouth and prevent tooth decay.


September 4, 2022

Did you know?

1. The way to put on a condom with your mouth is called the "Italian method". 2. Men prefer kissing before sex. Women - after. 3. Over the past 5 years, women and girls are increasingly engaged in self-satisfaction. The most common item is a vibrator.


September 4, 2022

A healthy and delicious alternative.

But there is too little lemon juice in the water to which you added the lemon slice. However, its excess can harm the stomach, which means that it is worth choosing a healthy and tasty alternative - and it can be oranges, grapefruits and tangerines.


September 4, 2022

It turned out to check the guesses already in 2010.

Korean doctors came up with a detox program based on lemon juice and maple syrup, which was supposed to help overweight women lose weight and get rid of insulin resistance, which appears due to excess weight and is a risk factor for diabetes and heart disease. After 7 days of following a diet based on drinks with lemon juice, 84 out of 100 women lost 2-3 kg and became more sensitive to insulin, which should help them lose even more excess weight in the long run.


September 4, 2022

We figured out the water, but it remains to find out if the lemon gives it any useful properties?

Its fame as a weight loss tool began back in 2008, when Japanese scientists proved that obese mice with reduced insulin sensitivity show a positive trend in losing weight if polyphenols isolated from lemon were added to their diet. The same study said that it is not yet clear whether lemon will have a similar effect on humans - more research will be needed to find out.


September 4, 2022

The opinion of the famous gastroenterologist Niket Sonpal.

Niket Sonpal, a well-known gastroenterologist at Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine in New York City, once decided to debunk one of the most popular wellness misconceptions. In his opinion, water with and without lemon remains ordinary water with zero calories. And this is great news: if there are no calories, then there is nothing to be deposited in fat. But since there is nothing to burn, then the metabolism will not start.


September 4, 2022

Water with lemon speeds up metabolism: myth or truth?

Let's figure it out! Lemon water is a favorite fitness drink that is talked about a lot and willingly on social networks. It has high hopes, some of which are associated with weight loss and improved metabolism. So does lemon water help you lose weight or not?


September 4, 2022

Ancient Greek canons of beauty.

In ancient Greece, according to the canons of beauty, large penises were considered grotesque and comical. Every Greek would have liked to have a thin little penis, and this, in their opinion, the ideal size was reflected in art - in particular, in sculpture.


September 4, 2022

Be careful with the intake of pathogens!

Viagra and other pathogens can cause a decrease in sexual desire in men. And in women, loss of sensitivity and hormonal failure.


September 4, 2022

Leader in pornography.

About 90% of all pornographic material in the world is produced in the USA. More than 70,000,000 relevant search queries are registered here every day - this is a quarter of the requests from all over the world.


September 4, 2022

Women's desires are the engine of relationships.

Women's desires are perhaps one of the main stimuli for development for men. Men are arranged in such a way that they themselves can be content with little. If, in their opinion, everything is fine in their family and at work, then they can “get stuck” for a long time on a small stable salary, live with their family in a cramped apartment, drive an old but beloved car. But if a woman wants more and can convey to her man how much more comfortable he himself will become from these changes, then the hidden mechanism will start. In an effort to meet the desires of his woman, a man himself will begin to grow and expand his capabilities.


September 4, 2022

How to leave with a child from her husband.

Plan ahead. Save money for the first time. Look for any opportunity to become more independent. Borrow money from friends, relatives. If you have nowhere to go, rent an apartment, contact women's help centers. Never hesitate to ask for help. Especially in the case of domestic violence. You definitely need support. Consult with a lawyer. Take the advice of a competent divorce specialist: what is the best thing to do so as not to be a loser. Get ready to get through the tough times. Know that you will succeed. A woman recovers faster after a breakup, especially when she herself is the initiator. Try to concentrate on a free and happy future for the sake of the children.


September 4, 2022

Kairos is an opportune moment to complete a task.

Such tasks cannot be tied to a specific time. They can only be performed when the right conditions have arisen for this. Kairos play an important role in modern time management. They allow you to successfully work with those tasks that do not depend on you. To plan kairos, separate categories of tasks are created in the organizer. Here write down those things that need to be done at the appropriate time. For example: Order a new debit card - the next time I go to the bank.


September 4, 2022

Rule of three.

For those who aren't good with numbers or can't do nine things a day, Chris Bailey, author of My Productive Year, came up with the rule of three. It says that to achieve productivity, it is enough to do the three most important things every day. Instead of wasting your energy and attention on a couple of dozen items on a checklist, just pick your three most important tasks for the day and focus on them. The next day, choose three more, and so on. This way you will stay focused. The same rule can be applied to setting goals for the week, month or year.


September 4, 2022

Emotional manipulation.

Fear is a wonderful tool for manipulation. If you scare a person enough, you can induce him to do anything. Or, conversely, you can make a person give up his or her actions. For example, you can convince people that they will go to hell in which they will suffer forever for certain actions. In terms of common sense, such a threat looks absurd, but at the level of emotions it can be considered very seriously.


September 4, 2022

Keep a diary.

By the way, the practice of keeping diaries was already known in ancient Japan in the 10th century when court ladies kept their records of life and love in "sleep books". So how does a diary work? It's a great if not the best tool for REFLECTION - getting to know yourself, your feelings and emotions. It's the best way to safely EXPRESS yourself, that case when pen and paper are your best friends. Paper will accept everything. Your anger, your sorrow, your love and your craziest ideas.


September 4, 2022

That's the secret trick!

Since ancient times and still, to enhance passion, Japanese and Korean women use their “crown” technique - a prick of the groin with a golden needle.


September 4, 2022