The woman's scent prevented the antidepressant from calming the mice.

Scientists from the US and Cyprus have found that the gender of the experimenter can influence the results of medical experiments on mice. The smell of men causes stress in mice, but if they inject an antidepressant, it works as it should. At the same time, if you put T-shirts on the mice, they will spend more time with the women, and run away from the men. But with injections of an antidepressant, it was revealed that the medicine administered by a woman had a worse effect on mice.


September 6, 2022

A painting created by the Midjourney neural network won first place in an art competition.

Jason Allen generated a painting using the Midjourney neural network, which won first place in the State Fine Art Competition in Colorado. It is called "Spatial Opera Theatre". The picture gives the impression of man-made. Opinions were divided. Some people blame Allen for hastening the death of creative professions, others don't see this as a problem, since it still takes a very long time to create a high-quality image using Midjourney. The author of the work claims that he nevertheless played an important role in the creation of the picture.


September 6, 2022

How do zodiac signs drive? Aries.

Aries are the most impatient drivers. They just hate waiting for the green light to turn on, and even getting stuck in traffic is like torture for them. Also, representatives of this zodiac constellation are extremely negative about commenting on their driving abilities by other road users. From persistent beeping from behind, Aries can lose his temper. Aries goes crazy in traffic.


September 6, 2022

Together in fire and water! Best friend by zodiac sign, who is she? Gemini.

Universal friend. Gemini is always for any movement, except for a hunger strike, although a hunger strike will do if it is not dry, in the sense - there will be wine. At the same time, you can always have a heart-to-heart talk with the Gemini - they know how to listen as well as they can speak, and the Gemini can speak in such a way that their speeches are sometimes mistaken for a direct radio broadcast from the Heavenly Chancellery. At the same time, the natural talkativeness of the Gemini does not apply to friendly secrets: what a friend tells the Gemini will remain with the Gemini. And what, you ask, is the catch here? We answer: the Gemini is so sociable that every girl who the Gemini took with them on an alcoholic Friday trip considers themselves their best friend. Ha, naive! Only the chosen ones are recorded as real Gemini friends.


September 6, 2022

How to get a Capricorn man.

Persistence with Capricorn. Capricorns are not bad for one: they have a job, family and friends, as well as a lot of fans. Serious relationships take a lot of time, and a woman for whom he will be ready to sacrifice personal time should be worth it.


September 6, 2022

The most cruel women in the zodiac world. Capricorn.

Severe Capricorn, ruled by the cold and oppressive Saturn, can be written down in the top of the most cruel. In the female horoscope, the sign acquires greater mobility and emotionality. What is scary Capricorn? In its purest form, this beast is cold, callous, silent and demanding. He is inflexible, can feel comfortable in the role of a warden both at home and at work. It is difficult to get an indulgence from Capricorn, he likes to follow the rules and laws. Women with a strong influence of this sign or Saturn in the chart can be prudent and very hardy, they go to their goal no matter what and suppress the enemy.


September 6, 2022

Daily horoscope September 6th.

Capricorn♑️ Try to think over your every step, do not say or do anything under the influence of fleeting emotions. The day is hardly suitable for bold experiments or participation in some dubious projects. It is better to focus on things that are already familiar, try to complete what you started earlier. Aquarius♒️ At the beginning of the day, it will be difficult to avoid disagreements and disputes. It will take all your diplomatic talents to maintain good relations with colleagues and management, to avoid conflict that could interfere with work. Later, a calmer time will come, the mood will noticeably improve. Pisces♓️ It can be difficult to develop relationships with others, not everyone will understand you correctly. The most difficult will be the beginning of the day, but even at this time you will be able to avoid conflicts. Intuition and natural delicacy will help in this. The most important things should be done on your own, without expecting any help or support from anyone. Achieving the desired result will be even easier than you thought.


September 6, 2022

Daily horoscope September 6th.

Libra♎️ Don't rush anywhere. Today you will be able to calmly complete the things you started earlier, solve issues that have long required attention. There will be an opportunity to carry out some old plans. Today the stars will be on your side, thanks to their support, you will succeed in many things. Scorpio♏️ Put things in order, change the world for the better. Today, hardly anyone can do it better than you. It will be possible to deal with cases that have not reached the hands for a long time, to solve some organizational issues. Potential cash receipts. They will be very handy, will allow you to conclude profitable deals. Sagittarius♐️ Try not to take even the simplest things lightly. If you set yourself up in a serious way, you will surely be able to achieve noticeable success in everything you undertake. People who used to be skeptical about your ideas will change their minds and want to help you implement them.


September 6, 2022

Daily horoscope September 6th.

Cancer♋️ Try not to lose your temper at the start of the day. It will not be so easy: relationships with others may not be easy, tense moments in communication are likely. Disagreements with colleagues, disputes with management are not ruled out. This will not affect the work, but it will still make you nervous. Leo♌️ Do not waste time in vain at the beginning of the day. It will take only a few hours to solve complex problems that you have puzzled over before. Self-confidence will help you a lot in business meetings. Thanks to her, you will make a strong impression on many. Virgo♍️ It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid the hustle and bustle at the beginning of the day. Those around you at this time can especially often interfere in your affairs, and this will sometimes be annoying in earnest. There may be minor disagreements at work and at home, disputes that will prevent you from coping with things on time.


September 6, 2022

Daily horoscope September 6th.

Aries♈️ It will be a good start to the day. This time will bring good news and important discoveries. Perhaps you will receive information that will help you defeat your old rivals. Relations with colleagues and management will change for the better. You will notice that they listen to you much more attentively than before. Taurus♉️ The start of the day will be hectic. This is a time of strong emotions, acute experiences. Not always their cause will be serious. You can worry over trifles, worry about something that at another time you simply would not pay attention to. Make sure that your loved ones do not suffer because of your irritation and anger. Gemini♊️ Do not worry if at the beginning of the day something does not go according to plan. This is not the best time, but it still will not bring serious problems, and you will quickly cope with minor difficulties that may arise.


September 6, 2022

How to properly care for the liver.

6. Include glutathione or adenosine/cysteine ​​in your diet. Glutathione is a substance that is actively involved in all key stages of detoxification in the liver. At high loads (with a large amount of toxins), its consumption is greater, respectively, regular replenishment with the help of products containing it is important. Also important are foods containing sulfur, the amino acids adenosine and cysteine ​​- substances from which the liver synthesizes glutathione. These include: onions, garlic, broccoli and all cruciferous, avocados, almonds, asparagus, potatoes, peppers, carrots, zucchini, spinach, tomatoes, grapefruit, apples, oranges, peaches, bananas and melons.


September 5, 2022

How to properly care for the liver.

5. Do yoga. Plow yoga exercise or Halasana - many years of research on this asana found that with regular use, the blood flow in the liver changes, it is better cleansed. Blood circulation to and from the liver is improved, which leads to good cell regeneration and oxygen supply. This is a pose when we gently throw our legs over our heads. For its implementation, training and supervision of a specialist is required. It is good to spend in it from 1-3 minutes, bring it up to 5 minutes a day, but take into account the possible load on the neck.


September 5, 2022

How to properly care for the liver.

4. Include cloves in your diet. Cloves - a spice that is known to everyone, has a restorative effect on the liver. It balances the work of the liver, restores cells and starts regeneration. Clove buds contain the active compound eugenol, which is important for liver health. The use of cloves in powder, buds or capsules restores the liver as part of a general therapy for serious diseases and reduces the effects of oxidative stress. A single use is half a teaspoon per glass of water or 3 buds. Longer use has its own characteristics.


September 5, 2022

How to properly care for the liver.

3. Take milk thistle. Milk thistle or "holy thistle" is a liver's best friend. No more effective hepatoprotective agent has been invented yet than milk thistle milk or shot. It is used for the prevention and treatment of liver diseases, with severe intoxication of the body. It helps liver cells (hepatocytes) to recover due to the contained substance - silymarin. Milk thistle not only restores liver cells, it also helps in digestion, stimulating the digestive tract, has a pronounced choleretic effect and protects against infections and toxic effects.


September 5, 2022

How to properly care for the liver.

2. Establish a drinking regimen. The optimal drinking regime is clean warm or hot water in a larger volume than usual, fresh vegetable or green juices. The most useful for the liver are spinach, parsley, cucumber, pumpkin, carrots, beets in small quantities. You can dilute juices 50/50 with water. This will increase the volume of circulating blood, dilute toxins and get additional vitamins and minerals.


September 5, 2022

How to properly care for the liver.

1. Arrange fasting days. The easiest and most affordable way is to reduce the load to a minimum. For one day, leave only light food in the diet: fresh salads, vegetables, berries, fruits. You can spend the day on herbal tea or water. Your liver will thank you. During this time, she will restore her cells, get rid of some of the toxins, purify the blood and develop many substances that are important for digestion and the quality of the blood.


September 5, 2022

How to properly rinse your mouth with oil.

The procedure itself is simple: in the morning, before brushing your teeth, take 1 tablespoon of oil, keep it in your mouth for a couple of minutes, and then “drive” it in your mouth for 5-15 minutes. Then you need to spit out the contents and brush your teeth. It is extremely important to avoid ingestion of the oil and to observe whether there is an allergy to one or another oil. You can also add a drop of clove and mint essential oils to coconut oil to enhance the healing effect.


September 5, 2022

What oils are used for rinsing?

Only natural, unrefined cold pressed. Traditionally, sesame oil is used for rinsing, but you can replace it with olive, linseed, sunflower, coconut. They differ in effect, but they clean the oral cavity equally well. For example, sesame oil reduces gingivitis caused by plaque. And coconut oil helps eliminate plaque and helps with gum recession.


September 5, 2022

Oil rinse.

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic therapy for maintaining oral hygiene and thus overall health. The human oral cavity contains more than billions of fungi, viruses and toxins. Most are harmless, but the rest provoke the development of diseases of the teeth and gums, disrupt the functioning of internal organs and systems. Due to negative external factors and insufficient hygiene, even harmless microorganisms become a threat. Rinsing helps in removing toxins and even heavy metals. It activates salivary enzymes that absorb toxins from the blood and remove them from the body through the tongue. Thus, rinsing with oil detoxifies and cleanses the entire human body.


September 5, 2022

Remember what kills relationships!

• Swear. Better to laugh it off, keep quiet or ignore it. • Be offended for no reason. And if there is a reason, there is nothing to pout and torment with silence. • Blackmail with sex or food. This is your direct responsibility, as well as maintaining order in the house. • Point out to a man his shortcomings. Don't itch, don't try to fix it.


September 5, 2022