Sex and intelligence.

Frequent intimacy has a positive effect on mental abilities. Sex speeds up blood flow and makes the neurons of the brain more active. Regular sex life can increase a person's intelligence.


September 8, 2022


Phenylethylamine, the euphoric chemical found in chocolate, is the same chemical that is produced in a person's brain when they fall in love.


September 8, 2022

Interesting fact.

The color of the vulva can change - with age, with the phase of the cycle ... And it generally does not correlate with skin color. There are Africans with pink vulvas and natural blondes with almost brown ones.


September 8, 2022

We are all part of the animal world.

And here - information for reflection: male mice understand that a female will suit them as a sexual partner, in 1 second! It takes men 2 to 3 seconds to perceive a woman as a sex object. And for women, to appreciate a man - as many as 8!


September 8, 2022

7. Circuit training plan.

1 minute bodyweight squat. 1 minute running in place. 1 minute pushups. 1 minute exercise "Alpinist" (running in the plank). 1 minute in plank.


September 8, 2022

6. Try circuit training.

Circuit training is a great way to work your entire body in a short amount of time. Erin and Tiffany share a simple scheme that works for both the gym and the home. Include this workout in your schedule instead of racking your brains about what exactly to do in the next sports "window". Do 3 to 9 reps depending on your fitness level and time availability. The workout will take from 15 to 45 minutes.


September 8, 2022

5. Hit the bag.

Spending 20 minutes on a punching bag with the natural resistance of this projectile will not only burn 115 calories, but also boost your metabolism for the whole day, which will help you use energy more efficiently and burn fat.


September 8, 2022

4. Increase the incline of the treadmill.

Walking on a 10% incline at 3 mph will burn about 255 calories in 30 minutes. This is about 50 calories more than when walking at the same speed on a flat surface.


September 8, 2022

3. Jump rope.

This is a sure way to burn a huge amount of calories in a short amount of time. In just fifteen minutes, you will burn up to 187 calories. Jump for an hour and you'll be gone for breakfast and lunch (up to 748 calories). Of course, few people can jump for 60 minutes in a row, after 15 minutes you will probably start to run out of steam, but you can do several approaches or at least have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow the rope works.


September 8, 2022

2. Increase weights and resistance.

Help boost your metabolism to burn more calories by increasing equipment weight and resistance strength during your workouts. Your body will have to work harder and expend more energy holding heavier dumbbells.


September 8, 2022

1. Add high-intensity exercise.

Interval training is very effective for burning more calories without increasing your time in the gym. Try alternating between two different activities, changing the intensity and type of effort. For example, add intervals like sprints or brisk walks between strength training sets for more effective fat burning.


September 8, 2022

How to burn more calories without increasing your workout time?

Nutritionists and trainers Tiffany Bacchus and Erin McDonalds, who created the U Rock girl team, have collected recommendations and tricks on how to get your metabolism active and burn more calories during your usual workout time.


September 8, 2022

Ask him out on a date.

Book a table at your favorite restaurant, or try to repeat your first date. Watch a movie you saw together for the first time. In general, organize a date so that it stirs up pleasant memories and reminds you how deep and pure your mutual feelings are.


September 8, 2022

Who is to blame for the betrayal?

So, who is still to blame for the love triangle: wife, husband or mistress? There are different opinions. ▪️ The lover is not to blame. Often she is just a fool in love, who, by the way, owes nothing to anyone. ▪️ The wife is not to blame. She is often a tortured, unhappy woman who "owes" too much to anyone. ▪️ Only one person is to blame for male infidelity - a man. He ruined the life of one, set about another, driven solely by his immense selfishness. What do you think?


September 8, 2022

Reasons why the mother-in-law climbs into the family.

Maternal overprotection. Her son has been by her side all her life, she is used to taking care of him, and she cannot entrust this work to another woman. Lack of attention. Previously, the son ran to her at the first call, but now he has his own family, and the mother-in-law does not have enough attention, even if she does not admit it. Female jealousy. If the mother raised your husband alone, her son to some extent compensated for her lack of male attention. You are perceived as a competitor. War of generations. Perhaps you and your mother-in-law have completely different ideas about the female role. Willingness to help. Sometimes the mother-in-law gets out of a sincere desire to convey the secrets of a happy marriage and does not understand that you do not need unsolicited advice.


September 8, 2022

How to cope with emotional burnout:

1. Use relaxation techniques: meditation, breathing exercises. muscle relaxation 2. Rituals of "self-care": taking time for yourself, listening to your favorite music, gain inspiration 3. Analyze thoughts 4. Take breaks from work 5. Put your phone away 6. Talk to yourself about what's bothering you, what you don't like and how can you fix it


September 8, 2022

These things steal our time:

- The inability to refuse and say "NO!"; - Clutter at the office desk; - Lack of the habit of taking notes; - Slowness and indecision; - Regretting mistakes and past failures; - Distracting phone conversations.


September 8, 2022

How do zodiac signs drive? Gemini.

Both in everyday life and behind the wheel, Gemini can do several things at once: talk on the phone, look for something in the glove compartment, smoke or talk to passengers and steer at the same time. It is not surprising that representatives of this zodiac sign are consistently among the leaders in the frequency of accidents.


September 8, 2022

Together in fire and water! Best friend by zodiac sign, who is she? A lion.

Queen friend. Everyone wants to be friends with the Lionesses, because this is not friendship, but a real firework: the Lioness never hangs her problems on her friend, rarely asks for help, but always offers it, does not forget to please her friend with gifts (chic, we note) and entertainment ( fabulous, of course). In addition, the innate nobility does not allow the Lioness to even out of the corner of her eye to predatory look at what belongs to her friend, so that your brave gentlemen will remain with you (and whoever offends you, the Lioness with a graceful movement of her paw will take half a skull to hell and eat a fresh brain). But all this on one condition: you agree to the role of a favorite with Her Majesty. The Lioness does not tolerate competition, and she senses attempts to break the existing hierarchy long before you even think about it. Feels - and pre-carnivorous licks his lips.


September 8, 2022

How to get a Pisces man.

A love story with Pisces Pisces must see weakness and vulnerability in a strong, spectacular woman in order to feel needed. A man can safely ask for help and admire his dedication.


September 8, 2022