4 most cutesy signs of the zodiac. Cancer is an overabundance of emotions.

Cancers are sensitive and emotional, so there are many psychologists and actors among them. They are overwhelmed with experiences, joys and fears at the same time, so they seem a little nervous or confused. They constantly have to overcome their shyness, asking the seller in the store or making a toast. Gradually, Cancers learn to master their facial expressions and voice, but at a young age they seem cutesy.


September 8, 2022

Daily horoscope September 8th.

Capricorn♑️ It is not safe to provide services today. Using your kindness or erudition, a whole load of additional problems can be thrown on you. It is possible that someone will constantly need your advice. As a result, communication with other people or correspondence with them will rather tire you than please you. Aquarius♒️ Today is a great day for friendly meetings, informal events, collective trips. A wide range of topics discussed will help you to talk and interest the most uncommunicative person with your ideas. Actual reasons for a conversation can be long trips, contacts, study, science, medicine. Pisces♓️ Today, increased curiosity and sociability can become the driving force for your accomplishments. You can learn many interesting details without leaving your home (for example, via the Internet or from your family members). Weed out unnecessary information, its overabundance can make you nervous and disorientated.


September 8, 2022

Daily horoscope September 8th.

Libra♎️ A great time for walking, trips, excursions, reading, exchanging opinions, as well as participating in corporate parties and crowded international events. This is the right time to practice in a foreign language: you can not only replenish your vocabulary, but also identify your pronunciation mistakes. Scorpio♏️ Mobility, the need for variety and thrills can haunt you until the night. The search for adventure will end happily if you do not get emotionally obsessed with what is happening and are able to learn from what happened in time. Today is a good time to learn from the mistakes of others. Sagittarius♐️ Living alone is unthinkable for you today. A strong need for dialogue and exchange of ideas may outweigh other considerations (eg distrust of the interlocutor). Communication with others can turn into an endless dispute.


September 8, 2022

Daily horoscope September 8th.

Cancer♋️ This day can be devoted to communication, reading, Internet surfing. The need for variety today will push you to look for interesting conversations and intriguing experiences. Contact with new people will help to unwind and distract from personal problems. Leo♌️ A mobile lifestyle on this day will be the most natural. Circumstances will favor the exchange of views, curiosity, expansion of horizons. Do not get hung up on individual problems, on your own uniqueness and uniqueness. Virgo♍️ Today you tend to crave for scale. You may be guided by moral or religious principles. Talkativeness, ambition, passion for effects are possible. The role of a generous hospitable host (hostess), mentor, benefactor, family leader can become tiresome for you.


September 8, 2022

Daily horoscope September 8th.

Aries♈️ Today you should keep in touch with the world in all available ways. It can be telephone conversations, e-mails, Skype conferences. A great time to participate in educational collective activities: for example, excursions. Your contacts with relatives, visitors, foreign acquaintances may become more intense. Taurus♉️ Your main disadvantage today may be excessive wastefulness. Do not make unnecessary purchases under the influence of others, otherwise you will very soon regret the money spent or the time wasted. At this time, you should be careful with payment and travel documents. Gemini♊️ Today your scourge is inconsistency. Your intentions will often diverge from the plans of the household and seem like unnecessary adventures to them. You should not impose your faith or your personal opinion on others.


September 8, 2022

Due to the crisis, a British vegan restaurant has decided to serve meat.

In Taunton, the capital of Somerset, popular vegan restaurant Mango Tree has decided to add meat dishes to the menu due to the crisis. While the institution is closed for renovation, it will soon return in a new format. The restaurant's customers are dissatisfied with the decision of the owners, who blame the economic crisis for everything. Mango Tree said they lost customers due to a drop in living standards - almost no one comes to the restaurant, there are still orders for delivery.


September 8, 2022

In the Netherlands, they created an AI that determines COVID-19 by voice.

The funny thing is, the algorithm does this more accurately than existing strokes. Application accuracy is 89% for positive and 89% for negative cases. For a verdict, it is enough to breathe deeply into the phone, cough and read a short sentence.


September 8, 2022

Supernova explosion.

The Setonix supercomputer has generated a detailed image of a supernova explosion, which is located 10-15 thousand light-years from Earth. The Setonix supercomputer is equipped with more than 500 AMD EPYC Milan processor nodes with 65 thousand cores. However, despite the high performance, it took him 24 hours to process such a massive amount of data.


September 8, 2022

Engineers have learned how to control the smartphone screen without contact.

Chinese and German engineers created the GhostTouch device. It can remotely simulate touching the touch screen with your finger. The device works due to the design features of touch screens and their susceptibility to electromagnetic interference. Vulnerability can also be exploited by criminals. Theoretically, they will be able to unlock a smartphone, connect to Wi-Fi, open malicious content, or answer a call from their number for wiretapping. But scientists believe that the technology is unlikely to be widely used - there are certain difficulties. At the same time, in the future, smartphone manufacturers will be able to develop algorithms for recognizing false touches.


September 8, 2022

Мouse embryo models.

US researchers have created stem cell models of mouse embryos that have a beating heart, as well as the basis for the brain and all organs in the body of a mouse. Now they are developing a similar model for the development of the human embryo. If these methods prove successful in the future, they could be used to develop synthetic organs for transplantation. mouse embryo models.


September 7, 2022

The agricultural robot Solix Sprayer autonomously searches for and destroys weeds.

Developed by Solinftec, the Solix Sprayer autonomously navigates its way through crop fields. It uses a set of built-in sensors to scan every plant it passes over from root to leaf. If the onboard Alice AI system detects a weed, then a herbicide is selectively applied. The robot also creates a digital map of the field showing where weeds have been found and treated. One robot is capable of processing up to 40.5 hectares of agricultural land per day. In addition, thanks to a lighting system and a battery charged by solar panels, the Sprayer robot can work 24 hours a day. In its current form, the Solix is ​​optimized for use on crops such as wheat, soybeans and corn. In US trials, the technology has reduced the use of herbicides by 70%.


September 7, 2022

"Lazy" oatmeal is the perfect breakfast option. Fast, tasty and nutritious!

Ingredients: 1/3 cup oatmeal 1/2 st. l. chia seeds 1/2 st. l. flax seed 2/3 cup almond milk Fruits and berries of your choice. Mix all ingredients except fruit. Divide into several servings. Put the mixture in containers, add fruits and berries to taste in each container. Put it in the refrigerator overnight and breakfast will be ready in the morning. You can add whatever you like if you wish.


September 7, 2022

How to treat psychosomatic diseases?

Our brain is constantly adapting to the reality around us, and the body plays a crucial role in this adaptation. To cure a psychosomatic illness, it is necessary to combine Western, Eastern medicine and psychosomatics. First, it is necessary to identify what exactly is happening with the human body - here they resort to traditional analyzes, ultrasound, decoding of blood and urine, a visit to a therapist, gynecologist and other specialists that are necessary. In the future, a consultation with a psychologist is required, who will “unpack” and diagnose the individual experiences of a person, their significance and realize what kind of psychosomatic scenario he has. It is also important to teach a person health skills - only in this way will he realize how to manage it and what needs to be changed in order to gain it.


September 7, 2022

Problems in the gynecological field are also closely related to psychosomatics.

All problems in the gynecological field are associated with the feeling of being a woman, as well as relationships with a specific partner. When a woman loses her connection with a man and cannot keep it against her will, tissue proliferation occurs - and in severe cases, even breast cancer. Similar observations have been statistically proven. If we take gynecological diseases, then when a woman does not feel like one, or a man constantly tries to manipulate her, she develops uterine fibroids. If a woman does not want to become pregnant or has experienced the bitterness of infidelity, then she may face endometriosis. Annoyed at her sexual partner, the girl will suffer from cervical erosion.


September 7, 2022

Modern psychosomatics believes that stress does not just affect health.

Stress is different from stress: human experiences are very specific. So, when we "do not digest" someone or something, we will have problems with digestion. For example, conflicts with a mother with whom you have to live for many years, but this causes you discomfort, lead to ulcerative colitis or IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). A person experiencing attacks of bronchial asthma feels that he is literally "blocked" from the air from some kind of pain or loss.


September 7, 2022

What are psychosomatic illnesses?

There is an interesting concept of the "Chicago seven psychosomatic disorders" - the most typical health problems caused by negative changes in the psyche. Among them are bronchial asthma, ulcerative colitis, hypertension, hyperthyroidism and others. More than 50 years ago, the authors of this term proved that all these common diseases are the result of psychosomatic disorders.


September 7, 2022

Is it true that all diseases are caused by stress?

In the scientific literature today you can find the term "psychosomatic scenario of the disease." This is a combination of psycho-emotional traumas that make a person sick. From the point of view of psychosomatics, diseases of the physical body are a kind of adaptation to the experiences and stresses that you experience. Stress triggers changes in the nervous system that provoke changes in various organs and tissues. The body begins to react to any changes that occur to your psyche: if they are positive, then your body works without failures, if they are considered stress factors, then exacerbations of chronic diseases or the debut of new ones are provoked. From the point of view of psychosomatics, all diseases in one way or another stem from stress.


September 7, 2022

What is psychosomatics?

This is a branch of medicine that studies the relationship between the psyche and the physical body of a person and their influence on each other. That is, if a person has an internal emotional conflict, then it somehow affects the performance of the body, its physiology. And vice versa - if there are any pains or problems in the body, they can also affect the emotional state of a person.


September 7, 2022

Some statistics.

Yes, women love BDSM. And they love hoo as: 75% of the ladies surveyed want to obey in bed and be rudely whipped. 70% of girls require manual stimulation of the clitoris in order to get the coveted orgasm. Therefore, during sex, do not hesitate to help yourself or ask a partner.


September 7, 2022

Men, take note.

Have you ever drawn figure eights and zigzags with your tongue in your partner's womb? Try! Eights and zigzags can be drawn very tiny and large, you can draw them very quickly, or you can draw them slowly, the tongue can be made very soft (which is suitable for starting the game), or you can make it hard, and then unforgettable sensations are guaranteed!


September 7, 2022